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I Love Mary McLaren

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Ten years ago almost to the day, I was working in a bar taking tickets for the New Year's Eve party. The owner had hired a band and put out notice with all the local hotels and condos. He expected a big turnout and the night was shaping up to meet his hopes. My job was pretty simple; I sat on a stool at the entrance taking tickets and applying wristbands. I had just turned nineteen and a hundred bucks for the night was big money to me. A few people started drifting in around 6:30, but the crowd really started to grow between 9:00 and 10:00 and by 10:30 I figured everyone that was coming was already there. There were a lot of really good-looking women there; but that wasn't surprising as it was a ski town on a big holiday weekend and we were the only place with a live band and a dance floor.

A little before eleven I was thinking about cutting out early and going to see my girl friend. She got off work at one of the resorts at mid-night and I figured if I walked her home I might get lucky; although she was pretty stingy in that regard. In fact, after nearly a year of trying, I hadn't gotten too far at all. I didn't know if it was me and my non-technique or what. She was OK to hang around with but that only goes so far when all I could think about was getting into her pants and how much that wasn't happening. I thought maybe I'd find a new girlfriend but it seemed like all the ones I wanted were either taken already or weren't interested in me. Usually the latter. I was sort of daydreaming along those lines when this couple walked in.

The guy was sort of normal looking, taller than me and broad shouldered. That wasn't saying much because most guys are taller and wider and me, and even more so back when I was a teenager. He could have been green and had three eyes, though, because once I saw the woman with him, the rest of the place and all the people in it went gray and misty, if you know what I mean. She was maybe five foot one or two, I guess, because she walked right up to me and looked straight at me as I sat on my stool where I took tickets. Of course, she didn't know me from nobody but she seemed just absolutely happy to see me. I found out later that happy was the way she went through life. I must have fumbled around, taking their tickets and putting on their wristbands, but I don't remember any of that. What I do remember is taking one of those nano-second, top to bottom scans of her that guys are always doing to women.

She was shrugging out of her jacket and that naturally thrust out her chest. In spite of my attempt at being covert, she knew damn well I was looking, and she enjoyed it. It wasn't necessary for her to stretch for anyone to see that she had great tits. Under her jacket, she had on a thin ski sweater that had clearly been chosen to enhance the view. A tiny waist, tight jeans over a totally cute little ass and those lace-up furry-topped boots completed the picture, almost. That much made me just about fall off my stool. What topped it all, though, was her smile. It said so much; or at least I read a lot into it. She was confident, sexy and, like I said, happy. And she was really pretty. Not gorgeous or glamorous, but cute, wholesome, pretty. I guess I'm going on about how appealing she was but it was true. A lot of guys in the bar noticed, too. As she walked in, a lot of eyes followed her; or at least as many as could get away with it without getting caught in the act. The amazing thing about her was that she wasn't trying; she was just being herself. She was holding hands with the guy that brought her and they started dancing and having fun together. She didn't have anything to prove.

I didn't leave early because a few other people drifted in as midnight approached. Besides, this new woman was easier to look at than anywhere I could go. Midnight did come and everyone was whooping and kissing. I even got a kiss from Emily, the bar keeper's divorced assistant. I sort of enjoyed the attention and she did have plenty of cleavage on display, but she must buy her perfume by the barrel. The band had another three hours to play and even though a lot of the crowd had gone, I had decided to stay and watch. There were maybe twenty other people there, mostly couples except for three guys at the bar. I knew them all; they were locals and a couple years older than me. They were friends of mine in the sense that I looked up to them as totally cool dudes and to them I was presently insignificant but might eventually turn into someone they might talk to. They were all enjoying their beers, leaning back on the bar and watching the girls dance. Actually, I could see that they had locked on the same pair of jeans and tight sweater that I was drooling over. She seemed to be oblivious to everything but the music and her man; but every once in a while she would turn around and face the bar and either grind her hips or shake her tits in a way that said that she knew she was driving those guys crazy. It looked like they were encouraging each other to do something and then, I'll be damned when Chris, the tall one, set his beer down and walked over to her just as a slow song started and asked her to dance. She smiled, of course, and glanced at her companion, probably not for permission but as a courtesy because I think she was going to do it anyway. He smiled back at her, whispered something in her ear and gave her a pat on the ass as she turned to go with Chris. Lucky bastard.

Dancing with Chris sort of broke the ice and after that, she spent as much time dancing with one or the other of the three guys as she did with the guy that brought her. He didn't seem to mind; I got the impression that he enjoyed watching her move as much as anyone. I should note that growing up in the mountain country, boys don't spend time learning how to dance and only do it, or make a stab at it, in order to get some girl's attention. Consequently, we tend to resemble a moose on its hind legs, or maybe a tall bush in a moderate breeze. The funny thing is, with most girls, the guy dancing, or dancing poorly, is pretty obvious. On that night, she somehow made them look good.

