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All Comments on 'It’s a Place of Beauty'

by Mainefiddleheads

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betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 8 years ago

Great tale. The betrayed husband got a happy ending with a new wife and the cheating whore now lives by herself, probably still whoring her ass out. With no love whatsoever. To hell with her.

Five Stars

RePhilRePhilover 8 years ago
Great Read!

Thanks for sharing. BTW us Canadian men would never think of venturing south for a little female companionship, if you've ever had the pleasure to experience how our Canadian girls keep their men warm in the middle of winter at -30F you'd know what I mean :). It's a Great White North thing that you really should experienced

impo_61impo_61over 8 years ago
Another good story from this author...

Another good story from this author...As he stated in the end: "Just life flowing..." 4*

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 8 years ago
I enjoyed this story, but

I had to read the part where "she" told him to go back inside the cabin while "she" went to the store. Where did "she" come from? That was confusing to me, but I may have missed that "she" was in the canoe with him, or waiting at the cabin, or walking down the trail, or whatever. Nice story.

MattressThrasherMattressThrasherover 8 years ago
Great story

This was one of the best stories I've read in a long time. You write very well and the story is very plausible. Looking forward to your next story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Apology to Mainefiddleheads

I wanted to post this on Amyyum's story posted today about being a martyr, but she does not take private or anonymous posts, so I am doing it here at the end of this fine author's story.

I was married to a bipolar person and she was abusive both mentally and physically. You may think that one unfaithful act is worse than trying to live with someone like that, but you are wrong. I am happy about the ending where she finally gets a normal life after the one with John. The story as it portrayed fits the symptoms of living with someone like that. 5 stars for a story well told and researched.

Mainefiddleheads I enjoyed your wonderful story too. 5 *** Thank you. I look forward to all of your stories whenever they appear. I appreciate your contribution to people like me who enjoy your skills.

njlaurennjlaurenover 8 years ago
Good yarn

With some weak points.Once he had proof of her infidelity with her boss,he likely would have filed suit against her company for allowing the infidelity to go on,if for anything to give a major fu to Riley (unless of course he didn't want to jeapadize riley's

Wife's income).With the restraining order,his lawyer would have routinely challanged it and by that time the facts of the wife's injury woukd be known.That is the biggest weak point,that he wouldn't challenge the order of protection.The last is while we know why the wife cheated,we don't understand why she bothered to file for divorce on ridiculous terms. It didn't seem like Riley planned on marrying her,so why woukd she file,and why the crazy terms?Was she doing that to cover for her guilt,did she think that would make her lies to Kelsey more clear?

That doesn't mean it isn't a great story,it is,the writing is excellent and being some thing of a maine-phile,loved the setting.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 8 years ago
Excellent and Chilling ( in more ways then one ) Story

Really enjoyed descriptions of nature that served as contrasting backdrop to emotional hubris." I'm sorry " rings so hollow for lies used to leverage favorable divorce. But most liars in marriage terminator mode will swear to said lies till death so I suppose ex wife was better then most.

The chink in story is why a committed father wouldn't get to bottom of restraining order's wherefores and suspect wife of skullduggery in child alienating as well as adultery. Still, I admired so much about story concept, execution and conclusion. Full marks. *****

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Great writing

A great read by a great writer, But my one problem and not just in your story is the poor suffering husband has to be a boy scout...what I mean by that is she continually lied to her daughter to keep her whoring from getting found out and went to the most disgusting of measures of making her daughter believe her father was a wife beater, and when he finds out he's pissed which is great, how can he not be, but then this bitch wants a huge for old times sake, are you kidding me, and he gives it.Fuck that, the bitch can rot in hell, he missed out on a year of his daughters life because of the whore bag. And if that's not enough we have her telling him later how much she was cuckolding him and a dirty whore and he's all, come here, it Ok and comforting her with a hug and kiss...are you serious, she spoke four words to him, and opened the door and left him, taking his daughter with no explanation for a year...she can go fuck herself for all I care, and if her daughter doesn't want to speak or see her, that's her own damn fault and I definitely wouldn't be assisting in fixing that...but besides that, good story telling...lol.

