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In Emily's Pocket Ch. 01

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Devon asks Emily to use her powers in the bedroom.
2.8k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/03/2024
Created 07/08/2022
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I think my girlfriend Emily had been using some kind of hypnosis, mind-control spell on me for weeks before we even noticed. She started to suspect that something wasn't right when she made an off-handed comment one night before she went to bed. We were watching a movie on the couch and she decided she was too tired to finish it so she was just going to go to bed. Before she got up, she asked if I would straighten up the living room when I got a chance. She meant sometime over the next few days. There was no specific rush. Under normal circumstances, I would have taken it that way, but this night I didn't.

After she kissed me goodnight and went to bed, I started having a really difficult time paying attention to the movie. I kept zoning out. The room did seem messy. There was so much clutter. How did we live like this? I started noticing everything that needed to be wiped down or scrubbed. I saw dust on every surface. In my head, Emily's request that I pick up a little bit of clutter had ballooned in importance and intensity. Our filthy living room needed a deep clean and it needed it right that moment.

Emily found me hours later in a trance trying to rearrange the furniture in the room. I had eradicated every speck of dust, meticulously organized every object in the room, and scrubbed the walls.

"Devon, what the fuck are you doing? It's 3 AM," Emily asked, wiping sleep from her eyes.

I snapped out of my daze. For the first time in hours I was aware of what I was doing. "I was, uh, cleaning up the living room, like you asked me to."

Emily looked deeply confused. "I meant, like, tomorrow or something and I just needed you to straighten up a bit."


Emily came over to me and put a hand on my back and led me out of the room. "Why don't you go to bed and get some rest?"

I nodded and did exactly what she said.

The next morning I found her waiting for me at the kitchen table sipping from a coffee mug. She looked absolutely stunning, lit by the sunshine. Something about her lately was driving me crazy. Of course, she had always been gorgeous, but lately every time she walked in the room I felt like I took a gut punch. I often found myself thinking about her wavy blonde hair and bright blue eyes. I kept catching myself daydreaming about her eyes and her smile.

When I walked into the kitchen Emily was studying me, like she was trying to solve a puzzle.

"Devon, please sit down."

I sat down in the chair next to her. She smiled, but it seemed strained. "How do you feel, Baby?"

"Um, I guess I feel fine. I slept ok."

"That's good," she said, but she didn't sound totally convinced. "Can you grab me a glass from the cabinet?"

I stood up and walked across the kitchen and grabbed a glass for her. "Hey, Babe, sorry about last night. I have no idea what got into me."

"Oh, that's fine," she said, "Dev, can you put that glass in the dishwasher for me?"

I stopped in my tracks and opened the dishwasher. A cloud of steam billowed out. It had just finished a cycle. I put the glass on the top rack.

"And can you take your shirt off and have a seat right there, Baby?" she asked. I pulled my shirt over my head and sat cross-legged on the kitchen floor. Emily's expression was weird. She looked like she was upset about something.

"Everything ok, Em?" I asked her.

"Um, I'm not sure yet."

Emily stood and walked over to the fridge. I watched her pull out milk, orange juice, mustard, and a jar of pickles. She went over to the dishwasher and pulled out the glass I had just put in there. Next she poured the milk and orange juice into the glass. I made a face, not sure what she was doing with this weird concoction. She carefully poured out a little pickle juice into the glass and then a squeeze of the mustard. She stirred it with a spoon and handed it to me. I looked up at her, trying to figure out what she meant by all this.

"Are you feeling ok, Em?" I asked.

"Drink that for me, Devon." I had no idea why, but I found myself tilting the vile mixture up to my lips and taking deep gulps of it. I immediately started gagging, but kept trying to force it down.

"OK! You can stop!" Emily said. She took the glass from me and dumped it down the sink like she couldn't get rid of it fast enough. "I am so sorry, Devon, but I had to know."

"Had to know what?" I asked her, wiping the awful drink off my lips.

"Please come sit down." I went and sat with her at the kitchen table. She reached out and grabbed my hands. "I have no idea how to say this, Baby. It sounds crazy, but I think I've accidentally hypnotized you or something."

I laughed. It seemed like a joke, but she looked so serious. "What are you talking about, Em?"

"You keep doing everything I say."

"Well, yeah, obviously I love you and I want to make you happy."

She shook her head, "Devon, this is way more than that. You never question it! You just do whatever I tell you to do."

"Come on," I laughed, "That's nuts."

"Why did you drink that nasty drink I poured for you?"

I thought about it and I didn't know why. "Um, I guess, because you told me to?"

