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Jerking for the Woman Next Door Pt. 01


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These were just more lies Peg told her that was hard for me to hear without cracking up. I then said, "Well I am really turned on too, as you can see. I don't want to leave this spot and lose your attention to get another beer, can you get me another, Peg? I like to have a few before I start getting serious and actually start jerking my cock."

I already had more than a couple, and she left and took her time, I gave her a little wink, it was to tell her I wanted to be alone with Sharon.

I think she thought this would be a good time to talk dirty and see if she could get me to waver. "My God I am so turned on, my pussy is just dripping, Want to see it while she is gone?"

I said, "No, you know the rules, if I let you, then I would have to let all my friends pull their hard cocks out when it is Peg's turn to be the star and is masturbating for them. The next thing you know we will be swingers, no, this is enough for us right now."

I was so hard during all of this and put my head pretty far back to get that last couple of drinks of the beer I was finishing. Getting that last bit was not the purpose of the head tilt. I let my cock make contact with Sharon's lips as I leaned back, the top and bottom of my knob were touching her lips, and I was not quick to pull my cock back. She apparently could not resist and I got one pass of her tongue under the bottom of my knob. Then I pulled back and acted like I did not even feel it, even though it caused a flash of excitement that felt like a bolt of lightning going through me.

Peg got back with my beer and noticed that I had some pre-cum on the tip of my knob. She said, "Did I miss something, It looks like your penis wants more attention?"

She reached down and took a swipe and gathered some cum and tasted it and said, "Taste pretty good!"

Then she took another swipe for Sharon, "Here I can see you licking your lips, want some?"

Sharon tasted it and made a YUM sound.

I continued to request more beer as I jerked off, but at a slow pace. Every time Peg left to get me a beer, I let my cock either just get close, I even let it penetrate Sharon's lips a couple of times, but no further than my knob. Then I would pull it back as she returned, I could see I was really getting to her.

I had no idea how much this was going to turn me on. I was almost what I would call drunk, and was up on courage, so I said, "Ready to move on, but how about some lube from the two of you now? I will put my hand out if you have a donation."

We had plenty of lube around the house, but requesting saliva from Sharon was part of making her a bigger part of what I was doing with little if any of the pleasure.

I put my hand under Sharon's mouth as she filled the palm of my hand with what saliva she could muster, and Peg then added to it. Then I rubbed it all over my hard cock, and had it wet, the daylight coming through the window had it shining. I thought it looked kind of nice that way so I just let it bob up and down a few times, and watched Sharon's eyes follow it like a bouncing ball.

Peg moved a chair behind me and said, "Since you decided to stay so close, before you get tired and have to sit down, how about turning around, and just putting a leg up, then bend over? I love it when you milk your stiff cock like that, with your balls hanging down below your ass. I love seeing your cute little ass and tiny butt hole too, but that big cock is the highlight. It's OK with me if you do it with your ass, dick, and balls hanging over her lap. Maybe I will help a little with the milking. I am your wife, and exempt from the no touching rule."

We were just winging it at that point, and doing well I had never done most of what we did before. The only prep was Peg waxing me, mostly just from the waist down, I trim, but that part of my body was as smooth as a gay man. Peg used her hands to signal me to spread my thighs open a little wider, so my cock and balls became an even bigger feature of the pose. Then she started to gently milk my cock for Sharon's entertainment and my pleasure. Peg is a pro at doing this for me sometimes, she had spent some time at her cousins at her uncle's dairy farm, and her cousin taught her to milk cows and pretend their teats were guys' penises for practice."

I could feel my asshole open up as my milking alone caused me to spread my legs even further. It became a tempting target, and Peg licked a finger and pushed it in and out of my asshole. She did that as she squeezed my ball sack with the other hand. I loved it, not just the action, but the reaction I could not see that well but could hear from Sharon as she watched!

Sharon said, "Oh Fuck Peg this is so smoking hot, you are so lucky to have a guy that is so willing to do all this for you, and to let your friends watch, this is just so unbelievable, and mind-blowing. I don't know how they deal with all this teasing, I have fingers in myself under these shorts already. I need to be fucked, and may have to leave before the cumshot, and run home to fuck myself with my biggest toy."

Peg, "You don't want to miss the cumshot, remember, you can take it in your mouth as long as it is not touching. You can bring a toy with you if you ever want to do this with us again, as long as you use it under your clothes. The whole fun of it is the tease, but maybe you can be the first guest to be the one naked and masturbating sometimes. You can be the main attraction, then we can stay dressed and watch you play with your tits and fuck yourself, but the same rules would apply to us."

I was back to standing still edging as I was downing another beer. Then I started jerking pretty seriously as I queried, "Well girls, I am not sure how long I will last, it is always so exciting to have a new guest. She looks pretty worked up, it won't be long before cum ropes are flying out the end of this excited little wiener of mine."

