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Jessica's Change Management Ch. 17

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Jessica attends the after-work party.
17.3k words

Part 17 of the 28 part series

Updated 03/07/2024
Created 11/23/2013
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--- Week 4 - Thursday Afternoon---

Daddy had given me the best assignment ever. He wanted me to go to the mall to shop for clothes so I looked pretty when we went to the rooftop bar after work. That was why I was standing on the parking lot during workhours, fidgeting with my keys to open my sports car. That was also when Checo stepped up to me and turned me around. The LGZ gangbanger had come to my work, which I had really hoped would never happen. My gang affiliations were about to impact my work life. Gulp!

"Lemme see ya work clothes, biatch!" The thug growled in my face.

Abruptly, he turned me back around and pushed my chest against the side window. Right on the parking lot, he grabbed my ass and kneaded my butt flesh. I didn't like that, either. All the same, that was the 'LGZ' modus ope... - whatever that big word -- I mean the 'LGZ' approach. Duh!

No matter what, it was reason enough for me to push my booty out and squeeze my legs so he could see my tight leggings with the black-and-white heart over my butt for real. Feeling his fingers tracing the heart shape, I let him pinch and maul my buns, moaning softly in response. Did somebody watch me from the office building? Maybe, possibly. Did it matter? No way, not at all.

When the Latino was finished with testing the tightness of my butt, he grabbed my shoulder and turned me on my heels. Letting his gaze roam down my body, he closely checked out the too-small black-and-white striped blouse and the black overknees boots.

"Fuck yeah! Da biatch figured out dressin' like 'em LGZ hoes. 'Bout time!" He exclaimed when he was finished with his mustering.

Actually, that wasn't really true, what with Shelly choosing my outfit and all. But I knew better than to speak back. Checo seemed pleased with my fashion choices and that was a good thingie.

"Oh boy! Sooo nice to see you. But um... what you're, like, doing here?" I asked instead.

"Don't cha remember, puta?" Checo seemed kinda surprised. "El Rey said cha gotta start earnin' ya keep wit LGZ."

"Bet cha ain't turn no trick yet, did cha?" He concluded. "Can't allow dat, biatch!"

Uh-oh! I had been way too busy to remember that. Besides, I hadn't spent a second on my own yet. So there hadn't been a chance for me to earn my keep. No matter what, it was totally ridiculous anyway. No way, I would do that stupid stuff. I wasn't a hooker, I was D-Rod's bimbo after all.

"Lucky fo' ya, puta del barrio, I arranged sumpin' already!" The Latino didn't care about my attitude.

"Mi mejor vato got released from 'em slammer today. Time to kick it!" He hollered.

"Chuy can't wait to tap dat prime meat cha offerin', biatch!" He remarked while rudely grabbing my left boobie.

Surprisingly he hadn't acknowledged the wet spot on my leggings yet. Probably, my titties were more interesting 'cause he was mauling them right now. At least, he hadn't pulled my juicy juggies out of the blouse... yet.

"But... but... I'm, like, so sorry. But, you know, I so don't have time right now, fer shure." I tried to reason with the gang member.

After all, Ortega had only given me 30 minutes to get to the mall, shop for new pants, and return. That was briskly scheduled as it was. With Checo holding me up, I was running in danger of getting back late. No way, I had time for any other stuff. The look on the gangbanger's face, however, told me that he didn't accept my excuses.

"Um... you know, I'm, like, going to that super fancy rooftop bar tonight. It's, like, so totally en vogue right now!" I tried to suggest a deal. "What about you boys meeting me there, like literally meat me? Hihihi!"

Gosh! I even added a cheesy pun at the end. So silly! Still, it seemed to do the trick. Checo didn't stop playing with my boobies, but at least he seemed to entertain the idea of following my suggestion.

"Oh baby, you know what? Let me go, like, now 'n I, like, totes make it up to your homie, you know, in the club 'n all. What you think, baby?" I tried to sweeten the deal.

"Gonna see 'bout dat, puta!" The thug seemed reluctant. "Ya betta bring cha A-game if I let cha go now."

Phew! He was letting me get away with my suggestion. I hadn't really expected that. All the better, right? Truth be told, I didn't have a clue how I was supposed to pull off servicing Ortega, his business partner, and the gangbangers at the same time. There was still time to think about that, though. Worrying my pretty head was overrated anyway. Living in the moment was way more fun.

As I was in a hurry, I used my chance when Checo finally released my titties for a split second. Turning around, I opened the door and got into my sports car. The Latino didn't let me off the hook so easily, though. Really quickly, he rushed around the car and climbed into the passenger side.

