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Keys for My Birthday

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Sex addled teen wants to control her stepbrother's orgasms.
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Note from author

This story contains themes of incest, chastity and female domination. If those don't interest you please try something else. This is a stand alone story that takes place at the same time as Graduation Slumber Party, in the world first set up by Election Night Denial, but you can start here if you like.

So I want to begin by saying that I have a problem. An addiction really. The truth is I'm a bit of a nympho.

I need to orgasm about six times a day. I can usually squeeze two in before leaving for school. One in bed before I do anything else, and another in the shower. By lunch time I'm already getting a little tingly in anticipation. Usually I'll find Lars or Steven. They're not the cutest guys in school, but we have a sort of understanding. They don't ask to see my tits or bargain or delay. And unlike male staff, they don't do the whole guilt thing. They just follow me into the broom closet and lick my pussy until I'm satisfied. Usually it takes the full 40 minutes.

I am their lunch.

If you're keeping count, I'm actually already at four by then because the boys these days are good enough to squeeze two out of me back-to-back. That means I only need two more. One as soon as I get home from school and another before bed.

You can imagine though that this is a lot of work, and that it would be understandable if I wanted some help with it.

Like most women these days I sleep a little with my girlfriends. Really as much as they're up for. But in my friend group I'm really the only one who likes going down on other girls. Everyone else regards it as a boys' job.

Which it is.

But I happen to also like doing it. And despite this generosity on my part, I can only realistically count on sleeping with a girl one or two times a week.

And so there's a real deficit. In the old days that might be easy to fill. I'd fill my deficit with cock.

But of course, 99% of the penises I've seen in my life have had cages on them. Both the greatest triumph and the greatest tribulation of our time.

And for a sex addict, I'm not particularly intrigued by having a man penetrate me. But I do like erect penises. Playing with them. Teasing them. And especially denying them. It must be a cultural thing. I hear people from your country aren't like that.

As for me, I find it exquisite. I love to see them engorged. Their heads bloated and smooth and purple, their veins swollen with trapped blood. Repeating their one-move dance: 'Touch me', 'Let me in', 'Please?'


Anyway, that's where Theo comes in.

Yes, Theo my stepbrother.

He's three years older than me, but at the time I'm going to start my story, he was still living at home.

That's pretty typical for young men here. The culture of keyholding has progressed quite a bit since our locking laws were put in place. The norm is that an unmarried charge provides certain services to their keyholder in gratitude for their supervision.

Often it includes a few hundred dollars a month, either in gifts or actual cash. This puts men in a bit of a financial hole that they spend their early 20s climbing out of, while women usually move out at 18 or 19. On top of this are of course other favors that vary by the relationship. When my mom was Theo's keyholder, he did hours of chores and renovations. Some young men are supervised by their sisters though, in which case the services may change.

It makes sense then that a lot of young ladies would want to be their brother's (or stepbrother's) keyholder because it means instant financial independence and a constant stream of small gifts or favours.

Much like other young women, I was hoping to be my brother's keyholder. But unlike many others, I had only the most impure intentions.

And so it was that I found myself on the cusp of my 19th birthday, a full year after the day when I could have started as Theo's keyholder, arguing with my mom in the hallway.

"Every single one of my friends got it last year for their 18th birthday." I insisted, almost truthfully.

"Well, our family doesn't operate the same way as other families."

"I don't understand why we always have to be so different." I whined. "You don't allow any junk food, you won't let us get memspec accounts, it makes us look weird."

Theo actually was pretty grateful that our mother was a little old-fashioned in this regard. Most keyholders monitored their charges through their logged retinal records. If mom did that there would be no way he could have sex with his girlfriend... ever. Our mother's concerns over being natural gave him more freedom than almost any guy his age.

And so every Thursday night on his release day I listened to him through the thin walls separating our bedrooms as he fucked Lizzie.

He was able to keep his grunts to a minimum, but she was a natural harlot with a fetish for creampies. I'm not one to judge, I'm just saying that even I am indifferent towards the idea of a dick disgorging inside me, whereas for her it seemed to be the sole criteria by which she evaluated boyfriends. Who was allowed out of their cage long enough by a negligent keyholder to clean her pipes?

