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Jogging and Dogging

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A divorcee goes jogging in tight Lycra.
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Six months ago my husband of three years found out about an affair that I'd been having with a guy at work; a quite senior guy as it happens.

Luke wasn't happy and he packed my bags meaning that I had to return, tail between my legs to live with my unsympathetic parents.

My lover, in his quest not to be found out too quickly arranged for me to be made redundant and leave the company ASAP.

OK it was a very healthy financial package; but finding a similar job wasn't going to be easy, as I was to slowly find out.

Luke put our house up for sale (too many memories) and it sold relatively quickly; so once the mortgage was paid off and a couple of other hire purchase things too; I was sitting with a considerable amount of money in my bank account but no job and still living in my box-room with my parents and very judgemental sister.

Then just after opening and deleting another two negative responses to my job applications I surprisingly received a text from my ex-lover; Grant with an e-mail address and a man's name that I recognised from a rival company nearly 200 miles away, saying they had a vacancy 'for me' and signed off "Good luck."

My mind was a whirl .... the bastard hadn't been in touch at all, dropping me like a brick; then this.

In reality I had little choice, so composed an e-mail and attached my CV.

Less than an hour later there was a reply inviting me to an interview two days later!

The interview went exceptionally well and it turned out the MD on the other side of the desk was a long-standing friend of Grant and had rang him to see if he knew anyone that could do this particular roll; and my ex-lover had instantly recommended me; saying that the 'redundancy was nothing to do with my work qualities, just a financial necessity alongside 10 others' and he had told him 'my marriage had broke down a week later and 'something about my husband being at fault,' (which was an odd lie but I supposed that just stopped the new MD asking any deep questions that could lead back to our affair.)

24 hours later I got the job without a second interview and was invited to start in two weeks, which would give me time to 'settle things at home' and find accommodation.

Via the power of the internet I rented a small but neatly furnished flat from the following week and set off to navigate around my new home and surrounding area.

One of the first things I looked for was a gym; but the closest two didn't look my type of thing; so I guessed I'd ask around the office at the factory when I got there.

Instead I went running, something I'd always enjoyed. When driving to and from my new flat I drove past a forest with a lake that was visible from the road; about four miles away, so set off in that direction.

The first car park I came to would hold about 20 cars but there was only one other parked at the opposite corner.

After doing some stretches I set off around the lake wearing my favourite trainers, leggings and a baggy t-shirt which did nothing to stop my 34b boobs jiggling when I ran.

Two laps and 40 minutes later I had a 'glow on' when I got back to my car. There were now three more cars there with an oldish lady putting her dog in the back of a hatchback. We exchanged smiles and small waves.

As I did some 'warm down' stretches I had the feeling a man in a blue van, about thirty yards away was watching me a bit too closely. With my back to him, I probably over did things, flexing my legs and buttocks to give him a bit of a thrill.

I was back the next morning at about the same time, and this time the car park was empty apart from the woman with the dog's hatchback. I went through my regular warm ups and set off; passing the lady and her dog at one stage, when we greeted each other as I ran past. I was feeling particularly 'good' so managed three laps and was slightly out of breath on my return to the car.

The blue van was there again and only two bays away and a large car on the other side where a man was sitting smoking and reading a newspaper.

Being in such a 'good mood' made me feel a bit naughty, so I over exaggerated my warm down again; giving myself a surprising 'thrill' as I stretched my legs and made my boobs deliberately bounce a couple of times.

When I finished I took a long gulp of water and sneaked a peak at the man in the van, whose window was down and he made no pretence of staring and smiling at me.

The rest of the day was uneventful; but for some reason the man in the van stuck in my mind. I couldn't figure out why, as he must have been in his 40's or 50's and hadn't looked particularly handsome; certainly not my 'type'.

Before I first met Luke; who really is handsome and a 'gym bunny' I'd had more than my share of lovers; all on the upper scale of good looking; as I'd been told many times ... so was I.

I'm 29 now, 5ft 6 in stockinged feet, shoulder length mousey brown hair, 34b and slim because of my gym work and running.

The rest of the week carried on in a similar fashion, although I was now wearing my tightest pink Lycra boy-shorts and a halter neck running crop top, without a sports bra. Blue Van man was there another twice and on the Friday morning when I got back to my car, he had actually moved his van into the bay next to my car, leaving about three feet between the vehicles.