After maybe an hour and a half, everyone was on a first name basis. The three locals were Chris and his brother Jeff, and Tom. The guy's name was Sam and she was his wife. Her name was Mary. They had taken a table and all sat around it, laughing and talking when they weren't on the floor dancing. I hoped I wasn't too obvious, but I think I could have sat on my perch and watched her until the sun came up. At one point there was a lull in the music as one of the band guys fooled around with the strings on his guitar. I glanced around the room then back at the five at the table. They were all leaning in toward the center, having some sort of discussion. More or less at the same time, they all slid back and stood up, putting on their jackets. Well, it looked like the show was over. As they approached me, I must have looked like the proverbial lost puppy. Instead of angling off toward the door, she walked straight over to me. I jerked upright on my stool and felt a whang in my stomach as she began to me! "Hey, we're going over to the hot tub on the roof of our hotel, want to come?" In a confident and debonair manner, I smoothly responded, "Ack." She giggled and said, "I'll take that as a 'Yes.' Come on, get your coat, let's go!" as she turned to go, she said over her shoulder, "Oh, this is Sam, my husband and I'm Mary" Sam held out his hand and I quickly shook it, saying, "I'm Pete," pointing to my plastic name tag with a stupid grin. She was already out the door and into the snowy street along with her husband and the other three by the time I stumbled out, my boots unlaced and trying to zip up my coat. I forgot my hat. Sometimes I think I look like a fourth-grader.

I was moving as quickly as I could and caught up with everyone as they were going through the side door of the hotel. Sam had swiped his key and was holding the door. There was a long line of fancy shops along the outside of the hotel and this door, in the middle of them, opened into what I guess was the back of the lobby. Anyway, I could tell it was one of the top hotels, about a half-dozen levels up from the one where my girl friend worked. We immediately came to an elevator, someone pushed the button and we all filed in. They say most people watch the numbers of the floors as an elevator goes up or down, but I think I just stared at the carpet. This was wild. I'd never been in a place like this, even as an employee. Now here I was, a guest, I guess, going to the hot tub on the roof for a party with the most beautiful and interesting woman I'd ever seen. Well, not exactly with her, but even tagging along and being in the same elevator was beyond belief. I think I glanced over at her once. She was laughing and talking about something with Sam. The door opened and everyone went out into a dimly lit hallway. Sam and Mary evidently knew the way as they turned this way and that, leading us eventually to a door. Through the glass window I got a glimpse of a large roof top veranda and some summer lounge chairs piled up. I tried to look around everyone else, but couldn't easily so I waited to see what was next. I did notice a towel rack on the wall and a bin, probably for used towels.

I heard the rustling of clothing and the rasp of zippers and suddenly realized I hadn't thought this through at all. If we were going into a hot tub, we'd need swim suits. And if we didn't have suits, that pretty much left only one option. Naked. Even in the dim light, it was clear that we were going skinny-dipping. Mary was in the front and even though I was the last in line, I strained to see her. I got the flash of an arm and, I think, one butt cheek before she was out the door. I started getting hard even before I got out of my boots. I was the last one out and by the time I got to the tub, everyone else was already in. Sam and Mary were along one side, next to the wall of the building. The other guys sat facing them. I scampered out, my bare feet shocked at the inch of snow on the deck.

I stepped over the edge and dropped into the pool quickly, as much out of modesty as to get out of the cold. It was a long, rectangular pool and I was off to one side, nearest to Jeff. I glanced over to Mary and my breath caught in my throat. At that moment, she had her head turned away from me, talking to Sam; he wasn't looking in my direction either so I could stare without getting caught. The water was about at the level of her armpits so it perfectly buoyed her breasts with her nipples just under the surface. Her tits were large, bigger than I had imagined when they were under her sweater, and beautifully full and round. As she turned, they swayed, bounced and rebounded, making little ripples as they moved. I had never seen tits like that, even in a magazine. I sat there mesmerized; my heart was beating nearly out of my chest as I imagined what the rest of her looked like. I was in a pool, naked, with a beautiful naked woman. My cock was so hard I could have pounded nails with it.