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarover 8 years ago
Well Told Tale

I like the protagonist. He's interesting. I understand all too well the emotions having the woman you love above all else to tell you she wants a divorce because she's found somebody better. It fucks you up. Took my ex twenty years before she came and apologized to me for what she did. Surreal. You seem to know my home in the Lowcountry pretty well too and that's an added bonus. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
MFH deleivered on this one

MFH, you are an enigma to me. To read that (choose your derisive adjective) BTB1980 story , then read this , its almost Bi-Polar to me. Now to be fair any person who uses their creativity does not hit it out of the park on every swing , but a little consistency is not a bad thing. Its not like anyone is expecting you to do a StangStar , or say a Karenkay where you use just a single formula over and over till its done to death (StangStar I still love your formula) , but I do think that the better Authors in general do find a style that's uniquely their own after a while.

I hope this doesn't come across as me bitching, because I truly enjoyed this story ! I have said in the past that you and 2 or 3 other authors are the future of this genre , and a offering like this only shows your true talent .

Oh yeah, its also in the right category this time ! lol 5*'s


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Out of chronological order

Why describe the birth before the wedding? The birth would be in late Aug. to early Sept. and they married in early July.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Kind of Martian Slut Ray-ish, but its your plot.

Fortunately, I simply can't believe or understand how a woman can be so selfish, cruel, betraying, and immoral, and still seem wholesome and virtuous to her husband (and daughter!), for a year. That's an acting job the best bitches in Hollywood couldn't pull off. I mean, she had to have been a pretty good wife and mother up to the point she suddenly decided to fuck her way to the top of the corporate ladder. So what suddenly triggered the switch from virtuous wife and mother to Slutula? Unless a person has clinical split personality, you just can't fake truth and virtue, unless the people you are faking are blind and stupid. And the relationship is shallow and has no substance. So, the suddenness and extent of her betrayal was just unbelievable.

And no man who loves his daughter that much would not investigate the substance of the restraining order. The restraining order would require a court hearing, under oath, and probably a police report, which would put him on the FBI list of wife abusers, eliminating his right to possess firearms, among the loss of other rights. And even though the daughter was about to turn 18, he could have sued for joint custody and demanded counseling with both wife and daughter, which would have forced the wife's hand and then the truth would have come out much earlier and his estrangement with his daughter would have never happened. And after putting him through all that to protect her non-existent reputation (EVERYONE at her work had to know she was a whore, come on!), he hugs and kisses and forgives her? How about she takes out a full page ad in the local newspaper confessing how she lied about him to her attorney, the courts, and their daughter? And how does he buy real estate without specifically excluding the still married wife from obtaining any claim when the marital assets are finally split?

I know, just inconvenient details that would screw up your plot and story. Sorry, that's just me. I think most of your readers are like consumers of McDonald's hamburgers, a few bites and a swallow and 5 minutes later that can't even remember what they had for lunch. I was hoping for more from you. And I hope with your future efforts I get it. I didn't really get this.

Still, thank you for your time and efforts.

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago
Very Nice, But . . .

I agree with those who question how he didn't contest the restraining order, and how he can forgive her corporate whoring.

I also wouldn't help her relationship with their daughter. After her lies caused his estrangement from his daughter she deserves whatever happens to her!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Rid a women did that to me ,there is no way to forgive her

A nice story. But I find t pretty hard she would turn into a whore for a job, then the part of lying to the daughter and getting a restraining order. You would think she was on crack. To lose all sense of right and wring

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Good Story

This was your best story to date. Nice job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Great read. Thank you.

It makes no sense to me why people would complain about this story. It is wonderful and very enjoyable. Hell I am wishing I was Darrell right now.

macaonghaismacaonghaisover 8 years ago

I think that this story definitely needs to continue!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Great Story

I really enjoyed your story and gave it a 5! I thought the last paragraph was unnecessary.

Boyd Percy

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

nothing new here just a sad story with a wimp who somehow magically gets a bigger dick, a better looking wife, and his daughter all back with the ex wife totally screwed over. I don't mind those stories but this added absolutely nothing new, reread like other such stories of karma.

enjayemenjayemover 8 years ago
I agree with Boyd.

