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I Keep Having the Craziest Dream

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Zoe dreams of fucking a girl. Her friend more than obliges.
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Author's Note:

It's been a while since I indulged in a spot of girl-girl erotica. Generally I feel that the female touch is best in this category (women knowing women etc.) but it's the craft I love most of all and the art of human communication that I love to explore through this medium. I'm just revisiting, albeit briefly.

Please forgive the liberties I took. Or alternatively, don't. I'm a cynical and selfish writer who hopes that teasing the erogenous zone of his own imagination will please the reader; once I'm done mentally fapping to a dramatic high-quality brand of porn that is sadly imaginary and destined never to become a reality.

But that's why we read erotica I suppose. That and porn being an expensive meat-market where the emotion is about as deep as a designer tribal tattoo...

Disclaimer: All characters portrayed are above the age of 18.


'I keep having the craziest dream lately,' Zoe laughed nervously. And before she had even hinted at what was to come, she was blushing and grinning off into the deep blue.

Sunshine, heat, and alcohol were playing their part already. The conversation between her best friend Shelley, and their mutuals Ann Marie and Gabrielle had already turned to sex, which never took long.

When the girls turned their attention to her, she suddenly wished she hadn't said anything; and especially considering the look Gabrielle gave her.

It wasn't that Gabrielle didn't like her, or had it in for her in some way. Shelley herself had said it not so long ago. Gabrielle was new to the gang but there was no hiding the lack of men in her life, or her conversation. There was a slight possibility though, regardless of her preference, that she might have had a thing for Zoe.

Zoe hadn't forgotten since. And now considering the fleeting glances Gabrielle gave her once every now and then, she couldn't get the thought out of her mind and it was making her feel funny inside, in a way she'd never felt.

Gabrielle's body language was giving nothing away, until Zoe joined their little discussion on "favourite ways to get fucked". Shelley may have been right about her after all.

'Go on, we're listening,' Shelley encouraged, and because Zoe could still be shy at times.

The girls weren't prudes, far from it. Zoe was no prude either, but at 20 she was a little more naive than most, or was innocent the better word? At 22 Shelley - who Zoe often referred to as a trophy blonde - was already engaged and living with her other half.

Ann Marie was the oldest of the girls at 25, larger than life - larger than Amy Schumer too - and compensated for her allegedly hereditary heft with an unbelievable sexual wanderlust. Some might have suggested that maybe she was compensating for looks, but there was no mistaking Ann Marie, a shameless man-eater, who wasn't ugly or even unattractive.

'Ooh yeah, do tell,' she said rubbing her hands together eagerly, which already had the girls laughing as Zoe dared herself to tell all.

It was only late Saturday afternoon and they were already sozzled, lounging on the recliners in Shelley and John's back garden. They were currently blasting Porcelain and the Tramps, the volume dialled over halfway up in their attempt to drown out the screaming children and their own demented music a few doors down. By the sound of things, there wasn't much adult supervision over there.

'Well I'm not shouting it out for the whole neighbourhood to hear,' Zoe told Shelley red-faced, nodding at the CD player.

'No one will hear you, you're fine,' Shelley assured.

'No, turn it down just a little bit anyway,' Gabrielle insisted, adding; 'Alcohol numbs my ears!'

'Me too,' Ann Marie almost shrieked.

'And now we're all deaf,' Shelley quipped as she dialled back the volume.

Again they were laughing, snorting, quaffing their cocktails in between, when Zoe plucked up the courage to explain; 'I've been having the craziest dream that I'm fucking this girl...'

And then but for the music and the Lord of the Flies-style battle royal taking place at the neighbours', Zoe became all too conscious of an ensuing silence. Shelley chortled, brushed the golden bangs from her forehead and rubbed her burning eyes.

'Okay,' Ann Marie said with a grin, waiting...

'But in the dream I'm a guy,' Zoe explained. Notably, Gabrielle pursed her lips and almost tellingly battled to keep a straight face.

'Well that's different,' Shelley replied, not so tellingly.

Ann Marie on the other hand, responded with; 'How much porn are you watching lately?'

'I don't watch porn,' Zoe said defensively, and in all honesty. But Ann Marie's expression told that she didn't believe her, not for one second. And this time, more tellingly, Gabrielle arched her eyebrows into an expression of surprise.

'I don't know, what do you think that means?' Zoe asked the girls.

'Do you enjoy them?' Gabrielle asked.

