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Karen's First Time (Lesbian)

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Karen's First time Lesbian experience.
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My name is Karen and I wanted to share my first lesbian experience with you.

I'm 69 years old, a retired financial aid expert for the local university. Unfortunately my husband died four years ago in a car accident. He left me with a great retirement package, plus my own retirement package was very good as well. But, living in the old house where we had raised our two children was just not going to work too well. Too many old memories and issues.

So with my retirement at age 67, I bought a three bedroom condo. Yes, the bedrooms are fairly small. I made the larger bedroom into my bedroom, the second into my hobby and storage room and the third into a guest bedroom. The living, dining room and kitchen were one large room.

But, in those two years, I had a guest only one night. One of my friends (Kathy) suggested I could rent out the bedroom to a college student. I would have somebody else in the house, a little income (not that I necessarily needed it) and maybe somebody to talk too on occasion. I approached student housing on campus and put out an ad for a female graduate student. A student housing rep (that I had known from my work on campus) came over to the condo and reviewed the opportunities for a student to rent the room. They suggested I should reserve half the kitchen cabinets for the other person; clean out the closet in the bedroom (which was at the end of the hall from my bedroom); and make allowances for painting and decorating when the student was selected. That rep put out an ad on the housing website and within a day I got a reply from Julie Brunner that she was interested.

Julie was a graduate student majoring in marketing and was a vivacious young lady. She had done her undergraduate work in the northeast, had worked in the marketing field for three years and now wanted to do her master's degree in Texas for a change of experience. I immediately liked Julie and she liked the room and the price. And, softee that I am, I cut the price by $100 a month when she said she would take the room, and then she was overjoyed by the lower price.

We got along fine. I tried to stay out of her way, but Julie found that she liked living with me and offered to cook dinner three times a week. And, while still learning, she was already on her way to becoming a great cook.

I told her I had no objections to her having overnight guests, she smiled and said she would take me up on that.

The first week of October, Julie came to me and asked if it would be okay to have a guest that weekend. A friend from back east was going to come and stay with her for the weekend.. I agreed quickly.

Her friend Mandie arrived on Friday evening. It was fairly quickly that I caught on that Mandie and Julie were more than friends. They sat on the sofa holding hands as we talked. There was a sensuous kiss and I excused myself to go shopping. I asked if there were things that Mandie and Julie wanted to eat for the weekend and even alcoholic beverages. I then left indicating that I wouldn't be back until 10:00 p.m. They said they were going out to eat but would be back before that. I did go shopping and did go to a movie so I didn't arrive home until after 10:00. The lights were dim and I could hear some low talking between the two in Julie's bedroom. I smiled. I was a modern woman and having two lesbians in my house was pretty accepting for an older woman.

On Saturday morning I tried to be quiet as I made coffee and had some eggs and sausages ready for the girls. Julie and Mandie soon made their way into the kitchen and did their magic on ingredients that I had and made the best French toast I've ever had. They held hands and kissed frequently. I smiled a lot. Thinking they would like to have time together alone, I excused myself saying I would be out all day and if they went out to be sure to lock the door, and even to lock the door while they were in, after all in a condo you sometimes had people on the wrong floor. I indicated they could cook their own dinner if they wanted to, thinking that Julie might want to make a gourmet dinner and that I'd be back about 7:00 p.m.

I went to the mall, looked around, and even spent some time at the local library so the girls could have time together. Arriving home about 7:15, I could smell some delicious aroma. The two girls had had a great time in the kitchen and were trying to anticipate my arrival. It was a great dinner with the three of us around the table. Julie and Mandie had made a homemade dinner of beef stroganoff, sauteed green beans, garlic French bread, made from scratch chocolate cake and had selected a wine to go with the meal.

The girls almost giggled like schoolgirls as they dished up and served me. As we ate Mandie told about herself. She and Julie had meet as undergraduates in Boston. She was now working for one of the big four accounting firms in Hartford Connecticut.

I commented something like 'you two look so good together', and Julie indicated that they were considering marriage; but would wait until she finished her graduate program. I nodded and smiled. After dinner, they did the cleanup and then sat on the sofa while we talked more. I asked MandIe about Hartford and Boston. They were holding hands and would stop and kiss each other periodically. I excused myself to my room and I could hear the two of them enjoying each other's company after a longer period of being away from each other.

On Sunday morning, I made breakfast for all of us and Julie asked if she could borrow my car to take Mandie to the airport. Living close enough to campus to walk she didn't have a car (and was trying to be frugal with being a student without an income). She had borrowed my car before and I quickly approved of the use of the car. They were going to do some sightseeing on the way to the airport.