I looked at him befuddled and annoyed. I mean, I really had to get going here. My confusion only increased when I noticed that he wasn't really getting into the car but kneeling on the seat. What the fudge?

"Looks like ya offerin' sum kinky service now, hoe!" He finally acknowledged the wet spot in my leggings.

Kinky service? Please! I didn't offer no such thingie! Not intentionally at least. When I opened my mouth to tell him that, however, I got caught off guard. He had pulled his cock from his khakis. He wouldn't...

Actually, he didn't make me suck his cock. However, he did way worse stuff. He started peeing! No kidding! A yellow-ish fountain sprayed out of his dick and splashed right on my blouse. Oh no! Oh gross! So cocky! So yukky!

"Wit 'em leggings stained, ain't leavin' dem top clean." He scoffed. "Gotta stay consistent, biatch."

Seriously?!? Like, really seriously?!?

My mouth gaped open in indignation and my hands shot in the air in defense. I must have looked so absolutely scandalized and so totally outraged. I mean, he didn't have to do this. He didn't even have to take a leak, 'cause he wasn't peeing lots. Besides, what kinda silly reason was that? Keeping my uniform uniform - I mean keeping me uniformly dressed - or what? So ridiculous! So fashionable!

Checo didn't let himself get disturbed by my indignation. Instead, the expression of protest seemed to amuse him 'cause it made him lol. All the while, he continued emptying his bladder in quick spurts. My right funbag? Bullseye! My left funbag? Bingo! Down my plunging neckline? Sure thingie!

It felt so warm, so damp, so soggy, so sticky. Ugh! As I said, Checo didn't really pee that much, just a coupla spurts. Still, it was enough to stain my blouse for everyone to see. Yelp!

The whole ordeal only lasted a coupla seconds. So I sighed a heave of relief when the Latino thug tugged his cock away. I could still make it in time. Bad thingie, though, the gang member still wasn't done. Darn! Not in any way, actually.

"El Rey expected cha to bail on ya purpose, puta del barrio." Checo elaborated while pulling some thingie from his khakis pocket. "He told me to give ya sum reminder."

With that, he leaned over to me. Lifting his hand to my face, I finally saw the thingie in detail. And it took my breath away. It was a razor, an actual electric shaver.

Seriously!?! Like, seriously for real?!?

My mouth gaped open wider than ever in über-indignation and my hands once again shot up in total defensive attitude. But to no avail. I should have screamed and shouted. I should have fought back. But I didn't. I kept wearing my faux-outraged expression while Checo got to work.


I felt like crying. I felt like dying. I was only mewling softly instead. It only lasted a few moments, but then my eyebrows were gone. They had been shaved off, like fully, completely, and entirely. Can you believe that? They had been plucked and thinned before, but now they were totally gone.

Finished with shaving, Checo pulled an eyebrow pencil from his other pants pocket. Almost artfully, he started drawing a wide arch over both my eyes. Turning my face, he let me take a look in the rear mirror.

Oh wow! My eyebrows had looked bitchy before but this was a totally new dimension. They looked dramatic to the max! They were super thin and high-angled and steeply arched. Most of all, they looked ultra fake! Gag me!

"Now, ya got 'em chola style down like a good LGZ hoe!" Checo seemed pleased with the result. "Shit, it perfectly fits ya chola accessories. Shoulda done dat shit earlier!"

In contrast to his enthusiasm, I wasn't pleased at all. As if! To my dismay, though, I had to admit that it sorta made me look like the ultimate bitchface bimbo chola. In a way, that had its upside, right? I had a feeling Ortega would like it, too. That remained to be seen, however. So no time to waste pondering it. I had more important stuff to do.

With my blouse splotchy and my bitchface cholafied, Checo was finally ready to let me go. I couldn't believe that he had given me a makeover in my sports car on the office parking lot. Un-fudging-believable!

I had never wanted to imagine walking around in soggy, pee-stained clothes. Yet, here I was living it. No way, I could put in words how humiliated I felt when I drove towards the shopping mall. Tottering through the mall would be way worse, though. I guess it would make me feel literally piss-poor. Tihi!

However, there was a problem. In the end, the entire cholafication had taken way too long. I wouldn't make it to the mall and back in time, even though I was taking a shortcut already. Oh darn! That spelled serious trouble. I couldn't upset daddy!

I had to find a solution, and I had to be quick about it. Sweat started forming on my brow when I imagined Ortega's annoyed expression and chiding voice. The consequences, however, would be way worse than that. I would never get the chance to knock Shelly off her pedestal if I messed this up. Shoot!

