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I'm Just Really Curious, Daddy

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SCRIPT: An incestuous first time for Dad and daughter.
2.9k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/17/2023
Created 08/12/2023
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Father is reading a novel on the carpeted floor of the dining room, using a table lamp on the floor next to him for light. He is early forties, trim and well toned, graying hair and handsome. He is dressed in just a pair of black silk boxers and a muscle shirt.

His daughter, Jessica, walks into the room, eighteen, very slim, but sexy with a nice shape. She seems immature for her age due to her childlike mannerisms and her girlish style. Her long brown hair is in pony tails, and she is wearing a white tank top, a pink skirt and pink socks. She kneels down on the rug at her DAD's feet.

JESS: What you reading?

DAD: (smirks) Jaws by Peter Benchley.

JESS: Any good?

DAD: (shrugs) Not as good as the movie, but not bad.

JESS: (moving closer, laying down on her right side and propping her head on her hand with her elbow on the rug. Her head hovers over her DAD's right knee) Read me some.

DAD: (chuckles and shakes his head) Not this part. Too racy.

JESS: Racy? You mean sex? There's sex in Jaws?

DAD: (nods, smiling) Yeah, and it's way too racy for you.

JESS: (frowning) Come on. I'm eighteen now and I know almost everything about sex. Just read it to me. I'm bored.

DAD: No way. Your mom would kill us both. And, yes, you're eighteen, but you lead a very sheltered life so it's probably illegal to read you this in some states and there is no way you know almost everything about sex. Your mom doesn't allow you to do shit. I feel guilty just saying the word sex around you.

JESS: Read it to me anyway. Mom's passed out. Besides, I won't tell if you won't. Just read me a little bit of it, pleeeease. I'm really bored, and now I want to hear it more than ever.

DAD: (frowning) Okay, but I'm skipping the bad parts.

DAD reads to himself, lips silently moving, snickers, shakes his head and skims down. He turns the page. Reads silently then winces.

DAD: (shaking head) No way, Jess. They're all bad parts.

JESS: Oh, come on! What are they doing a blowjob?

DAD: Hey! Language! No. It doesn't matter. I can't read this to you.

JESS: That sucks!

Jessica giggles and slaps his thigh.

JESS: Get it? A blowjob. That sucks. (laughs, squeezing her hand on DAD's thigh and rocking her body, shakes head as laughter trails off)

DAD: (frowns and flips pages) I'll find something age appropriate to read you.

JESS: (pouting) But I want to hear about the blowjob.

DAD: No! I'm not reading that.

JESS: Aha! So it was a blowjob! Blowjobs are nothing. They're not even sex. It's just kissing in a different place.

DAD: It is sex! And will you stop saying that word? I'll read the next chapter.

JESS: Blowjob, blowjob, blowjob.

DAD: (exasperated) If your mom heard you right now... just stop.

JESS: Why? You and mom are always saying sex is beautiful as long as two people love each other. Then you both freak out whenever I ask questions or say anything about sex. I have to find out everything from my friends at school.

DAD: (smirks) Well, that's a time honored tradition. Everyone finds out about sex from their friends at school.

JESS: But what if my friends don't know... certain stuff? Shouldn't I be able to ask you or mom?

DAD: (shrugs, still scanning pages) Yeah, sure, but you should get those answers from your mom, not me.

JESS: But mom freaks out when I ask her things. She would kill me if I asked her this question, but it's like... I am just really curious, Daddy. So why can't you tell me?

DAD: (sighs and shuts the book, putting it in his lap) Okay. One question, Jess, and then we stop talking about sex. What's this thing you are so curious about?

JESS: Really? And you will really answer it... without freaking out?

DAD: (nods) Sure. I will answer it without freaking out. One single question. Shoot.

JESS: Okay (smiles and twirls her pony tail) What does cum taste like?

DAD: (gasps, shocked and does a double take, furrows brow and glares sternly at Jessica) Why the hell would you ask me that? That's sick!

JESS: (frowns, stops twirling hair) You said you wouldn't freak out. You are freaking out.

DAD: (closes mouth, loses angry expression and sits back against the wall, exhaling loudly.) You're right. I freaked out.

JESS: Yes, you did. Are you going to answer me?

