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How I Became a Full Time Cleaner Ch. 02

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The smelly depravity continues.
1.7k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/26/2022
Created 05/29/2013
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Part Two: Back Seat of the Bus.

The first thing I noticed when I stepped on to the platform was, of course, the stink of ass. One of my sexual tormentors may have gotten a good anal tongue bath but, in my haste to clean my face, I had neglected to clean out my nose... It was slick and sticky with bum-juice all the way up both nostrils, and its pungent, stinking aroma seemed to penetrate my entire being. It was both horrifying and highly erotic, all senses buzzing; I could taste it at the back of my throat and on the filthy panties keeping my toilet mouth sticky with girl-shit. I tried not to retch and bit down onto the bitter underwear.

The attack on my sense of smell seemed to come in waves... I was breathing heavily through my nose and it felt like I was inhaling some evil drug of lust that weakened me at my moral centre. I felt enslaved to some ominous, dark force of dirtiness, a dripping demoness of filth. I was thoroughly betrayed by the unbearable throbbing of my painfully stretched & straining cock. It slowly dawned on me that I was in for my first ever night of sex... in whatever shameful forms of dirty lust that might take.

Shame... suddenly I became aware of my environment again...we were in the station hall, there were still people about! I realized that my mouth was stuffed half open with some of the stink-knickers hanging out over my chin. That old guy over there was staring at us. There was even a policeman we would have to pass! This was my worst nightmare come true... Exposed and stinking... the object of ridicule in public.

Lost in my nasty thoughts I had meekly followed these nameless hippy-chicks, entranced, into the most embarrassing situation I could imagine. Shameful dread crept in. Fear. Panic. I started to shake, my cheeks, my whole face burning dark red. I was breathing hard & loudly through my nose. Jerking my head down to face the floor, I reached up and tried desperately to push more of the panties in to my mouth but the dirty girls took my hands firmly, pulled me forwards.

"Close your eyes" said one of them soft but firmly. "Focus on the smell. We will lead you. Trust us." The unexpected tenderness of their hands holding mine had me in shock.

I just obeyed. My brain rushing with sweet, stinking relief into this wicked game to escape the sheer terror & embarrassment of the situation. They had somehow managed to tame me within less than a minute of leaving the train. I was dripping, melting putty in their hands. A weak- willed victim, being led into who knew what sick, twisted situations these girls could imagine. I sank into the insane, lustful thrill of it all, blocking out the outer world gladly. It felt as if they had somehow planned all this out. I was hooked, powerless & erotically ensnared.

The overpoweringly awful smell had an intense earthiness, my lack of sight enhancing the awareness of it. And yet, beyond the dirty, yucky and disgusting reek I could smell other stuff, something like hay, beans, & herbs. Vegetarian maybe ... probably healthy then. The sticky, filthy knickers stunk and tasted of shit but also fish & I dared not think of what other sexual fluids might be on them.

It was all impossibly intoxicating, dizzying, as if I'd taken more drugs. Actually, an intense rush was definitely rising. Was I buzzing from second-hand drugs she had maybe taken? Surely they wouldn't have inserted anything direct into their... Again the stink flooded my being. I hated it and yet it fascinated me, charged me with a sexual energy & intensity beyond anything I had ever experienced. Utter fear was the only reason my dick had not already shot its load into my pants already. I felt like a doomed hero entering the mouth of the monster.

"Get on the bus, tongue-slut"

I opened my eyes to see the open door of an empty bus as they pulled me on to it. They let go of my hands and pushed me on to the long back seat. "Lay down on your back!" Said one of them as the bus started its engine and drove off. Scared submissive I did as I was ordered. They whispered to each other and the girl I had tongued clean walked down towards the driver. My head was on the seat that looked down the bus to the front so I watched her start talking to him. He poked his head round and looked right back at me. What the hell was going on? I watched them shake hands and she walked back towards us with an evil grin. The interior lights switched off.

I was momentarily blinded, they pounced on me and, pinching and slapping & spitting on my face. They started pulling at my clothes and I realized with horror they wanted me naked here on the bus! What had she told the bus driver?

They were giggling cruelly. I tried to struggle but was rewarded with a cruel nipple twisting that made my whole body arch in pain. With that they deftly pulled my pants and trousers down over my backside in one move. My hard dick sprung upwards, soaked & glistening with sticky threads of pre-cum.