Julie returned later when was doing some crocheting and television watching. She came over and kissed my cheek and thanked me profusely for allowing Mandie to stay with us and for making her feel at home. Julie indicated that the two months they had been apart was the longest time they had been separated.

Then Julie surprised me with a question "Have you known other lesbians?"

I stammered and said 'not too the same extent as you two'. I added that one of the ladies in my office was a lesbian with a faculty member on campus and there were others that I knew a little.

Julie then added "As nice as you were to us, Mandie thought maybe you had a lesbian experience." she thought and said "You are very sweet to us".

I answered "Thank you. I grew up when there weren't many lesbians or gays or transgenders and those that were were pretty quiet about it."

Julie sat down next to me and looked at my crocheting. She gave me a hug and that hug spoke volumes to me. I'm not sure exactly what happened next, I gave her a hug back and kissed her cheek; she hugged me even tighter and kissed my cheek again, but closer to my lips. I think that a deeply hidden passion that had not been in my life for years, even before my husband died was flaring up. I turned and faced her and kissed her on the lips. It was to be a little peck, but she kissed back and, well, we soon were kissing. My brain was racing - what was I doing - a 69 year old widow kissing a 27 year girl - and enjoying it.

Julie broke off the kiss and hugged me and said "Karen, you have been so nice to me and to Mandie and I. Thank you!!"

She paused and went on "I also sense you are a lonely widow, have not had an intimate relationship for many years."

That comment started tears for me. Yes, it was true, I was a lonely widow.

She paused again "Would you be willing to have an intimate relationship with me tonight?"

I started to answer and then stopped. "Julie you have awoken something deep inside me, a passion and longing. I know that I shouldn't have a relationship with you, other than owner and renter, but I'm not sure I can do that now."

I thought and continued "Julie I don't know anything about lesbians or relationships or sex." I was back pedalling and deep inside did want that intimate relationship.

Again I paused trying to form words with my brain and my mouth as my rational thoughts were taken over by desire and passion.. "Julie, I'd love to be your student tonight as you show me what is deep inside me and how you can open my heart to you."

With that, Julie again pulled me close into a deep kiss and I kissed back, deeper and harder - and with my tongue finding her tongue. Her hands caressed my back and my hands rubbed her back. Her hands came to my armpit and slowly she went up and down my side under the armpit. I took this as a signal to do the same and groping for her, rubbed her side gently. She broke off our kiss and slid her mouth to my neck and started to kiss and nibble my neck. A chill went down my spine and I hugged her tighter. Her hands went to my waist and circled that area. After what was almost too long for me, her hands slowly raised to my breasts. My breathe was taken away as I longed for her touch. "Touch me" I said to her, but she didn't need my encouragement. Her right hand cupped my left breast and in a circular motion massaged it. I could feel my nipple, which hadn't been that firm in several years stand up firm and taut.

Her lips went back to my lips while her hand caressed my breast.

As a woman, and a widow, I had masturbated some over the years, but right now, my pussy was soaking wet from excitement.

I squeezed out the words to Julie, "I'm wet". She shifted her hand to my crotch and I spread my legs for her. She felt my dampness and said "All the better for both of us". She added "I"m wet too". Those words blew my brain out of my head. I was making this girl, over 40 years younger than I am, wet and excited?

"Let's go to my bedroom" she suggested. That took five minutes as I wanted to keep our hands and body together. On her bed, she took off my blouse and my jeans, and I was there in my bra and panties. She then lowered her head between my knees and started licking and nibbling on my inside thigh. I wanted to pull her head up to my pussy, but she wanted to go slowly and lovingly up my legs. I laid back, utterly taken by this girl.

She stopped short of my panties and moved to my chest. She nibbled above my bra and then reached behind my back and found the bra clasp and unhooked my bra. My bra was loose, but she didn't take it off, but instead still nuzzled me around the top and bottom of the bra. I wanted her to pull it off, but she knew what she was doing. After what seemed like five minutes she pulled my bra up on the left side and fondled my left breast. I arched my back wanting her to caress me and touch my breasts. She whispered in my ear, what beautiful breasts you have. Soon she pulled up the right side of my bra and caressed my right breast. She finally pulled my bra off me, and then she started rubbing my breasts with her hands. Then she started to lick and nuzzle above my breasts - and when she closed her mouth on my left nipple I was soaking wet in my panties.

But, Julie was not in a hurry. I remember my husband making love. It was like a race. Get into bed; kiss me a few times, suck my breasts for maybe 15 seconds, pull off my panties and he was already erect and he thrust his penis into me and within another few seconds he was done and our making love was over. That was not the case here. She lingered on one breast, touching, kissing, sucking, then to the other breast.

