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Julie is Taken... for Lunch

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She was married now - and needed to be more respectable.
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Julie chose a very short skirt today. Her husband commented on it and half jokingly suggested it was a bit too short for work.

"Is it?" asked Julie. "I don't think so and anyway I'm helping one of the directors today and he's at least seventy five so I doubt he'll even notice. It'll have to do as I'm late and don't have time to change. See you later."

She gave him a peck on the cheek, ignoring his hand trying to slide under the hem of her skirt to see whether she was wearing stockings or tights. She always enjoyed working for "her" director, as she called him. The others had their own PAs but Mr M just asked for someone from the general office when he visited. He had started specifically asking her manager if she was available - and she was happy to make sure she was.

As she walked through to his office she could see one or two of the younger managers looking at her. As well as her shortest skirt, she was also wearing quite a low cut top and high heels. Not the highest she owned but the ones her husband said were "the horniest". He had started making comments about how she seemed to take extra care over her outfit when she was covering like this but that was just silly. Mr M was just a sweet old man. Yes they got on well but that was what she liked about her job - everyone was so friendly.

She knocked and went in. A big smile lit up Mr M's face "Hello Julie. You're looking gorgeous, as ever. I see you wore my favourite outfit. That skirt coupled with those shoes make your legs look so sexy I should sit you in another room so I don't get distracted - but I won't!"

Julie tutted. "Now Mr M, you promised you wouldn't make comments like that now that I'm a married woman. Anyway, I just threw these on because they were at the front of the wardrobe."

Julie sat at her desk and started her work. Whenever she looked up Mr M was looking in her direction, smiling. The desks in this room didn't have modesty panels like the ones in the general office. When she asked why, Mr M said it was because his last PA was a man but Julie seemed to remember a succession of rather shapely women as her predecessors.

As usual, as soon as it got to midday Mr M said, "Let's have a spot of lunch, shall we?" Even though he was in his 70s, Mr M drove a low slung sports car. He held open the passenger door for her and she tried to tug her skirt down as she slid into the seat but didn't have much success. "Ah - I see you wore stockings for me." he said, "and suspenders - you are so kind to an old man."

"Not for you Mr. M. Just because the shade goes with this outfit." Julie replied, still tugging at the hem. "Oh I give up! It's impossible to get in this car like a lady. You've seen everything now, I may as well sit in comfort." and with that she slid down into the sumptuous leather seat and allowed her little skirt to inch up bit by bit, until not just her stocking tops but most of her suspenders and the start of her white satin panties were on show. "Just make sure you keep your eyes on the road."

After driving for a little while, they turned a bend to find a red traffic light. Mr M said "Hold tight!" as he braked sharply and put his hand out as you would to stop someone lurching forward - but his hand landed right on Julie's stocking tops. "Oh sorry dear." he said. Julie frowned as she looked at him, as he seemed to take his time removing his hand - and insisted on patting her thighs and giving them a little squeeze once he had.

Lunch was lovely, as always, and as Julie felt the wine flow through her body she became more understanding of Mr M's glances at her legs and at her cleavage. Her husband was always saying that she had great legs - even though they looked a little too shapely to Julie - so it was only natural that Mr M would glance now and then when he was sitting opposite her. However, she did tut a little at his third comment about how nice it was to see her stocking tops. Men!

Lunch passed far too quickly and after a quick trip to the ladies they were driving back to the office so Julie was only too happy to agree when Mr M suggested they try to spot the sea from a quiet little vantage point at the top of a hill. He parked the car and when she reached for the door handle he patted her thigh - a little too high up her leg it seemed to Julie - and insisted he open the door for her. He was out of the car much quicker than she expected and skipped around to open her door. He really was a gentleman, how could she think he was taking advantage when he patted her leg - he was just being friendly.

Just beyond the carpark, there was a telescope on a base with a little foot stand you climbed up on. Mr M put quite a few coins in the slot. "Goodness!" said Julie "How long are you going to be looking through it?"

"Not me, my dear." said Mr M, "This is for you."

"Oh you always spoil me!" said Julie "You should give yourself a treat sometimes."

"Oh don't you worry about me." said Mr M as he eyed Julie's shapely legs disappearing under her short skirt, displaying even more stocking top than usual as she leant forward to look through the eyepiece.

Mr M stepped onto the foot stand behind Julie. She turned and started to ask "What are..." but he gently moved her head back to the telescope.

Mr M leaned forward and whispered in her ear "Don't waste it my dear - I put that money in for you to enjoy the view. It will finish soon and I don't have any more change."

Julie looked through the eyepiece again and was wondering whether she should say something about the bulge she felt pushing up against the back of her skirt when Mr. M's hand moved down to her breast. "Mr M! You know I can't let you do that now that I'm married - it isn't right." His hand cupped her full breast and found the nipple, even through her clothes.

"Look - there's a boat." he said, gently brushing his palm over her full breast.

"Ooh where?" cried Julie. Mr M leaned forward and his other hand gently slid along her thigh, just barely touching the stocking top. Julie's hand moved down and brushed him off but Mr M just replaced it even higher along her thigh almost immediately. The attention wasn't entirely unpleasant to Julie, especially in her slightly mellow state from the food and drink at this time of the day. "Oh all right - it was a nice lunch." said Julie "But just a feel of my stockings - nothing more."

