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Joanie's Journal of Exhibition Ch. 01

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Joanie's venture into exhibitionism.
8.9k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/19/2022
Created 04/03/2013
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Hello! I wrote this journal a couple years ago. When I wrote it, I never gave a thought of publishing it one day. I hadn't touched it in over a year when I found it while unpacking after a move. It brought back many fond memories while I read it. I finally gave it to Adam to read and he said I just had to send it in to 'Literotica'. I've also let a couple of our closest friends read it to and they agreed with Adam. They said it was sure to be a hit. It took me a couple days to transfer it to the computer from my handwritten journal and to make many spelling and grammar corrections it so badly needed. So finally here it is!

Today I am a new mother of a little girl, and yes it is Adam's. We had it tested. When you read my journal you will see why we had it tested. I am happy with the way I look and dress these days. Some may say I dress a bit slutty at times but I don't care what they think. The only opinion that really matters to me now days is my husband's, Adam. We have moved to the central Florida area since I wrote the journal and we have many new friends. Adam was offered a promotion with a transfer if we moved down this way. The surprising part to both our families about the move was that we moved into a nudist resort. We had enjoyed many visits here and when the opportunity presented itself to us; we took it, which was perfect for our new way of life. Please read the story and you will understand.

I hope you will enjoy it.


My name is Joanie. I am a 25 year old white female with long light brown hair and green eyes. I am 5 feet 8 inches high and weight about 110 pounds. I was raised and still reside in the rural countryside just north of Gainesville, Florida. I met my husband, Adam, when I was 19 and going to the University of Florida. He was a junior and I was a sophomore. He was also born and raised in the area. We dated for almost 2 years before we got engaged and married soon after my graduation. He has always tried to get me to dress more daring and sexy but that just wasn't me. After being married over a year, I felt myself starting to have a change of attitude toward my showing off. Adam showed me this here website, 'Literotica'; I told him I wasn't interested in other people's lies and fantasies. But one day I was bored so I began to read some of the letters when he wasn't home. I noticed I found myself migrating to reading the ones on 'Exhibition and Voyeurism' the most. I began wondering if showing my body to men, besides my husband, would excite me. I know I have found it fun teasing my husband around the house by prancing around in just my bra and panties once in a while. I know he liked it by the hard-on he always got in his pants, which I enjoyed eventually. So I decide to start a journal of my thoughts and feeling as I set off on my journey down this road to my experimentation of some exhibitionism. I think Adam will enjoy reading it someday.

First entry --- Saturday, May 14, 2011

Today I decide to start this journal. Adam has been trying to get me to go braless more often. I was raised to always wear a bra. My mother wouldn't allow me to go braless except when wearing a swimsuit and then it had to have a good firm top. I couldn't even wear skinny-strap tank-tops braless unless they had built in bras. If they didn't, I had to pin the tank-top strap to my bra-strap. Mom didn't like the exposed bra-strap look. She considered girls that went braless where sluts. My mother also frowned on women wearing very short short-shorts or 'Daisy Dukes' as she called them. Even while in college my mom's conservative attitude stuck with me. Although I did wear short skirts and shorts to class, none of them were overly short or tight. My shortest dress was just under mid-thigh and my shortest shorts still had about a three-inch inseam.

Adam liked my short dresses and I liked wearing them for him. I even enjoyed flashing him my panties once in a while but I never let him know that I had done it on purpose. I didn't know how he would react. The first time I we had sex, was also the first time we saw each other nude. We had drunk too much on my 21st birthday and got carried away and I the morning I was surprised I wasn't the first bit ashamed of what I had done. As a matter of fact, I remembered I enjoyed it and done it again that morning, sober! I'm just lucky Adam was the responsible one and had protection handy that day. a couple days later I got on the pill because I wasn't nowhere near ready to have a kid.