The woman I had ass-cleaned pushed me down and straddled my chest, facing me. I could smell her unwashed cunt, reeking of ocean and sex, it mingled with the nasty smell of her excrement, turning me on even more. All I could see was her silhouette as we passed the occasional street light. We were obviously taking a country route. She spat full force into my eyes.

"Stop struggling you little fuck-face! You know you want this. You want it bad! We know dirty men like you: shy out of guilt at your own submissiveness. We are going to cure you of your shyness. We are going to set you free and you are going to love us for it. But first we must use you and break you!" She cackled a theatrical witches laugh, reached back and grabbed hold of my exposed cock and started squeezing it rhythmically.

With her other hand she pulled the soiled, sticky panties from my mouth and wrinkled her nose.

"Will you eat and clean dirty ass & stinking cunt & whatever else we tell you to? " She slapped me hard on my face with the shitty knickers before I could answer.

"Will you drink our spit and piss whilst we humiliate you and use you to satisfy our twisted lusts? Again a slap and a hard squeeze of my leaking cock. I cried out in lust and pain.

"Will you be our full-time cunt-cleaner slave until we decide your training is finished, you shit-licking little bitch?" She started pumping her hand slowly up and down my dick.

Yes! Yes! Anything. Please.. let me eat you, I'm going to Aaaaaaaah!" The intense crash of my orgasm shook my body as I spurted my cum direct into the mouth of her friend who had quickly clamped her big, full lips around the knob end and started to suck hard, letting my other new boss milk me into her mouth. The orgasm didn't seem to stop; waves of cum & pleasure flooding wet, warm, sticky sensations everywhere. Suddenly it was over and I felt weak & dizzy, once again ashamed and exposed. But even before I could think the girls continued their not quite consensual rape on my face.

My mouth was forced open for a huge dribble of spit and then my cock sucker left my spent rod and climbed up over me. She started to dribble, spit and spray my own cum into my mouth, onto my face. She washed it around in her mouth and I could it hear its volume increasing as she mixed it with her own saliva. Then with a powerful spurt she spat the rest right into the back of my throat. "Swallow it Slut!"

Choking and spluttering, I tried to obey but seemed to cough most of it back out again. A dirty hand entered my mouth, squeezing my tongue, fingers probing everywhere, pulling out globs of sperm and spit to rub into my face, fingers pushing it up my nose. A last spit and slap and those horrid, messy panties were pulled over my head, trapping me in darkness, reeking of shit & cum.

I was made to sit up and my hands were bound behind my head with a belt or something. I could see nothing but I could hear grunting & sex noises, male noises even. I realized the bus had stopped. It was still dark; we must have pulled off into some forest path somewhere. One of them was being fucked by the driver! I could hear the flesh slapping, the juices squelching. The man groaned and obviously came. I heard a whisper, a zip being done up and seconds later the bus started up and was on its way again.

I sat there in the darkness in a stoned haze of sexual tingling. My penis had stayed hard, it was already starting to throb again. I longed to reach down and touch it but I had become like a zombie or a robot, unwilling to make the slightest movement unless so commanded by these dirty, shameful goddesses. My mouth tasted of cum and toilet, my nipples hurt & sore from all the pinching. Again I snapped back into consciousness to remember I was sitting naked on a bus with filthy female underpants on my head.

As if on cue, the knickers were pulled from my head and the bus lights came back on. In front of me was a familiar backside, again spread right open to show a gaping anal opening, clean of shit this time but dripping with huge globs of sticky male cum! He had cum in her arse!

"No way," I choked and shook my head "No fucking way!" I tried to move out of the way but with my hands tied it was useless and the first drops of the awful stuff dribbled on to my tightly closed lips before I was once again, buried face deep in ass without my consent.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Love these two stories! Please write some more. Have them force the sub to lick some filthy male assholes as they get fucked.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
The best story on Literotica!!!

Please write a part 3! It could be a surprise for the 5th year anniversary. :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Need a Part 3!!

Great story. Please write a third part.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
So hard!

I'd trade places with him in a second. I was owned for a year by a cunt dirtier than these 2. I miss her!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
I'm so wet

I love this story, got me so wet. Please write more, I need more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Waiting for part 3.

I hope this story will get a continuation. I really enjoyed it a lot!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Licking a chicks filthy asshole is delicious. Tonguing and sucking it would be awesome. Please add more.

beg4ignorebeg4ignoreabout 11 years ago
Great part 2, hope to see more!

Please give us more when you have a chance! This is great!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Disgusingly exciting

While it would be a horrible way to be treated, it is a fun read.

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