My mother seemed to know nothing about this. Lizzie kept her wails to a minimum, but they still came through the register next to my bed. At first soft mewling and then these stifled moans like she was in pain but trying not to let anyone know and goddammit if I didn't find myself playing DJ on my pussy to the soundtrack of Lizzie's whimpering every Thursday.

So while I was arguing I knew very well that it was Theo's hour of release. And that Lizzie had no doubt snuck into his room like always and that they were going at it on the other side of the door.

The only reason I was missing this opportunity to get off was because I loved the idea of persuading my mother to give me the keys to Theo's chastity device when he could hear me but couldn't defend himself.

Well the argument went on for a little while before I gave up and stormed off to my room. Apparently my step-brother never even realized that we were arguing about who gets to control his schlong because he came up to me later and hinted that I shouldn't be so hard on mom for not buying me a car for my 18th birthday. As if those were the type of keys I was after.

If you haven't managed to pick up on it yet you can probably tell by now that Theo isn't the sharpest. It's not that he's worthless or anything. Good looking guy, charming enough with the ladies. Just not particularly clever.

You may be wondering why, if I'm so smart, I'm still in school at 19. Well, the government actually raised the graduation age. All the 18 and 19 year-olds are in their own little wing of the high school, learning the things that you need some maturity to handle. For the women, this means their chastity classes, male psychology and then a bunch of upper year electives. For guys it's a lot of home economics, mindfulness and discipline, and a course devoted to the practical art of cunnilingus.

Yeah, I understand that's not how things are done where you're from, but ladies here are pretty grateful.

Anyway, my birthday rolled around and I brought a couple friends over to celebrate, Dana and Bethany, and mom let Theo bring Lizzie.

The cake was cut and it was finally time to open gifts. Theo got me a pair of earrings, real silver, nothing he would have chosen on his own. Lizzie didn't really like me, so this was probably something mom pressured him into getting.

I acted appropriately grateful, jumping up from the table and hugging him tightly. For having a hot young woman walking around the house all the time Theo sure did manage to ignore my body. I sometimes wonder if he even realized I had boobs now. They're not tiny or anything -- they're medium sized ski-slope tits -- I'm rather fond of them myself -- so I squished them against his chest as a reminder.

The last gift was handed to me directly by my mother. I pulled at the small red ribbons on the top of a little jewellery box. I tilted the lid of the box open, so I could manage my disappointment if it was just a bracelet or something stupid, but surprised myself by squealing and clapping my hands when I saw what was inside. I turned to the left and right to take in Dana and Bethany's reactions and they grabbed me by the arms in excitement.

A little silver key.

I was finally my brother's keyholder.

I felt a warmth and a trickle in my crotch. I'd need to change my panties. Again.

Mom spoke up, "I know you've wanted this for a long time Kat. I'm sorry we had to have that argument on Thursday -- I wanted it to be surprise. But I do think you're ready."

My stepdad ignored the celebration and glared at his plate while this happened. I bet he spent every day wondering if it was worth marrying my mostly reasonable mother when she came with the package deal of a scheming, hypersexual daughter.

"Thank you mom! And Theo, I want you to know that you're going to be in the best of hands."

Theo still didn't understand what was going on. Even when I lifted the key out of the box to show him, he just turned his head like a dog trying to figure out what's looking back it him in the mirror.

Lizzie knew though. She was halfway through a glass of water when she saw and spat it out into the air. I doubt she ever gave blow jobs - only the kinkiest weirdos go in for that stuff anymore - but if she did, that's probably what the finish looked like.

Theo finally caught on. "Mom -- how come you didn't tell me about this?"

You could see the color drain from his face.

"Theo, that's no way to speak to the matriarch of this household. It's my right to decide that Kat is ready to be your keyholder. I think she'll learn some valuable lessons from this change of roles and quite frankly I think you will as well."

