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Joanie Contributes to Charity

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Joanie agrees to be a "French Maid" at a charity event.
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Part 1 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/19/2016
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The story is intended to follow the story Joanie Takes Revenge, but it can also be read independently.


The orgy I organized with my friends Mary, Susie, Connie, and also 12 guys, was over the top. We recorded the entire thing. Mike's roommate John was in charge of the recording, and he used the security cams of the gym where we held it, as well as his own high definition video recorder. Mike then arranged for the recordings to fall into the wrong hands, those of the boys who had already circulated some secretly made and very compromising videos of us girls.

The computer virus I had designed did its job perfectly and erased everything, including all pictures and videos stored on their computers. Nevertheless before the erasures took place, quite a few guys at my college and who knows where else managed to see them, and I got a lot of looks walking around campus. More than a lot, truth be told.

I began to dress conservatively, often wore dark glasses, and swore off all alcohol. The last is because sober, I am a normal, somewhat responsible and conservative young woman, but drunk I am an exhibitionist, and much as it pains me to admit it, sometimes also a slut.

An example is that after Mike and I became lovers, I got very drunk, and "accidentally" let one of his three roommates, Steve, fuck me doggy style, while at the same time giving another of his roommates, John, a blowjob. It was the first time I ever had semi public sex, and the first time I had ever given a blowjob, and also the first time John had received one. (Also I am fairly sure it was the first time John had had sex of any kind with a girl.)

At the recent orgy, I finally let Tony, Mike's third and remaining roommate, fuck me. I knew Tony had lusted for me for a long time, but he was the boyfriend of my best friend Mary and for me he had been off limits. However my limits tend to disappear if I am sufficiently drunk. Also at the orgy I gave John another blowjob. The next day I was still drunk as it took quite a while for so much alcohol to leave my system.

John had some to my room where I had my friends Susie, Connie and Mary with me. Mary kind of arranged for the situation to get out of control, and at that time I let all three of Mike's roommates fuck me, starting with John, who I fucked for the first time. I think it was John's first fuck ever. But the point is, I was out of control.

I am now ashamed to enter Mike's abode, since I usually see some of his roommates who now have carnal knowledge of me. I can only imagine what goes through their minds when Mike and I have sex in his room. So I tend to drag Mike back to my place, rather than letting him take me to his.

I am also in love with my boyfriend Mike, and this is a problem because Mike is twisted in his sexual interests, and he has a strong desire to turn me into an exhibitionist (which he has already done much too successfully), and to keep me that way. Recently I have been resisting the exhibitionist angle, and even more so the promiscuous side, via my scrupulous campaign of not drinking.

This frustrates Mike. He has tried so far all sorts of maneuvers to seduce me into some more exhibitionism and even promiscuity, and he has failed each time, and I am quite proud of his failings. I am also a bit sad, as I really am an exhibitionist through and through, but I have found that I can control things so as not to be one. The enemy is booze.

A recent conversation, on a date at a restaurant went like this. Mike said, "Joanie, you look pretty tonight."

"Don't I always?" I replied.

"Well, sometimes you hide your beauty in some type of clothes a sister of the church would approve of. In the 19th century."

"But Mike, you know only too well what is underneath. I am saving it all for you," I replied.

"Joanie, that is like having a beautiful Monet painting but keeping it under a drop cloth, until the lights are out and we are both in bed, and then revealing the painting. Wouldn't that be a shame?" Mike replied. He knew a lot about art, as it was his passion.

I thought of a clever reply. "Think of me as a beautiful painting that was risqué and at risk of being burned by the morality forces of the middle ages, and which an art lover over painted in order to save the painting from a cruel fate."

"And now I get to clean the painting?" Mike asked. "I like your analogy," he said, licking his lips. "Look," he continued, the least you can do for me tonight is to have just one glass of wine, and go to the bathroom and remove your bra." He kept this up for quite a while.

I actually did both that night for him. It took a massive amount of pressure from Mike. I loved Mike, wanted to please him, and did not want to lose him. First I drank the wine. I needed to, for courage. I silently vowed it would be only the one glass, but it became three.