DAD: (grimacing) This really is a question for your mom. (snickers) You're mom certainly knows that answer.

JESS: Really? But she told me she never did a blowjob before... in one of our sex talks... where I can't ask her any questions or she freaks out. She said good girls don't ever do blowjobs and she never did that before.

DAD: (chuckles) Yeah, she has.

JESS: (annoyed) So she lied to me?

DAD: (nods, grinning) Oh, she lied alright.

JESS: She did a blowjob to you once?

DAD: (uncomfortable, winces) A lot more than once.

JESS: (giggles) Does she masturbate, too?

DAD: (shrugs) Doesn't everybody?

JESS: You masturbate?

DAD: (nods)

JESS: How often?

DAD: Every day. Not yet today, but usually every day.

JESS: (snickers and slaps his knee) Me, too! Where do you do it?

DAD: Usually in the bathroom.

JESS: ME, TOO! (pauses, looking upset) Mom said she never masturbates right after she caught me masturbating in the bathtub. She said everyone does it, but she doesn't. Mom does that, too, doesn't she?

DAD: I don't know, Jess, probably, but I never caught her.

JESS: (shaking head) She only talked with me about sex a few times and everything she told me was a lie. And the few times I tried to ask stuff she got furious. That's why I need to talk to you about this stuff. You don't freak out and at least you tell me the truth. So... what's the answer to my question?

DAD: I can't tell you that, Jessica.

JESS: Come on, Dad. You said you would answer it. I REALLY REALLY need to know.

DAD: It isn't that I won't answer, Jess, I just don't know what it tastes like. I never drank... err, or tasted any cum. And why the hell would you even NEED to know that anyway?

JESS: I have two girlfriends at school who say they tasted cum before. One says she likes it and that it tastes sweet, like bananas. The other one says she hates it and it tastes awful, like piss. I want to know which one is lying.

DAD: Well, sounds like they're both lying to me.

JESS: Why?

DAD: (shrugs) First off, they're probably younger than you and they both go to that frigging convent of a Catholic school you attend. So, chances are neither of them ever actually tasted it and are just making that up or repeating things they heard. Secondly, I never heard either of those descriptions. Most women say it's salty and has a very distinct taste. Most hate the taste, so it probably doesn't taste like bananas. But some don't seem to mind the taste at all, so it definitely doesn't taste like piss. (shrugs) It smells a little bit like windex, or maybe sort of a faint bleach smell and it's very slimy, like raw eggs. That's probably what makes women disgusted, the texture, not really the taste. Now, does that answer your question, honey?

JESS: You smelled it before? What, when you masturbate in the bathroom?

DAD: It gets on my hands sometimes, so yeah, I smelled it.

JESS: What do you do with it afterward?

DAD: I usually wipe it off with tissues and flush it, or sometimes wash it off wherever it falls, like on the sink or the toilet.

JESS: (serious looking, swallows hard) Do you think... do you think you could... leave me some... on the sink... next time?

DAD: Leave you--? Why would I... (a look of shocked realization suddenly on his face) For you, you mean to taste? No way! That's sick!

JESS: No it isn't. And you are freaking out again. I told you I am just really curious. Come on, Daddy. I need to know what it tastes like. You throw it all away anyway. Why not leave some for me? I want to taste it even more now.

DAD: Of course I'm freaking out. That's just plain wrong, Jessica. You can't drink my-- You can't drink that! (whispering) That's just as bad as... well, just as bad as you giving me a blowjob.

JESS: (also whispering) No it isn't. Just leave some on the sink for me. You promised you would answer my question. That would answer my question... plus, you said you haven't masturbated today... so, why not? Just go upstairs and do it.

DAD: (whispering) I'm NOT doing that. (pauses, thinking) Tell you what, Jessica, I'll make a deal with you, but only if you promise to keep our deal a secret forever, until the day you die.

JESS: (nodding, whispers) I promise, Daddy.

DAD: (whispering intensely) I mean it, Jessica. This would kill your mom, and I would probably go to jail for incest... Just for suggesting it.

JESS: (whispering intensely) I swear to GOD I promise!

DAD: (exhales, stares deeply into Jessica's eyes) I will only let you taste my cum if you give me a blowjob. Are you willing to do that?

