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Joshua & Sarah Pt. 05

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The Naked Nancy website expands to multiple stars.
7.2k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/09/2016
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This is a sequel to the story about Joshua and Naomi. That story ended with Naomi being transformed by Joshua her stepson from an obsessive religion lifestyle to that of a more normal person. In this story Joshua guides Sarah, his sister, to a new more liberated lifestyle. If sexual contact between siblings offends you then please do not read this story.

Edited by WindySwimming

Joshua, Travis and Sarah decide to tell Beth about Naked Nancy

Joshua, Travis and Sarah met for dinner at a popular restaurant in town.

After they finished eating Joshua said, "Sarah if we're going to continue the Naked Nancy site for any period of time we have to tell Beth about it."

Sarah shook her head, frowned and looked at Travis. "What do you think?"

"I'm with Joshua," Travis said. "I'll have to admit my part in this to Ms. Hudson, Beth's maiden name. Sarah, I think I am falling in love with you, I want you to move in with me. I know this is not the most romantic way to ask you, in front of your brother, but it seems we're all so busy and well it has to a part of this discussion."

Sarah eyes filled with tears. She got up and hugged Travis, not caring what anyone else thought. "Travis, I know I love you but could not tell you because of, ah, well, because I'm fucking other people. Doesn't that bother you?"

Travis responded, "As long as we are in this together, no it doesn't. If you were hiding things and lying to me that would be different. But we're in this together."

"What if we stopped Naked Nancy now?" Sarah asked. "That would mean we would not have to tell Beth. I mean I started a new relationship with my mom. What a shock this will be."

"I think that's true," Joshua said. "It is an option that needs to be considered. It is really up to you when you want to stop. I know mom will not like it but she will also not let it affect our new found family. She wants a relationship with us very badly."

Sarah looked pensive. "The only way I want to stop now is if Travis says it is hurting our relationship for the long term. I eventually want to be a wife and mother with several kids. But for now, I'm enjoying sowing some wild oats, making up for lost time and making us money to start our adult lives off without debt. We are making lots of money, aren't we?"

Joshua answered, "The way we are growing users and with modest merchandising revenue projection, we will each walk away with more than $500k in six months. I also think the Naked Nancy brand will sell. We could potentially sell Nancy Entertainment and keep the technology that we continue to improve and start our own technology business."

Sarah said, "That pays for college for both of you and leaves some to start a business. I'm not sure I want to go college at all. There is nothing I can think of I want to do that requires a college degree."

"Or instead of finishing college," Travis mused, "we could put the money into starting our business and Sarah could work in the business. Sarah, I have made it clear, what we are doing with Naked Nancy won't affect our relationship. I take the two things as separate."

"Then let's do Naked Nancy for a few more months," Sarah concluded. "You guys go to college and I'll make Naked Nancy work for us. Let's hire Jeanine part time to help you guys. Let's develop exit options over the next few months. But for now let's tell Mom what we're doing?"

Travis said, "I want to be there also and admit my involvement. Sarah, I also want to tell Ms. Hudson of my intentions towards you. At least tell her we're dating. Well this is a date isn't it?"

Sarah and Joshua laughed. "You're a lousy date," Sarah said. "I mean bringing my brother to a date is terrible. But you're a great fuck."

Travis laughed saying, "Thanks. Will you move in with me? My apartment has two bedrooms and we could set up the second as a recording studio."

"Yes Travis, I would love to move in with you. Let's do it next week and I can stop going to Isiah's home church. I'm ready to stop that hypocrisy."

Joshua said, "I'll accompany Mom and Naomi to church on Sunday morning. It is very liberal and open minded considering we're in the South. You two want to attend with us. It would put Mom in a great mode to spring this news on her."

Travis looked at Sarah, "That's good with me. I am not religious anyway so whatever is fine with me."

Sarah smiled, "I'm not sure what I am anymore so why not. I think mom would really like that."

The next morning Sarah dressed in her nicest new dress for the Sunday morning service at Beth's church. It was a simple modest dark shift. Joshua picked her up on the way to Beth's. Travis was waiting for them wearing a suit and tie as they pulled up to Beth's.

Travis opened the car door for Sarah, gave her a big hug, "Sarah, you're beautiful."

