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Joanna Loves to be Watched

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A voyeur takes his exhibitionist girlfriend to a party.
5.6k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 08/13/2023
Created 08/04/2023
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This story is set in 1980 Birmingham. There is no social media, no mobile phones and the range of acceptable moral behaviour was different. This is the same Joanna as appears in some other stories of mine, but this is set about eight months before the first of those stories so there is no need to have read those other stories.

For this set of stories, the idea is that a self-confessed voyeur is going out with an exhibitionist who is in denial about this aspect of her character. Her ex-boyfriend is meant to be a jerk who deserved to be dumped. They both know that the relationship will last at most six to nine months and so are more focused on enjoying themselves. Nowadays this pair would probably be friends with benefits, so I will not be using cuckold language or humiliating my main protagonists. Every one described being involved in sexual activity is over 18.

There is a sub plot about group sex in these stories but it is a secondary aspect.


David arrived back on the evening of Tuesday 18th September 1980 to the house he shared with Dom and Pete (or Team DP as they liked to call themselves). His father had lent him the money to buy the house in July 1979 as a long-term investment as well as somewhere for David and his friends to live in during their last two years at Birmingham University. While the house belonged to David and his father equally, his father had funded the entire acquisition and would expect to paid back teh loan if it was sols. Still dad wasn't charging interest and allowed David to keep the rent his friends paid.

The house had been furnished with the second-hand pieces which the three friends' parents would otherwise have thrown away. The only good bits of furniture were the TV, the sound system, and the armchair and double bed in the "guest" room.

He went through the post and threw away the circulars, checked which bills needed paying and looked at the postcards. There was also a cassette from Dom with a note saying "Here's our new mixtape. Listen to it on your headphones." He smiled. Dom and Pete produced the best mix tapes ever.

To his surprise there were three letters from Joanna, who had been his girlfriend since March. Their holidays had coincided badly over the summer, and they hadn't seen each other since July 27. He'd expected that as she was going to university this month the relationship had come to a natural end and that he would have a single Dear John letter saying in effect it had been fun while it lasted but so long and thanks for all the fish. In the first letter he read that she'd mucked up one of her A levels badly and underperformed on German. Well perhaps not a surprise considering that she had gone to a night club the night before her second history paper, but he expected that she'd have got in somewhere else through clearing.

The second letter said that Darling Daddy had agreed that he would pay for her to going to a crammer to retake History and German because UCL had offered to let her in next year provided she got at least a C in history this year.

The third letter invited him to her brother's eighteenth birthday party on Saturday and to bring Dom and Pete with him. She also said that Darling Daddy had insisted that she got a Saturday job and that it was très amusante.

So, she was going to be in Birmingham this year and was happy for the relationship to continue at least for the time being. That was fine with him. His relationship with Joanna had already been his longest lasting one, partly because neither of them were pretending that they were going to be together forever, and mainly because the freedom she wanted in the relationship suited him.

They had met at a meeting of the French Literature Society in Birmingham in mid March. Although he was doing English at Birmingham, he had done French A level and still read novels in French for fun. The lecture had been about the Madame Bovary, and he had gone there hoping he could pick up a woman who found Emma Bovary's carriage ride more exciting than immoral. His own take was that if you wanted to challenge social mores, don't get into debt.

He scouted out the talent before the lecture. Most of those present looked too proper for his tastes. However, there was a five-foot eight blonde with long legs and good-sized breasts. She was wearing tight blue jeans and a white blouse which she had knotted so that everyone could see her navel, and which accentuated her bosom. She had a rather jealous boyfriend in tow who was telling her off for dressing so provocatively and to remember that she was his girlfriend. The woman had looked annoyed rather than embarrassed. The impression was confirmed when she went to the toilet and came back having converted the blouse so that there was no longer a navel display, but instead a display of cleavage. The boy snapped saying in aloud whisper, "Joanna, everyone's staring at you. Cover yourself up." She said, "Don't be silly Lionel."

