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I'm Just Really Curious, Daddy Pt. 02

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DAD shows Jessica what getting fucked feels like.
4.1k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/17/2023
Created 08/12/2023
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DAD is sitting on the carpeted floor of the dining room with legs stretched out, slightly apart. He is still breathing somewhat heavily, his head and shoulders resting back against the wall where he collapsed after cumming in his daughter JESSICA's mouth and then watching her as she carefully and thoughtfully taste-tested his huge load of cum before drinking it all down. His semi-hard cock is still exposed, the pant leg of his loose fitting black silk boxers pulled up off his right muscular thigh.

JESSICA, in a white tank top, pink skirt and pink ankle socks, is sitting with her right leg folded, sort of 'side saddle', with her left leg stretched straight out to the side, the position a testament to all her years of dance classes. The crotch of her white panties is exposed under her short skirt, directly facing her DAD, and has a darker area on her crotch, about the size of her little pussy which looks completely soaked through from her seeping fluids. She is smiling and twirling her left pig tail with her left hand and leaning on her right arm, with her hand down between her DAD's knees on the floor.

JESSICA: (smiling, twirling hair) What does getting fucked feel like?

DAD: (looking stunned) Holy shit, Jessica... (takes a deep breath and looks down at the soaked crotch of his daughter's panties, staring at it, he shakes his head) I won't take your virginity. Sorry. That's... that's too far, Baby. That would be... soooo much worse... than what we just did. (rolls his eyes) Oh my God, Honey. I can't believe I just let that happen. I am so sorry. I am such a goddamn scumbag!

JESSICA: NO! (puts both hands on his thigh and squeezes) No you're not, Daddy. I'm the one who begged you, remember... It was ALL my idea. Plus, we love each other... I LOVE you so MUCH... and I love you even more for doing that for me. You HELPED me.

DAD: NO! It was... wrong. (shakes head) You don't even understand. I'm the adult here.

JESSICA: I'm an adult, too... and we love each other sooo much. I am so happy I did that with you... instead of some disgusting boy... aren't you? Aren't you happy I did that with you instead of Eric Bouchamp?

DAD: Who's... Eric Bouchamp?

JESSICA: (closes eyes, shakes head) A guy down at... Nevermind. It doesn't matter. You're my Daddy, and you love me. Aren't you happy I did that with you and not someone else?

DAD: (shrugs) Yeah, of course, but it's more complicated than--

JESSICA lunges forward and plants a lover's kiss on his lips, pushing her tongue into his mouth and interrupting him. they kiss awkwardly at first, and then melt into each other, hugging and kissing passionately with full tongues. JESSICA pulls away, both out of breath.

JESSICA: See! (smiles, breathing heavily) We make each other so happy. Don't we?

DAD: (smiles, breathes, nods) I could smell... (wipes mouth with his hand, grimaces, shudders and chuckles) my cum... on your breath... really strong.

JESSICA: (giggles, shrugs with glee) I know, right! (smacks lips) I can still taste it, too. It's wonderful! You made me so happy, Daddy. Didn't I make you happy?

DAD: (still smiling, nods) You did, Baby. You did.

JESSICA: (smiles, nods) Good. Now... answer my question. (rubs his muscular thigh, licks her lips, looking down at her DAD's exposed penis and whispers) What... does getting fucked... feel like? (caresses higher on his thigh) I want you to answer that, Daddy... I want you to answer that... (brushes her hand lightly over his cock, pulls it back, pats his thigh and squeezes) so bad.

DAD: (inhales a shaky breath, his eyes fixed on her wet crotch, and whispers) I won't take your virginity. I won't do that.

JESSICA: (sits back, flutters eyelids, shakes head and speaks softly, just above a whisper) What if I told you... I'm not technically a virgin?

DAD: (scowling) What do you mean, not technically a virgin?

JESSICA: (grimaces and shrugs) I sort of... (averts eyes and blushes) put things... up there... sometimes.