"Thanks, and you look very handsome." Sarah had never seen Travis in a suit and tie and he did look luscious. "But I must admit to being very nervous."

"Me, too," Travis said. "I mean I've never met Ms. Hudson and I am about to tell her I have helped her daughter be the star of an adult website."

"I'm glad we are doing it together," Sarah said. "Joshua has a lot of explaining to do."

Beth opened the door as Joshua entered he said, "Let me introduce Travis. He is our friend. He and I have worked together for years at George's."

Beth smiled and extended her hand, "What a beautiful group of people."

Naomi was standing next to Beth. They'd been so busy that Joshua had not seen her except on Sundays. He was reminded just how pretty she was. He thought somehow she was getting more lovely with her improved confidence in herself. She had already gotten her Real Estate license and with the help of Ted's firm was beginning to make nice commissions. But she had worked every waking hour to do it.

They had lunch at a local restaurant and arrived at Beth's about two.

Joshua started, "Mom, we have something to tell you that won't be pleasant to hear." Joshua had told Naomi what they were planning to do and they had decided he would also admit what he'd done to Naomi. So Naomi wanted to be a part of the discussion.

Joshua did a monologue of all he had done including a description of what he did to Naomi. It took him some time to admit the story even without getting into detail of the sex acts. He didn't tell her yet how successful the business had been. Beth did not interrupt.

When he was finished she asked, "Is that all?"

Travis said, "No mam. I helped Joshua set up Sarah to become Naked Nancy and develop the technology we used."

Naomi said, "What Joshua did was in my best interest. As odd as it may seem, I appreciate what he did. It wasn't easy but it freed me to be who I am now. And I like who I am now compared to who I was. I was Isiah's prisoner and now I'm not. If you want me out of your life, I'd understand. But know that I want to be a part of this family."

Before Beth could speak, Sarah agreed, "I feel the same as Naomi. I think Joshua was trying to get back at Isiah and he certainly was justifiably angry at me but what he did for me was to free me to own my life. I was a prisoner of Isiah's stifling ideology also. I think I'm free to be whatever I choose." Sarah waited a few moments before saying, "Mom please say something."

"What do you want me to say?" Beth started with tears in her eyes. "I've just been told that my son and his friend have turned my daughter and friend into sluts. However, they both say this is what you want to be at this time and plan to continue for some period. Sarah and Naomi, I understand the part of being a prisoner. I too felt that way. I even understand that maybe you both want to make up for the repressive lifestyle by being promiscuous for a period of time. Help me understand this website."

"Mom, as I said I started this to shock Sarah out of Isiah's influence," Joshua started. "I also wanted to hurt Sarah for what she said to me. I also knew we needed money. Travis and I did tell Sarah about it once I saw that Sarah was turned from Isiah's clutches and Travis started liking Sarah for who she was becoming. But when we told her, she was enjoying it and we were making a lot of money. Make no mistake I made her do what she did to start with but that changed."

"Mom, I was the one who decided to keep the website going," Sarah interrupted. "And I want to keep it going for a little longer."

"For how long?" Beth asked.

"We're thinking a few more months," Joshua said. "With more time to develop the brand we think we can sell the company we set up containing the website, and set up another company based just on the technology Travis and I developed. If we're right, then we will have a great start on adult life financially."

Sarah said, "Mom, I want to be a wife and I want kids. But if we're right about what this can become, it will give us a chance at a much better life."

Beth now was crying, hugged Sarah, "Honey, nothing would make me happier than to have grandkids and make up for the way you and Joshua were raised. But what man would want someone who had been the star of an adult website for months?"

Sarah looked at Travis who smiled and said, "Well Ms. Hudson, I'm a good candidate for that job but the truth is very few people know Sarah is Naked Nancy. We've been careful to keep our identities secret. I know it's not fair to ask you to understand but I think I love Sarah and I want the chance to find out. Look at it this way, we'll start out together with no secrets."

"Mom," Sarah started, "I think I love Travis and we want a chance to find out."

"My God!" Beth said breathing hard, "Is there anything else?"

Travis said, "Sarah is going to move in with me. Ms. Hudson, I know you can't possibly think much of me now but I'm a serious person. I'll start my second year in Computer Science at Middle Georgia and I was the top student the first year. I work very hard. I come from a good family who know nothing about this. I plan to introduce Sarah to them soon. Really all I can ask of you is to give me a chance. We wanted to be honest. Hopefully, that means something."