"I'm sorry, it's just, you know I mentioned the idea that Lizzie might be ready to take over, even just the spare set of keys." Theo's tone was more conciliatory.

"I'm sure Lizzie can appreciate that you've only been together for three months, and that I would see my daughter as a more stable option."

I contained my laughter as Lizzie did her best to stay calm, "Of course Ma'am."

"Good, it's settled then." Our mother continued. "I don't want to hear anything else about this tonight."

I happened to glance at the earrings again and realized that my mom had persuaded my stepbrother to buy a pair that matched his chastity key. She wanted me to have a way to display them and liked the idea of Theo paying for them.

Maybe I got my sense of humor from her.


The following Thursday Theo made his way slowly to my bedroom. I had already heard Lizzie sneak in through the window and no doubt she had sent him with instructions to do whatever it took to retrieve his key.

When Theo walked in he found me at my computer desk, hair still wet from a shower, trying out a new, frilly bodice. I wasn't like the other girls at school, and didn't even like to dress like them. I'd been on a sort of Victorian kick lately. Trying out lots of lace and linens.

"Hey Kat, just stopping by to pick up my key. You know, since it's Thursday. Just part of the routine." His attempted nonchalance was endearing.

I did my best to give him a look of pure befuddlement. "What do you mean, routine?"

"Every Thursday mom gives me the key for an hour. So I'm just here to grab it."

"Yes, that was your old routine. But I'm your keyholder now. You didn't think things would continue the same way, did you?" I replied.

"No, I mean yes. A little? I e-transferred you the normal amount that I would give to mom and I saw you accepted it."

"Of course, that's just a baseline to compensate me for the hassle of being your keyholder. But Theo, if you're going to get a release from me you're going to have to earn it. And even when you do earn it, there's no way you're going to get out once a week."

"Kat, that's not fair. Mom always said once a week is healthiest for my body. You know that's true."

"Theo don't you dare contradict me." I wasn't actually angry. I knew this was coming, but I still needed to play my part to move the script along. "We don't lock men up for the sake of their health, we lock them up for their obedience. And you are showing me that you do not understand your place in this household. Starting now, if you even want to have a conversation with me about your chastity device, you will do so on your knees, and without a single item of clothing on your body."

While talking I had stood and walked up right in front of him.

Theo seethed red. He towered over me - I'm not even up to his shoulders in heels. I could see the gears in his head turning. He glanced at the key dangling from my earring. He actually reached out and grabbed me by the shoulders but when his hands came into contact with my exposed skin it was like an electric shock went through him.

He let go of me. His eyes were wide like he was frightened by what he had been about to do. He breathed in and out and tried to control his emotions.

If I had to guess I would say he was doing some calming exercises taught to him in school. We were all trained to know that impulses like the one he had just displayed were the reason for the caging laws to begin with -- men are unable to control their urges.

Once the guilt began settling in he realized he had no other choice.

The second he began unbuttoning his shirt I felt a shiver run through me and by the time he got to unbuckling his pants I was uncomfortably moist. It wasn't like I had never seen glimpses of his body before. He had a fine body, but that wasn't the point. The point was that I had told him to take off his clothes and kneel in front of me and he had done it. Yesterday he would have laughed in my face. But today I was his keyholder.

It seemed that his act of compliance was having an effect on him as well. His caged little member had swollen within its confines and turned a color that I assumed wasn't quite typical.

I held out my hand and he passed me the clothing that had fallen to the ground. Then I stared at him until he got down on both knees in front of me.

I have never in my life looked down on my stepbrother. At least not literally. He has always been bigger than me which has been the source of some discomfort. Even though I'm the youngest, as a woman, we all know that I'm above him on the hierarchy. But it can feel weird trying to enforce that when you have to crane your neck up to look someone in the eye.

No longer.

And just as I felt the empowerment of this shift, I could see his discomfort with his new role.