It was a 5 star tale right up to the last par, then it was a 4 star. In fact the last par sort of destroyed the suspension of disbelief. Better to leave us with our own illusions than put them in our head.

bruce22bruce22over 8 years ago
Entertaining Story

Lots of entanglements here and Theresa has to be one of the worst wives in

the history of affairs. She had to come out on top whatever. The poor daughter really must have felt awful on the day she found out the truth.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Well written tale

I wish he had been a little more pro-active on his own behalf. The part that I find unbelievable is that even a rookie lawyer would have filed the papers with the Court and included the removal of the no-longer-necessary restraining orders as a part of the final divorce. In this case, he had the proof of her infidelity and a witness to who actually beat up his wife. Why wouldn't he use that information to get the restraining orders released if for no other reason than to get his Daughter to talk to him? If she was the most important part of his life then those things would have been his first course of action. Other then those little blips, I enjoyed the story.

laptopwriterlaptopwriterover 8 years ago
I thought this was well thought out and very well written, but...

there actually is no "but." This was well done and deserves nothing less than 5 stars. There was nothing here that was over the top or even pushed the envelope but was still very entertaining.

This was a great story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Wonderful, wonderful story

5 stars from me.

This story was almost mine. It began the same way, my wife left me for another man without explanation. She had been cheating and after he left her and went back to his wife, she went onto another man. Thankfully, we didn't have any children. Still, it was the most painful thing I had ever, or will ever, go through.

More similarities were our work. I was always a struggling artist, although I worked full time. My parents had left me a small piece of property not far from Mt St Helens and I moved there, quitting my job. At first in a tent, my wife had taken almost everything, but when our house sold, I had the money to build a small cabin, less than 800 square feet with a lean-to on either side. One to park my truck, the other for a woodshed. Off grid, I bought a custom wood cook stove and propane refrigerator, tankless hot water and plumbed for propane lights. The little power I needed was used for my computer and a couple lights.

Six months after my divorce was final, I was in the middle of one of the PNW's worst winters in some time. My parents lost their barn and machine shed, the town lost entire building, especially hard hit was the local sawmill. Many of their buildings were crushed too. Me? I was on my hill overlooking a river below my cabin and I had 52" of snow on the ground at one time, something the PNW is not prepared for in recent decades. Wet heavy snow destroyed much of our community.

A wondrous thing happened that winter, while I tried to withstand a broken heart. I had been writing about six novels, most between 95,000 words to 166,000 words. Sending out a query to a large agency, I was soon contacted for the full manuscript. In less than a week, an editor called and suggested fine tuning. In less than six weeks, we were ready for publishing. My advance was $70,000 and the first run of 100K novels were sold out quickly and a second 250K were printed. By then, I had my next book in the pipe work.

Now, some three years later, I was finally contacted by my ex-wife. Of course, the expected tears and apology. Although I use a pseudonym, she still somehow found out I was the author and for a while I couldn't understand how. The explanation was simple. She recognized my writing style, having done a few edits for me. As the author, one tends to see what you meant to write, rather than what is actually there.

Did we make up? Hell no. Did I pay some of the vast (to me) sums of savings I now have to have him or her hunted down and beaten to death? No again. My goal was to live well and let that be my revenge. I still live in the same cabin, in the same manner. I still write, although I'm to the point where that isn't something I need to do. I asked my ex if she could live in my cabin and saw the distaste on her face instantly and she protested, saying I had the money where we could live anywhere.

After I escorted her back to her car, a '96 Camry, I told her there was no way I wanted to even see her again, let alone let her gold digging ass back into my life. Before she left, I wished her a happy rest of her life.

Now, have a I found a blond haired woman to have sex with and who loves me? Nope. Do I date? Again, no. I have no wishes to have interaction with the opposite sex. Burned once, there will be no second time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

You are getting better. As soon as I see your name I open it to read. Keep it up please.


LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 8 years ago
excuciating anonymous

Go back to reading Anna Karenina or collection of Chekhov's short stories. Clearly you're too high minded for this site.

rightbankrightbankover 8 years ago
thanks for the story

As with a few other authors, MFH stories are very geocentric. I am tempted to open Google Earth to see the topography and follow along as the story moves from place to place. By way of some entertaining short stories I am becoming acquainted with Maine, Missouri, Texas, California, the Northwest, and the occasional other State and Region.

It would be interesting to read some of the stories submitted to the regional publications for more detail.

chilleywilleychilleywilleyover 8 years ago
Main winter

My god, weeks on end talking to yourself...licking your mental wounds I presume. Evidently worked, Darrel was smart enough not to do it again. Superb writing, you've done us Yankies proud


Rod_WalkerRod_Walkerover 8 years ago
Great Story!

But I don't buy the honeymoon in Bar Harbor. They would have taken 95 down to Boston and taken in a Red Sox game and a concert on the Esplanade.