Beth waited for a couple of minutes before saying, "Anything else I should know?"

Joshua responded, "No mom, I think you know it all."

Beth smiled while still brushing away tears, "First, I'm glad you told me. Second, while I can't approve of what you two boys did, selfishly I approve of the results. I have a family that I didn't have before which means everything to me. As far as my two kids go I love you unconditionally. Naomi will always be my best friend, a part of this family and I am so happy for her. Her life is so much better. I know she's looking for her own place, I understand that, but she'll always be my soulmate. She may be the only person that can truly understands how it was with Isiah."

"Beth, we'll always be friends," Naomi said. "I also love being a part of this family. Thank you for including me."

Beth looked hard at Travis, "Young man you don't need my approval but I do respect you were brave enough to come here and tell me what you have done. I look forward to getting to know you. I certainly see why Sarah is attracted to you. So let's say we've been introduced and it went well."

"Thanks," Travis said, "that's all I could ask for."

"Lastly, you kids are smart. Don't let this get out of hand. Make sure there are no legal issues here. And lastly, I don't need to hear any more about Naked Nancy and want the minimum number of people to know about this."

Joshua said, "I made sure there were no legal issues. I set it up with a lawyer and an accountant is doing our books. We're all in complete agreement on keeping this just to need to know."

Joshua does first MILF section show

Ronda had agreed to start being a guest on the Naked Nancy website with Dickie as her partner. They would be creating their own content with help from Jeanine to do the recordings and editing.

Joshua also contacted a couple of his neighborhood MILF's to see if they would be a part of the new Naked Nancy MILF category. Maude, the MILF who Naomi witnessed having sex with Joshua while accompanying him on his rounds, agreed to be the first. She was somewhat overweight, in her forties, but with big jugs and big fat beautiful ass. And she loved anal. They had agreed to a play of her seducing Joshua, the innocent young computer geek on a service call. Mostly a reenactment of their first encounter. Jeanine accompanied Joshua to record the staged event.

Joshua wore a pair of fake black rimmed glasses, slicked his black hair back, wore green contacts and makeup to make him look pale so no one would recognize him. He looked like a full on geek with Dockers, white shirt and a pocket protector containing a lot of pens.

Maude decided she didn't care who recognized her. She wanted to be a regular on the Naked Nancy site and hoped for some recognition. Her husband had known about Joshua for a long time and when Joshua made the offer her husband wanted the money she was being offered. He even encouraged her to lose a little weight thinking Joshua would pay her more money for the performances and he was right. Joshua was pleased with a little slimmer Maude but still with large breasts and ass.

Joshua knocked on Maude's door with Jeanine behind him recording. Maude opened the door wearing a nearly transparent pink baby doll with fake fur along the bottom that barely covered the nearly transparent matching thong. Her long black hair flowed around her full open face and over her shoulders. She looked like the typical MILF.

"Come in young man," Maude said with a seductive smile. "I'm in need of your help."

She turned and Jeanine recorded her full moon ass walking ahead of them.

"What's your problem?" Joshua asked.

"Here I'll show you. It's in my bedroom." She again showed her big ass rocking from side to side as she walked ahead of the camera. "Here's the computer," she said pointing to a system at a desk in her bedroom. "Just like me, it's running too slowly and needs a boost."

As Joshua sat down as she looked over his shoulder with her hands resting on his chest and her big tits brushing either side of his head. As Joshua started tasks to determine the problem with her computer, she gradually rubbed from his chest to his waist, causing her large breasts to surround his head. As she got to his waist she unbuckled his belt, unsnapped and unzipped his pants. She slipped her hands to find his hardening penis. Joshua pretended not to notice what she was doing.

"Don't mind me," Maude cooed, "I'm just observing what you are doing." Joshua had not bothered with underwear, so as his penis became erect Jeanine was able to get the growth on camera. Maude stroked him until he was completely hard. She said, "I think I need to let you do your work."

