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How I Became Emperor Ch. 03: Friday


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When she rounded a corner behind a building I could concentrate once again on my book and studying for a brief moment until Cindy returned from her lecture in good spirits.

I quickly packed my bags and we headed over to my place. I realised that this was the first time that she had come to my place, so I gave her the 'grand tour'. It was a student home, so it didn't amount to much. A small kitchen, a couple of bedrooms and a small bathroom. We finished up in my bedroom. I was quietly relieved that I had very quickly done a cursory clean recently.

I sat on the bed while Cindy took her time to inspect every nook of my private sanctuary, opening the wardrobe to my instant shame, and passing a hand over my slightly dusty table.

She paused there, first to investigate my elaborate gaming laptop and accessories, a point of pride for me, and then to pick up an erotic calendar I had got as a gag gift from my roommates the previous christmas.

I hurried to explain as much, feeling heat rise to my face, and Cindy nodded in acknowledgement but didn't reply or set down the calendar. She kept on flipping through the pages looking at one erotic painting or picture after the other. 365 pictures can be quite a lot, especially considering that Cindy took her time with each one. I, in the meantime, watched her, taking in the golden hair cascading down her shoulders, and the way her jeans hugged closely to her butt cheeks so that I was tempted to grab both of those globes and squeeze. She was turned at a right angle to me, and the torso jumper she wore left only her shirt to protect her midriff, though it hugged her tightly so that her pert breasts were given even more accentuation.

She gazed intently at a picture of Venus and Mars in the nude surrounded by little cherubim, before flipping over to find a photo of a man and woman in the middle of orgasms.

"This is interesting." She said flipping the calendar onto a page showing a Kama Sutra position, "I wonder if I could bend that way."

"Even if you can, I doubt my arms are strong enough to do that, not for a long while in any case." I replied after giving only a cursory glance at the picture before I returned my eyes to those fabulous legs.

Cindy turned to the next image, a black and white close-up on a picture of a black man's dick being sucked by an ivory white girl with blood red lips. "Fuck me, he's big." Cindy said in a stage-whisper. "Look, she almost has to unhinge her jaw to fit him in!"

I murmured something in agreement, and leaned forward to lightly run my hands up and down the back of her legs.

"Ooh, this is really hot." Cindy moaned over a picture of two girls kissing passionately. She continued flipping and commenting on more of the pictures for a while but I must admit that I can't remember what she said or the exact pictures she was looking at.

I was more fascinated by Cindy's butt. She turned slightly away from me, unconsciously I think, giving me easier kneading access to her firm back-cheeks. Eventually I simply grabbed her hips and plonked the nymph in my lap. Cindy acted as though she didn't notice and continued to flip through my erotic pictures. I looked over her shoulder at images of eroticism from all of history, from lewd frescoes that graced roman brothels, and detailed statues from ancient India right through to images of a porn-star being sexually tested by CGI aliens and a drawing of the 'Sexual Evolution of Man'. Through it all I nibbled pleasantly on Cindy's neck, and used my fingers to tease at her hard nipples through her shirt and sweater.

When I felt Cindy shift slightly in my lap, as though eager for some more action I let her turn over one more calendar page onto a scene of group-sex in some 1800s French den of iniquity, and then plunged my hand down, deftly lifting the hem of her skirt, and pressing my hand over her panties. They were wetter than rain in the pacific.

But still Cindy feigned innocence and flipped over another page. A line of girls with their arms across each other's shoulders showed a progression of undress in a strip tease, from full nurses uniform, down to stark naked. "You'd be like a kid in a candy shop with all them girls." Cindy suggested to me. I bit her earlobe lightly as punishment and forced my fingers under her panties.

Somehow Cindy managed to keep her cool enough to flip another page under laboured breathing onto a bulbous pair of tits, approximately the size of Cindy's, dressed up with a delicious bra made of whipped cream and bright red cherries sitting atop the nipples. I chose to lick Cindy's neck in long strokes and put my hand under her shirt to massage her breasts. The calendar dropped a little until Cindy remembered it.

The next page was a faux-Ancient Greek statue of a faun being tormented sexually by two nymphs in the buff. I think Cindy hardly saw it as she concentrated more on my ministrations.

It was an electric atmosphere as Cindy continued to flip through the calendar hardly seeing the provocative scenes it advertised: a man with his hand on his stiff cock watching a woman with her hand in her pussy, a fresco of the rape of Persephone, a woman turning the key of a chastity belt while kissing the princess wearing it, men in coloured speedos proudly showing their bulges and muscles.