Then her hands slid up my leg and around the back of my panties. She put her fingers into the lace waistband and rubbed my skin on the back of my panties. I wanted to scream - pull my panties down; but my words didn't leave my throat. Like a master violinist she knew the strings to pull and to build slowly both of us to a climax.

She hadn't even pulled down my panties when I climaxed for the first time. It had been years since I had an orgasm. I whispered "I'm cumming" and she whispered back "I know".

Finally, she put her fingers in the front of my panties and gently pulled them down. Working to the back she worked the panties off my bottom and onto the floor. She said "You smell so great". I had read that the aroma of a pussy is powerful I never liked smelling my husband's sperm, but I could smell her and me in a heady and pleasurable mixture of juices.

I stopped for a breath and said "stop". I added "I need to touch you as well." She did and I started my hands mimicking her moves. Clumsily I caressed her breasts (and probably about 50 times faster than she had). I unclasped her bra and saw those perky, breasts. My mouth flew to them and sucked and licked and made love to her breasts. She too arched her back for more. I was exciting her, maybe not as expertly as Mandie would do - after all this was my first time with a woman. I didn't play around as much with her panties but pulled them off They were also saturated with her juices. I put them to my nose and smelled and whispered "They smell so nice".

But my turn was not as long, or as good as Julie's, as Julie now took over again and spread my legs wider and working her fingers up my leg stopped at my pussy. She inserted two fingers into my sloppy, wet pussy and circled around my pussy lips. Then she slowly brought them into contact with my clitoris, slowly, lightly and methodically touching my clitoris and my pussy. I didn't think I could take anymore but then she put her mouth on my pussy and kissed and licked around the edge and finally stopped on top of my clitoris and lightly sucked it into her mouth. That became my second orgasm of the evening and Julie licked my juices up on her tongue.

In what was a surprise to me, she then left my pussy and came to my mouth and pressed her lips against it and pressed her tongue filled with my juices into her mouth as if to share the nectar with me. I eagerly licked her tongue and we continued for a few minutes.

Suddenly I remembered that this was not all just receiving, but that I had to give too. "Can I do that to you?" I asked.

She answered "yes, and I'll help guide you". Spreading her legs, I moved my tongue to her pussy. I needed to learn more about foreplay and working to a climax, but tonight I wanted to taste and lick her and to excite her. Soon my tongue was on her clitoris and she pulled my head deeper into that crevasse. I almost couldn't breathe, but the aroma was intoxicating. I felt her shudder and tasted her orgasm. She had brought my orgasm to my mouth, would she be expecting me to share this taste with her? I didn't know but did raise my mouth to hers and we kissed deeply for several minutes. My body was worn out by this delightful encounter.

Julie said just lay back and rest. I did and she laid next to me, one hand on my left breast. I quickly fell asleep. I woke up later needing the bathroom and there was this beautiful girls sleeping next to me. I tried not to wake her as I headed to the bathroom. She did awake just a little and whispered "thank you" to me. I whispered "thank you" back to her. I soon was back asleep with sweet dreams for the rest of the night.

I awoke to the aroma of bacon and eggs from the kitchen. It was Monday morning and she had to head to campus. I kissed her neck and said "Thank you for maybe the best day in my life in the past four years." She smiled and kissed me back on my lips. Soon she was headed to campus and I was lost in my thoughts. That day I had life flowing in my veins again. I had purpose in my life - to honor and respect Julie.

Yes, you can imagine that we did have a great relationship after that, and when Mandie returned the next time, there was a threesome of fun in our household.

I did find an old friend for a new relationship, and I'll tell you about it in my next story.

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Martin594Martin5948 months ago

This was so exciting, thank you for sharing your story.

MastermisterMastermisterover 2 years ago

Lovely, erotic tale. I liked the mention of the aroma, this got me nice and erect. I am a gay man but I just had to masturbate to a sensual story like this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Fabulous, my thong was soaked!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
good scents

Love the mention of a woman's sexual scent, and the odor absorbed in saturated panties. After I secretly inhaled the scent my two college roommates' panties and compared the aroma to what my sister's and mother's panties smelled like, there was no denying it was erotic. One of my roommates looked at a pair of my just taken-off panties on my bed and asked if I'd mind if she tried them on. Her look and tone-of-voice suggested she knew I'd been familiar with her underwear. "They might be a little, uh, damp," I replied. "Then you shouldn't mind if I got them even damper, right?" That was the beginning of what became a three-way relationship lasting throughout our university years, and even beyond.

robyn46robyn46over 4 years ago
warm and loving

Karen's stories show love not sex not sex for pleasure but for love. continue writing

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