As she raised up, she removed her lingerie, bent over to pull a box of toys out from under the bed and selected a large rabbit vibrator and some lube. She rubbed lube on her chest and pinched her large nipples, making them elongate. With a breast in one hand she started rubbing her fat pussy lips with the other. She first inserted one finger, then a second and before long all five fingers were inserted in her fat pussy lips. She manipulated her hand slowly stretching her sizable hole that was only minutes before covered by her labia. With one thrust she had her whole hand in her pussy. She was now moaning with pleasure. This was one sexed up woman. Joshua was now pretending to be spying on her while she pleasured herself. After a series of orgasms, she took her hand out of her pussy, rubbed the outside of her pussy lips as she got her breathing under control.

Next she placed her knees on the bed with her ass pointing in the air and inserted the rabbit in her gaping stretched pussy. With her head on the bed looking back at Joshua, she took her hand not holding the vibrator in place to work lube into her ass. She first slipped one finger in her anus, then a second and before long she had her hand up to her knuckles inserted in her stretched well trained anus. Joshua was standing and watching with his pants off as she played with her pussy and ass.

After another series of orgasms causing her fluid to run down her legs she said, "Please fuck my ass, I need that long dick buried to the hilt in my butthole." Joshua stood by the bed as she took her hand out of her gaping ass and slide his long condom covered dick all the way in with one move. Her asshole was well lubricated making it easy to slide his dick in and out of her ass. She continued to work the rabbit vibrator in and out of her pussy as Joshua fucked her ass. Her broad butt took up most of the frame Jeanine was shooting.

Maude said, "Let's switch places." Joshua laid on the bed with her in the reverse cowgirl position. Again she slipped his dick into her ass. She clearly enjoyed anal. The camera could now get a great view of her large tits flopping up and down as she rocked her ass over Joshua dick and slammed the vibrator in her pussy. With each thrust in most of the large rabbit vibrator disappeared into her loose pussy. Jeanine moved around to get a good view of Maude milking Joshua's dick with her well trained sphincter.

Joshua couldn't take much of this milking and said, "I am going to cum."

Maude pulled him out of her ass, took the condom off and slide her hand up and down his shaft making him erupt. She pointed his ejaculation at her face and chest. He covered her face and breasts with his jizzum. When he was almost finished, she slid his dick in the mouth and cleaned him with her mouth and tongue.

She raised up, spread the jizzum over her large tits, smacked her lips and said, "Did you fix my computer? You certainly fixed me. I am now at full speed."

"Yes mam, your computer is now running at its optimum." They both stood hugged and Joshua got dressed.

They walked to the door with Maude still nude. "Young man, where is the bill."

"Oh no charge, this one is on the house."

Again they hugged and kissed. Maude said, "I have a feeling my computer will need to be sped up again next week." Joshua smiled as he closed the door and Jeanine stopped shooting.

Joshua came back in and said to Jeanine, "How was it?"

"I think we have a winner," Jeanine smiled.

"Was it okay?" Maude asked to them both.

"Well, that was so hot," Jeanine said. "I think I need to masturbate."

Maude smiled and said, "Hand the camera to Joshua, take those clothes off and I will take care of you."

"Oh I couldn't," Jeanine smiled like she really could.

"Joshua take the camera," Maude said as she started unbuttoning Jeanine's work shirt revealing she did not wear a bra. It was a thick dark blue shirt. Jeanine slipped off her jeans revealing the lack of underwear. Jeanine was small all over especially compared to Maude large features. Joshua was recording. Maude was glistening from Joshua's jizzum and her own juices. Jeanine had several small tattoos.

Maude pushed Jeanine back on the bed. Bent over her with her huge tits rubbing over Jeanine's stomach and she kissed her B-sized tits. Jeanine's areola was large compared to her breasts and the nipples were extended and red. Maude licked her nipples before kissing down to her slit. There she worked on her clit with her tongue until Jeanine clearly had a nice orgasm. Maude still bent over at the waist as she slipped a smaller vibrator into Jeanine's tight pussy.

Joshua was hard again watching this, had slide his pants down, put on a condom while holding the camera and slipped his dick into Maude still wet pussy. Maude moaned when she realized Joshua had come alive and was going to fuck her while she serviced Jeanine. Joshua was trying to hold the camera steady as he recorded Maude rocking her hips forward and back massaging his penis. Jeanine had taken the vibrator and was making it feel the best to herself. Maude was kissing and sucking her genitals as Jeanine masturbated herself.


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