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I Won't Stand For It

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Wife cheats and hubby won't stand for it.
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My first time venturing in this area, after reading many of the excellent submissions in the BTB category. I mostly look for justice in some form as it is hard to accept people being able to get away with treating others so poorly. Anyway I thought I would give it a try and would appreciate any comments. Thanks.


I sat thinking about the events of the recent weeks, and as hard as I tried I could not identify anything specific on its own that gave me cause to think she was cheating on me. The feeling that filled my being came as a result of lots of little things added together that left me with a feeling of unease more than anything else. There was something going on but I could not put my finger on it. I was fairly certain something was afoot yet I had no proof, no idea who, what or where it was happening if indeed it was.

I had even started to question my own sanity, was I making too much of things, overreacting maybe? Imagining all kinds of scenarios where she was cheating, but with who? I had no idea yet my gut was tying itself in knots, I felt rather than knew something was going on. Maybe it was the very beginning of a fling or affair, maybe a one off? The more I tortured myself with thoughts and imaginings the more certain I became strangely. I had been thinking like this for what seemed like weeks now, yet how long had whatever it was been going on before I became even slightly aware something was amiss?

I took another slug of my JD, the ice rattled in the glass telling me it was time for a refill. I caught the bartender's eye and he nodded. He slid along the bar and replaced my glass with another double JD on the rocks, he gave me a half smile as if reading my mind. He had seen the same look many times before. His look was one in part of support yet sympathy at the same time as he recognised the tortured look behind my eyes. The sweet taste of JD warmed the back of my mouth and throat as I took another gulp, I must take it easy I resolved as I looked around the bar taking in the handful of other drinkers. It was quiet, the low murmur of chatter just filling the room with unintelligible words and adding a backdrop to my personal growing sense of misery. There was no joy here.

The faces of the patrons that filled the bar were all bland and unremarkable, no one stood out, all nondescript and average in every way. The only woman in the place, in her forties at a guess, slightly overdressed for the time of day and the place, looking a little desperate maybe was being fed drinks by an older guy. He looked as if he was hoping to get lucky, and looking at her he didn't need to try so hard I thought, she already had his number. Other souls seemed to be just passing time while the rain outside fell and further dampened spirits, sometime soon each would run out of reasons to stay in the sanctity of the bar and make the journey homeward. I was still undecided what I was going to do.

"So, what's the story?"

I turned in the direction of the voice.

She looked at me, eyes boring deep into my soul it felt like, I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. She stood in the dimly lit bar, water dripping from her as she started to slip her coat off.

"What are you doing here Sammi?"

"I was worried about you, I had an idea I would find you here, so here I am, wanna talk?"

I looked at her, my mind trying to regain some balance as I stared at her.

"Worried about me? Why? What do you mean?" I looked at her trying to see what she was thinking, worried in case she was trying to catch me out in some way, could I trust her?

I sipped my JD and ordered her a vodka and coke which was delivered with some style by the barman, smiling now as he took in the sight of Sammi. She caught his eye as he served her, smiling one of her sweet "butter wouldn't melt" smiles as his eyes wandered across her full breasts jutting out in her form fitting blouse.

Sammi waited until the bartender had moved away before she said anything else, her eyes wary as we looked at each other both unsure and jostling for position and advantage.

"Well it is all to do with the way you have been acting recently, you look like you have the worries of the world on your shoulders. You want to tell me just what the fuck is going on?"

I stared into her brown eyes for a moment before looking away, she always could read me like a book. That was something I always liked about her, we got on, we seemed to get each other somehow too, we had arguments but we never fell out about things, we always were straight and honest with each other, well to a point that is. What was left unsaid was just understood.

"Sammi, I am OK, we are fine there is nothing to concern yourself about really."

I looked at her as she took in my words, I could see she wasn't buying it, my heart sank, I had tried to pass it off but I could see it wasn't going to wash.

Sammi, took a slow sip of her drink as she looked straight into my soul again.

Jeesus here it comes I thought.

She placed the glass on the tab in front of her then locked her fingers together as she leant slightly forward and towards me.

"I know."


