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I Watch My Best Friend


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I came, hard, and it felt like an avalanche hammered onto my shoulders. My legs wobbled, and I crumpled to the floor. I could feel my legs pulsing uncontrollably, and I swear my soul was sublimating and leaking out of me via the red heat between my legs. I shuddered, twitched on the floor. It's entirely possible that I briefly died.

I don't think I'd ever orgasmed that hard in my entire life. My head spun and distinct thought was impossible in the numbing warmth of pleasure's aftermath.I felt so weak, it was incredible. I tried to stand back up, but I felt like a 3 week premature Bambi. There was no power or control in my legs, and my hands were shaking as they pushed against the floor. What had just happened to me? I gave up, and closed my eyes.

I laid on the floor, the cool tiles a welcome relief to my overheating body, for some time. I couldn't tell you how long. After I regained some strength, I levered myself up and got in the shower, avoiding eye contact with my reflection out of a curious sense of shame and fear. The water poured over me and I flinched like I had just woken up for the second time. My nerve endings were prickles of tiny coals sparking at the contact.

I ran my hands over my body, as you tend to do in the shower, but I didn't linger long. I usually like to luxuriate and splash about in there, but I didn't have time. I'd lost track of time, and who knows what had happened since then. I should check my phone. Not for any reason, but I felt like I should just be checking it. Just in case. I quickly slapped some shampoo through my hair, and scrubbed myself of the sweat and general ming of the day's efforts. My nipples were still super sensitive and bumpy, and my legs did shake a little as I moved, but apart from that, it was like I had just come home and washed as usual. I was very businesslike and uncharacteristically chaste. My shower head was probably shocked at how boring it all was.

After I was finished, I hopped out and dripped my way back into the main room of my little apartment. I rummaged through my clothes to check my phone. Nothing. Well that's fine. I'm just having a nice relaxing night in. A quiet night. A school night. I snagged a towel from the back of my bedroom door, and checked on my pizza (crisping up nicely) before dumping my damp clothes in the laundry basket. It was all very normal. I tried to whistle nonchalantly, but it sounded like someone was stabbing a bird with tiny metal straws. I collapsed on my bed. What should I wear? For my normal night in. Nothing formal or too racy, obviously. It would be ridiculous to put on fresh makeup and raid the lingerie drawer. Wouldn't it?

Eventually I selected a cute strappy top and harem pant combo that was just elastic and floompy enough to be casual and comfortable, but just tight enough at my hips and stomach and boobs to cling to my curves. I shivered as my nipples rubbed against the thin fabric. I was still wired; buzzing for my normal night in.

My dinger dinged, and I checked my phone, but it was just the timer for the pizza. I slid the cheesy circle out onto a plate, and pretty much devoured it straight away. I slumped on the sofa and threw something distracting up onto the TV via my phone. Which didn't have any messages or missed calls. I wondered if I should go and get changed into something nicer. I watched people talk and laugh on the TV screen, but didn't hear a word they said. I practised what I would say and how I would stand if someone knocked at the door. I checked my phone. As my mind flitted around like a deranged damselfly, my hand kept coming to rest over my boobs. I would be roused from my mental wanderings by my own fingers lightly scratching and circling my areolae. I would make a deliberate show of crossing my arms, or hanging them off the sofa, as far away as they could get from my chest. But when my concentration drifted, I would slowly start getting horny again, and catch myself gently pressuring the tips of my nips once again. My subconscious fighting against my neurosis. My body simmering on a low heat. Waiting.

Unlike earlier, I knew exactly how much time passed, because I was checking my phone every 10 seconds. So I can tell you that I spent 1 hour and 28 minutes fidgeting and shifting about on my sofa. It was near enough midnight, and I had no idea if I was going to be able to sleep at all. My urgency and nervousness was taking a markedly downward turn however, as I started to think that this really was just a normal night in. I still refused to directly address what I had been hoping for, but if I had been, my disappointment would have been immeasurable, and my day would have been ruined. Then my phone buzzed in my hand.