DAD: (puzzled, but intrigued) What kinds of things?

JESSICA: (raises eyebrows, purses lips, shrugs) Oh, I don't know. It's not important. Like, all kinds of... different things.

DAD: Really? Like what kinds of different things, exactly?

JESSICA: (rolls eyes, pushes air through tight lips making a frapping sound, looking flummoxed) Pffft! Like fruits, or vegetables, especially cucumbers. I really like cucumbers. And lots of other stuff, too... since I started doing it. (shrugs)

DAD: So, what's the biggest thing... I mean... are they big? Some of them?

JESSICA: (smiles fiendishly, nodding) Oh, yeah! I used to have a candle that I named Carlos LaGrande. (giggles)

DAD: (wryly) You named a candle you masturbated with?

JESSICA: (nods, giggling) He was huge, and thick, too, thicker than most of the big cucumbers I've used. (frowns and shakes her head) But I snapped him in half one night using him in my butthole.

DAD: (shocked, shouts) YOU--? (lowers voice to an urgent whisper) You broke a candle off? In your ASS?

JESSICA: (nods) That really sucked, too! Thank goodness Carlos had a wick or I would have had to go to the emergency room. Imagine that? How embarrassing! And I would have been in so much trouble with mom.

DAD: (shaking head, eyes closed) It... it actually got stuck... in your ass?

JESSICA: (giggles nervously, shrugging and face turning beet red) Yeah... but he had the wick, so I got him out.

DAD: How big was this candle?

JESSICA: (holding her hands about a foot apart) It was about that long, but it was pretty thick. (makes an "OK" circle with her index finger and thumb, their tips about an inch apart) Maybe that big around? I found it in the Christmas decorations and took it into my room to carve it down into the perfect size and shape. I used Carlos LeGrande for (shrugs) maybe a few months before-

DAD: Wait! Was it blue? And in a green bowl with fake red and blue flowers all around it?

JESSICA: Yeah, that's the one.

DAD: That was your grandmother Carol's. Your mom was looking everywhere for that. (eyes widen) That was huge, Jessica. It had to be four inches thick!

JESSICA: Well, I told you I carved it down. It was much smaller when I used it. (grimaces) It was still kind of thick, though, I guess.

DAD: Why would you do that, stick big things like that in your anus? I can understand putting them in your vagina, but that seems... I mean, do you like that, big things like that in your butt?

JESSICA: Not at first... (sneers) at first it really hurt, but I did it anyway because mom... (let's out a sigh, rolls eyes) Mom got really pissed at me one time... when I asked her about butt sex, you know, during one of our talks. She called me a filthy little slut.

DAD: (incredulous, frowns) She wouldn't call you that.

JESS: She did, Daddy. Plus, she used to hit me all the time when I was younger. Why wouldn't you believe she called me that? You saw her hit me. She was abusive.

DAD: Yeah, I know she was free with her hands, but she stopped doing that, Jessica. Still... (frowning deeper) you're saying she called you a filthy little slut? That just doesn't sound like her. I don't believe that.

JESSICA: She did! (pauses, then clicks her tongue, huffs air out her nose and smirks) Well, okay, she didn't call me that... directly, but she said only filthy little sluts talk about that or even think about it. But I secretly had... you know... sort of wanted... to try it maybe... someday, so even though she didn't call me a filthy little slut... she might as well have.

DAD: So, you enjoy it now... sticking big things in your butt?

JESSICA: (nods) Well, sort of. It doesn't hurt anymore and sometimes it gives me really good orgasms. (giggles) Mainly, because it makes me feel... really naughty... when I do it, (bites lip, smiling self-consciously) you know... like a... filthy little slut. (giggles loudly, covers mouth and shrugs) But I'm always ascared of getting things stuck up in there, anyway, so I still like putting things in my vagina... a lot more than in my bum. (shrugs)

DAD: So, you've put lots of things... in your pussy?

JESSICA: (nods) Oh, yeah I have.