A little awkwardly I managed to continue frigging at Cindy's clit while using my other hand to unzip my pants and fish out my cock so it rested against Cindy's naked pussy lips.

Gently I pulled my cock down and released it to allow it to spring up and slap Cindy on the pussy. This didn't last long before Cindy gave up her charade of looking at a girl in PVC and dropped the calendar. Instead she just sat herself full on my cock. I collapsed backward onto my bed to give her better access as she began to bounce up and down on my cock.

We were both still fully clothed Cindy's panties pulled just slightly to the side to allow my stiff member easy entry under her skirt.

It was a quick fuck in every sense of the word, equal to the one we had given each other earlier after my lecture. But this one was interrupted by the slam of the front door as Alex and Irina came home. Cindy and I froze in our fucking, waiting with baited breath what was going to happen. We heard the creak of the stairs as they both came up, and then, as I dreaded, Alex in his usual tactlessness knocked on my door and pushed it open.

"Hey, you home- ..." To be fair Alex couldn't tell that me and Cindy were still coupled by our genitalia, all the action was hidden by Cindy's skirt. What stopped Alex was Cindy's presence in the first place.

Cindy squeezed the muscles around my prick giving me even more to think about. Irina pushed her head around the doorframe to see what had Alex agape. Then she knocked his open chin closed. "Stop staring, Alex. It's just a girl."

Cindy looked back over her shoulder at me giving another squeeze to my prick and asked with a wink: "Well? Aren't you going to introduce me?"

I groaned slightly at her obvious arousal at the situation. Somehow she still had the wherewithal to hide it completely from anyone but me who could feel the pulse of her vaginal walls around my penis.

"Of course," I offered, "Alex, Irina, this is Cindy. My girlfriend. Cindy, that's Alex and Irina. Two of my flat mates."

"Hi," Cindy smiled brightly and offered her hand to the two of them without getting up out of my lap. "A pleasure to meet you. I hope you don't mind, I thought I would join your xbox evening, if that's ok of course."

"Absolutely," Irina chirped coming into my room to take the proffered hand and dragging Alex after her, it'll be nice to even out the sex ratio a little."

"Is it that bad?" Cindy asked sincerely.

"Not really." Irina mused, "at least for me. I'm used to living in a male-dominated atmosphere. It's hard for us female geeks."

"And it can't help that you're hot too." Cindy encouraged Irina, "I bet you've got all these boys here wrapped around your little finger." She gave another subtle pelvic squeeze.

"I did." Irina teased back. "But I suspect I'm going to lose this one here to you..." She suggested indicating me.

"Hey." I piped up, "you girls had enough of talking about us as though we're not here?!"

That drew both of their attention for a brief moment, and then in that way of two women who know moments after meeting that they were going to be good friends they both pointedly ignored me.

"Seriously though," Irina continued, "it's not an all male group. Me, Linda and Diane are regulars, and then every so often we can get a girlfriend to come along to these game-nights as well. Usually there's between four and six of us."

"In a group of how many?"

"Oh, generally about sixteen to twenty."

A small lull in the conversation allowed Alex to speak up for the first time, rather sheepishly. "Well... I'd better go set up the living room..."

Awkwardly he shuffled towards the door.

"I'll come help you in a minute," I offered, "I just need to teach my girlfriend here a little lesson about sitting on me first." I tickled Cindy's sides, making her jump up slightly on my rod.

"Oh, so that's what you two were doing. I was wondering." Irina smirked.

"He embellishes." Cindy suggested wrily, "I think it'll be me who teaches HIM the lesson."

Alex left hesitantly, but pushed by Irina. Just as she was about to close the door again though, she turned back. "Hey, you hear that the nominations for student president are open?"

"No." I answered honestly.

"Opened yesterday. I overheard Roger, that nitwit quasi-fascist ass is going to run. We need to find someone else to stop him soon."

"Agreed!" I exclaimed. "Can't have him in charge!"

And then Irina thankfully closed the door. I waited with baited breath for the creak of the floorboards that indicated they were both going downstairs before I grabbed Cindy by the hips and tossed her up and down on me like she was little more than a rag-doll.

"You loved that, didn't you?" I grunted through gritted teeth, "Fucking me with them in the room, oblivious."

"Fuck yes!" Cindy agreed, though looking back I'm not sure whether she even heard my question.

