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I have a Basement in My Boat?

Story Info
Things get wild with Laura.
4.5k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 05/24/2023
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Anthology of Sailing - Story 4: I Have a Basement in My Boat?

My wife passed away several years ago and I finally decided I needed to get on with life and stop looking at what would have been and start looking at what will be. My wife was never a big fan of sailing. Sure, she went sailing when I did on those rare occasions, but to her all she really wanted to do was go for a boat ride. She didn't have any interest in sailing and as a result I didn't make it a priority in my life.

Now she was gone and I decided it would be something I could do that I really enjoyed and it wouldn't constantly remind me of my past life. I live on Lake Huron and had some money saved and decided along with retirement I could afford to purchase a large sailboat that could take me anywhere I wanted to go, in almost any weather. I wanted something I could live on in the summer and make it my "summer house".

The boat I purchased was perfect for me. I needed something I could single hand and yet large enough that had space and some of the modern conveniences like a washing machine and ice maker. I also wanted to carry a dingy for trips to shore and a couple of bikes to cruse around the small towns I planned to stop and visit for the day. The 50 ft sailboat proved to be the perfect boat.

I spent the first few months I owned it, shaking out the glitches in it, making sure everything worked okay and familiarizing myself with the electronics and the automated systems. It is these systems like the auto-pilot, AIS and radar systems that would keep me safe and allow me to get tiny chunks of sleep when on those long lake crossings overnight. It was essential that I really know every detail of what they could do.

One day I got an interesting e-mail from my deceased wife's cousin, Laura. Laura wanted to know if I was going to be in her area anytime soon and wanted to know if she could get a tour of the new boat. Laura had a reputation of being a wild one. She had 3 children early in her life and now at 50 her children were grown and she had ditched her husband about 5 years ago. I actually didn't know her very well. Our paths just didn't cross a lot when my wife was alive. Her ex-husband was an idiot with a total vocabulary that only included guns, cars and beer. I couldn't understand why she stayed with him as long as she did. I always suspected Laura was bright and she was definitely drop dead gorgeous. I always thought she could do better but maybe her options were limited in small-town Michigan.

I was actually in the area, in the middle of Lake Michigan when I got the e-mail. I told her I would be at the city docks tomorrow after lunch and she should meet me at the boat at 4:00. I really didn't expect her to come alone. My deceased wife's family has a tendency of traveling in packs. Every time we met with someone we were surrounded by a dozen people. It really prevented me from getting to know any one person very well. Each time it seemed like there was a half dozen divorces or breakups or births, that were new and I had to start all over again. I finally just gave up and realized I would be the weird relative that couldn't learn anyone's name. Laura, however, was the exception. She was the eye-candy that couldn't be ignored and had such a bubbly personality she became the center of every conversation.

I was shocked to see Laurie all by herself, looking over the marina trying to spot me. I realized she was never going to spot me on a boat she had never seen before. So I hopped off the boat and headed to her location. When she spotted me she ran toward me and jumped into my arms and gave me a huge hug. I was a little taken back, we were never that close and I saw her infrequently.

I escorted her to the boat and gave her the tour. I had actually set the meeting time so that after 2 hours, with the pack of relatives I was sure would come, I could excuse myself and plead that I needed to get back out on the lake before sunset. With Laura all by herself I needed to revise my plans.

We sat in the cockpit facing each other.

"So, will you have dinner with me?" I looked into Laura's blue eyes.

"Wow, what brought that on?" she smiled back at me.

"Its been awhile since I've had dinner with a beautiful woman." I smiled back.

"Really? I find that hard to believe. When was the last time you had dinner with a beautiful woman?" she looked at me questioningly.

"Well... does it count if she threw her glass of water in my face and stomped out of the restaurant or slapped me in the face?" I smiled at Laura.

Laura smiled, "funny... no! I dated that guy."

Laura paused for a moment. "Okay, but no burgers, no ordering from the car into a clown's mouth and I want real tables and chairs."

"Okay. Deal." I replied.

"Ah, cool. This is already better than 90% of the dates I've had in the past 5 years." She smiled.

"And what about the remaining 10%?" I asked cautiously.

"One of them had an aluminum bass boat. Sleeps 2 drunk dudes," she smiled at me.