"You knew it would be disgusting though, right?"

I nodded.

"And yet you drank it without question..."


"Because I told you to?"

I shook my head. "I have no idea. I've been feeling weird lately. Maybe I'm just tired. That doesn't mean you're, like, controlling my mind or anything." She glanced down at my shirt lying on the floor. I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment. I had ripped that off and taken a seat on the floor when she told me to. I had done it without even thinking. Just because she said so.

"So if I tell you to do something, you can refuse to do it?" She asked.

"Yes, obviously, I ca-"

"Stand up," she said in a firm voice. I shot up from my seat so fast my chair squeaked as it slid back.

"That doesn't count," I said, "I forgot what we were doing. Try something else."

"Go stand in the corner."

I slunk over to the corner of the room like a little boy being scolded.

"Do you see?" Emily asked, "I have no idea how, but I'm controlling you." The reality began to wash over me. I felt confused and suddenly very intimidated by Emily. Part of the reaction that I didn't expect was the erection I was sporting, facing the wall in my kitchen. My girlfriend was an absolute sweetheart and it was something about her ordering me around that had me uncomfortably turned on.

"Please come sit down, Devon. I'm so sorry. I had no idea I was doing this to you."

I went back and held her. She seemed close to tears. I hoped she didn't notice how hard I was. That was a complication I didn't want to deal with right now. I rubbed her back. "Emily, I'm not mad. I love you and I trust you. I know you would never do this intentionally."

"No, never!" she exclaimed.

"I know," I assured her, "just avoid telling me to do anything until we figure this out. If you need me to do anything for you, maybe just suggest it or something. That way I don't have to do anything I don't want to."

"Of course, Baby," Emily hugged me, holding on as tightly as she could.

Over the next few days she tried so hard to avoid giving me any commands. I know it was difficult for her to police every word that came out of her mouth. There were a few times that she would slip up and tell me to do something for her without thinking. She would off-handedly tell me to grab something for her and I'd drop everything to get it for her. I tried to reassure Emily that it wasn't a huge deal. I knew she wasn't doing it intentionally and she would never do anything to harm me.

I could tell it bothered her that she had been controlling my mind for weeks, even if she didn't realize she was doing it. I felt very strange about the whole thing. It made me feel kind of queasy that she could so easily override my willpower. It was effortless for her, but I couldn't deny that it was incredibly hot that my girlfriend Emily, a total sweetheart, was so powerful. I found myself thinking about it all the time. She could make me do anything she wanted. She could have me running errands for her with a snap of her fingers. With just a word, she could have me on my knees literally worshiping the ground she walked on. Every time my mind strayed in that direction, I got very turned on. My emotions may have been conflicted, but my cock was not.

I decided I needed to tell her the truth and hope she didn't think it was too weird. I desperately wanted her to use her powers on me in bed. I couldn't stop thinking about it. It took a few days of psyching myself up, but eventually I got the courage to mention it to her.

"Em, can I admit something?"

She looked up from her phone and for a moment I got another one of those blue-eyed sucker punches. "What's up, Baby?"

"I need you to not judge me, ok?"

"Of course not. What is it?"

"Remember the other day when you made me get out of my chair and stand in the corner to convince me you can control my mind?"

She winced, "I'm sorry, are you mad?"

"No, babe. I already told you. I'm not mad at all. It's actually..." I didn't know how to say it. "I'm sorry if it's weird, but it kind of turned me on."

"It did?"

"Yeah, a lot actually. I was like rock hard almost instantly."

Emily looked down at her hands, "I did notice that."

I felt my cheeks flush bright red. "I'm sorry if it's weird. You're not mad, are you?"

She shook her head and looked up at me. "I got a little turned on too, is that bad?"

I let out a nervous laugh, "What? No! Emily, it was so fucking hot."

"I know!"

I plowed forward, determined to ask what I wanted to ask now that I had committed to telling her the truth. "Em, I was wondering if you would like to try using your, um, your powers on me. In bed, I mean."

"You want me to control you?"

"Not like in everyday life, just when we have sex, you know?"

"Oh, yes, obviously," she amended. Then she leaned in. Her expression seemed more intense. "What kind of things would you like me to make you do?" There was a hint of a smile playing around the corners of her mouth.

I thought about it. Obviously, I knew exactly what I wanted her to do to me. I had been thinking about it for days. But I also felt embarrassed to admit how badly I wanted her to walk all over me. I kept imagining Emily making me her sex slave. That's what I wanted to tell her. "I think you should make me do whatever you want, right?" I said.