DAD: (swallows hard) So, you're not, technically, a virgin, then. Right?

JESSICA: (smiles, shakes head) Nope. (sits back, inhales deeply, eyes widening and twirls pig tale) Does that mean... you'll answer my question, Daddy? (bites lip, smiling fiendishly)

DAD: You mean... will I fuck you?

JESSICA: (nods excitedly)

DAD: Say it. Ask me to fuck you. Use your words.

JESSICA: (smiles, twirls hair faster, takes a deep breath and whispers) Will you... pleeeease... (eyes widen, giggles) FUCK me, Daddy?

DAD: (nods thoughtfully) Yes. Yes, I will fuck you, Jessica. (clears throat) Now stand up and take your panties off.

JESSICA: (squeals excitedly, lunges, hugs and kisses his cheek. She stands up, giggling and pulls her panties down, quickly stepping out of them.) I love you so much, Daddy. (tosses her panties aside, looks down at him, and then further down at his still exposed, half hard penis, whispers intensely) Now what?

DAD: Now step over Daddy's legs. Straddle them.

JESSICA: (steps over her DAD's legs with her right foot) Like this?

DAD: (nods) Good. Now lift up your skirt.

JESSICA: (lifts skirt, exposing her shaved, bald vagina. Her pussy lips glisten with moisture. She whispers) Like this?

DAD: Perfect (stares intently at his daughter's bare pussy, takes hold of his cock and strokes it) You are so fucking sexy. (his cock gets noticeably harder after only a few strokes) I can't wait... to fuck you.

JESSICA: Can I... can I come... sit down on it... now, please?

DAD: (shakes head) Not yet. First come closer... put that cute little vagina... on my tongue.

JESSICA: (shuffles forward, feet wide apart on either side of her DAD, bends her knees and puts her vagina on his outstretched tongue. Gasps air in sharply. Whines in a higher pitched voice) oh... Daddy... (tosses head back, pig tails bouncing, hips and legs quivering) Mmmmm... thank you, Daddy... I LOVE it...

DAD: (talking between tender darting licks and laps with his tongue licking up her slit and on her clit) First... I am going... to eat... this cute... little pussy... alive...

JESSICA: (whispering breathlessly) Yes! Thank you... thank you, Daddy... that is... wonderful...

DAD: (talking between eating her pussy) Then... I am going to have you... slowly squat down... lowering this pussy... onto my penis... how does that sound... nice?

JESSICA: Oh, yes, Daddy... (whining) but I want to squat down on it now...

DAD: (pauses eating pussy for an instant to speak) Not yet! (sticks stiff, long tongue deep into her pussy)

JESSICA: (gasps, moans loudly, her whole body trembling, lets skirt fall and caresses his head lovingly with both her hands) Oh, Daddy, I love your tongue... up inside meee-hee... (pants for air, breathless) THAT's soooo WONderful... (pants repeatedly)

Dad continues eating her out, sticks first one and then two fingers up her pussy. JESSICA moans and her hips jerk in quick little pumps. DAD pulls fingers from her pussy and slowly pushes one up into her tiny butt hole.

JESSICA: (squeals, breathless) OH! OH, MY GOD! It's in my bum, Daddy! (her hips jerk faster and more dramatically)

DAD: You like my finger in your ass, don't you?

JESSICA: (panting) Yeah-heah I do! (pumps her pelvis as his finger fucks her ass and he licks her pussy at the same time)

DAD: (talking between licks) That's because... you're a filthy... little SLUT! Aren't you? (pushes two fingers up inside her butthole and finger fucks her ass quickly and forcefully with both fingers, sticking his tongue up her pussy)

JESSICA: (face contorts, in a squeaky high-pitched whine, voice cracking) Yeee-heeah-heeeeah... oh, my GOD! I AM a SLUT, Daddy!

DAD: Are you... MY filthy... little ASS slut?