"I know what is going on."

"I don't know what you mean." I tried bluffing.

"For fucks sake Steve, I know so let's level with each other and stop pissing around."

The bartender caught the last few words and his head twisted round just enough to try to catch more of what he supposed would be something juicy.

"Let's sit in one of the booths? This is too public for my liking."

I saw the disappointed look cross the bartender's face as we stood and stepped across the bar into one of the side booths. We sat opposite each other like prize fighters waiting for the other to take a swing.

"OK so what is it that you think you know?" I jousted.

"Nice try Steve, you know you can't lie to me we have known each other far too long, I know so tell me about it, you know you need to talk to someone so come on out with it."

I had known Sammi since she was 17, she was always around and had a sort of crush on me at one time when I started dating her sister Claire. Claire was 3 years older, we began dating when we were both 20. Sammi and I had always got on much to the annoyance of her older sister, they were as different as chalk and cheese in a lot of ways but their temper was shared with evidence of many sibling blow ups over the years. After 2 years we had married and settled down to what I thought was an idyllic future. We were both working in decent jobs and earning enough to make life comfortable at the least. My sister in law, Sammi had been having a fun time throughout her late teens and early twenties and now at the age of 25 was looking for something more grown up I felt, she had sown her wild oats and matured into someone that any guy would be lucky to get close to in my opinion.

Claire and I had been married for 5 years, well it will be 5 in another month when our anniversary is due. That is if we make it that far I mused.

Sammi is a very attractive woman and one who I counted as a friend as well as my sister in law, I looked at her my eyes starting to fill as I searched for the words to explain how I felt but still with her words "I know" loud and clear in my mind.

She reached across the table, her fingers stroking mine before gripping them tightly, a sign of support and more to me as I felt my heart slowly breaking.

"OK Steve if you won't say then I will, she is cheating on you I think you know it, I certainly do, now what are you going to do about it?"

My eyes widened as I heard the words but still refused to comprehend as I stubbornly still tried to work out what I knew and what it meant. I didn't want to hear any more, in my mind if I didn't really know then it couldn't be happening and couldn't then hurt me. I also wouldn't have to deal with it.

Sammi looked at me, she saw the glassy eyed look I gave her, was it shock or denial?

"Steve, I love you dearly but for fucks sake wake up!"

"I am sure it's some kind of misunderstanding or something." I tried to palm her off and also tried to further delude myself.

Sammi's eyes suddenly flashed with rage, she reached out and slapped me round the face, fucking hard too!

The bartender looked across and stopped wiping the glass in his hand.

"Everything OK there?"

I held up my hand. "Yeah sure no problem here."

I moved my hand to my cheek, the heat from the stinging slap making it glow, I was sure there was a perfect imprint of Sammi's hand there too.

"Sorry Steve, but you infuriate me sometimes, you know how I care about you and I can't bear to see you being hurt this way so wise up and man up this is happening and we need to do something about it."

I gulped as I rubbed my cheek, the full force of my situation was starting to dawn on me as the sting from her slap permeated my brain.

"OK, I will start, I am sure you at least suspect something but here goes anyway. A few weeks ago I was with her when she got a call on her mobile, she left the room to take it which was an odd thing to do right? We are sisters for fucks sake what has she got to hide from me?"

I nodded fearing the worst but as I sipped my JD she went on.

"I just thought it was odd so when I got a chance I checked her phone, so trusting! No lock code on it! The call was from a guy she had as a contact showing as Robert. I didn't know of any Robert or Bob but thought I would keep an eye out for any recurrence."

"So who was this Robert or Bob fella?" I asked trying to rack my brains for any info on that name.

"I did find out who he is after a week or so, he is a guy she used to know years ago back before she started going out with you. Anyway it seems he has got in touch via one of those social media sites or chat site or something, looks like they have been messaging for a few weeks now too."

"But I didn't know anything about that all I knew was there were little things that seemed to happen that were keeping up apart somehow."

"Yes I know, but that was all part of what they were doing nothing obvious but just seemed like things were falling into place for them."

"So it is just a couple of friends messaging each other reliving old times or something?"

