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Kim Goes On Vacation Ch. 04


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"My precious, beautiful wife, loving obedient submissive, I love you with every fiber of my being. If and when I ask Kim to join us, I will let you know ahead of time. We will have to revisit this subject." We walked back to the cabin arm in arm.

Kim was sitting in the rocker finishing Jane's tea when we got back to the cabin. "You two are amazing, so much in love after all these years. You to look like high school sweethearts."

"Most of the time we feel that way Kim," said Jane. "Kim come inside we need to have a talk, just us girls."

"Well how about taking your hen clucking up to her bedroom please."

I got my laptop and net book and went to the table to work on the video from that morning.

The girls ascended the stairs and when into Kim's room. After setting on the bed Jane said to her niece. "Kim, Jack told me about your talk while you two were out this afternoon. We agree that you might not know it, but you are in love with Jack. It might be puppy love or a crush or it might be true love. You show all the signs except jealousy. I told Jack that I did approve of bringing you into our family group when the time was right. I do have a question though. You said something to Jack about wanting a baby at some point. Jack and I have been told that we can't conceive."

"Aunt Jane, I do not want to take Uncle Jack away from you. I hope one day to earn my spot in your household. Yes, I did tell him that someday I would hope to bear my Master's progeny be it Uncle Jack's or my own master. I love you both too much to come between you."

Jane took Kim's hands into her own and said, "My sweet, dearest Kimberly, I know that you would never knowingly overstep your boundaries. I offer the following advice to you. Do not try and force things in anyway, let them happen naturally. If something is meant to be, it will happen when the karma is right. I also pledge my understanding, guidance and love to you as we continue with your journey into womanhood."

Kim pulled Jane to her and softly kissed her cheek then lips as they embraced. "Aunt Jane, I might be letting the cat out of the bag. I feel by telling you this, it will show that I do understand my position and rank inside this family. Tonight, Sir has instructed me to sleep alone in my room. He wants an evening alone with his beautiful, sexy, charming wife. He also told me that tomorrow night, that I would get my night alone with him and finally make love, instead of fucking like his cumslut."

"Kim, you are growing every day in your understanding. Now let's figure out what we are going to wear tonight. Jack, Jack, what are we going to eat tonight?" Jane called down to me.

"I was thinking seafood. Resort casual dress code will work," I hollered back up to them.

Jane went with Kim to look through her clothes to find something appropriate. Kim did not bring a lot of clothes but Jane did find a nice pair of khakis, a tropical print blouse and some cute sandals. Kim got in the shower as Jane returned to her closet to find her ensemble for the night.

Jane selected a red halter top, wrap dress. The cut would provide ample cleavage and fell right at the top of her knee. She also selected a 40's retro peep toe, red patent leather pump. They had 3.5" heels and a small leather bow across the toes. Jane also pulled a pair of seamed black suspender hose, a red lace bra and thong set. Jane gathered her ensemble and took it to Kim's room. Jane then went to take her shower.

As Jane was showering she looked back on the past few days and wondered how she became so lucky. She quickly finished her shower, dried off and touched up her bikini lines with her thermicon pen. When she had finished and collected her makeup, she called down to me, "Jack, I am out, the shower is all yours."

I closed out the laptop and shut down. I asked the girls though Kim's door what colors they were wearing tonight. I rolled my eyes as they responded think jelly beans, a little bit of everything.

So much for trying to coordinate our outfits. I went to my closet and selected a black sport coat, gray slacks, red dress shirt and black loafers. I looked at the clock and chimed out, "45 minutes until we shove off." I entered the shower and began my preparations for the evening. Soon I exited the shower and grabbed my shaving kit. I got my wet dry electric razor out and touched up my stubble I applied my favorite after shave, Creed Green Irish Tweed. I towel dried my hair and began to dress. I was ready in ten minutes and gave the girls a time update. "Girls, get a move on it. We need to be on the road in nine minutes."

"Don't get your shorts in a wad buster. We are almost ready. All we need is lipstick and we will be ready." A couple of minutes later Jane called down to me. "Jack please go out on the back porch please. We want to make an entrance," she said as Kim laughed.

"Okay, I will be in the swing," I answered.

It was just a minute later that the back door opened. I started to get up when Jane said, "Sit still and close your eyes."

"Yes dear," I replied. I heard the screen door open and close a few seconds later, the a few shuffling footsteps.

"Okay darling, open your eyes." my wife said.

I looked at the porch as I opened my eyes. As I began to raise my head, Kim chimed in, "Taaah-dahhh!"

Wow, they took my breath away. They were simply stunning. Jane had her hair pulled back in a rockabilly up-do. Kim's hair was done in old school glamour waves. "Damn, what did I do to deserve two ravishing beauties like you? A classy and sassy rockabilly girl and a young 1950's starlet," I said proudly. We went back through the house; I locked up the house as we passed back through the cabin. The girls picked up their hand bags. Kim had a neon pink vinyl clutch. Jane had a small vintage red patent leather clutch that matched her shoes. The clutch had a touch of whimsy with a four inch tall black widow on it.

I helped my dates for the evening into the truck and we were off. I had located an up-scale grill and seafood restaurant on the web and called in a reservation earlier in the afternoon. Soon we were pulling up to the front door and I let the girls out then proceeded to find a parking spot.

When I entered the hostess was waiting on me, Jane had already checked us in. I was led to a table near the center of the room, there waiting on me were my two lovely dates. We ordered our drinks and started to look over the menu.