"Remember Sharon, no touching, but you are welcome to some, or all of the cum, as you now know his is tasty, must be his diet, my cooking. I love it, but when we have a guest they have first dibs on his milky white cream."

Sharon, "I love tasting the cum of someone new, maybe that's why I keep going through husbands, L.O.L.. I can't wait to have more than just a taste of it, so if you don't mind, point that big knob's pee hole to this big mouth of mine when you are ready Frank. I am ready for a big load and will hold still for you. It's up to you to keep to the rules and not to touch my lips, but just so you know, I would not mind it if you did. You have me so hot you own me, I would do anything either of you wanted me to."

She kept it to herself that I had already let it touch her lips and tongue. I got another round of saliva from the two of them and stood up to get serious and then finish off. It was so fucking awesome, there is nothing like standing naked in front of someone with your knob less than a half-inch from her mouth especially someone new you barely know, and in front of your wife. I just focused on her mouth and blocked everything out as I finished. I know I had to be making a funny face, but only Peg could see it as Sharon was focused on the prize.

I wanted my dick in Sharon's mouth so bad and was pretty sure Peg knew it. I was just afraid to do it, and hear about it later.

The closer I got to a cumshot the closer I let my cock get to her mouth. It was as close as I felt I could be without incidental contact. I sent Peg for another beer, so I could pretend to break the rules just for Sharon. I was surprised she was willing to go get it right then and leave us alone again. But my Peg had her own variation of the plan, I looked over to see her standing in the doorway to the kitchen, and running her tongue around her cheeks simulating a blow job. What could I do but take that as a go-ahead.

I stared her directly into her eyes and whispered, "You can never tell if I let you suck it a little?"

She whispered back, "I promise, I just have to have it."

So I slid my penis into her mouth, and she was on it immediately. She was sucking my cock as she held me with her hands on my bare ass to keep it in there. We both would have liked it to last longer, but it was not long before I started to ejaculate and pump my entire load in her mouth, she choked as with the velocity of it I was shooting it all the way to her throat. All this as Peg was watching from the kitchen archway.

Having Peg watch me get my dick sucked for the first time took me over the top. My cock felt like it was an erupting volcano, I could feel wave after wave of my warm white lava filling her mouth, and she took it all. The amount of cum was equal to the high I had while releasing it. I knew the longer the edging and the tease, the better the orgasm, but this one was epic and exceeded by far, any I ever produced alone.

Peg picked right then to come back with the beer and said, "You bad, bad, boy, you sent me to get a beer so I would not see you shove your dick in her warm mouth, didn't you? But it is OK, I hurried and saw Sharon struggling to take all your cum, and got to see that look on your face I know so well. I am not going to leave you two alone anymore. That's why we have the leave your clothes on rule, if you were naked Sharon, I would have come back to you bent over a chair getting fucked.

"You Drunk Horny Bastard! You know this means you are going to have to watch your naked wife masturbate as she sucks one of your friend's cock in front of you."

It was the first time in our marriage I ever thought of that as something I might like to see.

Cumming in her mouth was so awesome for me, much better than finishing it myself. Sharon did not reply to Peg, but held it in her mouth and pointed it out to Peg as some flowed out the sides. Then Peg moved in to clean up my cock for me and started to suck my cock just to tease her more.

She was losing it watching, we had gotten away from the plan we had. So since she was told that we have fucked in front of her friends, I pulled Peg's shorts and panties down. Then pulled off her top as I leaned her naked body over the chair. I had just jerked off and shot my first load in someone else's mouth since I had been married. Now Sharon was watching me fuck my wife. I know she has never seen anything like that, we were not a foot away. It was such an epic feeling to know a neighbor woman we hardly knew was watching my cock go in and out of my wife's bald pussy, as my balls slapped against her ass.

Sharon had her hand down her shorts finger fucking herself as my cum was still dripping from her chin. She said, "I love you guys, you are two of the craziest fucking people I have ever met."

She could not have given us a better compliment, and when I started to cum again, I felt her break the rules again as her hand squeezed my balls to get every last drop out of me. It was one of the loudest and most pleasurable orgasms I ever had. It was a night to remember!

We had started something and a day or so later Peg told me Sharon was ready for more, and that she would like to be watched having some type of sex. "She wants to know if she could bring a guy, or if we knew a guy that would be willing to get naked with her, and either fuck or masturbate with her as we watch?"

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massageguy1massageguy1over 1 year ago

Fine and fun premise, but needs editing. Try reading some of those run on sentences out loud...

KDLitKDLitover 1 year ago

I would do anything to be the guy. Loved this!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The world needs porn like this!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Holy shit! This is a fantastic story!

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