MattblackUKMattblackUKover 8 years ago
Another good story from a craftsman writer

Well done.

sugnasugnaover 8 years ago
Good One

What happens next? The most likely outcome is inertia. People do not change. That is a lie. They have a range of personality and behavior. They are who they always were. In this case, Sally seems like a strong woman with a decent set of values. We do not know much about her past, but a slut is not likely to live in the bush and teach on a reservation. Sluts by definition are weak, impulsive and selfish. This does not fit Sally's profile. So, it is highly likely (barring illness or accident) they will raise their daughter and grow old together and most importantly continue to love each other. Theresa on the other hand will continue to be weak and selfish. She will continue to suffer the life of a coward. She will die another 1,000 deaths of fear and regret before she finally slips of this mortal coil.

cpetecpeteover 8 years ago
Nice tale

with winner coming back from the brink in a steady straightforward manner.

Thanks for the story

Richie4110Richie4110over 8 years ago
Loved the story

Hope you'll follow you thoughts and continue this story.

5* and thanks for sharing.

ejsathomeejsathomeover 8 years ago
I hate . . .

I hate when your stories end. 5* for a sensitive, moving story, well written, with a wonderful ending. Please keep writing. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

fifteen16fifteen16over 8 years ago

Those two imposters success and failure, how they play havoc with peoples lives. There are two more words, ambition and balance. It is good to want to further oneself in the workplace but not at the expense of home life. Work to live not the other way round .Ultimately in the workplace we are just a dispensable number. This story is oh so real.

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 8 years ago
I got cold just reading about Maine winters!

Great story. Thanks for no willing cuckdom and no RACC. Well written and interesting. Five stars from this reader.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Well Done

Much more realistic and believable.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Like the story very much. All three main characters are well developed and consistent in their behavior.

Reading it while a couple of inches of snow is falling outside my window .Made it special.

Thank you Mainefiddleheads. Gave you 3*s. Now that was really far from Sonoma,lol.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

... watch out for those Canadian pricks. They do come after American ladies. Problem is that damn Sally messed up my face when I tried to seduce her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

A good truth story of consequences, but should not have found second chance woman for romance this way. More than half second marriages end in divorce due to cheating, unless husband knows to find better, much younger woman. Read my stories on other collection, and stories by some such as Stangster here that tell of such men and the ways of finding second romance. Marriage to younger girl, even daughter like his, would greatly increaste chances of HAPPY second life and would allow story like this to go into romance section where it could be well recieved.

My wife was young as 13 when we were married, and such thing prevented unhappy married or divorce which is so common otherwise!!



KenfromIndyKenfromIndyover 8 years ago
Good reading experience

Well worth the time to read. More true to life than so many on this site. Well written story, good characters and events. I couldn't ask for more in story if I paid for it. Thankfully I only had to use my time and my own felt obligation to write this comment. A solid 4 stars! A strong wish for you to keep writing and sharing/posting. If you do keep writing I will keep reading!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Good writing

Enjoyable story with intriguing range--emotionally and geographically. Started in a low ebb in the Carolina Low Country. Then sent us into the healing arms of Nature in the Maine Woods--way high on our map. Left us with a satisfying sense of the human power for healing and reinvention. For all the characters. Certainly for Darrel and Sally and Kelsey. But even to a lesser degree in Theresa as well. Nicely done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Thats the beauty of freedom,

its not just that you are free to do as you choose, but rather you can choose what not to do.

Thats what's great in a truly equal society, where women are seen as individuals with rights & liberties rather than pleasure objects, she may love you or cheat you what ever she does, she does it because its her choice & her responsibility.

to hold the hand of a spouse who genuinely does love you & cozy up at a sunset or a sunrise is one of the most richest & rewarding experiences that life can offer in this meaningless existence.

you cannot force somebody to love you even if magic fails, & the anon below who married a 13yr old, go fcuk ur self, for brainwashing & caging a part of mother natures spirit, you will reap what you sow... oneday, thats a guarantee.

RePhilRePhilover 8 years ago

I take ombridg with that "Canadian Prick" comment! Don't you know that Northern Women know how to keep their men warm at night. Or so says our friend Brian Wilson sl (single laugh)

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Wife was the bitch whore from hell. Daughter wasn't much better.

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago
Further Thoughts

Think I may have a couple of repeats here!

“I smiled at that remembering the black eye and bruised lip.” – I’m surprised she didn’t try to blame her injuries on him; or maybe she DID, and that was the basis for the restraining order. Although that doesn’t explain him being restrained from seeing his daughter! I guess I was sort of right there!