'Huh?' Zoe hadn't anticipated such a question. Again she was consciously squirming.

'Do you enjoy the dreams or do they bother you?'



Now Gabrielle had a look about her that could melt butter without even trying. There was an actress Zoe knew and liked, Deborah Ann Woll, whom she thought was a natural blonde, as portrayed in Daredevil.

She was lithe and pretty, a girl next door with something extra that she couldn't put her finger on. In the show True Blood she played a redheaded vampire seductress. With her pale skin and grey-blue eyes, the best word Zoe could summon to describe her was "captivating".

Very similarly, Gabrielle shared her looks, but her hair was naturally auburn, and her face was more the build of Jennifer Connelly - another woman Zoe was not afraid to admit she found attractive.

Now as Gabrielle's own grey-blue eyes penetrated Zoe, she felt her heart race as she considered either admitting or denying the truth.

'Do you enjoy the dreams or do they bother you?'

'Oh I enjoy them,' Zoe nodded, avoiding eye-contact with either of the girls, and she was blushing harder now. 'I mean they've kind of worn down my defences by now, but don't you think that's weird?'

'Not that weird,' Shelley offered, before Gabrielle asked the all-important question.

'And if you enjoy them, then do they have to mean anything?'

'Hmm, I suppose not,' Zoe considered.

'Maybe your brain is trying to tell you something,' Ann Marie hinted with a sly wink.

'Like what?' Zoe asked at precisely the same time she made the connection, and then her mouth dropped wide open. 'Oh!'

Tickled to no end, the girls weren't going to let this lie now, and she knew it. 'Nothing wrong with a bit of girl on girl,' Ann Marie continued her assault, but knowing her, the girls would quietly believe that she had already been there and done that.

That being said, she wasn't one to keep her conquests a secret. 'I can't believe you don't watch porn,' Ann Marie remarked as though the mere thought was absurd.

'Not everybody does,' Shelley came to the rescue. Zoe just nodded.

'I mean I have, but I just don't,' she offered with a shrug.

'How do you get off when you're alone then?' Ann Marie prodded.

Now Zoe was blushing furiously, and fidgeting nervously, pulling her glossy raven-black hair tighter into its ponytail. 'My imagination, and something buzzy and battery-operated,' she revealed with a smirk.

'I've fucked a girl,' Gabrielle then said...


Ann Marie gawped. Seriously, though she loved her, Zoe could grow tired of her overreactions when she got into the habit. She wasn't always like this, but she wasn't always conscious of it when she was.

It was because Ann Marie didn't know Gabrielle enough to relax around her. She compensated with expression and simply became more animated because she couldn't bear the thought of someone not liking her, which clearly wasn't an issue.

Now she was giving Gabrielle a double-take and stifling her laughter. 'I beg your pardon...'

Gabrielle clearly didn't care what Ann Marie thought. Shrugging and knotting her eyebrows together, a look that said "so what?" she said it again.

'I've fucked a girl,' she confessed, cool as a mountain stream. 'I've fucked a few actually.'

'How many' Shelley dared to ask. After a pause for thought, Gabrielle counted five and once again shrugged.

'I like it both ways,' she admitted and to Zoe's amazement she herself was the first to laugh and shrug it off.

'Guys and girls?' she asked.

'Mm-hmm,' Gabrielle hummed and nodded, and those eyes were now penetrating her deeper. And Zoe squirmed deeper into her seat. And just when the afternoon couldn't have felt any more surreal, Shelley then put a finger up into the air, like they were back in school and she was rising to answer the teacher's question.

'I have once,' she said, and both Zoe and Ann Marie's eyes popped wide open before they turned to look at her with their questioning eyes.

'When?' they both asked in unison.

But Shelley wasn't playing ball, just flirting with the direction the conversation had taken. Now she was giggling to herself and flashing her eyebrows at Gabrielle. Curiosity was now getting the better of Zoe.

That minor act of communication spoken between the two girls, and without words, hinted at the things only they knew. But maybe not for long...

'Giver or taker?' Shelley asked Gabrielle.

'Like I said, both ways,' Gabrielle flirted back.

Shocked, Ann Marie inhaled loudly and covered her gaping mouth with one hand. 'I thought you meant you liked men and women!'

Nodding, Gabrielle admitted that she did. 'But I'm just as versatile with women as I am with men,' she explained.

'Well you can't just lie there and take it, or give it and get nothing in return,' Shelley agreed. 'Where's the fun in that?'