He took a seat on the row behind them but making certain that he had an aisle seat. His impressions were confirmed. It was clear that even though the boyfriend must be at least eighteen he was behaving like a grumpy little boy. He kept looking at the woman and trying to grab her hand despite the fact that she wanted to listen to the lecture. Her body language bristled with irritation. She eventually slapped his hand away. David nodded. He would play the percentages here that the woman would want rescuing.

The lecture ended and the customary applause was given, and the announcement made that the attendees were invited to stay and have a glass of wine. There was no one blocking his exit and he made certain that he was first in the queue for the wine. He took two glasses and saw to his delight that the woman was by herself while her companion was at the back of a long line.

He came up to her and said, "I see a damsel in distress. Have a glass on me while you're waiting. I'm David by the way."

She took it and smiled at him. "That's kind of you, David. Lionel promised to get me one, but he spent so much time telling me off that he's at the back of the queue. I'm Joanna. Do you help damsels in distress?"

Pretty good hint that she'd had enough of Lionel. He decided to go for broke. "Do you want me to help you get rid of Lionel? He seems to think that he owns you. If I was him I would be proud that everyone wanted to look at you"

She laughed and said, "Yes please. He really won't take the hint and he's so possessive." Already Lionel was staring at them from the queue with a panicked look on his face. David chinked her glass and moved closer to her. She laughed and moved towards him and kissed him on the cheek.

Lionel played it all wrong. He accused her of cheating on him and David of stealing his woman. David replied that the last time he's checked slavery had been abolished and could choose her own company. Lionel stupidly gave an ultimatum that unless Joanna came home with him now, the relationship was over. Two minutes later Lionel was leaving without Joanna.

David turned to Joanna, "I think after that little drama, a cold glass of white wine is in order. Let's celebrate your freedom."

Thirty minutes later they were in a wine bar with the usual candles in empty bottles of Mateus Rose. She took a long sip of the Australian Chardonnay he had bought her and then breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank goodness that's over. It started out sweet but...."

"Tell me about it."

She did and this gave him enough clues to know the line to take. She had turned eighteen in November and had started going out with Lionel at a New Year's Eve party. He was the head boy at St Thomas's which David knew was a top-notch Grammar school. It had been fun at first, but Lionel had demanded to know where she was all the time and would not let her out of his sight at parties or allow her to discos and nightclubs. If she even laughed at a joke told by another man he accused her of leading the man on. After a month he had started talking about getting engaged. That had scared her. She said that she was still learning about life and had no intention of settling down until she had graduated from university.

It was clear that Joanna liked the idea of being in a relationship but did not want it to be to the exclusion of other friendships including with men. She had seemed interested when he had offered a relationship which gave her the companionship of a boyfriend when she wanted it, but the freedom to spend time with other friends.

When he had said that both of them were young and she in particular needed time and space to work out what she needed from life and relationships. He understood that she would be going to university next year and if they were honest, the two of them would not stay together long. Still provided that they were honest with each other and respected each other they could enjoy life now and the relationship should at worse be a pleasant memory for both of them. They exchanged addresses and he was pleased to find she lived in Edgbaston. They arranged to meet in Cannon Hill Park at the Midlands Arts Centre the following afternoon.

She had a party she needed to be at tonight, and he had learnt from experience that it helped women transition from relationships if they could tell their friends that they had split up from one boyfriend before they started going out with the next. He had even given her suggestions as to how to announce the split up and how to make certain that all her female friends and enough of the male friends were on her side.