"So no sailors in the bachelor pool here in town?" I asked.

"Nope, you'll be the first."

"Not sure I can handle the pressure," I replied.

We had a wonderful meal and my suspicion about Laura being a lot smarter than she let on was absolutely confirmed. She was witty, quick to reply and actually more informed about science, literature, art and politics than she sometimes wanted others to know. I challenged her boundaries all through the meal and she continued to surprise me at how much she knew. I also think she enjoyed that conversation more than she let on.

We slowly walked back to her car.

"You interested in going sailing tomorrow?" I asked.

"How long are you staying out?" she inquired.

"I'm not going home until October." I smiled back at her.

"Well, I can't stay out that long."

"So, come sail with me for a few of days. We can cross the lake and back. It will be fun," I tried again.

"Um... Okay. I'll take some time off work. It has been awhile since I've had some time to myself. How many days do I need?" she asked.

"Four, we cast off at 7:00 tomorrow morning. Don't be late." I kissed her on the cheek and she walked back to her car and home to pack.

At 6:55 I heard the click, click rhythm of a suitcase on wheels coming up the dock toward me. Laura looked tired, very tired.

"I spent half the night packing," she scowled at me as I grabbed her suitcase and helped her aboard.

"Why so much? We are only going to be gone 4 days. I have a washer/dryer onboard." I smiled at her.

"Men! I can't wear the same thing every day," she continued to scowl at me.

Realizing this was an argument I couldn't win nor did I want to fight it, I merely said, "perhaps you are right." I took her suitcase down below. When I returned to the cockpit, she was just staring out upon the lake and the marina.

"Hey, why don't you go below, grab a bunk and get some shuteye, okay?" I put my arm around her and pointed her to the stairway.

A few minutes later she called out. "I'm sleeping in your bed because you have your crap all over the others."

"Oh. Ouch. Ya, sorry about that." Realizing I probably should have spent some time making the boat ready for my guest.

"F. Y. I. I'm a bed wetter." Her voice trailed off as she headed toward the front of the boat.

Well at least she still had her sense of humor - I hoped it was humor and not reality.

I started the engine, released the dock lines and pulled the boat out of the slip and out of the marina. I then took the boat out of the channel and into the big lake. I looked for traffic, turned on the auto-pilot and figured it was a good time to ready the boat for my guest. Something I should have done last night.

I set out towels in the guest bathroom. I also cleared off all the stuff setting on the beds. I smoothed the bedspreads and put an artificial rose and 2 chocolates on the pillow of the larger cabin. I then placed her suitcase on the foot of the bed.

I took a quick look for traffic and then went to look in on Laura. She had taken off all her clothes except her bra and panties. She was laying on her side, with her head on one of my pillows and she was hugging the other. She looked gorgeous. I grabbed a spare sheet from the closet and laid it over her. I stepped back and got the picture of her in my bed.

I made a quick retreat back to the cockpit. It felt weird, thinking about Laura that way. I decided the best way to get rid of those thoughts was to focus on the boat. I took it off autopilot and headed it into the wind. I pressed the button for the electric winch and the jib unfurled. I sheeted it in as tight as I could by hand and then made ready the main halyard. I pressed the button for the winch and the main sail also unfurled.

I steered the boat to port and both sails filled with wind and the boat started to pick up speed. I then reached down and put the engine in neutral and turned it off. The boat became silent as it picked up speed and moved quietly forward.

Despite the winds being uniform and consistently out of the same direction, I decided to manually steer the boat and focus on the course, the sails and not the woman lying in my bed.

Two hours later Laura appeared still wearing her bra and panties. "Sorry about the attitude earlier and the long nap," she smiled at me.

"No apology necessary. You're on vacation so sleep should definitely be on your agenda. As far as the attitude? It is good to know you're not just a pretty face. I like a woman with a little attitude - keeps me honest and on my toes. You were right. I fucked up. I should have had things ready for my guest," I looked at her apologetically.

"Wow. A man that can admit when he is wrong. That's kind of sexy, but so was the rose and the chocolates," Laura started walking in my direction.

"Oh, you saw those?" I asked.

"Saw them? The chocolate was delicious. I like a man that can apologize multiple times. So, you going to show me how to steer this rig? Oh, I assume you are okay with the uniform? The sheet was for my comfort and not your embarrassment?" she grinned.