“She is afraid you will reject her” – And why SHOULDN’T he, after SHE rejected HIM?!

“She had patched things up with her mom with my urging” – I agree with those who wouldn’t have urged her to patch things up with her mom. I wouldn’t try to come between them, but if she didn’t want to have anything to do with her mother I’d just say, “Good!”

If Sally had already been “hobbling about in her apartment,” why does she need someone else to wipe her ass?

, it’s “umbrage” not “ombridg”!

I agree with those who take exception to the last paragraph leaving open even the POSSIBILITY of Sally cheating on him!

ohyessssssohyessssssover 8 years ago

Every one responds differently. I would have started the truck and left. Before I forgave my daughter I would have gotten the story of what happened. Daughter, pretty much forgiven. But, I sure would have asked her how she could believe her mother without contacting me on her own. She was seventeen and more than capable of picking up a phone. For the wife, no quarter. She could die tomorrow and I wouldn't shed a tear. What she did was criminal. No contact with that piece of human waste, forever. She was a waste of oxygen. She deserved absolutely no forgiveness. None.

rightbankrightbankabout 8 years ago
I came back to visit before reading iapob - Theresa

and am confused in a couple of places.

the sequence of events throws me for a loop when Theresa comes to visit at the cabin. he slides his canoe ashore to find his ex (from whom he is not yet divorced) waiting for him. The have a confrontation, he storms out to his truck, and Sally, who is back teaching for the school year slips into the cab of his truck and suggests he go back in and resolve issues while she goes to the general store.

Was Sally in the canoe with him? Was Theresa on the beach or in the camp/cabin? Where was T's car? Where was Sally during the initial conversation with Theresa? Sorry, but even the bit with Kelsey is a bit murky for me.

oh well, it all worked out in the end. or did it? the final twist of the relationship knife was delivered with the comment about some mysterious Canadian slipping over the border to seduce Sally. not a nice way to end it.

chytownchytownabout 8 years ago
Great Read*****

Very entertaining story. Thanks for sharing.

OnethirdOnethirdabout 8 years ago
Alls well

Very nice story with a happy ending (except for the exwife, of course). Hard to believe a father wouldn't try harder to talk to his daughter, but maybe running away and starting over was the best course. I think he wouldn't let it lie though- if you think your wife has done something heartless, how could you trust your daughter's welfare in her hands? Anyhow, that's a minor quibble- 5 stars.

heydog52heydog52about 8 years ago

One of the best I've read on this site. 5

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 8 years ago

I would have gone to Riley and made him pay back Theresa's share of everything, and make him tell why he couldn't see his own daughter, or else his company would find out about his affair with a subordinate, which would probably get him canned.

Theresa's ADMITTED lies that caused his daughter's estrangement from him, that ALONE would be enough to cast her out of his life FOREVER!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
A very nice tale!

Enjoyed it very much..a 5 for me!

"Buckeye Fan"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Paddle, Not Oar

No Maine native would ever propel a canoe with an "oar." Canoes are paddled with a "paddle" by a paddler. And a real Maine native would paddle a vintage Old Town cedar and canvas canoe that would have been part of the standard equipment at a camp such as this before the main character was born, not an aluminum canoe, which is for city slickers and newbies. Putting the main character in an aluminum canoe with an oar for propulsion is a serious negative for his creds in the establishing scene of the drama to come. Otherwise, a 4.

MainefiddleheadsMainefiddleheadsabout 8 years agoAuthor
anon oar

This Maine native has kept a pair of oars in his old Sears aluminum canoe probably as long as you have been alive. It has oar locks and has been on the various lakes and streams of Maine many many times. Old town by the way has been selling fiberglass canoes for many years and it is a rare sight to see a cedar canoe anywhere.

avidfaavidfaalmost 8 years ago
anon oar

I get such a kick out of idiots who know an ounce of out-dated facts and pompously assert a pound, if not a full ton, of specious knowledge. Geez, I think I would defer to MFH about Maine knowledge rather than puffing myself up and trying to correct him only to be cut down to nothing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Bugs, Mugs, And Hugs....Ugh

Way too much unrequited bad behaviour for my taste. The husband's inexplicable lack of reaction to the legal actions against him by his deranged wife under the direction of her venal boss and fellow adulterer really just sticks in your craw and metastisizes.

Now I haven't used the "W" word to describe him, but he seems resourceful in every respect except in the area where an average reader would want him to be. He's such a badass Mainer and could probably skin a moose with a nail clipper but he retreats in a rather femenine manner in response to his wife's assault.