I shrieked and threw it across the room. The clatter of it tumbling across the floor was still sounding as I crawled over the back of the sofa in pursuit. I must have been way more on edge than I realised, but still, what a fucking stupid thing to do! I scurried over and cradled the slender device lovingly in my hands, hunched over and probably looking a lot like Sméagol clutching the one ring. A quick inspection proved that the screen wasn't cracked, and on that screen was a tiny picture of Maya. She was calling me. I tried not to freak out, and took a couple of breaths to try and calm myself down before I answered. I desperately didn't want her to think I was freaking out already. In those short seconds the unthinkable happened, and the ringer stopped. She'd hung up on me! I had taken too long! All this time, and I'd fucked it. I felt panic well up in my throat and I frantically unlocked the phone with trembling fingers. I just had to quickly call her back. Now, before I had time to overthink it, or she had time to forget about me. In my trembling haste to find the right screen, I didn't notice that I was getting another call before I had accepted it reflexively. Just as my screen flickered black and then bright again, my mind had time to register what I'd just seen. Maya's face again. The words 'video call'. And my thumb over the green button.

"Hi there, sexy."

Maya's face erupted into a smile when I connected. Holy fuck. She was so gorgeous. My heart fluttered in my chest at the sight of her flushed cheeks framed perfectly by elegant tendrils of dark hair. I'd never felt so nervous and so electric.

Her eyes were unnaturally bright and alive on the small screen. Her head was slowly swaying from side to side, and when she blinked one eyelid followed just after the other. I wouldn't say that she seemed particularly wasted, but she'd clearly had a few drinks. Or maybe not; I felt like I was pretty intoxicated too, and I hadn't touched a drop all evening.

"It's good to see you again, it's been so long," she giggled. Her voice had the tiniest hint of an echo to it, and my nervousness only enabled my curiosity.

"Hey, Maya. Good to see you too. You look great. Hey, where are you?"

She replied in an exaggerated stage whisper, as if she was hiding something unimportant, "I'm at Luca's place. In the bathroom. We just got back."

"Oh, cool. Um, it looks nice."

"Yeah okay. So, do you wanna do this?"

Gravity stopped working. My insides were in freefall. That orb of hope smashed its way into the forefront of my mind like the Kool Aid man and started a heavenly chorus of vindication. I was terrified. I didn't know what to say, or what to do. Should I -

"Listen, babe, I think we should do it. I wanna do it. What do you think? Say something."

Just hearing those words out of her beautiful mouth was more than enough to convince me, but I still had to muster up the courage to open my mouth and tell her. And my neurosis was demanding that I actually make sure she was talking about what I was desperately hoping she was talking about.

"Do you... Are you talking about me watching..."

Maya nodded, biting her lip excitedly.

"Yes! Yeah. That, yeah."

I nodded back, my own stupefied smile spreading over my face.

"Yeah. Okay. I... I'd like that."

We both stared at each other like idiots, blushing and grinning. After a few seconds Maya's phone dipped down and my screen blurred. It settled looking up at the ceiling, with Maya just visible on one side of the shot. She wriggled and then ducked out of view. When she returned the only thing she was wearing was a blue bra that plunged in an unholy manner to emphasise her ridiculous cleavage. I was transfixed. I had always had a confusing crush on her, but seeing her like this, and knowing what was about to happen, transformed me. All my infatuation, all my admiration, and jealousy and nerves and worries; it all turned to a carnal desire that filled my veins with fire. I wanted her like I had wanted no one else in my life.

Something must have changed in my face, because she hesitated after picking her phone back up from wherever she'd balanced it.

"So, babe, I guess this is it. Luca is just through there, and I did mention some things, but I didn't really go into any details. Yeah, I guess once I go through that door it will all... happen. This is your last chance, if you don't wanna see anything, you should say now. Or like, hang up. Mmm, I guess you can that whenever. So yeah. Yeah... you wanna do this." She nodded at me instead of phrasing it as a question. I wondered if she was way more drunk than I had first thought. This was so unlike her. Where was the confident, flirty goddess that I knew? And then I realised what was happening. It was ridiculous, and insane, and it made my heart flip over like a tumbling pigeon. Maya was nervous. She was nervous about this, and she was looking for reassurance from me. Me, the idiot! The crash of realisation flooded me with new possibilities and a surging confidence. It was like an adrenaline shot to my ego.

"Hey, Maya. I want this. I want to watch you get fucked. This is so hot. I'm not going anywhere. I want..." I trailed off before I could say 'you', and make it too weird. But I think she got the message. A wild gleam entered her eyes, and she wet her lips hungrily. She stared into the camera. And then she was moving, taking me with her into a strange man's bedroom.