Before he set out to meet her he had changed the sheets on the double bed in the "guest" bedroom and aired the room after last night. On Saturday night Dom and Pete had picked up a town bint at a nightclub and persuaded her to sample the Team DP experience. The door of the guest bedroom was opposite his bedroom. She had been sufficiently inebriated not to ask questions when they had left the door open and the lights on. This meant that she could not see him watching them taking the girl to heaven and back. Their theory was that provided one of them was always focusing on revving up a girl's erogenous zones, the other could concentrate on his own pleasure. They managed to talk this one into being spit roasted and even did the Eiffel Tower handshake above her. Dom had then taken the girl to find a taxi to get home while Pete added her autographed bra to their collection and switched off the cassette recorder on which they had recorded her enthusiastic participation in proceedings.

Joanna was on time for the meeting. Within five minutes they were snogging and an hour later they were back at his house in the guest bedroom giving it a test drive. David had always found it easy to start relationships with women who had escaped from a jealous boyfriend - keeping them going after they realised exactly how relaxed he was about them flirting with other men was the hard thing. Still the fact that he was already at university, had a car, his own house, plenty of money and was not possessive meant that she was happy to give it a go.

After a week he started accompanying her to nightclubs and to meetings with her friends. He was not introduced as his boy friend and when her friends asked questions he said that he didn't want to make her feel bullied especially after how that bastard Lionel had behaved to her. When pressed he said that he was happy to wait until she was ready. She tested him by flirting, dancing, and occasionally snogging with men at nightclubs, but he passed with flying colours. He had worked out that although she loved to be the centre of attention she cared about her reputation with her friends and so would only go so far in front of them. Therefore, he could enjoy watching her flirt with other men without feeling that he had to step in or that she expected him to intervene.

She had assured him that she would not cheat on him but enjoyed winding men up, so they thought that they were about to get lucky and then saying no way, Jose. The fact that men wanted to get off with Joanna tuned him on and made him feel proud to be her boyfriend and the fact that he would not mind if she went further with them did not need to be mentioned. Her friends found it amusing as she was the queen bee of their group and they thought that she should be cut some slack after Lionel. One or two did say that Joanna was perhaps going out a little too much considering the A levels were coming, but they all accepted that if anyone could get away with it she could.

She told him that he was only her third real boyfriend. She had had sex with a boyfriend of two years on the day after her eighteenth birthday and it had been so bad that she had dumped him within a week. She then had gone out with Lionel and that had been a disaster. Both boys had been approved of by Darling Daddy which was why she had gone out with them. David had no problem with not being invited to meet Darling Daddy although he was amused by the thought of what his honest answer would be if asked what his intentions were in relation to her. The tactful answer was to help her enjoy life until the summer holidays and then allow her to have a fresh start at university. The real answer involved watching her in the Guest Bedroom with the DP Team,

Three weeks into the relationship she had gone with him, Dom, and Pete to a party given by Steve, a friend of Pete's from his hometown, who was now at Bristol University. David had put Steve up when he came to visit Pete in Birmingham, so Steve had arranged them to use two rooms in a student house next door to his. The normal occupants were away from Bristol that weekend.

David drove them all down in his Honda Civic (a second-hand car dad had got from his company), and they had brought spare sheets with them so that the people whose rooms they had borrowed would not have grounds for complaint about him and Joanna having sex on their bed or about Team DP getting lucky.

They reached Steve's house around three and the party was at seven thirty. The reality was that it wouldn't get going until an hour or so later. They'd arrived early to help set up the party and move furniture so that there were clear places for dancing downstairs and a designated make out room upstairs. The smallest bedroom basically became the place where unneeded tables, bookshelves and other bits of furniture were placed. The bed was totally covered in furniture which was not to be risked. Dom and Pete exchanged a knowing look with Steve. Steve saw that and shrugged, "One of my house mates has mislaid the key."

At six thirty they went next door and prepared for the party. Joanna had bought an overnight bag with her and also had a shopping bag from a city centre boutique. Dom had asked her what she had bought, but she said that she didn't want to spoil the surprise. She said that she wanted to have fun but reassured David that she would be there for him at the end of the night. She sent him out of their room while she got changed into her costume and he went and sat with Dom and Pete in the kitchen.