So, yes, it leaves a bad taste in one's mouth that all of the pristine natural vistas, breaching trout and snowy eaves scintillating in the moonlight cannot quite cleanse. But what is it with all of the huggy hugs and forehead kissing for this absolutely insane, ice-cunt monster of a wife? And he keeps professing his own blind love for her. It's just stupifying and sickening.

But one really does smell a rat with the plotline of the video evidence. Why would this head-fake even be introduced into the story? Are readers supposed to be in awe of the husband's christlike innocence and complete passivity in regards to the wanton destruction of his marriage?

The minimum redress would be the wife creating a rather glaring public notice confessing to her abuse of the legal system - naming names, etc. How could any self-respecting man even spend more than thirty seconds with her without such a balancing of the scales?

The type of jew-lawyering calumniation directed squarely at this husband that is at the dark heart of this story comprises a substantial portion of the sheer horror of modern life; at once shocking and viscerally incomprehensible to a healthy mind. Could anyone with a spine somewhat firmer than mint jelly possibly deny it?

Yes, I take offense when this type of setup is used in such a thoughtless, sensational, and unrequited manner.

And what's with the black-hearted crack in the last paragraph about his new sexy, stout-hearted and steadfast wife cuckolding him in the future? One strains to understand the purpose for spoiling the already gossamer-thin good feeling that remained in this story. It's not like there isn't anything to praise here, but that really spoiled the clambake, Maine.

DrSemblanceDrSemblanceover 7 years ago

Why would it need to continue? This end is fine

And why the need to confess the long term adultery even beyond the last douchebag?

Did absolutely no good for either of them and just cemented the betrayal further.

She was a complete cheating whore cunt who stole his daughter from him for 9 months.

Why he thought he still loved her is insane. That level of betrayal SHOULD kill any residual love.

Oh well.. still a good story. Easy 4 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Would a man who had done to him what he did think he still the slut. That is brain dead to think that that would be the case. What she did would kill any chance that there would be any love for such a thing. You do not know shit about what love is you are just writing what half of the other idiots write.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Great story, great writing...

Hmm. Lots of rage in the comments over hugging the ex-wife after everything she did to him. I couldn't, wouldn't, have hugged her either, but everybody's different. Keeping in mind that Darrell eventually won, and it's easy to be gracious when you're the winner, I guess we can allow Theresa a bit of solace, but I think most of us would have preferred a scar. A great big red jagged hideous scar, from left temple to right jawbone. With a wart that has hair growing out of it. And pus! Lots and lots of pus.

That last paragraph was kinda outta left field, right? Were you having a bad day or something? Kinda jarring juxtaposed with your story's conclusion.

SparksWillFlySparksWillFlyabout 7 years ago
Excellent Writing

I am reading all of your stories and enjoying them. I do find the occasional incongruity that distracts a little. He can be emailing regularly with his daughter but Early can't get in touch with him because his radio is off. OK, Early doesn't email. Still, a distraction. Minor stuff though. You are a gifted writer.

enderlocke77enderlocke77about 6 years ago
good one

i know its just my opinion but what ex-wife did was just plain evil, the worse thing u can do to a parent is turn a child away from them with a lie of spousal abuse. daughter and father was way to easy to forgive an evil act. but was good story despite that

tazz317tazz317about 6 years ago

put them all together and a mini-paradise develops..add family and a dynasty is re-born, TK U MLJ LV NV

rightbankrightbankabout 6 years ago
Nice Love Story

It's good to see a positive result from such devastation.


PowersworderPowersworderalmost 6 years ago

"I hated what she had done to us but I couldn't hate her."

Why not? Any normal man would.

She cheated on him repeatedly, divorced him without even giving him the courtesy of a reason, then lied to the daughter to poison her relationship with her father. Theresa was a twisted evil bitch... Hugging her and wanting to be friends after the way she shit on him is just incomprehensible.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Nice to see years of love addressed

No man gets over someone he's loved, despite injury. Realistic.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

The only thing left out was fucking moose.

AxelottoAxelottoalmost 6 years ago
As much as a good BTB can feel...

I still treasure the good times with my former girlfriend, even though it ended badly with shouting and anger on both sides. So I can see how he could still get along with the ex, and even in time be friendly with her.

I learned a lot from my own failed relationship, albeit some of it was "watch out for this kind of behavior" and "this is a dealbreaker."