JESS: (pauses, eyes widening, then gives a little shrug and nods) Okay. I'll do it.

DAD: (looking stunned) Holy shit! I thought you would absolutely freak out. You ACTUALLY would DO THAT?

JESS: I told you... I am REALLY curious.

DAD: (loudly) NO WAY! (whispering) This sex talk is over. (opening the book, speaking normally) Chapter eight. (he begins reading chapter eight aloud).

As Jessica listens to him reading, she lays her head on his muscular thigh.

Slowly, she moves her head, her face closer and closer to the large, throbbing lump in DAD's silk boxers.

Finally, lifting her head as if readjusting to get comfortable, she lays her head right on his big, throbbing lump.

DAD falters in his reading several times, as Jessica's head rises repeatedly, pushed up each time by the throbbing bulge, only a thin layer of silk between her ear and his erect penis.

He stops reading, takes in a long shaky breath and looks down into Jessica's eyes. Her head rises up on an especially strong throb of his cock, and drops down again.

DAD: Laying your head there is... dangerous.

JESS: ( squints defiantly) I don't care... I want to know what it tastes like. Just give me some.

DAD: (whispers) What if your mom wakes up?

JESS: She drank a whole bottle of her wine tonight. She'll be passed out for hours. Now give me some.

DAD: I will give you a whole mouthful if you keep this up.

JESS: Okay. Good. Give it to me.

DAD: (snarling) Okay, but this was all your idea. Pull your head back a little.

Jessica pulls her head back off the bulge, rests her cheek on his thigh and stares at his hard cock clearly defined under the black silk of his boxers.

DAD puts his hand on the pant leg of his boxers and pauses.

DAD: Once I pull this out there is no going back.

Jessica nods, licks her lips, staring at his covered penis.

DAD: (whispers) Do you want me to just masturbate in your mouth... or do you want to try sucking my... err... to do a blowjob?

JESS: (swallows hard and then whispers) Blowjob.

DAD pulls his loose pant leg up, and his hard cock pops out and bounces.

Jessica's eyes widen. DAD grabs her hand and guides it onto his penis. He uses it to stroke his cock.

DAD: (whispers) Now put it in your mouth.

Jessica opens her mouth, leans forward and takes the head of her DAD's cock into her mouth. She closes her lips around it and sucks, her cheeks caving in.

DAD: (hissing air, whispers) Easy, Jess! Don't suck so hard. Gentle. Gentle.

Jessica's mouth relaxes.

DAD: (whispers) Much nicer. Go very very gently... just barely touching it... and don't let your teeth even touch the skin.

JESS: (pulling her mouth off, whispers) It's really smooth... like baby skin. (puts her mouth back on the head and looks up at her DAD)

DAD: (whispers) Now put your tongue on it. (pauses) Good, but relax your tongue. (pauses) Very nice. Now swirl it around the head and play with it with your tongue. (pauses) Good. Oh my God... very good. (grimaces, whimpers and breathes heavily) Fantastic. Now try taking it in deeper. (pauses as Jessica moves her lips down his shaft) Good! Deeper! (Jessica's mouth goes deeper down the shaft and stops a little less than half his cock in her mouth) Great! Now slide your mouth back up. (snarls and breathes heavily) Fantastic. Go down again. (hisses air through clenched teeth) Oh my God that's perfect. Now keep doing THAT, up and down, just like that.

Jessica slowly bobs her head, blowing her DAD methodically and staring up at him as he winces, snarls and writhes.

DAD: Now... a little faster... and a little deeper... if you can.

Jessica's bobbing speeds up, and she takes his cock in a little deeper, a little more than half disappearing in her mouth with her faster plunges. Her DAD continues to moan and whimper.

Jessica continues for over a minute, but under three. Then she pulls her mouth off and shakes her head.

JESS: This is hard work. Are you going to cum soon?

DAD: Yes! (moves her hand up and down his shaft with his hand) Keep stroking like this when you take your mouth off of it.

JESS: Like this?

DAD: YES! (groans) Suck it. Suck it, Honey.

Jessica puts her mouth back on her DAD's cock and blows him, bobbing her head just like before.

DAD: THAT'S IT! Oh my GOD I am going to cum so hard. Get ready to catch it.

Jessica pulls her lips up his shaft to the tip and pauses, waiting.