JESSICA: (cries out, whining) Yeeeeeah-heeeeah-heeeeeah... I AM! (grunts very loudly, her whole body stiffens up and trembles with exertion)

Clear fluids gush filling DAD's mouth, he gulps most down, but some escapes and streams down his neck.

JESSICA's body jerks several times as she makes gutteral grunts and then she relaxes, she gasps for air and then continues breathing heavily, trying to catch her breath)

DAD: (gulping down one last mouthful of pussy juices) Wow, Honey! (licks pussy once, JESSICA flinches her hips away and squeals) You squirted in my fucking MOUTH!

JESSICA: (out of breath) I'm sorry, Daddy... It all just... just fell out of me... I'm so sorry...

DAD: No, Baby! That was delicious!

JESSICA: (giggles, still breathing heavily) You liked it?

DAD: (loudly) I loved it. That was amazing!

JESSICA: (stepping back) I loved it, too.

MOM: (leaning her head into the dining room) What the hell do you both love so much?

Both JESSICA and DAD jump, startled, and turn their heads to see MOM leaning her head in through the doorway. DAD covers his exposed cock with one hand as he snatches his discarded novel up with the other.

DAD: (smiles awkwardly, waves the book) Jessica just... She just read me a chapter... from Jaws.

MOM: (blinks eyes blearily, shakes her head in confusion) And THAT was amazing? You're both ridiculous! Frigging nerds! Go to bed, Jessica. You have school tomorrow and it's one o'clock in the goddamn morning. I have to pee, and you better be up in your bed and sleeping by the time I'm done.

MOM pulls her head out of the doorway, and walks upstairs.

JESSICA: and DAD look at each other, both wide-eyed and exchanging looks of relief.

DAD: (speaking softly) You better get up to bed.

JESSICA: (nods) Goodnight, Daddy. (turns, scoops up panties and walks quickly toward the door. She stops before exiting, turns, smiles and speaking loudly) Oh, Daddy, can you drive me to school tomorrow?

DAD: (shrugs) Sure... just wake me up.

JESSICA: (smiles fiendishly) Maybe you can finish answering my question in the car. (turns her backside to him, bends at the waist, lifts skirt, flashing him her naked ass and shakes it, looking back and giggling playfully)

DAD: (shakes his head, looking alarmed, whispering intensely) Get the fuck up to bed, Jessica!

JESSICA: drops her skirt, still giggling as she exits the room and runs up the stairs.


It's a sunny day in May at around 7:30 AM. DAD and JESSICA get into his red pick-up truck.

DAD starts the vehicle and lets it run.

DAD is wearing a black t-shirt, jeans and work boots. JESSICA is in a Catholic school girl uniform, green button down sweater, white button down blouse, green plaid pleated skirt, red sneakers and white ankle socks. Her dark brown hair is thick, wavy, and down to her shoulders.

JESSICA: (giggles) I have a secret, Daddy.

DAD: (smirks, shakes head) Yeah, we both do.

JESSICA: No! Not that. Really! I have another secret!

DAD: (shifting into reverse, backing out of driveway) And what's that?

JESSICA: (twirling hair) First... aren't you going to... show me... what that feels like?

DAD: (frowns, glances at her, shifts and drives down the street) I don't think so, Honey. Last night was... (shakes head) a crazy mistake. We should both... just forget.. that it ever happened.

JESSICA: (annoyed) I will never forget that! And what about my question? You said you would fuck me. Aren't you going to--

DAD: (angrily shouts, cutting her off) Jessica! STOP! I'm your father, goddamn it! That should NOT have happened last night. I don't know what the hell got into me, but it ends now. Do you understand me? It ends now!

They drive in silence for a while.

JESSICA: (without emotion) If you don't do it Eric Bouchamp will... later... after school. I'm going to let him do it.

DAD: (swerves, slams on break and shifts into park, turns body and faces daughter) You are going to let some boy fuck you today? Is that what you're telling me?

JESSICA: (nods) Unless you do it. (squints defiantly) I will, Daddy. I'll let him fuck me. I swear I will.

