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All Comments on 'Just Browsing'

by graymangazer

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1Martiniman1Martinimanover 12 years ago

Excellent story my friend! I might throw a few ideas around with you, but it's you who crafts the stories so well. I look forward to reading more of your wonderful tales and throwing around more ideas.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Wow! What a great start!

This story has the potential to be an all-out winner - I loved it. Please write more and post for us - soon, if you possibly can!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Well Written story

Good story, Well Written, but should have been posted under NonConsent/Reluctance, as it may have been a nasty surprise for someone who likes stories of consensual BDSNM, but doesn't like stories of abduction and forced slavery. I like it when the villain get what she deserves and "Dominique" certainly deserved what she got!. Now what happens to Sarah?

graymangazergraymangazerover 12 years agoAuthor

thanks for the great comments, point taken and I will attempt to change the tag.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Ditto previous Anonymous

Very well written, but this is absolutely a NonConsent story. The hardware and techniques alone don't make a BDSM relationship. Other than that, it's really excellent. Plot, dialogue, descriptions, all first class.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
loved it

Great story!!!! Very well written. I hope Sarah with an H finds happiness and true submission (not forced) with Megan and cassie.

jrgg43jrgg43over 12 years ago

I agree with the comments about needing a tag change, but this story is definately one of the best I have read here lately..

Thank you for writing it

fitntrimfitntrimover 12 years ago
Love it even though it is nonconsentual

Really love it, though I dont' like non-consentual, but in this case Sarah seems Ok with it...the FF/f aspect is really hot! Well written.

fitntrimfitntrimover 12 years ago
more please!

More please! Can't wait to read on!

AnomolousCowherdAnomolousCowherdover 12 years ago
Kind of sick

REALLY needs a tag change. I totally wasn't expecting this. Skipped to the end to see if happiness or pleasure entered - doesn't seem to have. The slave was "bemused" at the end? I would have thought any number of other adjectives would be more likely and appropriate!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Despite needing a tag change, everything else was amazing. Please write a sequel!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
I liked it.

It got a little harsh, but the early parts before Dominique showed up were fun and sexy. It cries out for a sequel, the idea of Sarah a sub/slave of Megan has a lot of possibilities.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
yeah, the tag thing.....

Would have been fine in noncon. I hope you have learned more about BDSM since writing this. And reading stories here doesn't count, dude. You have a dark, seathing mind. I came over from another of your stories and now see the strong noncon thread in your work. Sometimes noncon works for me, sometimes squicks me and sometimes enrages me. I would have loved if the story went from Sarah trussed up to a suduction into being the girls' sub. This was squicky and pissed me off. At least the head bitch in charge got hers. Points for that. Keep writing and watch the category. Also, consider author notes at the start regarding fetish elements in your story. They are much appreciated.

AGuyWhoReadsStoriesAGuyWhoReadsStoriesover 10 years ago
Tag Change

I hate to be negative, as the early parts of this story are *super fucking hot* but I have to agree with all the earlier comments about this needing a tag change.

At risk of being an ass, I find it kind of like an ambush. I mean, I'm totally into bondage and all that sort of stuff, but slavery is really squickish for me. The fact that the story has both the consensual and non-consensual in the same story seems kind of deceptive.

As much as I hate to say it, sorry guy, but it's sort of a boner killer. I mean, I'd give an arm and a leg for a consentual Sarah/Megan BDSM story (And that's where I thought it was going) kind of lost the excitement when Dominique came in.

Not to be harsh. It was very well written. Very hot. Would do well under Non-Con. Just sort of disappointing with where it went.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Caveat emptor

well written , interesting concept , well driven plot ,

engaging & entertaining storyline.

very naughty , lots of unexpected surprises

so many topics covered within the story , it's impossible really to categorise it.

personaly bdsm seems to have the nearest fit .placing it in non-con. or Les. or erotic horror or anywhere else would spoil the unexpected twists & turns of the tale.

agree with some other commentators some aspects of the situation are really shocking , but hey , its fiction right ?


5 stars , after all the intensity of the story is what causes the readers extreme reactions , and really the real nasty stuff is only ever implied , not described , so the readers reaction is really testament to the quality of the Authors writing

GrrrreatImaginationGrrrreatImaginationalmost 6 years ago
Excellent writing.

The story is well written and wonderfully told. Where Sarah is curious, then fascinated, then enraptured with her bondage, and when her submissive self identifies her captors as her mistresses you show an attractuve range of the BDSM experience. I love hearing the thoughts & feelings of characters, and you've given that generously. Hearing Dominique's wild pleasure made her sadism more bearable for me. Hearing Sarah converting her agony into her ecstasy was simply splendid.

One correction: this story clearly belongs in the Non-Consent/Reluctance category. This was no seduction-abduction, but non-con torture - of a nascent pain slut, it seems - still non-con.

I see excellent potential for a sequel. Of course, it could go N-C/R or BDSM or along the jagged edge of the pre-Dominique section of this lovely story.

Oh, I really appreciated the twist at the end which landed Dominique on the ride of her own device, and I resonated with Megan's satisfaction to be rid of her. Verrrry nice touch, indeed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Very well constructed

Great! The story has a beginning, a delicious middle and an ending (with a tantalising twist). If only more authors wrote so well,


graymangazergraymangazerabout 5 years agoAuthor
Thanks V.S.

V.S. It appears you've read and commented on a few of my stories recently and almost all of your critiques have been favourable and appreciated. But as you are commenting under 'Anonymous ' I'm unable to express my gratitude personally. Therefore I'm leaving this message on the chance that you might see it.

I'd like to thank you, and of course everyone else who takes the time and effort to comment, whether positively or not. I, like many others write for pleasure, hoping merely to entertain and my pleasure is surely multiplied when somebody makes the effort to let me know I've succeeded in some small way. I also want to say that, much as I enjoy praise, constructive criticism and the odd suggestion are very much taken on board.

So thank you V.S. and all those who comment, we writers really wouldn't know if we're doing things right or wrong without you.

fitntrimfitntrimalmost 5 years ago
Love Sarah

Glad Dominique got her just reward... please continue with Sarah... I think Sarah has found her paradise with her two mistresses... I love Sarah! More about Sarah!

GoldenredDragonGoldenredDragonabout 4 years ago

This should not be in the BDSM category. It is purely in Non-Consensual territory. And as those elements mostly appear near the middle of the story, it was a very negative surprise to find out at that point. Had it been properly categorized, I’d have skipped it and you’d have avoided the negative.

bearbulk93bearbulk93about 3 years ago

This was one of the best written story's I have read in a long time thank you! I loved the twist at the end!

More please ! Much more!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Great story, one of your best and definitely in need of more chapters


Curious MaverickCurious Maverickalmost 3 years ago

I really enjoyed the story but the Dominique section was a bit too much, given Sarah seemed very inexperienced. The plug would have done serious damage based on the description. However I enjoyed the foreshadowing of the betrayal and would live to read a follow up chapter, specifically due to the introduction of Cassie. A solid 4 for me, wish I could do 4.5.

Wendywants2BtakenWendywants2Btakenover 1 year ago

So absolutely decadent and desirable! Great ending I am soaking wet and fucking myself silly while twisting my nipples! WELL DONE❤️❤️❤️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A Classique !!

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