I had needed the wine for courage because my blouse was transparent. It was one of those blouses where some women wear with a thin but opaque companion piece, and some just wear with a non-revealing bra. This was my situation, which was OK because my bra was opaque. But without my bra, my breasts would clearly be on display through my thin gauzy blouse.

The blouse did have pockets over the boobs, so there was a double layer of gauze there, and it helped. Just not enough, since my bust runs on the large side, and it pushed against the thin fabric, so you could still see my nipples as well as the rests of my breasts. Fortunately the light was low in the restaurant, but still.

Once I had liberated my boobs, as Mike likes to say, I got seriously aroused as men looked carefully at me both as I walked back to the table, and also while seated at the table. A waiter, seeing me in my new state, almost dropped the tray of plates he was carrying. This made me wet. As for Mike, he was completely turned on by the situation.

After the meal, Mike wanted to take me dancing. I said I would go only if I put my bra back on. He tried hard but I would not budge. Then we compromised and we went for a walk downtown with me still braless, and I got an enormous number of stares and surreptitious looks, which I believe I did an excellent job of pretending not to notice. But of course I noticed every single one.

Mike however made it clear I was his slut, as he put his arm around me and then let his hand drop to my ass, and fondled my ass through my short skirt. Once he even stuck his hand underneath my skirt, and fondled my ass while lifting my skirt. I was wearing panties of course, but they were transparent, and so anyone who looked when he did that would see my entire ass and possibly my slit as well.

He even took it further, and while my skirt was lifted with my ass on display through my panties, he stuck his hand under my panties and fondled my ass. I was worried he would push down and off my panties, right there on the city street. So I squirmed and moved and his hand away. Fortunately, Mike did not try that again.

That time was one of the few times in my new nice girl period that I weakened and succumbed to Mike's pressure. But even then I had tried not to drink more than a glass of wine, because Mike always pushed farther and farther. Sadly though, I did drink three, and have just described to you the consequences.

My best friend Mary had a conservative Catholic upbringing, but in spite of herself she was a closet exhibitionist. This only appeared when she was drunk, and if she was drunk enough, which was rare, she had shown herself to be capable of semi public promiscuity, just like me.

It was nice for me to have a friend with the same problems, even if mine were there to a much greater degree. Her boyfriend is Tony, one of Mike's roommates. Tony finally was able to have his way with me at the orgy; Mary already long ago had let Mike fuck her; indeed they did it right in front of me. My reaction to Mary's semi public display had helped me to discover I was an exhibitionist.

I mention all this because it will explain what happened next. One of Mike's roommates, Steve, belongs to a fraternity that does a lot of charity work, and it was having an event to raise money to benefit the homeless. The idea was to create a French fin de siècle casino inside the fraternity. The decorations would be fairly authentic, as they had art students and theater set students working on it. (Our college has a renowned theater program.)

Mike and Tony took Mary and me out one evening on a double date, and the boys jointly told us girls about it. We both said it was a great idea, and it sounded like a lot of fun, and that we looked forward to going to it with them. This was not what they had in mind, however.

Mike explained that Steve had told them he needed some "French maids" to act as cocktail hostesses during the party, and also to substitute at the card tables when needed. They seemed reluctant to ask us.

"What's the catch?" Mary had asked.

"Why are you so scared to ask us?" I added.

Mike said, "If you agree to do this, you would be wearing a French maid's outfit when you did it."

"And?" Mary and I asked together.

Tony replied, "The French maid outfits can be very revealing. Very. You will almost be spilling out of them. They won't cover much of you."

Mary and I excused ourselves to go together to the ladies room. There we talked it over. I was excited, as I would get to indulge my exhibitionism and do it piously, for a good cause. Mary was not. She pointed out that many of the patrons of the casino might well have seen the videos of us at the orgy (where Mary alone fucked four men successively, and I took on three at once), and she would be continuously embarrassed, humiliated, and shamed.

I said, reluctantly, "We could get a buzz on first. It would be easier that way."

Mary replied, surprised, "Joanie! I have not been drinking in solidarity with you! We foreswore the stuff, remember??"

"I know, of course. Boy do I know. I miss drinking. We could do it just this once, for charity."