Adam had said that he would like for me to go braless outside the house once in a while for him. I have never done it before but I am going to start my exploration of exhibitionism by doing it for him today. Right now I and wearing a black cotton tank-top with no bra and some brand new jean short-shorts I bought this morning over some new white cotton thong undies I bought just for this occasion. I usually don't wear thong panties, I prefer cotton bikini briefs, but this was a special occasion. I have often noticed Adam checking out other girls wearing tight short-shorts so I decide to get me some and see if he likes me in them. He has asked in the past for me to buy some but I had always refused. I feel naughty and excited at the same time being dressed like this. I normally would never venture out of the house wearing anything like this but all I'm planning to do is wearing them the short distance from the front door to the car and then back inside. Today is Saturday, Adam is working a half day today and I need to go pick him up at his job and drop him off at the auto repair shop to pick up his pick-up, which he had serviced today. Well, it's about time to go.

Adam was very surprised to see me dressed like that. He couldn't keep his hands off me as I drove. We had ridden a few minutes before he noticed I was braless. I let him have a little feel of my tits while we stopped at a light but had to keep slapping his hands away as I drove. It was really fun having him trying to grope my tits as I drove but I'm not going to tell him that though or he'll keep trying to do it. Then he noticed the short-shorts. I haven't seen him that excited since our wedding night! When we got to the repair shop, He surprised me when he pulled me from the car so he could get a good look at me. I was scared to death but I also found I enjoyed the looks he gave me! The excitement in his eyes was intoxicating. I also noticed a couple of men staring though the office window at me. That scared me at first until my husband put his arms around me to hug and kiss me; I quickly forgot about the stares from the unknown men and enjoyed his embrace and kisses. He patted my ass as he held the door open for me to get back in the car then leaned in and gave me another kiss. When he got home, he took my hand and led me to the bedroom where he quickly stripped me and made love to me. Well, maybe making love is not the correct term. He stripped me, threw me the bed on my belly and took me from behind like a mad man. I liked it! If wearing minimal clothing in public is going to affect him like this every time, I will just have to do it more often.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

After yesterday's adventure, I decided to go braless today too. Since it is Sunday, I'm wearing an old t-shirt over some old ragged cut-offs jeans. I have decided to cut off these old shorts a lot shorter one day this week without Adam knowing about it and surprise him by wearing them for him next weekend.

Adam kept reaching up under my t-shirt all day! I feel like we are newlyweds again. He just can't keep his hands off me. I'm not complaining though, I am enjoying it too. I now am beginning to wish I had gone braless sooner.

I finally gave in to Adam and went braless under one of my dresses this evening. It turned out to be no big deal. He took me to a nice seafood restaurant nearby. Adam made me take notice more than once that nobody seemed to notice or care if I was braless or not. This just wasn't the normal way I dressed; all I had on under my dress was a tiny white silk thong which Adam also asked me to wear. Adam bought them for me soon after we got married and this is the first time I've worn them out of the house. I was so scared nervous and excited at the same time while in that restaurant, I felt so naked under my dress. I'm just glad the dress was loose and had some ruffles around my breast. My nipples were as hard as bullets and the ruffles hid them pretty good.

I've read in many of those stories from 'Literotica', that many women go completely naked under their dresses. I don't know if I can ever do that or not, only time will tell. Although the thought is exciting though, I guess I could try running around the house without panties tomorrow just to see how it would feel. I just won't let Adam know about it, yet!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Every day this week as soon as I got home from work, I would get out of my business clothes and put on t-shirt and shorts 'only' and go about my normal daily routine until just before Adam got home and I would run to the bedroom and put on some old panties under my shorts. Wednesday, I got around to cutting off those old jean shorts again. I placed my new jean short-shorts on top of them to us as a pattern. I marked on them with a pen and cut just above the line with some scissors. I put them on with and without panties and looked in the mirror. I liked what I saw and how they fit, they were almost tight but I thought they looked better without the panties, and I also decided to cut them off just a little more. After cutting them off one to two inches more I put them on again. Wow! What a difference one to two inches made. They went from 'cute and sexy' to 'wild and daring'! Adam was going to love them! But I knew I could never wear them away from the house. I may have cut off too much in the rear. I can see the roundness of my ass cheeks sticking out from beneath the shorts. I guess these are what you would call booty-shorts because my booty is definitely out there to see. I know Adam will like seeing that!

