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Jack and Jill's Parallel World Trip Ch. 02

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Jack's story continues as he learns more about the new earth.
2.4k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/26/2018
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After they had both cleaned themselves, Lyla made her way to go out the door without a stitch of clothing on.

"Shouldn't you get dressed first"?

Lyla laughed "you're gonna have to get used to life outside the church soon dude," she said, walking out.

Jack reluctantly left his clothes behind and walked outside and was greeted by another surprise. Everyone was naked. The coach, the girls, and the guys. Lyla walked over to the others and proudly announced that she just took "Church Boy's" virginity. Everyone cheered and walked up to shake his hand. He had to take his hands away from his covering his junk so he could do it.

"All right so everyone's met the new guy? Good. Now I want each of you to get ready for boot camp!!" Said Mrs Kay.

The whole group groaned as Jack looked over to see a whole army style obstacle course set upon the field. Complete with nets to crawl under, walls to climb over, a balance beam over a massive amount of mud, and a set of tires to run through.

"Now this is to test your stamina and if the chips are working properly. Do one lap and then give me 100 push ups and then go again. You will all do a total of 10 laps however, because of her little bit of fun with church-boy, Lyla will be doing 20!!"

The whole class laughed and gave Lyla a shove. Lyla didn't look very happy.

"Ok on your marks, get set, GO!!" Shouted miss Kay.

Jack tackled the course as best he could but he failed in multiple areas. He fell from the balance beam into the waist-deep mud and just as he had gotten up, Kate Willis's naked body fell on top of him and pushed him back down. He helped her up and she smiled when she realised who it was. The two got out and continued the course.

"Church boy. 100 push ups. Let's go!!"

Jack was astounded. Everyone else was on the ground doing push ups like it was no tomorrow but Jack could barely do 12 to save his life. He decided to just go for it and before he knew it, he had finished them in just a minute and a half.

"What the hell?" He thought to himself.

"Let's go, finish the course!!" Shouted Mrs Kay.

Jack snapped out of it and continued. He was astounded at how much he was doing and barely getting tired. He reached lap 8 before it started to hit him and he started struggling to finish. He was among the last to finish.

"Alright, once you're done hit the showers".

Jack left the field with everyone else who's bodies where covered in mud and muck from the course. He himself was finding it a little hard to walk with the amount of mud on him. Especially the amount around his cock.

He went into the showers and found half the class already showering. Many of them were helping each other clean their bodies. The entire rectangular room was full of naked teenagers happily cleaning each other. Jack could feel his erection returning.

"Cmon let's get you cleaned, church boy," said Kate, grabbing his hand and leading him over to a shower head.

The water was hot and felt like heaven. It slowly washed away all the mud from both their bodies. Soon enough Jack was greeted by Kates blue eyes, pretty freckles, and beautiful red hair. She smiled as she picked bits of leaves off of his shoulders and Jack took to doing the same thing before Kate stepped forward and stuck her tongue down Jack's throat.

In his own world, he had always seen Kate as the shy, silent girl with glasses who was more comfortable reading books than being with friends. That whole visage faded as he held her buttocks in his hands and felt her breasts press against his chest. She jumped up and crossed her legs behind his back and managed to land her vagina atop his penis. Jack was surprised and pushed her body against the wall and the two started thrusting.

Jack looked around to see what the rest of the class was doing and found that many of them had paired off themselves to have sex. Todd and Jemima were doing missionary style on the ground right next to them, Sophie was eating out Lauren's vagina in the corner and Frank was doing Fred from behind across the hall. This was the most amazing thing Jack had ever seen.

Kate pulled Jack's face back to her and stuck her tongue down his throat once more. The two embraced and Jack resumed thrusting. He was much more prepared than with Lyla and it was a much longer time before he came and Kate orgasmed at the same time he did.

"That was good" she said, panting "not bad for a guy who just lost his virginity not long ago".

"Well I try" he said.