As I sat and stared, I noticed Mary's arm and shoulder moving and then she turned and leaned into Sam. I was pretty clear to me that she had both her hands in his lap and that she was probably was playing with his cock. I thought my own cock was going to explode any second. She got up a little, I guess kneeling on the bench, and faced Sam from beside him. Both her hands were still on him, but more of her was out of the water. She was bent forward and her tits were almost totally out of the water. I still couldn't see her nipples but they were the only part; the sides and underneath of her breasts were exposed and beautiful. They swayed even more and I was sure that I was going to cum right then and there. She leaned up and whispered something to him and his eyes got a little wider and a wry sort of a grin came over his face. He gave her a quizzical look like as if he was asking if she was certain, then tilted his head and eased up out of the pool until he sat on the edge. He was well-built and muscular and I could see by the way she touched and caressed him that she appreciated him. His knees were apart and his cock stood straight out. Mary continued to stroke his cock with one hand, and the other rested on his thigh. My eyes were nearly bugging out of my head. Mary brought her face closer to his cock and then gave it a lick on the tip. Right after that she began to take it in her mouth and soon was sucking the whole thing in and out, bobbing up and down, her ass almost clear of the water. I could almost see Mary's pussy from where I sat and it was beautiful. I wasn't sure but I couldn't any hair and wondered if she shaved there. It was about the second pussy I'd seen in my life so I really didn't know what to look for anyway. God, she was gorgeous. My dick was numb.

Fairly quickly, Sam leaned his head back, started rocking his hips and panting. I knew what was coming next. He stiffened up and squeezed his eyes shut; I knew that Mary was getting a mouthful. She kept her mouth over his cock until he was done and beginning to relax, and then slowly pulled away. Their eyes came together; he smiled at her and stroked her back as she sat back into a kneeling position. I could see all of one of her breasts now and knew that if I were suddenly hit by lightning I would die a happy kid. Sam slowly glanced around at the four of us. I don't know about the other guys but I think my lower jaw was hanging in the water from what I had just seen. I was still in a trance, looking at Mary's body. She began to turn around and sit, facing us with a little smile on her face. That was one of the coolest things about her: she wasn't embarrassed or slutty or proud; she just did what she did and enjoyed it. Sam cleared his throat and I thought he was going to say something like, "Yeah, it's been great boys, now run along, the show's over." What he actually said stunned me to the core and probably changed my life forever. I didn't get the sense that either Mary or Sam had planned any further than going out to the bar for a little dancing and fun, so I guess it was a pretty big surprise to them, too.

"Mary and I have been married for four years; it's the second marriage for both of us and you might be able to tell that the sex between us is important and sometimes unpredictable."

Yeah, that was an understatement.

Anyway, Sam continued, "I guess we're making up for lost time." He glanced at her and they exchanged smiles. "We talk a lot during sex; about nearly everything, lots of fantasy situations; like her laying out on a nude beach and getting picked by some stranger; or breaking down on a remote highway and getting taken somewhere by someone for a few days of sex; or pretty much anything that comes to mind."

I'm maybe not the brightest bulb in the box and I was beginning to wonder what this was all about.

He went on, "Usually we wind up with some variation of her and one or two, or more, guys, with me. She gets a lot of sex, so does everyone else. I like to see her having fun and she loves to fuck."

Wow, I thought, that pretty much lays it on the table. I still couldn't imagine why he was telling this to us. I found out quick enough.

"We have always left our fantasies to be just that; we never did anything with them, although it excites the hell out of both of us. What you just saw, no one else ever has. To my knowledge, no one's ever seen Mary nude, except maybe her ex-husband, possibly once."

We exchanged brief, nervous chuckles.

"Tonight, we want to see what the reality is like. Are you guys interested in a gang-bang with Mary?" Bingo.

I stopped breathing and I think the other guys did as well. Slowly, in unison, everyone's head nodded up and down. The silence was finally broken when Jeff said, "Yes," followed closely by two voices simultaneously saying, "Hell yes," and finally I croaked out, "Uh huh." I was afraid to look at my cock as I figured it had exploded into a billion pieces.

Mary smiled that smile. Sam let out a breath. Everyone started breathing again. Sam held up a couple fingers and it looked like he was searching for the right words. He began, "There's a couple things: this is for the fun of the experience so there'll be no pain. You can do about any position with her you can think of, even be fairly rough to a point, but when Mary says enough, then that's it. Just so you know, I am strictly heterosexual so I have no interest in you guys other than how you use my wife. And that's the way I want this to go: we are all here to use Mary for our satisfaction; load her with cum, fuck her brains out, cum in her pussy, in her mouth, on her tits, on her face, in her hair and then do it some more. This is about sex, not romance. We want this to be an experience no one will forget. Is everyone good with that?"

Again, we all made affirmative noises.

Sam looked at his wife, "Are you sure you're OK and want to go ahead?"

She looked away from Sam to the four of us, one at time. Then back at Sam. "Absolutely," she said.

Chapter 2 to follow

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