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Kay Comes Home

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Kay rediscovers what its like to be Conner's pet.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 05/15/2010
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This story, written for a man who will recognize himself in the words, is based on true events. To my Loki, even though I might be on the other side of the world, I hope my message in a bottle gives you more than just fond memories. If you ever find it.


"Get on your knees."

Kay had just pushed the front door closed when, startled by the sharp masculine command, her spine jerked straight. The surprise was followed by heat that puddled in her stomach before tricking down past her navel. She froze, hand poised on the doorknob, with the white panel of the door inches away from her nose.

For a moment, Kay listened to her heart pound in her ears and let her stomach twist itself into knots. When the silence continued, she turned slowly and deliberately to face the living room. She didn't see Conner, but couldn't make herself look around. She would have had trouble meeting his eyes even if he was standing two feet in front of her.

The tone of the command brooked no argument, exceptions, or failure to comply. It was said, and it was expected. Simple. The nervous queasiness in Kay's stomach flared hotter and moved lower. She realized she was holding her breath and tried to let it out gently.

"You make me repeat myself." Conner's voice was smoothly confident, but clearly displeased. "I said, get on your knees."

There was a rustling to her left as he rose from the chair just out of her line of vision. Kay quickly fastened her eyes on the floor.

"Or leave now. I'm done fighting you, Kay."

When she moved back to town a couple weeks ago, Kay had debated whether or not to call her old lover. In the end the allure was too strong to ignore and she shot him a text message, asking if he'd like to meet out for a beer. Instead he'd invited her to his house where they chatted and caught up. They had seen each other three times since then, always with sparks flying. The last time she'd been lucky to make it out with her clothes on.

Conner had warned her that their time together, if she chose to continue seeing him, would lead to a cliff, to a choice between only two outcomes, jump or turn-tail and go back. His one command was enough to tell her she was on the precipice looking down.

This was it. He was asking, demanding her surrender.

Kay's mind flicked involuntarily to the thought of someone, anyone, seeing her kneeling before a man to be used, to be owned. Far worse, someone seeing her supplication and knowing it was voluntarily. Her face flushed red. Her stomach flipped and flared. Her panties felt slick.

It was a lot harder when you couldn't pretend to fight it.

Conner would have known that. The sound of his footsteps told Kay he was walking toward her and, two very careful breaths later, he appeared in her peripheral vision. It didn't occur to her to wonder what he was thinking, gazing down at the nervous young woman standing two steps inside his house. His presence alone was enough to strum at the darker desires she kept hidden. She could feel his eyes on her. The pressure of his expectation was a chain of stones around her neck.

Time stretched. She'd be punished for waiting, but she couldn't make herself break the spell of the moment.

She had been his once, and together they had discovered the darker things in the shadows of their public selves. They had spent languorous years pushing boundaries, teasing open new taboos. It had been so organic. They had explored themselves together, sculpted their tastes from innocent necking to games of power and pleasure.

When other factors pushed them apart years ago, Kay had tried to find the same passion with new men. None of them measured up. They were so farcically inferior and the disappointment so bitter, she'd eventually stopped trying.

Into the lock-boxes went her darker needs. Into her secret caches went the leashes and ties, days spent naked, the begging, punishment, and humility. Her sex life was painted over with a dull patina of church-approved intercourse and began to dwindle. It turned into disparaging sessions of staring at the ceiling, waiting for the push-push-come sex to end. It hurt to give up so much, but life moved on; at twenty-five, she thought that part of her was sealed away forever.

Now with a single command he was asking her to dredge for those secrets, find them and open them up to be examined and exposed. He was asking her for the keys to all those dark places they had carved out together, the keys he used to hold.

Kay swallowed.

With them he would open her up, both in mind and body. He would take the coals of her passions and stoke a roaring fire. He would touch and lick her skin, ensnare her with his fingers and lips and leather, fill her with his cock and seed. He would make her beg, in pain and pleasure, humiliate her, tease her, or grant her mind-shattering orgasms all at his design. He would breathe life into her again.

All she had to do was kneel.


Kay sunk to her knees, as gracefully as she could manage on shaky legs, careful to keep her eyes on the floor. She had paused too long and she knew it. It was going to be hard enough to sit tomorrow without adding more punishment for meeting his eyes.