She leaned back, thinking it over. I was surprised about how open she was to this suggestion. She needed almost no convincing to try it. Maybe she had been thinking about it for days too.

"Devon," she asked, "are you sure you want to do this?"

I nodded enthusiastically. "I definitely want to try it."

"Ok," she said. She looked so serious and sexy. She glanced down at my lips and then back up to my eyes. I felt myself sinking into her bright blue eyes, my willpower evaporating in an instant. "Then kiss me."

I closed the distance between us and kissed her, helpless to do anything else. I felt her relax into the kiss. She seemed to be enjoying a chance to flex her power over me. After a moment, she broke off the kiss and reclined back into the seat. She pointed to the middle of the room. "Go stand over there, Devon." My legs marched over to where she pointed. I didn't have a say in the matter, but I wouldn't have fought it anyway. It was so hot to obey her.

The way Emily looked from her seat on the couch, like she was thinking over what she would like to do with me, had my cock at full attention. My sweetheart of a girlfriend had this cool, assured expression that told me she was in control and she was loving it. I had no idea where she had been hiding this dominatrix side of her personality.

"Take off your shirt," she commanded. I flung it off over my head. Em looked me up and down, appraisingly, like a piece of meat. "Now, your pants." I obediently pulled those off too. Now that I was standing in just my boxers it was abundantly clear that I was sporting an impressive erection.

Emily smiled. "Lose the boxers too." I dropped them to the ground and stepped out. I was now fully naked, standing at attention before her. I felt shame rise in my cheeks at being bossed around like this. It still shocked me how powerless I was compared to her.

Emily stood up and walked over to me. I drank in the sight of her tight, toned body and her tits that were a perfect handful. "Eyes up here, Devon," she ordered. My eyes locked onto hers. I gulped. She looked ready to eat me alive. "This is fun," Emily smiled up at me.

I nodded. "It's fun for me," she whispered, "that's all that matters." My heart was pounding out of my chest. God, she was so hot. Emily grabbed the back of my head and pulled me down to her lips. Holding me there, barely an inch away from the kiss I wanted so desperately, Emily said, "You can't come until I say so, ok?"

"Ok," I breathed.

"Good boy. Go sit on the couch." My body complied instantly. I sat down on the couch, waiting for her with my cock standing straight up. Emily pulled her clothes off and threw them across the room. Her eyes never left mine. I couldn't shake the feeling that this was what it must feel like to be a prey animal. She climbed on my lap and slid my cock inside her. I gasped with pleasure. She felt so fucking good. It was a good thing she put a block on my orgasm or I probably would have disappointed her very quickly.

As Emily rode my cock, she ran her fingers through my hair and kissed me deeply. She threw in a few playful lip bites. I couldn't do much more than moan her name and try to catch my breath. Grinding on my lap, Emily was clearly focused on getting everything she needed from me.

"Fuck, ok, fuck," she started to say. Then she made a face like a wince as she came on my cock. After she had finished, she collapsed into me.

"Holy shit, Em," I muttered. I was still inside her and I was so hard. I could feel my cock aching with the need to come. I probably would have several times over if she hadn't ordered me not to before we started.

Emily laughed and sat back to look at me. The way she leaned back caused me to gasp with pleasure. "What? Did you want to come?" she teased.

"Please, I need to," I begged.

"So why don't you?" she said, feigning confusion. Of course, she knew exactly why I couldn't come.

"Em, please!" Instead of taking pity on me she started moving her hips, which drove me wild. I could no longer form words. She put her hands on my shoulders and started to slide up and down on my cock. I could barely think.

"You're cute when you're flustered," she said, "maybe I should leave you like this for a day or two."

I whimpered. She smiled down at me and whispered, "Come for me, Baby."

That was all I needed. I came so hard I nearly passed out. When I had finally started to recover, I noticed that Emily's serious, dominatrix mood had vanished.

"Was that ok?" she asked.

"Oh god, yes. That was...amazing."

Relief flooded her face. "Good, cause I have some other things I'd like to try."

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DeimozDeimoz4 months ago

This was so incredibly hot. This is a fantasy I wish would happen to me. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is a million times better than your previous series', I absolutely loved this first chapter. Hope you post Chp. 2 soon!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

this is great, looking forward to more!

cozywecozyweover 2 years agoAuthor

Thanks everyone for the kind words! I think this will be fun series to do. I have ideas for at least a few more chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

These stories are (Obedient, Lila's Leash and now this) are exactly a perfect fit for my tastes. Absolutly brilliant!

Thanks so much for writing them.

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