"You can do it," Mary said. "I will go the casino and stay at your table for solidarity. But I am not doing it."

That seemed pretty definitive to me. But when we returned to the table, the boys managed to talk us into at least going back to their rooms with them and trying on the French maids outfits. We felt that was harmless, so we agreed.

"One thing though, Joanie. I have twin cousins, Eric and Alex, and they are visiting this weekend to look over our school. They are staying in our rooms and may be there when we get there."

"So what?" I said. "I guess it's OK if they see us in the French maids outfits. After all, you want us to wear them at the casino, right? There lots of people will see us."

"Yes of course," Mike replied. "But the twins are from Centreville, the small town close to your town."

"Well, that's nice. Maybe we have friends in common. Mike, why do you look so strange?" Mike had a troubled look on his face.

"Joanie, these twins are how I originally saw the pictures Frank (the man you call evil Frank) took of you, and also the video from Susie's party. Clearly the twins saw them before they shared them with me."

"Oh," was all I said.

"There's more," Mike added quickly. "I gave the twins the videos from our own orgy, and they sold them to Adam, and that was how I spread the videos as you wanted. Doubtless they have seen those, too."

"Oh," I said again. I glanced at Mary and her face was ashen.

"So you may not want to see them now, or at all, or ever?" Mike added.

At this point Tony spoke. "Mike, Mary and Joanie: This is an opportunity. You girls have not confronted head on the fact that quite a few guys you probably see every week, maybe every day, have seen those videos. Now you can confront your demons head on by meeting Mike's twin cousins and acting as if you are just normal girls, albeit hyper sexy ones, as you are indeed."

Tony has a strong influence on Mary, and this remark turned her around. "Fine," she said. "Let's go meet the twins and try on the outfits. But no promises I will do this French maids thing at the charity event. I don't want to do it." Then she added, "Before we go try on the outfits, Tony, I need you to buy me a drink. Or two. Or three."

"Same goes you for you, Mike," I barely managed to say.

We all four went to a bar, had some delicious margaritas, and I could tell Mike was both thrilled we were going to try on the outfits, and worried about our meeting the twins. He had not told us that, before the videos were erased, the twins had watched them a large number of times. They were both virgins, and had never even been with a girl undressed before, as they were both timid. One of them, Eric, had a serious breast fetish, and he thought my boobs were the best he had ever seen. Seen, that is, digitally. He had yet to see a girl's boobs in the flesh, let alone been able to touch, fondle, or caress them.

When we got to Mike and Tony's room, Mary and I were feeling no pain. The twins, and the roommates John and Steve, were all not home. So Mary and I went into Mike's bedroom and tried on the French maids outfits.

We realized quickly we could not wear the outfits with underwear, neither bra nor panties. Even tights would not work due to the nature of the tiny crotch on the outfit. Indeed, it was a good thing we had both recently had a Brazilian bikini wax, or we would be showing quite a bit of public hair. A slight wrong move would be revealing of our most private parts.

Mary is thin and petite. She has beautiful breasts, a bit on the small side, but has curves exactly how and where men like them. She has the body those outfits are designed for. She put hers on and it fit perfectly, and she looked gorgeous in it, and astoundingly sexy. She and I both realized this instantly.

I am on the thin side, maybe a touch too thin, and this makes my prominent breasts all the more obvious in contrast to the rest of me. I also have perfectly proportioned hips, giving a classic hourglass figure. So I too have a perfect body for the maids' outfits, except for one large detail: my boobs. They are just too big for an outfit designed for a French woman, since French women typically have smaller breasts than someone like me.

The maid's outfit is worn without a bra, but within the outfit is some breast support, and it has the effect of being similar to a push-up bra. The outfit reveals the entire tops of our boobs, hiding only our nipples. It is the perfect outfit for a girl to wear if her man has a breast fetish.

This caused my boobs in particular almost to spill out of the top, which barely managed to cover my nipples. The effect was to make me look slutty, whether or not I was. I looked sexy, and available. I did not mind at the time, since I had a nice buzz, and booze does indeed make me slutty. My brain told me that when I sobered up I would not be pleased. But I tend to ignore my brain when I am drunk.