"Wear as little or as much as you want. It is just the two of us. I kind of like the uniform," I grinned back at her.

I showed Laura how to steer the boat and how to position it and the sails against the angle of the wind. I also showed her how to tack with the self tacking boat. She was a really quick learner and after she was completely checked out on the boat, controls and systems, I let her take the boat while I tidied some things.

I returned to the cockpit about 45 minutes to find Laura smiling and the boat sailing along on a perfect course and the sails trimmed exactly where they should be.

"Do you mind taking taking the helm? I need to use the head and I'd like to change into something more comfortable" she asked.

I reached over and flipped on the auto-pilot. "The head is going to require some instruction and as far as the uniform is concerned, I will miss this one."

"Oh, not to worry. I think you are going to enjoy the new improved uniform I have planned," she smiled and winked at me.

I followed her to the main head and explain the unique usage of a marine toilet. She then went into her cabin and closed the door.

"I like your cabin better," I heard her shout through the closed door.

"I have an extra pillow for guests," I smiled knowing she could not see me.

A few minuets later the door opened and Laura stood there in one of the smallest bikinis I have ever seen. It was blue and perfectly complemented her blond hair and blue eyes.

"You said I could wear as little as I wanted." she gave herself a spin.

"Well done!" I stood there somewhat in shock and without the ability to blink.

"So you like? Oh, I see you do." She looked down at my crotch and licked her lips. She then walked past me and up the stairs and into the cockpit, wiggling her ass as she climbed the stairs.

"I'm in for some trouble, aren't I?" I commented as I reached the cockpit.

"Oh, trouble is such an ugly word. I would think with any luck on your part, you'll have your hands full." Laura puffed out her chest and smiled at me. She then took the boat off auto-pilot and focused on the compass and the tell-tales on the main sheet.

I went back below, knowing the boat was in good hands and decided to make some sandwiches for lunch. I returned a half hour later with chicken salad sandwiches, chips and drinks. Laura put it on auto-pilot and came over and sat next to me. We sat quietly eating and I sneaked glances and imagined what was beneath the bikini.

We were headed for a small town south of Milwaukee where I had reserved a slip before and knew the marina operator well. The winds were excellent and we were slightly ahead of schedule. I radioed Joe, the marina operator, and let him know I was about a half hour away. Joe was a bit of a social coordinator and was always trying to fix me up with some woman he knew.

"Hey, I got someone you need to meet," said Joe over the radio.

"Oh, I don't think that is a very good idea," I replied.

"She has a really nice personality," Joe stated.

"I don't think Laura would like it," I said.

"Nice try but I'm not buying that one," Joe laughed.

I gave Laura a pleading look. She took the microphone and mouth the words, you owe me. "Hi Joe, I just wanted you to know I'm the jealous type."

There was dead silence.

Laura continued. "Joe, I want us to be friends but if that is going to happen, I'm going to have to ask you to stop trying to hook my man up with other women."

There was more silence. Finally the radio broke the silence. "I am so sorry ma'am. I didn't mean any disrespect. I just didn't know. I promise I'll keep the ladies away."

"Thanks Joe."  Laura smiled and handed me back the microphone.

We ended our conversation and Laura and I doubled up in laughter.

We arrived at the marina and got the boat tied up. We decided to eat on the boat and explore the town in the morning.

"Well I don't know about you but it has been a long day and it's time to get some sleep." I stood up and gave a stretch.

Laura also stood up. "I think you are right. Long day tomorrow."

I leaned over and gave Laura a light kiss on the lips. She grabbed me around the neck and pulled herself to me and gave me a bone crushing hug. I wrapped my arms around her and just held her. We stayed that way for over a minute when suddenly Laura released me and stepped back and looked down and said, "goodnight," and went to her cabin.

I headed to mine. I removed my clothes, slipped under the covers and turned out the light. A few minuets later I heard a light tapping on my door.

"You awake?" Laura said.

"Sure. what'cha need?" I countered.

"You said you had an extra pillow? She whispered.

"Sure, help yourself." I whispered again.

"Don't mind if I do."