With so little space I did my warm downs on the grass in front of my car; but making sure he got a good look at me.

I don't think of myself as an exhibitionist; but as far back as I could remember I always 'dressed to impress' on nights out and at work, aiming to catch the attention of guys of all ages and persuasions.

I don't think I was a 'prick tease' either; but I think some guys thought that if I wouldn't let them inside my knickers .... but plenty did!

Satisfied he'd seen enough I squeezed through the gap to my car door, with my back to him.

"Nice ink." He said, with a light rasp to his voice, commenting on my colourful 'half sleeve' and tattoos on my thigh and back.

"Thanks." I responded while opening my door, being careful not to knock his van, which made me turn sideways.

"Shit!" I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand.

He was nonchalantly playing with himself with the van window open.

I was speechless but didn't or couldn't move away .... just stood staring at him as he shook some more blood into the stiffening shaft.

After a couple of minutes he asked "Do you want a go?"

I shook my head but my heart was beating like a drum as I still stared in fascination.

"Come closer so I can get a better look at your tits."

Stunned I looked around and realised that my car door was hiding me from a couple of dog walkers 100 yards or so away.

I will never know why; but the tattooed Devil on my shoulder was whispering naughty things in my ear, so I stepped closer to his open window and gently leaned forward so my boobs jiggled slightly.

With his left hand stretching his cock he hung his right arm on the widow sill, then softly stroked my nipples which were poking through the fine Lycra, making me let out a soft gasp.

"Show me properly." He grinned and slid a finger inside the tight hem on my crop top.

Again I looked around to see if anyone was watching; and when they weren't I quickly lifted my top clear of my tits and gave him a quick flash before pulling it back in place.

"Nice." He winked, "do it again but leave them on show this time."

I took a deep breath counting '1...2...3' then lifted my top up to my neck then, slightly leaning further forward and resting my hands on the window sill, my tits were just about inside his van. My stomach was churning and my hands shaking with excitement.

The man grinned then gently caressed my tits and teased my nipples with his calloused fingers as he slowly stroked his stiff cock. I couldn't tell if this was absolute madness or the sexiest thing I'd done in over ten years.

After a couple of minutes his cock was as hard as it was going to be and his hand was working it in a frenzy while cupping and stroking my tits .... with not a word being exchanged between the two of us.

I'm not even sure how 'turned on' I actually was; excited -- yes; but 'turned on' -- I 'm not sure.

The mans' eyes began to twinkle and his breathing louder and shallower with the occasional gulp ..... I knew what was about to happen and it did, his body stiffened and he raised his hips as his cock erupted with creamy white cum oozing out and sliding down his knuckles as he began gulping in oxygen.

"Fuck!" he sighed as he squeezed the last drops out and forcefully squeezed one of my boobs making me wince.

I took a step back, automatically pulled my top back covering my quivering tits; turned and got in my car ..... pulling away before I'd even had time to put my seat-belt on; which I rectified at the exit as I waited for traffic to pass.

My brain was a blur on the drive home; and even as I made a cup of tea .... reliving my moment of madness (which probably lasted 5 minutes or less).

By the time I'd finished my tea I couldn't wipe the grin off my face; and in the shower too when I washed my sweaty tits and pussy too.

My mind raced for the rest of the day; even though I went shopping for more bits n pieces for the flat I still couldn't get that image out of my head.

Around 7 one of my best friends from back home rang and we chatted for nearly an hour; and when she asked 'what was I getting up to' I replied that I'd joined a gym and had started running around a lake; but stopped short of telling her about the strange man stroking my tits while I watched him have a wank.

I couldn't resist going back again on Saturday morning, but there was no sign of him and his van nor the Sunday morning either; which I strangely found disappointing even though I did get plenty of attention from plenty of male dog walkers and young Dads taking their kids out for some exercise.

My first day at the new job was both exhilarating and nerve racking; but I got through without any major faux pas' or misunderstandings and was ready for a 'run' to work off the excess adrenaline when I arrived home.

The car park was empty bar one car when I arrived but surprisingly, as I'd only seen two other runners had 7 or 8 other cars parked when I arrived back at about 8pm; where my car now had cars either side of it, with single men in the drivers seats.