She laughed and continued washing herself. Jack looked over at the others and saw Frank and Fred finishing up. Next to them were Sophia and Lauren who had already finished. He wondered if they were all closeted gays in his world.

Mrs Kay then walked in with Lyla who was caked in more mud than Jack had ever seen. She looked like a gorilla.

"Everyone did fine on the test but now it's a free period. Go home or take a nap if you want but be back here by 3:00"

This was Jack's chance. He walked out into the change room but found that everyone's clothes were gone. A sign hung next to the door that read "clothes are being washed, will be returned at 12:30" He looked up and saw that everyone was just walking out of the room naked. He stopped and looked at the mirror to find that his body had changed. Where there was once flab there was a six pack and his leg and arm muscles had grown as well. He needed to get to Jill now and get an explanation.

He walked into the school hall and out onto the street. He was worried that nudity was only allowed in school but when he stepped onto the street he found that everyone was naked. Men, women, and even children were walking by the school without a care in the world. The whole place looked like a nudist camp.

Jack started home. On the way there he walked past Mr and Mrs brown's house to see them gardening nude. In Jack's world, the Brown's were a lovely old couple in their mid-70's but in this world they looked about 23. Mrs Brown looked up and politely waved at Jack as he walked past. Jack waved back and kept walking.

He finally made it to his house and walked inside to see Jill on all fours being plowed from behind by his sexy neighbour Rita's boyfriend Sam on a couch in the living room.

"Oh...hey...little bro...I...See...You've been...getting friendly with...the locals," she muttered, in between thrusts.

"Uh yeah" he said, looking away "can we talk?"

"Sure! Just give me..." she looked at Sam and mouthed some words before turning back "five minutes?"

Jack just nodded and looked away. He wondered where Rita was. She was kind of a wild girl and wouldn't be happy with Jill fucking her boyfriend.

Just then, Rita walked in also completely naked carrying a couple beers and handed them to Sam and Jill. She then turned to look at Jack and smiled. They both looked a lot younger than 30.

"Ooh is this your brother? He's cute," she said, walking over to him.

"Yeah that's him. Rescued him from the church a couple months ago," said Jill.

To that, Rita put a hand to her chest and made a sad expression "you poor baby, I'll make it all better" she said, pushing him onto the other couch and getting on her knees.

She came up and started kissing his chest. She then slowly made her way down kissing different parts of his body before reaching his very hard cock. She wrapped her lips around it and started sucking. She was very experienced at this and it showed. Jack felt his inexperience mixed with the constant fantasies he'd always had of fucking his hot neighbour growing up inside him until he could take it no more and came.

"Oh!! Sorry!! I should have pulled out" he said, frantically.

Rita merely looked into his eyes and swallowed "it's ok, tastes good" she said, taking a mouthful of beer.

Jill and Sam got up from the couch and walked over to them.

"Alright guys thanks for a great morning but I need to have a word with my brother so out you go," said Jill, panting a little.

"Awww but we're just getting started," complained Rita.

Jill rolled her eyes "ok go to my room and keep going. I'll be there soon but don't come back down until I say so. This is a private conversation."

The two smiled with glee and quickly ran upstairs. Jill turned to Jack.

"So I guess you've had a fun day so far?"

"Ummm yeah!! Best one of my life!! But I still wanna know what this world's about," he said, a little annoyed.

"Alright I guess it's time watch this I'll be down in 20," she said, handing him a dvd and going upstairs.

Jack put it in the tv and turned it on. It was a documentary called "Safe Sex: A History by Alex Darwin". Jack pressed play.

The movie opened to two young 18 year old looking kids on a bed having sex in the missionary position. A man in a black suit walked into the frame with a microphone.

Alex: hey Timmy, hey there Deborah!! You kids having fun there?

The two on the bed looked up and smiled.

Timmy: well golly gee we sure are mr Darwin.

Alex: well have you ever wondered why you can have unprotected sex without the fear of getting pregnant or getting an std?

Deborah: not really, we're just comfortable having sex.