"Here's what going to happen, Theo. I am going to decide when to unlock you. It won't be every week, and it won't be on some regular schedule. Some days I may let you out for a 'stretch' and then ice you and put you back in your cage. Other days, if you really earn it, we'll find some fair way to drain your balls and reward you for good behavior. But for now, all you need to do is go back to your bedroom and inform your girlfriend of the new situation. I expect she'll break up with you on the spot. If that's the case I'm happy for you to come back here and if you ask nicely I'll give you some 'stretching' time. After all, I'm not a monster. But otherwise I'll see you in the morning."

Of course, Theo looked heartbroken. He couldn't manage to say anything. He stood up and just sort of limply gestured at his clothing which I was still holding. I just nodded no, and he knew he had to go face Lizzy without them.

I managed to ignore whatever conversation they had on the other side of the wall. This was actually fairly easy because the second Theo left I began furiously rubbing my clit and pushed myself rapidly towards an unseemly orgasm without even the slightest pretence of patience.

I did hear Lizzie leave abruptly, and out the hallway instead of the window, so I'm almost certain that she did break up with him then and there. Good riddance.

But Theo didn't come to me for the piteous offering I had promised. I guess he still needed to be broken.


The next few days I left Theo mostly alone. The only task that I started him working towards was braiding my hair in the mornings. Boys actually receive training on how to do this believe it or not. One of the reasons they are so uncompetitive with women in the workplace today is because they waste so much of their high school years being educated on being modern day servants.

The nice thing about this though is that Theo could already do a mean French braid.

The first day I asked him to do it I was just wearing my summer dress. But the second day I wore a corset. Which of course I needed help tightening.

"Theo, look at my reflection in the mirror as you do it. The whole point of the corset is to make my waist small and my tits bigger. If pulling on the corset doesn't result in my boobs getting mashed together then you're not doing it right."

I'm not sure if Theo had ever really taken a good look at my boobs before. For the last few years he had always relied on Lizzie to get off, and I was a late bloomer - up until recently there hadn't been too much to look at. But he was certainly making the most of this opportunity to play catch up.

When he was finally finished he insisted he could do it better and started over again. No problem, that was mostly the point of the exercise.

I in fact knew that this was working because I had an app on my phone that tracked Theo's attempted erections using sensors woven into his cage. If you looked at the graph you'd see big peaks every morning that I had him do my hair, as well as at random times during the day. But erections were trending up, up, up ever since I had taken over from mom. If I was hedge fund manager I'd be telling people to go all in on boner stocks and they'd be wise to listen.

As the days wore on, I wore less and less.

I loved checking myself out in the morning, thinking about Theo trying to avoid staring at my body. I liked to plant easter eggs for him too. Like wearing tops that showed some side boob where you'd be rewarded only from certain angles. Or black underwear under a linen dress that was sheer in bright sunlight. You could walk past me without noticing, but if you were being conditioned to stare at me you would notice the lunar curve of my panties hugging my hips and ass.

I knew it was hot because I was an admirer of the female body myself and dressing up like this turned me on almost as much as it did Theo. Of course, I had an outlet to take care of my urges, whereas his just kept building up.

Some of this teasing was very planned. But a lot of it flowed out of my naturally excessive sexuality.

We have these wing-back chairs in my stepdad's study that Theo sometimes likes to sit and read in. But the corner of the chairs are sort of nicely rounded and when I was younger I once humped one until I came. So one afternoon I just stood over his shoulder and asked him questions about what he was reading while grinding myself into the chair. I wasn't ready yet to finish in front of him, but I think he understood what was going on.

Apparently that crossed some kind of threshold of inappropriateness for Theo. I can see why. He hadn't cum in a little over two weeks and it must have been driving him to madness. So he did something truly mad and told our stepfather.

The next day I was sitting in the basement with Bethany when my stepdad walked in - he rarely comes down so it was a bit surprising. We were both pretending to be watching TV but actually on our phones.

"Oh, Kat, I didn't realize Bethany was here. I was just going to talk to you about something, but we can do it when you're free."

"That's fine Daddy." He was so clearly uncomfortable with the term so I had switched to it almost exclusively. "Bethany is like family to me. You can just tell me now, I don't mind."

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