As I walked towards them I had the feeling that they were doing the same as the van driver had; so I edged past one to sand in front of my car with the bushes behind me and put on 'a show' while 'warming down' ..... lots of stretches and lunges with a few squats for good measure.

This pleased the man in the red car so much, he got out of his car. He looked in his 40's and a bit on the fat side with lots of tattoos on his arms and neck. He grinned at me as he lit a cigarette and sat on the bonnet watching me intently, then he edged his jogging pants down to release his cock which was already quite stiff.

I couldn't stop myself smiling at him as I continued my stretches, making sure he got a good view of my tight arse in my Lycra shorts and jiggling boobs as I touched my toes.

After a minute or so the other driver, a tall skinny man even older I guessed, followed suit, resting against the bonnet of his car, slowly wanking too.

My heart was racing at this stage and I didn't know what to do, waiting for one of them to make the first move.

The tattooed man spoke first as he tugged on his cock; "Are you gonna show us your tits?"

I nervously shrugged my shoulders as I looked from one to the other and spotted another man edging forward.

"Why not?" I giggled as I pulled my Lycra top over my head releasing my tits for all three to ogle.

"Shake them again then," the fat man smirked as he took a drag off his cigarette while sleazily wanking his cock.

I put my hands behind my head and shook my tits for them.

"Come here and let me have a feel." He smirked.

I subserviently walked towards him, stopping a couple of feet in front of him. With one hand tugging on his cock his cigarette was dangling from his mouth as he outstretched his other hand and stroked my tits; making me gasp and bite my lip as he roughly stroked a nipple.

"Have you done this before?" He asked as he continued pawing my tits. I shook my head. "Is this a fantasy or are you a tease?"

As he said this he ran his fingers down my stomach and pulled on the elastic of my shorts.

I shrugged again, staring longingly at his cock which was nicely standing to attention.

"Do you want a go?" he asked pulling me to him by my shorts. I simply smiled and nodded as I stroked his cock with my fingers.

"Can you make me cum?" he groaned as I wrapped my fingers around his shaft.

"Probably." I anxiously began pulling his foreskin up and down making him groan even louder.

By now I sensed the other man was behind me and got a shock when he wrapped his arms around me to take a handful of tit in each hand, then squeeze and shake them.

No one said a word but the air was full with gasps and groans; especially from me when the fat tattooed man began rubbing me through the tight Lycra between my legs; which made me wank him faster, using my thumb on the tip.

"Suck it baby ... suck it!" He panted, and seconds later I was bent at 90 degrees with a mouthful of cock and cupping his hairy balls while the other man caressed my arse and stroked his cock across it too.

I got lost in my blow job and missed the man behind me edging my shorts down until it was too late and my naked arse was now on show.

I could hear the other man's breathing as he rubbed his cock over my arse cheeks and then got brave and pushed it between them, not exactly trying to fuck me but sliding his hard cock along my wet slit.

The man I was sucking began panting and thrusting his cock in my mouth making me think he was close to cumming so I stopped and took over with my hand which only took thirty seconds and a spurt shot out and landed on my bouncing tits then oozed out covering my hand as I firmly squeezed it up and down until every last ounce was out.

"Stay like that!" the man behind groaned as he pulled his cock out from between my arse cheeks and seconds later I felt his warm spunk landing on my arse as he slid his hand in between my legs again and cheekily fingered me!

As we uncoupled I actually realised we'd been watched by six other men, who all had their cocks out wanking.

I quickly pulled my shorts back up forgetting for a second or two that there was a load of spunk on my arse which smeared all over as I hiked them all the way up; then reached across and recovered my top from the front of my car and fumbled it back into place.

Without making eye contact I moved past a couple of men and got into my car, only then realising that I was trembling with excitement.

As I gathered my thoughts I saw a couple of men staring at me, still with their cocks out. One caught my eye and moved his head as if trying to tell me something.

I shook my head as I didn't know what he meant.

"Are you going to finger yourself?" He mouthed.

'Oh my fucking God!' I shook my head as the smell of sex in the car was now filling al of my senses.

"Go on!" He mouthed again and waved his cock from side to side as another man moved beside him, and yet another looking into the passenger window.