"So, Luca, I'm on the phone with that friend I was telling you about. She's gonna watch, okay? Be nice to her, she's amazing."

Her voice was clear and confident, authoritative and imperious. There was a moment of silence during which Maya switched the camera view around. A dimly lit room, with a large bed in central view, and a man lounging upon it. He was shirtless and barefoot, a pair of black trousers his only accessory. Not that he needed any. His torso was lithe and scattered with hair. One arm was triangled up to support his head, and it showed a casual strength in its width. His face was clean shaven and angular, with dirty blonde hair topping it. He looked like a model. I found him beautiful in a way that I don't find most men. I looked at him and hungered.

"Okay. That sounds like fun," he drawled. He had a soft accent that I couldn't place for the life of me, but that suited his voice and his confident, sprawling pose somehow. He beckoned towards us with one hand. "Let me see."

As Maya approached him and handed over her phone, I had a surreal feeling of detachment. I felt like I was physically there, and could reach out and touch him, and yet also disconnected and rooted in my own space. Like I was occupying two spaces at the same time, and not just observing one. The phones changed hands and I was presented with a full body view of Maya in her underwear. One hand cocked on her hip, and with that predatory smile on her face, she looked as dangerous and seductive as sleep to the freezing. Her glorious boobs were exerting their strange gravity onto my eyes, and below, a skimpy set of panties crowned her long, slender legs. I was already indescribably turned on by everything that had happened this evening, but this image of Maya was almost too much to bear. It made my cunt ache with longing.

"Oh hi there. You are cute aren't you."

A flash of anger flared up at the c word, but it was eclipsed by lust and the need to impress. Not to mention the shameful pulse of pleasure I felt as I was judged and evaluated by this beautiful man. I didn't know what to say, so I just tilted my camera down so that it might seem like I was looking down on him.

Luca chuckled. He switched the camera and I was confronted by a close up of his cocky smirk. His eyes flicked up and down, piercing the digital me on his screen.

"Mmm, damn. Maya's sexy as fuck isn't she?"

I nodded. At least we had some common ground there!

"So you like to watch do you?"

"Um, I guess so. I've never actually done... this before."

He frowned where Maya would have smiled, confused where she would have been teasing.

"Okay. Well that's cool. We can put on a show for you. And just tell us if you want to stop."

"Ahh, come on Luca, I already told her that. She's up for it, aren't you babe?"

I nearly laughed at the indignant tone in Maya's voice and the sheepish look on Lucas face. But he had won me over by saying it. Maybe he wasn't a complete fuck boy.

As I reassured them both that I was definitely 'up for it', I could hear an odd clinking noise. Then, a rustling, and some throaty giggling. Luca flicked his eyebrows up at me, and then the camera switched again. Maya looked up at me, kneeling on the floor, her hands placed possessively on Luca's hips. She ran her fingers back and forth under the band of his underwear, having already removed his belt and dragged his pants down to his ankles.

My heart beat faster. I felt a gush of warmth between my legs as I stared at the growing bulge between his. I swallowed and started to breathe heavily through my mouth. This was it.

Maya teased us both with feather-light strokes all over Lucas legs and groin. She licked her lips slowly and pornstarishly. She whispered gently up to us.

"Do you want to see it? Shall I play with it for you, babe?"

I had no idea if she was speaking to me or both of us, but it didn't matter because I can't speak. I just nodded mutely. Like an idiot, because of course she couldn't see me. Luca laughed and interpreted for her, "She says yes!"

Eager clasping two handfuls of his boxer shorts, Maya hesitated playfully, before pulling them down too. His dick was pulled along briefly before slapping back against his abdomen, with a satisfying smack. It looked delicious. I don't know that it was as huge as Maya had made it out to be, but it wasn't small. It was twitching in time with his pulse, with a few protruding veins running up it like ivy. Another twinge between my legs told me that my pussy approved. I wanted to hold it in my hands and feel its hot weight.