Laura pulled back the covers off the other side of the bed, then reached down to the hem of her night gown and pulled it up, over her head and let it drop on the floor. She then climbed in next to me and laid on her back looking up at the ceiling. No one said anything. I was on my side looking at the angel that was lying next to me.

Laura finally broke the silence and whispered. "Do you have a hard on?"

"Yes." I whispered back.

"Good." was the only word she spoke.

The room was once again plunged into awkward silence.

"Laura, tell me what is going on in that pretty head of yours." I whispered.

"Sometimes a woman needs the man to make the first move." she continued to look up at the ceiling.

"Oh Laura. It has been years since I've... I've had a relationship. I'm scared, no I'm terrified. Suddenly one of the most beautiful women I know is laying in bed with me. She is so far out of my league that it is incomprehensible this is happening. You are a dream but us common men aren't allowed to actually touch our dreams."

Laura rolled over to face me. "No. That's wrong. You're out of my league. You're smart, educated, Vice President of a company, have a big house, pool, and now a fucking yacht. What would someone like that want with a frumpy middle aged woman with three grown children from a hick town in Michigan. I thought you weren't interested in me. I need you to tell me if you are interested. I've been in love with you from the first day I met you but realized I could never have you."

I reached out and brushed the hair out of Laura's eyes. "You are not a frumpy middle aged woman. You are a bright, smart, sexy woman with a wonderful personality. I almost came in my pants when I saw you in your bikini. How many frumpy middle aged women can even wear a bikini."

Laura looked at me funny and paused a minute. She then jumped on top of me and began kissing me passionately. We were locked together for several minutes when suddenly Laura sat up, grabbed my cock, aimed it at her pussy and dropped down on it. She closed her eyes, moaned and sat perfectly still with my cock deep within her pussy. She didn't move or make a sound.

Then very faint I heard a moan and I felt the tiniest twitch around my cock. Then again and again only louder and twitch around my cock was stronger. Then again only louder and stronger. Laura didn't move a muscle and stayed perfectly still. This continued for about 3 minutes with each moan getting louder and each contraction around my cock getting stronger. Laura was perfectly still with her eyes closed and an almost trance like expression on her face.

She paused, breathed in a huge gulp of air and then let out a blood curdling scream. Her pussy began squeezing on my cock like nothing I have ever felt before. She began to grind her clit into my pubic bone and fling her head back and forth. She was screaming like she was on the best roller-coaster in the world. This continued for what seemed like an hour but it was only about 4 minutes, and all I could do is enjoy the sensations and try to stabilize her on my cock by grabbing her tits and squeezing them each time she squeezed my cock.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry!" Laura exclaimed as she came out of it and looked down at me.

"Sorry? Oh no, that was wonderful," I corrected her.

"You don't think that was a bit selfish on my part?" She replied.

"Oh heavens no. I wanted to give you pleasure and I think I got what I wanted," I smiled at her. "Never have I done so little to bring so much pleasure. If you wanted to give me an ego and confidence boost, that was it."

Laura leaned down and kissed me on the lips. "Now it is your turn to give me something - fill me with every drop of cum you have." She rolled off me and onto her back. She raised her legs high into the air.

I climbed over top of her and pushed my cock all the way into her in one easy push. I fucked her for about 5 minutes when she began to scream loudly and have another orgasm. I shoved my cock into her as far and as hard as I could and let out shot after shot of cum into her willing pussy.

I have never cum so much in my life. It seemed like it would never stop and that I had stored years of it and was releasing it all in this single act. When I finally stopped it seemed like there was moisture everywhere and the room reeked with the sent of sex.

I pulled out and Laura's pussy which made this strange glurp sound. I looked down and saw this massive pool of cum all over Laura and the bed. I quickly jumped out of bed and grabbed a towel from the bathroom.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry? Oh no, that was wonderful," she corrected me.

"You don't think that was a bit selfish on my part?" I replied.

"Oh heavens no. I wanted to give you pleasure and I know I got what I wanted," she smiled at me. "Never have I done so little to bring so much pleasure. I asked you to fill me with cum - well done."

We both smiled at each other over the verbal dialog that played twice and the fact that we had acted as one but were now thinking as one also. However, the reality of the days sail and the early departure caught up with us we hugged each other and within a few minutes we were both fast asleep.


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