I couldn't remember being this turned on for years .... and playing with myself was certainly on my agenda for when I got home .... but now?

In my car?

In front of masturbating perverts?

"Why the Hell not????"

I quickly moved my drivers seat backwards then lifted my top up again to show them my cum spattered tits which I began sexily caressing for them, concentrating on rubbing cum onto my tingling nipples too.

As I continued I closed my eyes and slid my other hand inside my Lycra shorts, tugging and scratching my luxuriant pubes before making my way to my moist vagina which was tingling; especially my clit which was standing very proud.

By now I was squirming in my drivers seat oblivious to the world around me.

I was shaken out of my stupor by a knock on the window.

"Pull your pants down .... show us what you're doing" the tall man grinned while tugging on his cock.

I nodded then slid my shorts to my knees, then had to move around and bend double, to get them to my ankles, where I somehow managed to kick a trainer off then pull them off that leg.

Straightening myself, I saw a fourth man leaning across the windscreen.

My stomach was turning over and over as I slightly swivelled and crazily raised my left leg so my foot with my shorts dangling off rested on the dashboard and the other meant I could plant my foot against the door frame; giving those on that side a glorious view of my sodden pussy.

With glazed eyes and a dry mouth I began circling my clit for them then ran my fingers down the outside before stretching my labia; while running the fingers on my other hand through the sticky jizz on my heaving tits.

All four men were pressed against the door window and windscreen as I slowly pushed my middle finger inside my wet gash with ease, but still made me bite my lip.

My chest was heaving as I fingered myself, knowing I was being watched by a group of perverts, but my fingering got more frantic and deeper with my palm brushing against my clit.

I could hear one man giving a running commentary as I added a second finger and tugged on my nipples.

Soon I couldn't hold back and began frantically rubbing my engorged clit as I spread my legs as wide as possible so the pervs could watch me fingering myself unhindered. It didn't take long until that familiar tingle started and I was bouncing on the drivers seat with two fingers buried deep inside my vagina as my clit threatened to explode when my orgasm finally hit me .... with a woof!

As I regained my senses I saw my window was smeared with cum which was running down with rivulets racing each other.

Shaking like a leaf as I tried to hook my shorts back around my ankle, I realised I would have to get out of the car to do it. I carefully opened the door and looked around and couldn't see anyone still hanging around so as quick as possible pulled my top back into place then with my bare arse on show to the world finally got my foot in the correct hole in my shorts and pulled the still damp Lycra back into place, then climbed back into my car and raced off home.

Emotions were going off like firecrackers; as I was still quite horny as parts of the last hour flashed through my brain, but I also shed a couple of tears at the shame of what I'd just done.

Finally home I poured a big glass of white wine and gulped half down, then stripped off throwing my stained Lycra gear into the wash basket and had a long refreshing shower.

At just after 10 I decided to go to bed; but couldn't get to sleep for reliving my adventures in the car park; finally having to give in to my emptions and picking the spunk stained clothes out of the basket which I began sniffing the aroma of stale cum and juices, then began frantically rubbing my clit again, before forcing my arse off the bed and took my weight on my shoulders so I could really finger my pussy with two then three fingers with my face covered in my spunk covered Lycra running gear.

Even fingering myself so roughly while reimagining my actions earlier couldn't make me cum .... even changing hands two or three times; and it was only when I nautically took my sticky fingers out of one hot hole and slid one then a second knuckle deep in my arse that tipped my over the edge and my orgasm was so powerful I felt like I may bounce off my bed.

Thankfully I did get to sleep with a big grin on my face.

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Mag58Mag58less than a minute agoAuthor

There is the potential Pt II, but I'm in the middle of a new story that will tickle your fancy too.

GregLemond777GregLemond7771 day ago

Perfectly paced and very sexy...there is no doubt she will be going back for more so let's hope part two will be along shortly!

robertjohnrobertjohn5 days ago

A good story. A nicely written account of your sexual adventures.

Mag58Mag585 days agoAuthor

Thank you - it means a lot. Amy xx

InfiniteUnknowableInfiniteUnknowable5 days ago

A sleazy and potentially dangerous scenario for a woman alone, but also essential to the thrill of it. Has a believable and gritty edge which I like a lot.

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