Quietly, Zoe began to imagine things, becoming lost in her thoughts. While the girls chattered of their mutual kink, she battled internally between the thought of Gabrielle and Shelley together, or the blatant alternative; the thought of Gabrielle eating her pussy.

And that sent a shockwave of tingles and delicious little throbs radiating deep within. If there was any doubt that she might have liked girls sexually, then that doubt was now under assault.

If she didn't have to deny it, then she wouldn't have to fight it. That's what came to mind as she listened to the back and forth now occurring between Shelley and their new friend.

'So yeah maybe your mind is trying to tell you something,' Ann Marie suddenly piped up again, the bitch.

What could Zoe do - roll her eyes, flat out deny it, and to the point where she would come across as a liar? She was like cool butter, but it wasn't the sun melting her. Deeper and deeper, Gabrielle penetrated her with her eyes, and to the point that Zoe was beginning to wonder...

'Is she literally fucking me with her eyes right now?'


The following week a more revealing conversation took place between Gabrielle and Zoe, in her Facebook Messenger inbox. Gabrielle began by apologising for putting Zoe on the spot, and because it had quietly worried her for days that maybe she'd crossed the line.

Gabrielle liked Zoe as a friend. Good ones weren't hard to come by but the way she explained it hinted that there were deeper layers to her apology. Zoe assured her there was no need to say that she was sorry, but yes she agreed with what Gabrielle was saying.

'Friends where there's a connection is why I don't keep many,' she replied. 'I'd rather want to know somebody than just be surrounded by people fighting for attention.'

And then she shocked herself again by admitting something she might never have dared to otherwise. 'Besides I probably do like girls, so if I'd lied you'd have probably known, and then it'd have just been all the more awkward.'

'What's not to like about girls,' Gabrielle quickly disarmed her. 'Girls are fucking awesome!'

'Sometimes their personality?' Zoe suggested.

'True, but unless you're a troll, you can't fuck a personality,' Gabrielle replied. Damn she was good. Again, Zoe got the feeling that maybe she was flirting, or trying to convey that certain primal something. For caution's sake, Zoe didn't bite the bait.

'That is true.'

'So how often have you been having these dreams?'

There was the million dollar question, the one that certified that Gabrielle was looking for an in. At first Zoe didn't want to say. She wasn't sure how she felt talking to a girl who was into girls about why she might be dreaming about fucking a girl.

'It's on and off. It won't happen for a month or two, and them BAM!! I'm having them every day for up to a week,' Zoe replied anyway.

'And you really don't watch porn?' Gabrielle asked; 'Because if you were binge-watching strap-on lesbians every night, that'd do it.' Just to rub it in, though that wasn't her intention really, Gabrielle festooned her comment with a long line of emojis, all crying with laughter.

At least on the emoji front, Zoe gave as good as she got.


'Well not being desensitised to the internet can only be healthy,' Gabrielle offered. However; 'But if you're curious then you're missing out (wink-wink)!'

Yeah, why did Zoe get the feeling that Gabrielle would soon have her corrupted after all she'd done to stay away from that stuff?

It really was just a matter of time, but with her "buzzy battery-operated friend" Zoe found herself counting the days, waiting with anticipation to be corrupted.


'John and I are going on a date tonight, but I just got a call from Gabrielle asking if you fancy doing something tonight,' Shelley said over the phone. It hit Zoe like an electric shock. Again her heart was racing, and she was wondering what it meant - what it really meant!

'Umm, what day is it?' she asked uncertainly.

'Really?' Shelley's voice took on a tone of absurdity. 'It's Thursday, where's your head been?'

'In the gutter,' Zoe might have said. 'It's been a long week,' she explained curtly, and then; 'Yeah that'd be nice, I'm not doing anything...'

And now she had Gabrielle's number coming through via text and she really wanted to know what Gabrielle might have meant by "if you fancy doing something". Between friends it was an ordinary question and meant nothing else.

Was it paranoia causing Zoe to believe that maybe Gabrielle had other things in mind, or was she overreacting because of her mind now having spent half the week in the gutter? Zoe saved her number into her contacts list, held her breath a few seconds and then exhaled an exclamation of anticipation and of its resulting social anxiety, and rang...

'Hey Gab, so what do you want to do?'

'Oh I wasn't thinking anything overly elaborate,' came the casual response. Oh that was good. So she wasn't planning on scaring her to death with some genius plan of lesbian seduction. It's always nice to know you're not walking into a complex trap designed to lure the virginal and innocent.

