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With her arms already bound, it was easy to tie Sarah up into a neat package. Dominique re-strapped her legs at the ankles and knees and added some cord to tie the toes of the boots together. Before continuing, she took revenge for Sarah biting her pussy by roughly pulling off the nipple clamps, loving the way Sarah writhed and moaned as the blood rushed back to the tortured buds, causing more pain than when they were originally clipped in place. When she was sure that the pain had subsided she unbuckled the studded straps on the punished breasts and pulled them free eliciting a similar response. Satisfied, Dominique decided to leave the vibrator and butt plug in place. There was no point in spoiling the slut after all, and using a short strap, affixed Sarah's collar to her knees. Another strap ran from her wrists to her ankles, and so, Sarah was secured into a neat ball of trussed up feminine flesh.

As a finishing touch, Dominique pushed her discarded panties into the unresisting mouth and wrapped three turns of two-inch wide adhesive tape around Sarah's head to completely gag her. She was grinning in triumph into Sarah's face as she held out her hand to Megan. "Pass me the sedative will you?" she asked her partner.

Megan looked at the hypodermic needle in her hand; she crouched down beside Dominique as she knelt before Sarah's bound form. Dominique's attention was focused on her slave as Sarah stared wide-eyed with fear at the needle.


Asif drove his white van through the commercial district. It was early evening and there were very few people about as he pulled into the only open unit and stopped the engine. The shutters rolled down behind him as he climbed from the vehicle. Two men, both wearing jeans and black T-shirts, met him, while another man in a suit watched from the back of the small warehouse. Opening the rear doors of the van, Asif climbed inside and pulled a large brown leather packing case from the back of the van. With the help of the two bruisers, they carried the case to a point before the suited man. He nodded slowly and rested his hand on the case. Asif climbed back into the van and reversed from the building. Not one word had been spoken but Asif didn't mind: he was paid a nice sum of cash each time he delivered one of the cases. He didn't know what was inside, and he didn't want to know. He had no doubt the whole thing was illegal, but ignorance was bliss, or so they said.


At the same time that Asif was leaving the warehouse, Megan was pulling into her drive. She stopped her car and studied the cottage. 'Not many girls of twenty owned their own house and a brand new 4 x4,' she thought. She pushed down on the accelerator and crept into the open garage. Inside the house she called out, "Cassie, Cassie are you here?" A rumble of footsteps sounded from above and a slim woman with flowing blond hair came bounding down the stairs, her cotton summer dress floating behind her. She threw herself at Megan, wrapping herself around the redhead, and pressing her lips to Megan's mouth. They kissed passionately for half a minute, and then the blond spoke breathlessly, "You're late."

"I know, I'm sorry, but I've brought us a present."

"Ooh, I like presents," Cassie purred.

Megan took her lover's hand and led her into the garage. They stood behind the car and Megan lifted the tailgate, and then reached inside and pulled free the blanket covering her surprise. She smiled in pleasure at the rapt expression on Cassie's face. Reaching down, she cupped Sarah's breast, thumbing the nipple. She loved the way it grew erect regardless of the situation its owner was in. She wondered briefly where that bitch, Dominique was right now. Her dislike of the woman had grown to hatred in the past few months, and now she was finally rid of her. Where would she end up and what would she think when she woke up to find she was about to be sold to the highest bidder? She smiled again; delighted that she would no longer have to work with her and what became of her was no longer her concern. Pushing the thought from her mind, she looked into the big blue eyes and the bemused expression on Sarah's face. She leant into her partner and kissed her cheek fondly. "The three of us are going to have so much fun!"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A Classique !!

Wendywants2BtakenWendywants2Btakenover 1 year ago

So absolutely decadent and desirable! Great ending I am soaking wet and fucking myself silly while twisting my nipples! WELL DONE❤️❤️❤️

Curious MaverickCurious Maverickalmost 3 years ago

I really enjoyed the story but the Dominique section was a bit too much, given Sarah seemed very inexperienced. The plug would have done serious damage based on the description. However I enjoyed the foreshadowing of the betrayal and would live to read a follow up chapter, specifically due to the introduction of Cassie. A solid 4 for me, wish I could do 4.5.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Great story, one of your best and definitely in need of more chapters


bearbulk93bearbulk93about 3 years ago

This was one of the best written story's I have read in a long time thank you! I loved the twist at the end!

More please ! Much more!!

GoldenredDragonGoldenredDragonabout 4 years ago

This should not be in the BDSM category. It is purely in Non-Consensual territory. And as those elements mostly appear near the middle of the story, it was a very negative surprise to find out at that point. Had it been properly categorized, I’d have skipped it and you’d have avoided the negative.

fitntrimfitntrimalmost 5 years ago
Love Sarah

Glad Dominique got her just reward... please continue with Sarah... I think Sarah has found her paradise with her two mistresses... I love Sarah! More about Sarah!

graymangazergraymangazerabout 5 years agoAuthor
Thanks V.S.

V.S. It appears you've read and commented on a few of my stories recently and almost all of your critiques have been favourable and appreciated. But as you are commenting under 'Anonymous ' I'm unable to express my gratitude personally. Therefore I'm leaving this message on the chance that you might see it.

I'd like to thank you, and of course everyone else who takes the time and effort to comment, whether positively or not. I, like many others write for pleasure, hoping merely to entertain and my pleasure is surely multiplied when somebody makes the effort to let me know I've succeeded in some small way. I also want to say that, much as I enjoy praise, constructive criticism and the odd suggestion are very much taken on board.

So thank you V.S. and all those who comment, we writers really wouldn't know if we're doing things right or wrong without you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Very well constructed

Great! The story has a beginning, a delicious middle and an ending (with a tantalising twist). If only more authors wrote so well,


GrrrreatImaginationGrrrreatImaginationalmost 6 years ago
Excellent writing.

The story is well written and wonderfully told. Where Sarah is curious, then fascinated, then enraptured with her bondage, and when her submissive self identifies her captors as her mistresses you show an attractuve range of the BDSM experience. I love hearing the thoughts & feelings of characters, and you've given that generously. Hearing Dominique's wild pleasure made her sadism more bearable for me. Hearing Sarah converting her agony into her ecstasy was simply splendid.

One correction: this story clearly belongs in the Non-Consent/Reluctance category. This was no seduction-abduction, but non-con torture - of a nascent pain slut, it seems - still non-con.

I see excellent potential for a sequel. Of course, it could go N-C/R or BDSM or along the jagged edge of the pre-Dominique section of this lovely story.

Oh, I really appreciated the twist at the end which landed Dominique on the ride of her own device, and I resonated with Megan's satisfaction to be rid of her. Verrrry nice touch, indeed.

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