There was a knock on the door, and they saw Joanna wearing a tight-fitting black leather jumpsuit with a zip down the front. There was a leather belt around her waist as well. David said, "Wow, just wow. My girlfriend's a rock chick."

Pete said, "You look more like a Suzi with a Z than a Joanna."

Joanna nodded, "No, I'll be Roxanne tonight. I'm a bad girl."

Dom said, "You should have let us know, we could have brought a red-light bulb with us for you to put on in the window."

Joanna joined in the laughter. She had not been entirely comfortable around Dom and Pete at first but had realised that they were good friends with David and wanted the best for him. Pete had had the conversation with her saying that they thought she was good for David and to let them know if their joshing went too far. She accepted this bit of banter in good part.

They had a bottle of beer each before going to the party. They had already unloaded the booze and nibbles they had brough down from Birmingham with them. It was decided that the men would go round at seven thirty and Janna would make an entrance at eight forty. They left her with two bottle of beer doing her French homework.

When they got to the party Pete had a word with Steve. "Look, Steve, Joanna is coming and will end up with David tonight. She's come out of a bad relationship where her boyfriend made her feel bad and needs a morale boost. Encourage your friends to make a pass at her."

David said "That will be fine Steve. She's too used to having to be the good girl back home."

Steve laughed. "Understood."

The eventual appearance of Roxanne was greeted with all the enthusiasm Joanna could have wished for and it was clear to David that all the unattached males (and some of the attached) were working out how they could get into her pants tonight.

Joanna was good at mixing with new people and was thoroughly enjoying herself. He had agreed not to cramp her style as she wanted to practice flirting and meeting new people. However, her admirers made certain that she always had some fruit punch in her hand. The drink had rather more vodka in it than she was used to, and that and the beers early meant that by 9.15 she was tipsy and relaxed.

This meant that when a tape of rock and roll and heavy metal songs was put on she had no hesitation in dragging the three men immediately around her to where the music was playing.

She had told him previously that she wanted to be a performer, but that Darling Daddy had refused to allow her to have acting lessons or dancing lessons other than ballet and ballroom. Apparently Daddy regarded actresses, singers and dancers as being much the same as prostitutes.

David had known that Joanne had sang along in her bedroom in her bedroom pretending her hairbrush was a microphone to her favourite songs, but he had not guessed that she must have spent hours devising dance routines to her favourites.

When Devil Gate Drive came on some muscle memory must have been triggered as she shuffled sideways, did kicks into the air, played air guitar while tossing her long hair around in the air, wriggled her arse, and shook her hips as the music played. She'd also adjusted the zip on her jumps suit so that it although her breasts were still covered, the V neck was on display. He was almost certain that she wasn't wearing a bra.

He was standing next to Steve watching the display when an older bloke asked, "Who is that girl?" Steve caught David's eye, winked, and said, "Don't know for certain, Max. She's called Roxanne. Someone said she's a dancer for rock bands and that Rod Stewart and Mick Jagger have spent the night with her."

Max said, "At the same time?"

"Well, she looks like she would have been up for it, Max."

Max nodded and looked at Joanna and whistled. "She looks like she can give me both satisfaction and easy action tonight." Max walked over and looked at the cassette play list to see what songs were coming up.

Joanna was sitting the next song out and having another fruit punch. He looked at her and gave the prearranged signal which asked her if she wanted to be left to her own devices for the foreseeable future. She nodded at him, and he smiled back.

It was now around ten and he went over and joined Dom and Pete who were chatting up two girls. His role now was to peel off the one wearing jeans and a jumper so that they could concentrate on their target who would be the girl in the strapless little black dress, tights, and heels. He chatted to the girl in the jeans, discovered her name was Julie and was studying modern languages. Perfect, he could dance with and have things in common to talk about with her. As he got on to the dance floor Dom went off to get some drinks while Pete danced with Trixie, the lawyer, in the little black dress.


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