Too bad I was in the wrong area then. There were no stores or strip malls close by. Instead, it was all about industrial parks with one warehouse following the other. Oh dang!

Not all buildings were warehouses, though. I had just passed a seedy strip club on the left side when I had to stop at a traffic light. Looking around, I noticed an adult store up the road on the other side. It looked just as seedy and shabby as the strip club, though. Not even the neon sign at the entrance was fully functionally.

However, I was so outta options. It was the sex shop or nothing, literally the seedy way or the highway. Tihi! With a lump forming in my throat, I pulled my sports car over into the parking lot that was almost empty. Actually, there was no reason to be nervous, what with my outfit looking super slutty already. If I liked it or not, I really fit in here. Yet, I was totally twitchy and edgy anyhow.

My heart was in my mouth when I tottered into the store. Once I got inside, I noticed two men at the counter. One was a fatt-ish white man, looking really scruffy 'cause he was unshaven and wearing dirty old clothes. The other dude was white too, only he was lotsa younger, wearing one of these silly black sweat suits with golden brand stripes. I heard a third person in an adjacent room but couldn't see him or her. Gulp!

All in all, the store was dimly lit, making it hard to see lotsa details. However, I totally noticed the guys' reaction when I entered. Their eyes basically lit up in the sleaziest way ever. They looked ready to eat me alive right then and there.

Exchanging glances, the two men bandied a coupla words. I couldn't understand a thingie, though, 'cause it sounded like Russian or some Balkan language or stuff. Anyways, it must have been a dirty joke at my expanse 'cause they laughed their heads off.

"You look to clean zat up?" The sweat suit dude asked in a hard accent with a low tone.

Obviously, he was the store clerk, 'cause he was walking over to the counter like he was preparing to give me a sales pitch. As if!

"Oh, I made, like mostly, an oopsie, you know? Hihihi! I'm such a clumsy ditz, like totes. Hihihi!" I babbled when the dude started checking out the stains on my clothes.

"I, like, totally spilled coffee, like literally all over me." I tried to explain it away. "But whatever! I'm so not a fan of coffee anyway. Hihihi!"

Okay, I know. The yellow stains didn't really look like coffee splotches. But it was better than nothing, right? Anyhow, the excuse caused a raised eyebrow from the clerk.

"Yeah, right!" He simply said in response, dangerously rolling the letter 'r'.

"How much you vanna buy zen?" He asked me instead.

At that, he put several packs of condoms onto the counter, all in various sizes and colors. What the heck was he doing and why was he doing it? Dunno! Obviously, the confusion was proudly displayed on my face 'cause the two East Euro dudes laughed at the sight.

"Zat's what you're here for, right?" Sweat suit dude replied. "You're in need of new supply, don't you?"

I still didn't understand what he was talking about. That was probably 'cause I was busy thinking about my new outfit. It wasn't easy to come up with another sexy outfit so I was really distracted.

"Argh! C'mon, bitch!" The clerk was getting annoyed. "It's obvious you're hooker. Probably working in strip club over zere 'n hooking on side."

"Zose whore's come in here all time 'n zey always need rubbers." He explained. "So stop pretending. You're nozing special, just anozer whore."

Oh, okay... Now, I got it. Actually, it made sense, what with the strip club around the corner. Still, it didn't change the fact that I wasn't a hooker. No way! Even though I knew there was no reasoning with these rough looking dudes, I couldn't get outta my way.

"You're like so wrong, dude! Like totally wrong!" I protested. "I'm so not a hooker. No way!"

It was really starting to annoy me that everybody was figuring me for a hooker. So sexist! So misogynist! I mean, can't a girl look sexy and dress flashy without being called a whore? Duh!

"Actually, I'm here for, like, shopping, you know!" I told them putting my hand on my hip to emphasize my protest. "I totally wanna buy some hawt stuff, like sexy clothes, you know, to surprise my man. Duh!"

Take that, douchebag! I almost added. Whatever! I really had to blow off steam 'cause these accusations were totally bugging me. Anyway, I couldn't tell if the dudes believed me or not. They looked more amused than whatever. Still, they stopped pestering me with further questions.

Finally, I had a chance to take a look around the shop. It wasn't one of those fresh, new adult stores focused on lingerie fashion and stuff like that. Instead, it was one of those old sleazy places mostly selling porno mags and skin flicks. The red carpet tiles hadn't been cleaned in way too long and the walls were plastered with posters of scantily dressed pornstars. What a disgusting place! No way, any kinda self-respecting chick would be caught in a store like this.