DAD: (shakes head, frowns) Jessica, I'm your father. I can't do that. It's just wrong. I feel guilty as hell over what I did to you last night. Please don't do this, just give yourself away... to some random idiot.. out of... I don't know what? Spite?

JESSICA: (pushes air out her nose and shakes head) You didn't do it TO me, Daddy. We did it to each other.

DAD: (blinks) Okay, regardless. Think of your MOM. She would be devast--

JESSICA: (shouting) She's a MONSTER, Dad! She's a terrible mother, and a terrible wife! I don't even know why you married that cunt.

DAD: (shocked) I can't believe... I can't believe you just called her that? You... you called her... how can you say that about your MOM?

JESSICA: (folds arms, squints, purses lips) MOM acts like she hates us both. She cheats on you, you know.

DAD: (suddenly outraged) That's a lie! When? With who?

JESSICA: (shrugs) I don't know, but I heard her laughing on the phone one day, while you were at work, and I listened in. She was talking about having sex with them. I heard it, Daddy.

DAD: You're making that up.

JESSICA: (shakes head) Oh no I'm not. I heard her. The only reason I never told you is because I knew you would die... and I knew you wouldn't believe me, but MOM cheated on you, Daddy. She really did.

DAD: (blinks, shakes head) What did she say? Who was she talking to?

JESSICA: (smirks) I don't know who it was, but she kept giggling and saying things like, 'I had fun, too,' and 'Yes, we can do it again,' and 'You know I'm married so we can only do it when my husband is at work'.

DAD: (incredulous) Well, maybe... maybe it was a girlfriend or someone she hangs out with, like your aunt Jillian?

JESSICA: (frowning) She also said, (in a mocking, airy voice) 'No, Baby, I loved doing it in that filthy bathroom. It was so raw and sleazy. That's why I orgasmed so hard'.

DAD: (stunned, sits back in his seat) Are you fucking kidding me? Are you making this up?

JESSICA: That's what I heard, Dad.

DAD: (inhales shaky breath) This is... (closes eyes and nearly breaks down crying, face contorting, but calms himself) FUCK!

JESSICA: (puts hand on his shoulder, tears welling in her eyes) I'm sorry, Daddy.

DAD: (shaking head, eyes squeezed shut) I can't believe... I mean... When did you hear that? How long ago?

JESSICA: (shrugs) Maybe a couple months back? (lowers hand to his arm, squeezes)

DAD: (a tear drips down his cheek. He wipes it with a quick swipe of his hand) Why... why didn't you tell me, Jess?

JESSICA: Because she doesn't deserve you... and it would only hurt you. (pauses, her hand still on her DAD's arm. She caresses his bicep.) Hey, but I know something... something that might... might make you feel better, Daddy.

DAD: (frowns and looks at her) What?

JESSICA: (giggles and shrugs) My secret. I told you I have a secret. But I have to show it to you. Do you want to see it?

DAD: (skeptical) See what?

JESSICA: (unbuckles seatbelt, leans back against seat, spreads legs and lifts pleated skirt) I didn't wear any panties to school today. (giggles fiendishly, her bald pussy exposed)

DAD: (eyes wide) Holy shit, Jessica!

JESSICA: I know a great way we can both get back at MOM. (bites lip, smiling) I can fuck that cunt's husband... and you can fuck that cunt's daughter.

DAD: (looking stunned, mouth agape) What the hell has gotten into you?

JESSICA: (slowly masturbates her pussy, sighs) Nothing yet. Got any ideas?

DAD: (shaking head, but transfixed on the sight before him) You... are... so beautiful.

JESSICA: (sneers, spreads pussy open) You said you would fuck me, Daddy. You promised.

DAD: (looking down at JESSICA's exposed pussy, he nods, unbuckles his belt) Okay, Baby. Let's fucking do this.

DAD unbuttons, unzips and rips down his jeans and boxers. JESSICA leans over and takes his soft cock into her mouth, engulfing it and sucking it.


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