"Of course not." said Mr M, even as he slid his zipper down. He was nicely erect now - no mean feat at his age but Julie always had this effect on him. He felt the air on his penis as he gently rubbed it against the back of her skirt and his hand involuntarily squeezed her breast a little more urgently.

Julie moved his hand away from her breast. "Mr M! We agreed, just a feel of my stockings." she said. She was also slightly anxious that she was starting to enjoy his hands on her body a little too much. Once again she moved his hand away from her breast - although it took her a little longer before she removed it this time - and once again he replaced it.

His other hand gently lifted the hem of her skirt and let it fall onto his erection. He slowly moved his hips so his penis was brushing against her stocking tops and a little of the soft thigh flesh above. Julie rolled her eyes and sighed "Really - you men are all the same, hands everywhere. I told you - no more of that now I am married."

"Shh" said Mr M. "There's someone coming along the path. I can't move now or they'll see me and they might think I'm exposing myself."

Julie continued looking through the telescope at the boat and vaguely heard the footsteps stop and Mr M say "Hello - I'm just admiring the view."

"Yes it certainly is a lovely view." said a young voice, with a slight tremor in it. It was a student, around 18 or 19, who was walking along the other side of the wall but stopped to share Mr M's view of Julie's very shapely legs in her high heels, stockings and suspenders - all of which were on show to him. For someone who had only seen such treats in magazines, the view of a real live woman bending slightly at the waist to let her short skirt ride up and display the most wonderful thighs adorned by stockings and suspenders actually made him slightly dizzy.

Julie started to stand up straight but Mr M hissed "No - you'll get me into trouble. I'll be arrested as a flasher".

Julie felt like saying it was his fault for unzipping but decided she couldn't get him into trouble like that. The young lad seemed in no hurry to leave and Mr M leaned forward to point at some imaginary object for Julie to see. Julie's eyes opened very wide - as did Mr. M's. He was hoping to brush the head of his penis against her satin panties but unbeknown to him, she had a slight accident while in the ladies and had removed said panties. Thus Mr M's erection brushed against some velvet-soft pussy lips and the merest hint of pubic stubble.

"Oh my dear - you must let me enter you - please," said Mr M, with more urgency in his voice than Julie had heard for quite a while.

"I've told you - no." said Julie. At that moment she noticed that the young man had moved in front of her and was openly masturbating. He was staring at her breasts - which were straining against her bra due to the angle she was leaning over - and his hand was reaching out to one.

After the wonderful view up her skirt, now seeing her plump, soft breasts pushing together to form a perfect cleavage made him forget all his usual manners and reserved ways. "I've never touched a breast as full as yours - may I feel it?" he asked in a husky voice. She reached to stop his hand but that lapse in concentration was all Mr M needed and he slipped straight inside her warm - and surprisingly moist - pussy.

"Oh why do I bother?" said Julie, pushing the last of the nagging doubts to the back of her mind. "Go on then - but make it quick before anyone else comes along." Mr M had no intention of making it quick and was slowly sliding in and out while fondling her stockinged thighs and her buttocks.

The young lad was now openly fondling Julie's breast and Julie thought "Well, I may as well let both of these over excited pests get it over and done with at the same time." as she eased her full breasts over the top of her bra cups to allow the lad to suck on one nipple while plucking at the other with his finger and thumb. Mr M, of course needed no help or encouragement as he ran his hands over every inch of Julie's breasts, thighs and plump bum cheeks - not to mention her stocking tops and suspender clips - as he slowly slid his erection almost completely out of her pussy before slowly easing it fully back inside her.

Allowing the engorged nipple to slide from his lips, the young lad said "Please, touch it for me." indicating his straining erection. With a little stamp of her foot (which elicited an excited groan from Mr M due to the pressure on his twitching cock) Julie reached down to his erection and almost made it but as she got near, the young lad could stand no more and his very anticipation caused him to spurt and spurt, a few drops landing and glistening in the sunshine on Julie's right breast. That pushed Mr M over the edge and his throbbing erection started to pump.

"Noooo!" cried Julie "At least wait for me!" But she had to be content with hoisting the front of her skirt up and fingering herself to orgasm while two very happy gents - one old and one young - gently stroked their now limp penises as they watched.

As her breath came in pants, Julie said to Mr M, "I mean it... this time. No more... now I am... a married woman."

And as Julie started trembling and had to lean against the wall as her orgasm steadily built, Mr M smiled as he gently fondled the length of her stockinged legs and whispered, "Of course, my dear. Of course."

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LindaLooLindaLooabout 3 years ago

Julie, what a naughty slut you are Dear

Mag58Mag58over 5 years ago
Another gem

love this all too short series. More soon?

LEATBTLEATBTover 5 years ago
Always love to read about a hot, sexy woman taking cock!

I thought this was going to be a bit slow to start with, but it soon got going. Love the idea of Julie taking young and old cock together, and in public. I hope there are going to be more stories about Julie?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Well done StockingFan well done. I unabashedly and shamelessly but selfishly request more tales regarding Julie and Mr. M individually or collectively. One simply cannot do with just the one chip.

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