Oh my gawd! Just then I realized how much emphasis I had put on buying my bimbo outfits in upscale fashion stores until now. I mean, the clothes had to look slutty, of course. Still, I had made it a point to afford top quality. There wasn't anything exclusive or premium around here, though. Totally the opposite. The products looked super cheap and low-budget.

Making my way to the end of the main room, I found three adjacent rooms, each separated by a red, stained curtain. One room was filled with video booths playing dirty porno videos. The second room was crammed with shelves full of dildos and any kinda sex toy ever. There was even a blown-up rubber doll standing in the corner. Urgh!

In the third room, I finally found a buncha shelves with clothes. However, it was mostly fetish stuff, lotsa latex dresses and vinyl gloves and bondage gear. There really wasn't much for me to choose from. No way, I could dress in these fetish clothes. That would be totally over the top.

Too bad, I had already made up my mind about the type of dress I was looking for. I mean, I really wanted to stick with pants 'cause Ortega had liked them lots. In that regard, I was super stubborn which made it way harder to find the right stuff among all this fetish gear. Oh dang!

Eventually, something struck my eye that was kinda fetish-ish but not too fetishy. You know what I mean? Whatever! It was a pair of black opaque leggings that featured an eye-catching wetlook style and lace up in the back. They were super tight and ultra shiny, so they were perfect to the max.

The top was the next thingie on my list. There wasn't anything on sale you could call a traditional top, though. That was why I went with a white satin corset featuring a strapless, sweetheart neckline with a front zipper and lace up back. It was super bright and ultra glammy, so it looked awesome on me.

After lotsa consideration, I finally decided to keep the black overknee boots 'cause LGZ hoe. I mean, I couldn't find any heels in the store that looked more sassy and saucy and skanky. Duh! Just like that, I looked more daring, more racy, and lotsa more slutty than ever! Coolio! Despite all that, I had kept Shelly's color scheme so she couldn't argue with my choices. Super coolio!

Hastily, I kept my new clothes on and walked back to the main room. I wanted to get outta this seedy place quickly as fudge. However, there was nobody around. The counter was unstaffed. Jeez! I couldn't waste more time 'cause my time was running out.

Kinda unsettled, I started looking around for the East Euro dude in his black sweat suit. Where had he gone? I mean, he was the clerk here, right? He had to be around somewhere. However, I couldn't find him in the 'dildo room'. So I stepped into the 'video room', trying really hard not to touch the red, stained curtain.

There was a buncha video booths lined up to the left and the right. Most of them were empty, though. Only three had closed doors. Obviously, the fattish dude and the sweat suit dude must have been in two of them. Woah! The clerk was watching porn during working time. So lazy! So inappropriate!

The entire room was filled with the loud groans and moans from the pornstars in the videos. It sounded so obscene and so vulgar. Actually, being in this place made me feel totally obscene and totally vulgar.

Still super flustered, I put my ear against the door of the first booth and listened. I so didn't want to disturb fattish dude or the other customer, or more like, I so didn't want them to see me here. All I wanted was to find the clerk, pay for the outfit, and be on my way.

Easier said than done, though. I couldn't wait and listen forever. I had to take some action. Yet, I didn't have the courage to open the first door. Instead, I stepped up to each booth and put my ear to it. Eventually, I took all my heart and opened one of the doors.


It was fattish dude sitting in the booth with his pants around his ankles, his shirt pushed over his potbelly, and his hard dick in his hand. Oh no! Oh ew! What a grody sight! The super fat paunch covered with hairs. So gross! So ugh!

Flashing a fake smile, I hastily excused myself and walked over to the next booth. There was no use in stalling anymore. So I simply pushed the door open.

Shocker! Not!

Another dude with his pants down and his dick in his hand, furiously jerking off. However, it was the sweat suit dude. Boy, I was so relieved to see him... not. I mean, of course, I was glad that I had found the clerk. Yet, I wasn't glad to find him having a wank.

Whatever! Not a thingie I could do about that, right? That was why I tried not to look at him or his cock. Actually, I acted super bimboy, theatrically holding my hand in front of my eyes. So hammy! So dramatic!

Was it 'cause I was appalled by the scene? Was it 'cause I wanted to pay and leave quickly? Was it 'cause I would swoon over the sight of his throbbing dick? Dunno! Actually, I didn't really want to think about it. Bad enough that I caught myself peeking through my fingers already. Jeez!

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