"Good girl," he murmured, stepping in and lifting a hand up to her hair to gently brush aside a stray. Kay cursed herself for flinching, and blamed the nerves. The warmth of his fingertips, the first contact with his skin, sent a jolt through her that almost melted her to the floor.

Delicately, as if cupping a moth, he lifted her chin. "I wouldn't have asked if I hadn't known you were ready."

Asked? she thought, but it seemed unwise to be pert.

"Pet," Conner tasted each phonetic element like a expensive scotch. He looked as good as she remembered, with Irish features below dark hair and broad shoulders. He smiled at her, gently, but there was a beast stirring awake in the tawny depths of his brown eyes. His eyebrows raised slightly, indicating a response was necessary.

Kay swallowed again. Conner's smile widened to include more teeth.

"Master." Only a whisper came out. It was so hard to say after all this time. Blood rushed into her face.

"Again. Audible this time."

"Master." A whimper. She wished she could look away, but he still held her chin in his palm.



"Use your big girl voice." This time it was a warning.

"Master!" Kay cried out.

Conner bent forward and chastely kissed the outside of her lips. Something inside blossomed at that, leaving little room for fear. Her mouth parted hungrily but he pulled away after his tongue grazed her lower lip.

"Good girl. Do you still trust me to know what's best for you?"


Conner cocked his head to the side, and shot her a warning look.

"Do better."

The feral light in his eyes made Kay quickly bow her head, cowed.

"Yes Master, I trust you." And she did. The realization dazzled her, but then, this had never been just a scene for them. It wasn't about pain, fashion, or some twisted disgust for women. He would never hurt her too much, never draw blood, never refuse to stop. It was about trust and freedom, the delicious rush of pushing boundaries, and a fierce, wild pleasure.

Surprised at the peace she felt, she looked inside herself for the fear she had carried in with her and marveled to find it evaporated. She had handed over the keys.

There was such paradoxical freedom in submission.

Though no permission was given, Kay crawled forward a step and nuzzled her cheek into Conner's thigh. She would accept a punishment if necessary, but for now she was overwhelmed with the need to be near him. She pushed her face against the firm muscle under his jeans and snaked an arm around his leg. It was a gesture of total, contented submission. He reached down and ran his fingers through her short brown hair, sweetly caressing her forehead.

"Its good to have you back, pet." After five years, there was still love in his voice.

The bulge under his zipper confirmed there was lust as well; Kay couldn't help but a feel a twinge of satisfaction.

It was good to be back. So good, but Kay let her submission answer for her. The moment stretched until the fingers in her hair tightened into a fist, and pushed her back in a proper kneeling position.

"Now loose the jacket. It took you 15 seconds to obey a direct command. What do you think that means?"

She didn't have to guess. "It means I'll be punished." She looked down at the floor, that heat between her legs flaring.

"Good. How many do you deserve?"

"Fifteen," Kay responded weakly. The need was beginning to grow insistent and she fought back the urge to press her thighs together. A psychologist would probably have a field day.

"Clever pet." Conner chuckled lightly. He always knew. It made her ears burn. "Now go to the kitchen."

Out of a nervous curiosity, Kay tilted her head to look up at him. The beast in his eyes was fully awake now, feral and hungry. The set of Conner's jaw was a dare and as much as a warning. Insubordination would not be tolerated. Shucking her jacket with a distracted shrug, Kay felt a fist clench around her stomach, as need slithered around her in coils. Still kneeling in the doorway, Kay dared not hesitate. She rolled to her feet to stand.

"Not like that."

Knowing what he wanted, she closed her eyes at the indignity, and went down to all fours. One shuffle at a time, she crawled across the wooden floor while Conner watched her hips sway invitingly.

Kay wondered what he would see when he had taken her clothes from her, if each slide of her knee would reveal soft pink lips, slick with the result of her humiliation. She wondered if it would make him want to bend down and slip a finger into her eager pussy. She stopped beside the kitchen table.

Conner pulled a kitchen chair out to the middle of the tiled floor. Kay took a deep breath.

Conner reached down and caressed her face, before knotting his fingers in her hair and pulling her up. Kay scrambled to her feet at the sharp pain. The sight of him so close took her breath away. She didn't divert her eyes, couldn't have. The closeness of him, his chest, hands, face, was intoxicating. The longing in her was screaming in her blood and she leaned forward in the makings of a kiss, helpless to resist the pull of her body.