It is now Friday; I just put on some old orange colored low-rise cotton stretch short-shorts, with the word 'GATORS' across the ass, which an old college roommate gave me while I was still in college. I have never worn them; I don't even know why I kept them but I'm glad I did. With those shorts I wore a short white halter top that buttons down the front that I bought today during lunch break and no underwear what so ever. I know Adam is going to love them. I just hope he doesn't damage them when he takes them off me. I'm planning on meeting him outside by his truck when he drives up because I'm going to be out there watering my flowers when he pulls in.

I was a bit nervous at being outside in the daylight dressed as I was, but it was also exciting at being almost naked outside where any one of my neighbors could drive by and see me while I was waiting for my man Adam. But it excited me even more knowing that Adam would be surprised and excited at seeing me dressed like I was outside. I knew you couldn't see any of my goodies, but there was still a lot of skin showing. There is almost a good 12 inches of bare midriff showing. Nobody and I mean nobody but Adam had seen the skin in my belly area since I was a young teenager wearing a bikini before I started developing. But for some reason that excited me too, I was letting anybody and everybody see my virgin belly skin.

I was just beginning to wonder if my pussy was getting my shorts wet when I saw Adam turning the corner and coming down our street. All of the sudden, I didn't care. I wanted to be seen! I could hear myself shouting inside, "Hey, everyone look at me! I'm practically naked in my front yard, look at me!" Adam's eyes were as big as silver dollars when the truck stopped. Then he got a big grin on his face as he opened the door. I walked over to him and gave him a big hug and kiss as soon as he stood up and I told him I had been waiting on him. I then stepped back and asked him if his liked my new outfit. He didn't say a word. He just scooped me up and carried me inside to the bedroom. What can I say, the sex was great!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

That was yesterday afternoon. I only had about 15 minutes to put down that last paragraph while Adam was in the shower. When Adam found me later, I was in the kitchen making supper. I was wearing just a large t-shirt. He told me he was surprised when he took my clothes off and discovered I wasn't wearing any underwear. I smiled at him and lifted my t-shirt and said, "I not wearing any now either." He shut the stove off and said supper was going to have to wait. I told him he was right as I removed the towel he had wrapped around him and dropped it to the floor between us as I dropped to my knees on top of the towel and took his rapidly growing dick into my mouth in the middle of the kitchen, a first for me. Oh, I have sucked him off many times, I love sucking on his cock, but so far only in the privacy of our bedroom, but never in the kitchen before and with the lights on and window drapes wide open.

That was last evening; it is now late Saturday morning. We slept in because Adam and I had a marathon sex session last night. We didn't get to sleep until after 2AM.

Adam just went outside to wash his pick-up and my car. I am still wearing my PJ top and panties. I told him I would be out in a few minutes to help him because I need to go to the bathroom and then to get dressed. I am going to wear my newly cut-off jean shorts and no panties to help him wash the cars. Now I need to figure what top to wear with them.

The cars are washed and I got soaking wet, thanks to Adam. He said he just had to get my new cut-off top wet to see what I would look like if I ever entered a wet t-shirt contest. The top in question was an old white tank-top of his I found and cut off just below my breast to wear with my cut-off jeans. It looked like a nasty hooker was looking back at me when I saw myself in the mirror. I knew Adam was going to like this look and I knew I was going to get fucked again real soon. We had already had more sex in the last 24 hours than we have had the last 2 weeks. I guess a little exhibitionism is good for a sexually satisfying marriage. I guess Mom just never figured that one out!

I knew Adam usually washed the cars beside the house, on the grass instead of on the front driveway, so I wasn't too concerned that the neighbors might see me dressed like I was. But I also decide to go out the backdoor to the patio to get to the side of the house just in case there was someone out front. Adam did a double take when he seen me come around the corner of the house. He then commented loud enough that I was sure all the neighbors heard him, "Damn Joanie! You look fucking hot! I don't know what has gotten into you lately but I really like it! You're looking like every teenage boy's wet dream right now!" I walked over to him and told him thanks for the comments and then I kissed him as I grabbed his crotch and was surprised to find him already hard. I told him that if all I had to do was dress like this to make him hard that I would be doing it more often. Then I gave his dick a squeeze and told him to let's wash the cars and then we can play. Adam was wearing some old swim shorts and I could tell he wasn't wearing any underwear either but he rarely did on weekends.