"Yes, seems like that was how it started anyway."

"You mean something has happened?"

"Yes, you telling me you haven't noticed anything a little bit suspicious?"

"Only that it seemed like circumstances seemed to be conspiring to keep us apart and of course the obvious lack of opportunity for any fun too."

Sammi looked at me with a look of incredulity on her face as if I was stupid or something.

"What?" I stared back at her.

"Steve, I love you dearly but for fucks sake get your head out of your arse!"

The reality was seeping deeper into my befuddled brain as her words were making it more real by the minute.

Shit, this is serious I thought.

I took another gulp and braced myself.

"How far has it gone do you think? Or do you know?"

Sammi looked at me, her eyes flickered and looked away from me for a split second that was all the answer I needed.

"When? How? Where?" I asked in quick time, my mind playing catch up now as I felt my rage starting to brew inside, the race between logic, common sense and pure animal rage was off and running.

"I know she has met him at least three times over the past two weeks, I wasn't sure at first and only really knew for sure two days ago that it had progressed. I had lunch with one of my girlfriends who works with Claire and she let something slip. I didn't let on at the time and she covered it well so I let it slide. She met him twice for lunch it turns out and at least once for dinner one evening last week, does that fit in with what you have noticed?"

I looked at her as I took in her words, there were a couple of times recently when I had called her office to arrange a lunchtime meet and she wasn't there or had just gone out, was that when she met him? Then last week she had that seminar thing she just had to attend, it was a late notice thing and arranged for after work. She had gotten home late that night after 12! Thinking back she had come in saying that it had dragged on and the team had gone for a drink in the hotel bar to unwind before leaving. No sex that night I remember too, and she hit the shower before bed too!

My mind was racing, my brain scrambled as I took in these hurtful facts, each one piling on the agony and twisting the knife that was firmly embedded in my heart.

"Fuck this!" I suddenly spat.

Sammi looked at me, her eyes now showing concern.

"Steve, what are you going to do? Don't do anything stupid it's not worth getting yourself into trouble with the law for."

I looked at her, I could sense from the look on her face that she had seen the change, my face felt like stone, my heart was now a granite block my body was preparing itself for what was to come and she could see it.

"Fuck it! I will not put up with this in any way, it will stop! I will stop it! There is no room in my life for a cheating bitch, she will pay! He will pay too!"

My eyes glazed over as the fury inside built, my muscles tensed, fists tightened. I was never a violent guy, I had my share of confrontations when younger but never ever looked for trouble just sometimes you need to step up and face things which is what I did then. I was just a little out of practice is all but that was going to be remedied and fast too.

"Steve, whatever it is you have in mind, take a step back, think about it, don't rush in without a plan or it will all go to hell. You need to think and prepare or you will end up getting burned."

Her words soaked through my rage, seeping into the sensible part of my brain and made sense, in a weird way it helped me calm down some and realise that what I had been suspecting was indeed true so I wasn't going crazy at least.

"Is that where you think she is now?" I looked across at Sammi, I could see her eyes had filled and a tear had started its lonely track down her pretty face.

"Yes, I know she is with him now that's why I came looking for you."

I felt the rage stirring again, my fist thumped the table, several people in the bar turned and looked, I raised my hand to the bartender he gave me that half smile again, how the fuck did he know?

"Do you know where?" I asked more in hope than anything else.

"No I don't have a clue but I will see my girlfriend again tomorrow and find out what I can. I know he is married with a couple of kids though not sure yet where he lives but I will do what I can to find out if it helps."

I reached for her hand holding it tightly as I brushed the tear from her cheek.

"Thank you Sammi, I know this is hard for you but I do appreciate it really I do."

"What will you do?" She looked at me worriedly.

"I know I can't do what I want to, at least not yet but I will stop this and when I do it will be final and there will be retribution no remorse but they will both pay. In the meantime I will secure what is mine, get the evidence I need for whatever I decide to do next."

Sammi looked worriedly at me as I finished my JD, I caught the bartender's eye and he poured another for each of us, as he shuffled over I could see Sammi was wanting to say something. I held my hand up to stop her until the drinks were served. I slid a note to him.