'Come over and watch a film if you like. I have ice cream and muffins!'

From the depths of her belly Zoe shook with laughter, and before long she couldn't hold it in. Whatever her mind was thinking of - the things that came to her when she was on autopilot made her legendary amongst the select few - ice cream and muffins tickled her too easily.

'I'm sorry,' she laughed, and then trailed off. 'It's just, ice cream and... "muffins"!'

Laughing, Gabrielle asked her if she'd ever had a cake shake.

'No but I've always wanted to try one, they look amazing!'

'They are. Instant die-a-beetus,' Gabrielle joked along. And laughing all the while, Zoe screamed internally at the prospect of being left alone with Gabrielle, because maybe, just maybe, Gabrielle wanted into her knickers.

'It's just my imagination,' she tried telling herself as she dressed to go over.


Imagine then that the most ordinary and unsuspect evening resulted. Ordinary in the sense that Zoe came to realise that she and Gabrielle shared one major thing in common - a love of classic horror movies, and not just any old movies...

'Have you ever watched Candyman?' Gabrielle asked while Zoe foodgasmed over her all-chocolate cake shake, to the point that her eyes were crossing.

'Mmmmhh, are you kidding? I fucking love Clive Barker and Tony Todd!'

Beaming a rare unabashed grin from ear to ear, Gabrielle snapped open the DVD case and fed the disc into the player, and for the next near-two hours they sat engrossed in the movie, with a little observational small talk here and there.

They didn't make films like this anymore, and probably because Clive Barker wasn't making films anymore. Between them they'd seen the lot, from Hellraiser and Nightbreed, to Lord of Illusions and Midnight Meat Train. Maybe only marginally, Candyman beat the rest; just not those sequels.

And come midnight Zoe was headed home again, tired and happy, but not as tired and happy as she could have been. Still it was nice to be around people she could confidently call friends.

Nearly there, and passing by the local park, her phone buzzed once in her coat pocket. There was a message from Gabrielle.

'I wanted to link you something but Facebook won't allow it. Can I email it to you?'

Not knowing what to expect, Zoe quickly sent her address and waited until she got home to see what it could possibly be.



Zoe had clicked on the link without even reading what it was, though she had an inkling, being that the link address itself warned that it was a porn video. Now those words screamed at her on the laptop screen, she nervously pressed play and sat staring from the bedside.

'I cannot believe you sent me lesbian porn,' she texted Gabrielle, flustered and - she couldn't lie to herself - already feeling the pressure building in her abdomen and between her legs.

'What did you think?' came the reply.

'I've only started watching it. Very pretty girls,' Zoe admitted. 'I thought porn was all plastic Barbies with fake everything!!'

The model in front of the camera, Lucy Li according to Gabrielle, was her favourite. She was a dark-haired stunner with gleaming pale skin and the perkiest big tits Zoe had ever seen. 'You could pass for her,' Gabrielle then added.

The scene was very tasteful and sultry. No music, the only soundtrack here was Lucy's sweet moans and her consistently deepening breaths as the performer behind the camera used her delicate fingertips to toy with Lucy's virginal young pink pussy.

Fuck yes! What Zoe would give to be in her position - in either position actually - and because the pleasure Lucy received could not have been faked. Maybe as a porn star she knew how to exaggerate a little to appeal greater to her all too willing audience, but her enjoyment was clearly genuine.

Zoe's mouth dropped open when the strap-on cock came into view. There was no way that thing was any less than eight inches. Was she going to fit all of that thing inside her?

Not a chance...

Nope, yep, yes she was!

Following suit, Zoe's legs fell open shortly after. She could not help herself. With ten minutes of this searing scene to go, she had yanked aside the crotch of her lace knickers to find herself soaking wet, and as Lucy, on her back with her knees up, proceeded to be ploughed by her on-screen lover, both she and Lucy moaned their orgasmic bliss.


'Fucking hell!'

Those two words were all that really sprang to mind in the messy aftermath of Zoe's three intense orgasms, not that she was going to kiss and tell.

'Hot isn't it?' Gabrielle replied, a string of winking emojis following after.

'Lol you've utterly corrupted me you dirty bitch,' Zoe sent back.

'No I have not!'

And no, technically she hadn't.

'Well I am utterly speechless,' Zoe responded after some internal struggle.

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