With the sexual tension pent up in the room during our coitus interruptus earlier it was mere moments before I spilled my seed. Cindy sighed contentedly as I calmed down, and gave a last few couple of bounces on my slowly softening cock before she lifted herself off me.

"That was very satisfying." She told me as she leaned in for a deep kiss.

"U-huh." I grunted, "but maybe next time we do it without the audience?"

"Oh? Why not? I thought it really focused your... Concentration."

"Maybe I should spend the time studying next time we fuck..." I commented dryly.

We cleaned ourselves up with the tissues I had hidden behind my headboard from years of experience soiling sheets, I zipped up my pants and Cindy lifted her panties again. Presentable, we went to help Irina and Alex set up.

As the ladies took to the kitchen, to fill up some bowls with chips, dip, sauces, snacks and prepare many more empty ones to house the tons of gaming food the others were going to bring, me and Alex re-arranged our furniture. We moved all of our seating elements against the walls, couches and chairs were carried in from other rooms and we hauled in a spare mattress we kept in a back room for these occasions. In the end we had seating for about 12 people, and pillows for those who would be relegated to sitting on the floor. In the centre of the room we set up the low coffee table we had, snaked a long power cord under it and plugged in a host of multi-sockets. As our friends arrived bringing their screens and xboxes they would use these to hook up their own consoles.

As we were putting the final touches on the room Cindy stuck her head out of the kitchen door and called: "Alex? Could you come in here for a moment?"

He shrugged and headed through the door leaving me alone to finish up our preparations and open the door to our first guests. Matt and his flat mate Freddie stood there, xboxes and assorted snacks in hand. "Dude." Matt greeted me as was his custom, and pushed past me into the house.

When I returned from the front door, Matt and Freddie in tow, my flat mates and Cindy were in the process of shuffling out the snacks to the various tactically placed refreshment points around the room. Matt took one look at Cindy, turned straight around and with absolute lack of tact almost shouted "DUDE!" in my face. I looked embarrassed for a moment, until I saw Cindy laughing.

I let Alex take over as host while I took pride of position on the central couch and booted up the game. When Cindy came out again I called her over. "You might want to try and gain some experience with the controls." I suggested. "They're not hard, but a new-comer can find them a bit tricky at first." She promptly sat down next to me and half turned so that she was leaning against me. I placed a controller in her hands and led her through the beginning steps teaching her how to control the game. Cindy wasn't the most adept at it, I have to admit, but she learned quickly and seemed to enjoy it as well, getting excited as she gained her first kill, as she found a new weapon and began to experience the maddening thrill that was Halo.

Our place filled quickly, but as always is the case with so many people, chaos quickly took root and it was a good hour and a half before we could coral everybody in the living room, make sure everyone was outfitted with a beer or some soda, had some snack within easy reach and could confidently declare themselves ready to continue our epic campaign to beat the game on the hardest level with 16 people.

Cindy found her place quickly in our team as one of the suicide squad that would rush forward and try to destroy as many enemies as possible. She laughed and squealed with all the rest of us and was quickly integrated as one of our group, helping to shout with all of us as we tried to tell each other that we were dying, alive again, fighting against a big bad guy, etc.

We stayed up very late that night. Around one in the morning the first trickle of our guests began to leave. But only by ones and twos. At three we were still ten of us when we decided to call it a night by popular consent. Most of our guests departed, but Matt and Freddie who had a really long way to go, asked to crash on our couches - which we of course granted. I fetched an extra pair of blankets, before heading to bed myself. I spared one last look for our living room and the absolute mess it was: crumbs on the carpet, empty beer cans and bottles scattered at random, any sense of symmetry in the furniture gone, and two passed out dudes in the center. I remember thinking: 'This is what a really good evening looks like.'

But my evening was not quite over yet. I got to my room just in time to catch Cindy pull down her skirt over her ass, bending down away from me to slip it off her legs. It was a holy sight indeed, sexy and intimate and special.

She crawled under my blanket fully naked and looked back at me still standing in the doorway. "You coming to bed?" She asked, oblivious to my arousal.

I undressed a little less sexily, and joined Cindy under the blankets. She curled up to me, sharing her warmth with me. Before we both dozed off I remembered to ask: "what plan were you hatching with Alex and Irina?"

"You'll see." She murmured back to me. We both dozed off moments later.

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AnnaValley11AnnaValley11over 2 years ago

Excellent and almost believable!

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