"Keep the change." He nodded and left.

"So how long before you confront her?"

"I have a lot to consider, I will make a couple of calls tomorrow while I do what I need to with my assets she will not get a penny from me if I can help it, not one penny!"

"You know it will be difficult to be around her don't you?"

"Yes I realise that but it has been like that in a way for the past few weeks anyway. I am guessing if she hasn't noticed now she won't see any change."

Sammi gulped her drink down and stood.

"I have to go Steve, can we talk again tomorrow? I will find out what I can for you."

She slipped her coat back on, I stood and helped her feeling her close to me.

Damn! She looked so much like her sister!

She looked up at me I could see the tears in her eyes as I kissed her cheek.

"Go home I will be fine, I will call you tomorrow."

She smiled and turned away, I watched her step through the door and into the dark and wet evening.

I breathed a deep sigh as I sat down wondering what to do now. One thing was certain, they will pay and it will be swift, relentless and unforgiving.

I don't recall much after that, somehow I woke in my own bed with a mouth like the bottom of a parrot's cage, my head was still swimming as I raised it off the bed. Rolling over I noticed I was alone and there was no sign of Claire. My senses slowly awakening as I heard noises from downstairs. Sliding my feet over the side of the bed I tried to stand.

Oh my! What did I do to myself last night I thought?

I staggered to the bathroom and started to rouse myself from the aftermath of my JD cloud. I wandered downstairs in a haze of pain my joints ached, everything seemed to hurt. Steeping into the kitchen I saw her.

"Hello love, what did you get up to last night to get into that state?"

Wouldn't you like to know bitch.

"Had a drink with an old mate is all got carried away." I sat and poured orange juice, swallowed it and went for another.

"Oh really? Who was that? Anyone I know?"

My mind clicked into gear.

"No I don't think so, it was Bob, I knew him from way back haven't seen him in years, and he is in town for a couple of days on business."

"Bob?" there was just a flicker of something in her face as she turned.

"Yes I am sure you may remember him thinking about it, we were at college together played football for a couple of years, tall guy, dark hair, he asked after you anyway."

Claire looked puzzled. "Sorry I don't recall a Bob, still as long as you had fun."

Strike one!

She sat opposite me at the table, I looked at her as I thought of my talk with Sammi last night.

"So, Honey what did you get up to last night, anything exciting? What time did you get in?"

She looked at me in the eye as she lied to me.

"Oh nothing much really I finished up at work and then a couple of us went for a light meal and a drink, I was in by 9.30, I was getting worried about you but then I remembered you had a late meeting."

I knew she wasn't home by then because I was still home at 10pm, that's when I had enough and went to the bar.

Strike two!

"I have some things I need to get done this morning so I will shower and get on my way, I may be late this evening so don't wait up, Bob said he would be in touch we still have some catching up to do."

"You will have to invite him over if he is here for a few days, it's nice to catch up with old friends."

"Sure I will do that, you must remember him love?"

She looked at me blankly, her face trying not to react or give anything away but she felt something I could see it.

"Maybe it will come back to me later love, now get moving or you will be late, do you want me to drive? You did have a few last night."

"No is fine I have to get a cab and collect my car anyway as I recall I left it at the bar so thanks anyway."

I went off to get dressed after more orange juice and a couple of painkillers. I left the house thirty minutes later as Claire was getting ready I had a busy day ahead, one thing was for sure this was not going to go on for long. I gritted my teeth as I thought of Claire with this Bob character, my fists balled up, he was going to pay I was going to crush the bastard.

Work was chaotic, I had call after call to deal with issues on the line, my secretary fielded some but there were meetings I needed to be a part of so I couldn't duck any of those. By mid-morning the initial rush eased off and I had some almost free time to deal with my personal issues. I closed my office door and started to check out my financials, within fifteen minutes I had tightened the purse strings and moved some cash out of reach. I also arranged a meeting with a solicitor to discuss a possible divorce, I still had a few days before that so my thinking was that it would give me time to get more information, not that it would matter that much anyway but could give me some leverage.

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