I credit the subsequent 20 years of happy married life (with someone else) to what I learned about how NOT to relate and what NOT to do, as well as what works and how to get along. But I never want that GF back...


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Yet another worthless plotless blabber story

South Carolina - Maine, over and over repetitive, no plot, nothing worth reading and yet it goes 3 pages.

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeover 5 years ago

This is a story of ups and downs.

Life going good and life going bad.

Still the story had sad overtones.

Where happiness should have been

felt in the story, it doesn't happen.

Instead we get weather discriptions.

All in all a good story with negative attitude.

4 out of 5 from me.

green117green117over 5 years ago

While I appreciate the Rocky and Bullwinkle reference, I suspect that the anonymous "Duh" was actually sharing his preference for bestiality...


(Okay, something about the story... I didn't see much of the physical characterization of Sally - I went back and found it - but I kinda imagined her as a stocky short woman... kinda fit the character a bit better I thought. The lead in the story came off as rather old... even though he is in his 40s. Anywho... kinda liked the story)

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Thanks for the effort. Always a puzzle, . . .

how a man can meet and court and love a woman he knows so little and so poorly. She was fucking around, for years, and he had no clue. That's not being surprised, that's being blind. Any woman that selfish, heartless, greedy, and unethical does not keep her evil in a sealed container, opened only when she is in the process of being a monster. No, that woman is there in all her putrid despicable character and cheating, and is about as hard to spot as a skunk in a cage full of gerbils.

Of course any man who would simply accept what his whore threw in his face and walk away from his daughter is not much of a man to leave. Its pretty straight forward to read the reasons for the restraining order and file an objection. There had to be more going on for his daughter to believe her mother so readily. Which begs the question, even if the husband was deaf dumb and blind, the 17 year old daughter would be very difficult to deceive. Odd are the daughter already had her suspicions about her mother in the real world. And exactly how did the bitch get divorce papers drawn up within a few hours of getting her ass kicked by the wronged wife?

So I appreciate the effort, but it was poorly thought out. But thanks for the effort.

BigDee44BigDee44over 5 years ago
How was sit she was ready for the divorce on the day the gig was uup?

Loved the story. I wonder, though, why/how she was ready with divorce paperwork on the very day she was beaten by Riley's wife? Sort of a glitch in the story, I feel. Also, when Theresa showed up at the cabin and suddenly Sally was there was really jolting. Too many 'she's". I am sure you must know this, but when there are two people, things are between them, not among them. It takes three or more for that. I really like most of your stories. I can relate to many of them, but have not been prone to any BTB actions.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

How come Sally didn't she the truck driver?.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Your writing skills are second to none but, unfortunately, you don't have a clue about how real people would react when placed in the situations that you depict.

JbRobertssonJbRobertssonabout 5 years ago
Loved the story...

I could never be friends with someone who tried to make my daughter hate me. Life's too short to waste even 5 minutes spending time with a person who has that capacity for evil inside them. She never tried to fix anything until his daughter learned the true story, so she gets no credit for coming clean.

Your writing, as usual, is impeccable. I love your stories and descriptive writing; I hope you continue for many years to come. Thanks for posting.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
That's a paddle with the canoe, not an oar.

Sorry author, just started reading and there is a boo boo!

ribnitinribnitinalmost 5 years ago

It's a beautiful story

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago
Remarkable story

He's a better man than I. If my wife cheated, lied, and tried to take my child from me, I'm not certain that a restraining order would save her. As usual, your writing is beautiful, your characters interesting, and their stories worth reading. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Just Sayin'

Most outdoor writers would know that you navigate a canoe with a paddle. On oar is part of a pair used to row a boat.

MainefiddleheadsMainefiddleheadsalmost 4 years agoAuthor

Anon 'Just Sayin

As a Maineac who has been canoeing my entire life, I have always had a set of oars in my OT canoe (with oarlocks, mind you). It is FAR more common that you think. I also paddle.


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

BC=Me. Great story! Well written. Spent my childhood in Maine. However the comments you added at the end of story left me scratching my head and thinking WTF. Was ready to give it 5. Comments at the end sucked!!!!!!