I wasn't the only one. Maya ran a finger up Lucas hard cock, and laughed at the spasm she caused when she brushed the tip. Then she curled her fingers around it and gave it a long, slow stroke. I think all three of us moaned simultaneously. Maya laughed again. She thought for a moment, and then slapped Lucas thigh and told him to shuffle up and make room for her. Then she moved onto the bed and crawled up so that her legs straddled his. Her cheeks were dark and flushed, and her eyes wide.

"I can't believe we're really doing this," she breathed. And then she grasped his dick firmly in one hand and engulfed the entire thing in her mouth in one go.

I think Luca nearly dropped the phone, because my view wobbled for a moment. The lurid, wet noises that Maya made in her mouth and throat sent a shudder of desire through my entire body. Urgent need took over my muscles as my free hand dove under my pants and found my soaking folds. I crushed my thighs together, forcing pressure into my aching pussy and my slick fingers caught within. As I writhed and ground my fingers against myself, any last traces of shame and fear left me. I was entirely possessed by lust and hunger.

During this wordless moment of abandon, Maya hadn't come up for breath. Gagging and slurping, she twisted as much of his cock into herself as she could. When she finally exploded off it with a wet gasp of air, her eyes were red and teary. She started to stroke her own saliva up and down his shaft as she recovered. She looked straight at me, and said, "Oh my god. His dick is so good. I need this."

She bent her body low and started licking up and down that meaty shaft. When her eyes flicked up to stare at the camera, or perhaps Luca, I nearly swooned. The intensity of a woman's gaze when she's sucking dick wasn't something I was really familiar with, but it blew my mind and made me intensely jealous I hadn't been born with such an instrument. I shifted my hips and spread my legs so that my hand could try and distract my needy pussy.

Luca was moaning and sighing appreciatively as Maya blew him. It was loud and strangely close to me. After a few exaggerated strokes and slow traversals by her tongue, Maya found a steady rhythm. She bobbed her head up and down, and I was hypnotised by the movement. I could have watched her plump lips glide up and down his dick all day. Her ample cleavage provided a sultry backdrop to it all. Her shaded eyes bored into me, and intimidated me in ways I couldn't fully understand. This was Maya in her element.

My reverie was interrupted by Lucas gravelly voice.

"Hey, I think you're a little overdressed now." I froze. He could have only been talking to me, but I didn't want to do anything to break the spell of this moment.

"Why don't you take your top off." It was an order, not a question. And my pathetic little female brain melted at his tone. I sat up and threw my top off and onto the floor. I laid back down on the sofa and lifted my phone up so he could see my naked chest. Presenting my tits for inspection. Shaking in anticipation of a stranger's approval.

"Damn, that's hot. You're so sexy. Mmm. Ahhh!" Those last cries were probably more to do with Maya's oral ministrations than the sight of my pale tits and pink nipples, but I didn't care. I started fingering my wet pussy again. In the tiny picture of myself in the corner of the screen I could see my breasts jiggling from the movements of my arm. I hoped it made a good show.

Maya had started to alternate between fast, slick bobbing up and down Luca's cock, and slow slurping movements, accompanied by humming moans. From my constricted perspective I could see her shifting her hips and body around. Then the top of Lucas knees came into view over her head, and I realised that she was humping herself against his leg, which he'd just raised up for her. What a gentleman! Now she rocked her whole body as she pleasured both of them at the same time. The rise of her ass was another moving piece to this sexual orchestra. Her muffled moans were becoming louder and deeper.

Abruptly my screen blurred and turned black. I could hear shuffling and heavy movements. After a few seconds light filled the screen again, and I was looking at the ceiling. Then at Luca's bare chest. Then it settled onto a view of Luca reverentially lifting up Maya's leg and pulling her panties off completely. They had switches positions, and I was now enjoying a Maya's eye view of her lower body reclined on the bed, with Luca kneeling over her feet. His dick jutted up, red and shiny with Maya's saliva.

Maya's voice was louder, and more intimate now.

"Oh my god. You look so fucking incredible. I wish you were here with us. I'm so fucking wet. Your tits are gorgeous babe, I'm so jealous!"

"I'm so wet too. I'm more jealous of you than you are of me! You're so hot, and amazing. You're both amazing."

I thought I wouldn't be so confident saying those kinds of things out loud, but I was fully committed now, and I only hoped that Maya was enjoying my words and my presence. My voice was a little hoarse and wobbly, but I wasn't ashamed.

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