DAD: Keep stroking with your hand like I showed you. (uses her hand to stroke his shaft)

Jessica strokes his cock with her hand and continues waiting for the cum to shoot into her mouth with her lips in a tight ring around the head.

DAD: Oh my GOD! YES! (grunts loudly, body quivering)

Jessica's eyes pop wide, and she whimpers, her brow wrinkling. She continues stroking his shaft with her hand.

DAD's hips twitch, jerk and pump. A white bubble emerges from the corner of Jessica's mouth and a white dollop of sperm streaks slowly down the side of her chin, leaving a thin stream of white and a gooey drop dangling, but still hanging on from her chin line.

DAD gasps for air and collapses, leaning back against the wall, smiling, eyes shut and trying to catch his breath.

DAD: I don't think... I ever cummed so hard... in my life.

Jessica pulls her mouth carefully off the tip of his cock, pinching her lips closed as she takes all his ejaculate with her. She sits up with bulging cheeks, breathing through her nose and looking worried. Cupping both her hands under her chin, Jessica juts her chin out and dribbles a huge glut of gooey white semen into the palms of her hands, her whole chin covered in thick sperm.

Wiping her chin clean with the heel of one hand, she gaithers all the cum up in both her cupped hands and pulls her mouth away to look down at it.

JESS: (gasps, looking at the huge glut of thick cum in her hands) Wow! That's a LOT!

DAD: (laughs) I told you I came hard.

Jessica, looking thoughtful, smacks her lips, swallows and darts her tongue out, licking around her mouth. She swallows again.

JESS: It doesn't taste like hardly anything. (sniffs at the puddle in her hands. wrinkles her nose) Yeah, you're right. Smells sort of bleachy.

Jessica purses her lips, lowers them into the puddle of sperm and slurps half the goo up into her mouth. Thoughtfully savoring the cum, she rolls it around on her tongue with her mouth slightly agape. Inhales air like a wine connoisseur over the semen and swallows.

JESS: (sneering) Ewe! That is slimy. (giving a tiny shrug) Doesn't taste bad though. I don't mind the taste.

Jessica slurps up the rest of the cum in her hands, swallows it down and licks the remnants off her palms with several laps of her tongue.

JESS: (after one last deliberate swallow) Yeah, I don't love it or hate it. Does mom drink it?

DAD: Sometimes, especially if she's drunk and horny.

JESS: I can see why. It is kind of sexy to swallow cum. I liked doing it for you. I could tell you liked it by the way you watched me.

DAD: (nods) Oh, I liked it alright.

JESS: Then can you answer something else that I am really curious about?

DAD: (shrugs and laughs) Why not. Shoot.

JESS: You promise to answer it as good as you answered my first question? I am just really curious, Daddy, maybe even more curious about this than what cum tasted like.

DAD: I'll try my best, honey. What's your question?

JESS: (smiles, twirls ponytail) What does getting fucked feel like?


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TransguycharlieTransguycharlie9 months ago

That was so sexy. I’m so turned on right now!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Script-form was the *perfect* form for telling this story. Made for excellent pacing and focus on the interaction without distracting, extraneous details. Plus it was a great way to really emphasise the illicit relationship without bludgeoning us over the head with it—or 'shoving it down our throats', so to speak.

Dialogue was a little clumsy or contrived at a couple of points, but not enough to really detract from it. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Script form is just fine. If you don't like it, don't read it. So many here think they a crafting Shakespeare. Shakespeare wrote scripts you fucking snobs. So fuck off you fucking fucks. Yeah I stole that line.

Ilfen1Ilfen1about 1 year ago

Script form is unpleasant to read. That's all I've got to say.

HofeederHofeederabout 1 year agoAuthor

For those who think I messed up on the "script" format or that scripts have no business being posted on, I disagree. First off, as long as a piece is legible, tells a good story, is grammatically correct and able to be understood it qualifies as a script and has every right to be posted on this venue.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Didn'the read it, story's in script have no appeal for me.

Did notice decent comments so, carry on.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

As you noted, this is a script rather than a story. As such, this is the wrong site to post this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

What makes you think that's how your format dialogue? the 'SCRIPT' excuse doesn't really cover for you lack of care. Stop being lazy and just do it right.

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