I grabbed a wet rag and bent over to wash the top of the hood when I felt him step behind me and rub his hard-on up against my ass and slide his wet hands under my short-shirt and cupped my breast. Oh, it felt so nice being handled like that. I wiggled my ass grinding it against him and had to remind him, "Car first, ass later." We finally finished the cars and we were both sexually worked up with all the teasing and groping we were doing. Then Adam said he wanted to see one more thing. That was when he pinned me against my car and turned the hose on me, soaking me from head to toe. I looked down and my top was completely transparent. Adam then quickly pulled out his phone and took a picture of me like that. I told him to delete it, he said he would but after he had transferred it to his computer so he could remember me looking like this forever. I then posed a couple more positions for him, even one with me holding the water hose as the cold water was hitting directly on one of my wet breast and showing the hard nipple. And another with the water hose shoved down the front of my shorts and the water pouring out the legs of my shorts. That cold water steadily running over the lips of my pussy was not helping one little bit in helping to cool that pussy off.

I ran into the house and into out master bathroom and got out of those wet clothes. Adam was just seconds behind me. He got out of his clothes and pulled me into the shower for the sex I so badly needed and wanted.

After the shower, I put on just a light blue t-shirt that barely covered my ass and another pair of cotton thong panties to wear around the house the rest of the day. Well, that was my plan. Adam had other ideas. He wanted to go to 'Home Depot' and get a couple things for the house and wanted me to put on the new jean short-shorts I bought last week and go with him. Two weeks ago I would have told him 'no way, not dressed like this', today I just said "OK, be right back."

And now here I was walking around 'Home Depot' obviously braless under my light blue t-shirt. You could easily tell my nipples were hard under my shirt. At first I was embarrassed by my hard nipples and walked with by arms across my chest but Adam kept telling me how sexy it made me look. And he didn't help matters much, whenever no one was around, he would grope my tits. This just made matters worse. Those darn nipples just seemed to get harder each time he played with them. But after a while I got pass the embarrassed phase and began to enjoy the looks and stares of the men there and there seemed to be a lot of them in there this Saturday. Before we left I had stopped trying to cover my hard nipples up and proudly let them lead the way. I was still wearing my thongs under my shorts. I 'm still not ready to leave the house without panties yet but two weeks ago I would have never left the house braless and now I seem to be enjoying it.

He asked me later in the afternoon if I was ever going to wear that cut-off t-shirt and those cut-off jeans from that morning around town. I surprised myself when I didn't say never, I told him "Not anytime soon but who knows, someday maybe." He seemed pleased with that answer.

He then said, "One day maybe, we can get that tiny bikini I want you to get and those shirt and shorts would be the perfect cover-up for the bikini." I thought, "He's right, they would be great for swimsuit cover-ups. I guess I could wear them out in public one day without any problems."

Saturday, May 28, 2011

This past week had been pretty much back to normal except that the first thing I do now it to take off all my clothes when I get home and put on just a big t-shirt to wear around the house. My old normal I would just remove my shoes and wear everything else as I made supper and cleaned around the house. I definitely feel more comfortable wearing just a t-shirt; I even had a thought Friday at remaining naked, but didn't have the nerve but I thought about it all afternoon. Maybe I'll give it a try one day next week if I get the nerve.

Just after lunch today, Adam told me to put on one of my short dresses with no bra because he was taking me shopping for a new bikini. I decided to wear a mid-thigh length halter dress Adam bought me while on our honeymoon. I wore a bra with it then but not today. Adam was pleased with my selection and asked if I was pantiless under it too. I told him that I was wearing underwear under this short dress and to not to push me about not wearing any because I wasn't ready for that yet.

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