MainefiddleheadsMainefiddleheadsover 3 years agoAuthor

Anon BC=ME

I can't for a moment understand why you would think my comments at the end of this story 'sucked' sufficient to warrant a 'WTF'. Meh, I guess.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

My inlaws are from Maine. Beautiful coastline. My inlaws are weird, including hubby. None of them like seafood at all except for the grandmother. Her and I hit the Rockland Lobster Fest every year and just stick our tongues out at the family lol

johntcookseyjohntcookseyover 3 years ago

Just drove past West Grand on the way to a wedding in Madawaska. Reminded me of your work, specifically ‘It’s a Beautiful Place’. It sure is. Especially in the early Fall. Thanks for sharing your words. Some of the very best stories on Literotica. Ironic as much as I identify with you Maine, that my favorite MFH submission is still ‘Smokey Roads’.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 3 years ago
Lovely story.

The pain and doubt of betrayal stays with a person for a long time, but new love and connecting with good people gets us through it. Like they say about best revenge and living well...

BaggyUKBaggyUKover 3 years ago
Liked that one

Really good tale thank you. I'd just ignore the usual round of commentators who don't seem to understand a story is a work of fiction, perhaps offer them a full refund?

It was entertaining and informative, if like me you don't know that part of the world.

laptopwriterlaptopwriteralmost 3 years ago

I thoroughly enjoyed this. Thanks for a great tale.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I love the comments that defend the nonsense in this story because it's fiction -- I would think even fiction would require logic and consistency, but instead we get things like this, "I still had the remnants of a campfire burning on the beach so we pulled up a couple lawn chairs and we sipped spiced rum next to a roaring fire."

Wolf_Man_1962Wolf_Man_1962almost 3 years ago

I've been reading through your posts again since it's been a few year. This is a good one still 5* from me. Thanks again for such great story...

Wolf_Man_1962Wolf_Man_1962almost 3 years ago

I grew up in Michigan, not Maine and canoed a bunch ecery summer mostly on rivers. They are called both oar or paddle. Either way we always knew what people meant. These nit pickets can be so touchy. Anyway great story

AnyMooseAnyMooseover 2 years ago

Wondering why he didn't sue her employer for ignoring/facilitating Theresa & dirtbag's affair? Wouldn't the truth of her "injuries" come out then? At the latest, when Mrs. Riley handed him the CD, Darrell should've had his lawyer file use that to have the restraining order dissolved and then go to the State Bar asking for her lawyer to be sanctioned/disciplined for having gotten the restraining order under false pretenses. In addition to "burn the bitch/bastard", maybe we need a "burn the lawyers" category where some of the more egregious sharks get turned into bait...

MainefiddleheadsMainefiddleheadsover 2 years agoAuthor

an anon wrote: I love the comments that defend the nonsense in this story because it's fiction -- I would think even fiction would require logic and consistency, but instead we get things like this, "I still had the remnants of a campfire burning on the beach so we pulled up a couple lawn chairs and we sipped spiced rum next to a roaring fire."

I couldn't let this one pass without a comment LOL. When I have a remnant of a campfire, it only takes a couple sticks of firewood thrown onto it to have a good roaring fire by the time I have a couple chairs around it and drinks at the ready. Those poor city flatlanders don't know what they are missing.

Hiker66BikerHiker66Bikerover 2 years ago

Good story, but it needs a reviewer / editor. On page 2, when Theresa turns up at the camp it is not clear that Sally is also there - I think that some text must have been deleted. I had to re-read this section several times to understand that Sally drove down to Early’s, and not Theresa which I thought at first. Other than that it was an enjoyable read from this skilled journeyman author. Therefore I will not be requesting a refund on this occasion! 5 stars.

Hiker66BikerHiker66Bikerover 2 years ago

In addition to my comments below I loved following the locations, especially in Maine and I even found the Oxbrook Stream which Kelsey hiked. Living in (lil old) England I was surprised at how big West Grand Lake is. However, I failed to find Early’s Store. Thank you Mainefiddleheads for a very entertaining story!

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 2 years ago

I remember making snowballs, then putting them out in a pan overnight to freeze hard. I remember my sisters, little enough that they could walk on the crust of the snow, and having to pull them out of the drift if they broke through. I remember walking to school, with the snow beside the cleared sidewalks being higher than my head. We lived in Portland, and I never really got to go anyplace other than my cousins’ in Falmouth Foreside. That was sixty years ago.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcabout 2 years ago

Most powerful story I have read so far from you. It had me in tears several times - well done! 5*

xtc5xtc5almost 2 years ago

Yeah, I gave it a 5, But I am sorry there is no coming back or being friendly with the way you wrote what the wife had done. I read the second part first.

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