He had all the gravity of the earth itself and who was she to deny the laws of physics?

"Ask first," he warned, but his voice was nearly hoarse.

Kay leaned in until her lips were millimeters away from his ear. "Please," she begged, and meant it with every fiber of her being.

"Please what?"

"Please Master."

"Better. You have thirty seconds, pet."

"Thank you, Master," Kay purred, and then licked around his outer earlobe. With a flick of her tongue, she pulled his lower earlobe into her mouth. Conner growled deep in his throat, but leaned his head slightly to the side, giving her access to his throat.

She obliged him, leaving a trail of whisper-light kisses. When she made it down to the pocket where his neck met broad shoulders, she wrapped her hands around the back of his head and bit down, hard enough to surprise, grabbing the muscle briefly and letting it go. Leaving marks was cause for punishment. He reared at that and grabbed a fistful of brown hair, growling and pulling her mouth onto his.

Their mouths met and the kiss was brutal. Conner crushed their lips together and she pushed back as if eager to devour him. Their tongues pressed together, and retreated, only to come back like shy lovers a moment later. His arms slipped down to her shoulders and brought her body closer to him. She pushed against him, reveling in the familiarity of it, hating the layers of fabric that separated skin from skin.

They were both breathless when he broke the kiss. She felt like her skin would give off an electric shock if he touched her again. He looked like reigning in his inner beast had cost him.

Conner ran his fingers inside the waist of her jeans at the small of her back, dragging them around to her hips. His fingers felt wonderful, and she couldn't stop a small moan from escaping.

"Times up. Take these down."

Not off, of course. Kay took a deep breath, brought back to the punishment at hand. He would use her jeans to keep her legs trapped while she was over his knee. She couldn't make her hands move.

"Don't make me say it again, or it will be twenty."

Shaking, she undid the button and pulled down the zipper.

There. That wasn't so hard.

Then she tugged at the waistband, sliding the denim over the curve of her bottom. She watched Conner, feeling her face turn a new shade of scarlet, but his eyes stayed on the white skin being revealed. Under the jeans she wore a satin black thong which left the globes of her cheeks uncovered. She was grateful that it wouldn't show wet spots. Kay dragged the jeans down until they were just above knee level, and then stood straight and waited.

"Panties too."

Kay's hand went back to her trim waist and hooked fingers under the thin black strap of the thong. Teasingly slowly, she pulled them down to meet her jeans, hoping that her sopping wet sex didn't leave tell tale strings of moisture as the crotch of the panties pulled away.

Conner groaned quietly and looked her up and down. Kay stood, clothed, but with ass and pussy completely exposed to his appraising gaze. He moved behind her. Suddenly she felt his mouth on her ear. His breath sent a chill through her. Gently, he took her earlobe into his mouth.

Hands crept around to rest first on exposed hips before moving gently up her lower belly. Her body ached to be touched, and her skin felt on fire in the traces of his fingertips. Again she resisted the urge to squeeze her thighs together. Instead she held still and begged him to touch her body with supplication alone.

His mouth moved lower, to her neck, gently licking and biting the soft skin. Kay muffled a moan, and felt tension leave her as she slipped under the spell of his mouth and fingers. He sent his breath down her collarbone, and a chill brought out goosebumps on her arm.

Standing directly behind his pet, Conner used two fingers to apply a gentle pressure to Kay's back. She leaned forward. He ran the palm of his hand over the bare skin of her bottom, first one side, then the other. Kay felt her hips moving involuntarily under his hands, her body betraying its need. Suddenly she felt two fingers drag from her engorged clit, pressing between the slippery lips of her sex, over the opening at her core, past the puckered hole above, and out the cleft of her bottom. She gasped at the pleasure of it.

"God, you're wet." Conner's voice was thick with lust.

"Its your fault," Kay said with a smirk.

He let the remark slide. "Fetch me a taste, pet."

Kay reached down and pushed her middle finger between her swollen labia, coating it in her sticky juices. She would have loved to thrust or caress the tight bud at the top of her snatch, but didn't dare. She quickly pulled out her finger and held it up to Conner. He bent his head and put his mouth on her finger. She could feel his tongue swirling over her skin, cleaning the off the cum.