Mary suggested I do a curtsy, and when I did one, she told me she when she looked down at my boobs during the curtsy, she could see my entire breasts, nipples included. This was due to the fact that the movement of the curtsy caused the top of the outfit to bend and open just a bit, Just a bit was all that was needed in my case. "Wow," was all I said.

Mary was giggling at how I looked when we sauntered out of the bedroom to reveal ourselves in our outfits to Mike and Tony. They clearly liked what they saw, and I noticed they both instantly got erections. This caused me to join Mary with nervous giggling.

Tony put on some music and the boys each asked us to dance, and in our near naked state, with only the Maids outfits covering our private parts, and then just barely, we both agreed with a bit of trepidation. The boys held us close and were feeling us up over our clothes. Then they switched partners, and I saw Mike groping Mary, who let him grope away, all the while smiling, and then I noticed Tony was beginning to grope me.

I did not like where this was going, but we were saved - I thought - by the door opening. I looked over and two identical looking strapping young men entered the room. Mike stopped dancing with Mary and went to greet them, but Tony kept right on dancing with me, and right on groping. He had one hand on my ass, and the other hand massing my boobs through my clothes.

Mike turned off the music and announced he wanted to make introductions. He had not warned the twins, and they saw Mary and me for the first time, and it was in our revealing maids outfits, with my boobs practically spilling out of my top. They had also seen Mike groping Mary, and Tony groping me. They were clearly stunned.

Tony took all this in and quick as a wink he had two glasses of red wine to offer both to Mary and me. Good thing too, as we needed them. He poured 4 more for Mike, himself, and the twins. Mary gulped hers down and I finished mine a little later, and two more glasses entered our hands. Two large glasses of wine after three margaritas rendered Mary and me plenty drunk.

The twins were in a state of shock and just stared at us unapologetically, the way a toddler might stare at you. I gradually realized they were looking at us with eyes influenced by the videos of us they had seen. They were seeing us as if we were porn stars, and our outfits did nothing to dampen that impression. Well I guess in some sense we were: at first inadvertent, and then amateur porn stars, to be sure. But we did not seek nor want such notoriety!

I gained control of myself before Mary did, and certainly before the twins did. Mike introduced me as Joanie, his girl friend, and this only further flummoxed the twins, as they had just seen me dancing with Tony while he was groping me in places men other than my boyfriend should not visit.

Then he introduced Mary and Tony, and explained that they too were a couple. This did not help, since Mike had been groping Mary, and had even inserted a finger in her under the crotch of her maid's outfit. I could smell her scent when Mike's finger was close to me. This annoyed me; Mike's infidelities always annoyed me.

The twins managed a weak, "How do you do?" and we both replied we were fine. Mary then called a couple of friends and asked them to come on over and meet the twins, and soon we were four boys and four girls. The girls Mary called had both recently dumped their boyfriends and were good and horny. Probably that's why Mary chose to call those two.

We all went out for drinks, but before we did Mary and I changed back into our street clothes. The two girls, Betsy and Gloria, both arrived before we changed, and they loved out maids' outfits, and also volunteered to be maids at the casino. Mike said Steve would be thrilled, since he said he still needed six more maids, and now Mike had arranged for four.

Betsy and Gloria are both reasonably good looking. Gloria has small and perky boobs, and Betsy is quite tall and buxom. The twins were even taller. Both girls knew how to dress, and their outfits emphasized their best features. We felt Mary had done well to call them, and Mary and I could relax while the twins turned their attention to the girls who were not already taken, so to speak.

Neither Mary nor I realized, however, how star struck the twins were to be in the presence of "porn stars," and they showered us with attention, and were almost desperate to buy us drinks. This amused Mary and me, but Mike and Tony were clearly annoyed. I was secretly happy to see Mike annoyed.

It was not long before we had drunk way too much, and I noticed Mary's speech was slurred. We left the bar and all eight of us returned to Mike and Tony's suite of rooms. Tony put on some music, and then grabbed Mary to dance before one of the twins could. Mike was too slow however to grab me, and a twin got me on the dance floor. Mike danced with Gloria, and the other twin danced with Betsy.

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