Alex: of course you have. Now lets take a look down memory lane.

Timmy: well actually Mr Darwin we're pretty comfortable here just havin-.

The three were then teleported to what looked like the 1970's on a busy street.

Alex: this is the 1970's.

Deborah: wow!! They're all wearing clothes!!

Alex: that's right deborah. In the 70's, people didn't share the luxuries of public nudity that we take for granted each day. In fact it's actually illegal.

A police officer walked up to them and started batting his open hand with his baton.

Cop: hey!! You kids shouldn't be naked outside!! You're coming with me!!

The two teens then gasped and covered themselves whilst Alex laughed.

Alex: it's ok officer, I'll take care of this.

Alex then snapped his fingers and some 1970's clothes appeared on the two of them. The two looked at their newfound clothes with awe.

Cop: ah ok. All good here. Carry on.

Alex: now the reason I brought you two here is to introduce you to Trevor Malone.

Deborah: Trevor Malone? Who's that?

Alex: well I'm glad you asked. Trevor was a scientist ahead of his time. He was the inventor of this!!

Alex then produced two large, box-shaped watches from behind his back. He then tossed them onto Deborah and Timmy's wrist. He pressed a button on each and the two yelped in pain.

Timmy: oww what the fuck was that?!?

Alex: that was the Malone watch. In 1978, Malone invented a watch that stuck a spike into the skin and, using electrical currents, made sperm sterile so that unprotected safe sex was possible. However his first attempt made him permanently sterile and unable to have children.

Timmy: woah wait is that gonna happen to me? Cause I wanna have kids one da-.

Alex: Malone unfortunately took his own life after he heard the news but his research inspired years of research into what he was after and by the 90's.

The three then transported to the same street but in the 90's.

Alex: The Malone chip had been invented.

Alex then pulled up the two's hands and showed the blinking green light on them.

Alex: The Malone Chip is a device that originally existed for the purpose that Trevor had intended. Safe, unprotected sex was possible and throughout the years many upgrades were added.

Alex hit a button that lit up a screen showing a very fat, naked man and woman.

Deborah: ewww what's wrong with them? Are they sick?

Alex: no Debbie they're just fat. You see, back in the day if you ate too much junk food you would look like this. But today, thanks to the chip, you can eat whatever you want and still maintain a thin, muscled body. This is the same couple after three days of having the chip.

The screen then changed to a picture of a very thin and attractive naked woman and man.

Alex: many other upgrades were made over the years including a vaccine for all std's and all non std's, a body heating and cooling device for when it gets too hot or too cold, and an upgrade that converts heat given off during sex into cheap, renewable energy that shut down all other types of energy production. And that brings us to now.

Alex flicked his wrist and the three were now back in the present day and Deborah and Timmy were naked again.

Deborah: thank god. That felt like prison.

Timmy: i'll say.

Alex: and of course now you know we live in a society where people of all ages are completely comfortable with nudity and safe sex. Well except for the church of course.

Timmy and Deborah: the church?

Alex: ah yes, the church. The church is a society who's members value the old ways. They live in gated communities and wear clothes all the time and practice sex with condoms and birth control pills.

Deborah: what the hell are those?

Alex: who cares? You live away from them where you can have sex with whoever you want, wherever you want. Provided they're over 18 of course. Now why don't you two get back to fucking?

Timmy: we sure will Mr Darwin.

The two then fell to the floor and started fucking right there. Alex gave a wink to the camera and took his clothes off to join them and the credits started rolling.

Jack just sat there naked on Jill's couch watching in awe. Jill came and sat next to him, handing him a coke.

"So what do you think?" She asked.

Jack turned to her "so I can have sex with whoever I want, whenever I want and don't have to wear a condom?"


"I think I owe you a big apology."

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chipmonk9chipmonk9almost 6 years ago
Crazy idea

You know how to get to the readers hahaha

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Hell yeah!

Good to see you kept going with this! I'm really getting sucked in, please do more

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