Conner murmured his approval. "Your turn."

Kay reached down again and pushed her wet finger deep in her own pussy. The frustration of not being able to stroke was making her stomach tighten and her hips thrust forward on their own volition. She pulled out her finger and brought it to her mouth.

"Good girl," Conner cooed. "How does it taste?"

Kay smiled at him, and used one of his old lines. "Like strawberries and butterscotch."

He barked a laugh at that, and spun her around so hard she landed in his arms. Threading his fingers in the hair at the nape of her neck, he bent down into another kiss, gentler than the last. Soft, even. She could taste herself on his tongue and it only excited her further. She moaned against his open mouth. The kiss hardened, deepened. And suddenly he was grabbing for her as she was grabbing for him, with the tide of passion threatening to overwhelm her. When the kiss broke, it only left her hungrier.

Conner reached down and barely touched her swollen sex. Just one touch and Kay felt her knees weaken.

"A pet obeys absolutely without hesitation." He said it like a proverb. "Say it."

She repeated the words, trying to focus enough to remain standing. Every flick of his fingers sent shivers of pleasure coursing through her body, from her pussy to her lower belly, all the way down to her knees.

"But a disobedient cunt needs to be punished. Say it." Again she repeated his words. When she got to the word "cunt" Conner pushed his thumb into Kay's swollen bud. She gasped and almost fell over.

"Since you hesitated, what does that make you?" Command snapped in his voice.

Kay couldn't think. She wanted that thumb on her clit to keep moving, to keep bringing her closer to relief. At her silence, he stopped cold.

"A disobedient cunt, Master," she blurted. She would have said anything to keep that thumb stroking her.

"A disobedient cunt that what?" Conner questioned, keeping his hands perfectly still on her pussy.

A disobedient cunt that...needs to be punished." She forced out the words and almost cried in relief when the thumb over her clit began to work in small circles. Kay swung her hips with his rhythm; her body was already screaming for release.

"Good girl." The hand pulled away. Kay couldn't stop the frustrated whimper. "Now bend over my lap with your hands on the floor," Conner ordered, moving to sit in the kitchen chair.

Kay did as she was told, feeling her sodden pussy gush at the thought. She laid herself down across his knees, with the soft white flesh of her bottom exposed and vulnerable. From this angle, she was sure her lower lips would be visible between her thighs. Conner ran his hands up and down the skin of her ass, tracing the cleft, dipping down towards the flash of pink hiding below.

"You'll count and thank me for each one, cunt."

"Yes, Master."

"Good," continued Conner, "Are you ready?" Kay nodded her head, not trusting herself to speak.

Conner brought his hand down with a ringing smack.

Kay grunted at the impact. Goddamn! Fifteen more of those and she really was going to have a hard time sitting down.

"What do you say?"

"One. Thank you, Master."


"Two. Thank you, Master."

Crack! Crack!

After the fourth smack her ass was seriously smarting. She felt his hands rub at the warmed flesh. His fingers ran delicately over her flushing skin, caressing and dipping into the wet lips of her exposed snatch.

Kay could see herself in her mind's eye, bent over for punishment like a naughty child, with a flushed, pink bottom. It made her all the more desperate for his fingers on her clit, or pistoning in and out to to make her moan.

Crack! Crack!

"Six. Thank you, Master." Before she finished saying the words, he thrust two fingers deep into her.

She gasped in surprise and pleasure. He pumped his thick fingers in the eager passage, sending sharp, sweet bursts through her whole body. She couldn't keep herself from crying out, but bit her lip as a reminder to keep it down. When she managed to damper her cries to a guttural mewling, he only went harder, thundering in and out of her sex. Kay quickly gave up trying to keep quiet.

Conner landed three more blows in rapid succession. She didn't try to count them out. She doubted she would have been capable, with his fingers making her blood sing and the pain of her bottom worsening with every hit. Kay was sure you could see each pink hand print.

When she thought the pleasure had reached a plateau, his fingers curled around to hit her g-spot, pounding against the inner walls and the intensity skyrocketed. She bucked her hips in time with the thrusts. She couldn't think, she couldn't do anything but let him take her body.

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