Our waitress returned, Beth was a wisp of a woman, barely five feet tall and I doubt she weighed ninety-five pounds. She had our drinks and asked "Would anyone care for an appetizer?"

"Give us two orders of the fried green tomatoes. We will need a few more minutes before we order our entrees," I said. We looked over the menu and I asked Kim, "Do you have any questions of what some of the selections are?"

"What is Barramundi?" she asked.

"It's Asian sea bass. I you want to try it ask if it came from fresh or saltwater. You would want the saltwater species. Mahi Mahi is dolphin not like Flipper; it is a fish not a mammal. The name is Hawaiian."

Beth came back and I ordered the Swordfish with Golden Pineapple salsa and a baked potato. Jane ordered the Shrimp & Scallop Pomodori Pasta. Kim decided to get the Fried Crab Cake topped with a homemade remoulade sauce and accompanied with a wild mushroom rice pilaf and steamed asparagus. We all ordered the house salad as well.

Beth told us, "It will be about fifteen minutes for your order to be ready. I will be right back with your salads." Jane finished her glass of Polka Dot Riesling as Beth returned with the salads.

"Beth would you please bring me a glass of Beringer White Zinfandel. Also please bring me a glass of the 14 Hands Chardonnay when you bring out meal."

I looked at Kim and winked. I then nodded sideways at Jane, rolling my eyes, "Guess that subscription to Wine Spectator was worth it. You have turned into a bit of an aficionado."

"Maybe," Jane quipped back sticking the tip of her tongue out at me.

We finished the salads and Sara bought our entrees a few minutes later. She also brought Kim a fresh tea and I another Sam Adams. Our meal was enjoyable and the food was tasty. Beth checked on us several time to make sure everything was satisfactory. We all passed on dessert. Beth brought the check and we were soon headed out the door.

It was a short drive to the theater where the concert was being held. I parked the truck under a light so I would be easy to find when we came out later.

I helped the girls out of the truck and we went to the ticket window. I had paid for the tickets online. I pulled a slip of paper with the conformation number on it out of my wallet and handed it to the attendant at the window. She punched up the transaction and gave us our tickets. Front row, center of the balcony.

We stopped by the concession stand for drinks. I carried the tray and followed the girls up the stairs to our seats. We sat down in the roomy seats and waited for the show to begin. The wait was less than ten minutes. The concert was very good. By the time the show was over Kim was a convert to Don's simple country ballads. The show let out at 9:30.

We walked to the truck arm in arm. We climbed in and I headed south along the main drag. When I past our turn to go to the cabin, Jane pointed at the road as we past. "I know where I am going." Another mile down the road, I spotted what I was looking for. That big red neon "Hot DOUGHNUTS Now" sign. I swung in to the drive thru.

I pulled around to the menu board and rolled down the windows. I asked the girls what they would like. Jane wanted lemon filled, Kim opted for the chocolate cover creme filled and I am just an old school glazed kinda guy. I pulled up to the speaker and ordered a dozen glazed and a mixed dozen with four each of Jane and Kim's selections and four of the Cinnamon Buns. Kim wanted OJ to drink, Jane and I opted for coffee. I pulled forward and got our order.

I drove to the Gatlinburg bypass overlook and I pulled into a parking spot. We were the only ones there. Jane opened the mixed box and passed it around. We took our time savoring the sweet southern treats. After we finished I took the trash to the waste can in the parking lot.

The girls were whispering when I got back in the truck. "What are you two conspiring about now?" I asked them" They just giggled at the question. I fired the truck up and we were off to the cabin.

Twenty minutes later we pulled in at the cabin. Kim jumped out with the remainder of the late night snack and took them to the kitchen. I lit the fireplace and joined Jane on the couch. Kim came in from the kitchen, came over then kissed us both goodnight. She then retired to her room for the evening.

I got up and put some soft jazz on and asked Jane, "Would you like something to drink my dear?"

"Mmm, yes I would but it does not come in a bottle. I can only get it through a tube," Jane said before breaking down into a giggle fit. She walked over to me.

I took her into my arms and we began to dance to the intoxicating music. We danced for a few songs, softly kissing and caressing each other. I slowly began to undress Jane. I slowly uncovered her soft flesh. The light of the fire danced on her as I kissed her supple skin as it bared. Jane cooed softly as we continued to sway in time.

Jane pulled back and looked deep inside me. "Jack, my wonderful husband, my caring Master, you have blessed me with so much love and caring since we met all those years ago. This afternoon Kim and I talked about what you told me on our walk this afternoon. After careful consideration and serious thought about the altering of our relationship paradigm." I started to speak but Jane put a finger to my mouth to hush me. "Please let me finish, Master. I will always place you first above all others. I have come up with a couple of proposals."

"One, that we invite Kim to join us as a full member of our house. Two, that since our business is essentially portable, that we move away and take Kim with us. I do not feel that we can keep our incestuous relationship secret in the community where we live now, especially with Kim's parents just a few miles away. Three, that after Kim graduates that Kim and I both carry our babies."

"I know that my eggs are bad and your sperm are poor swimmers. But there is nothing wrong with my womb or Kim's eggs as far as we know. We could do in vitro and implant both of us. That is the only condition that I would impose on Kim joining our house."

I was stunned that Jane would have rendered a decision so quickly. Her caveat showed that she had thought this through. I looked at my love and answered her. "Jane, we will ask her tomorrow. Tonight is ours. I do love you more than you know."

"Master, I do know how much you love me. Tonight is ours and tomorrow is Kim's. Yes she told me that too. Please do not be mad at her if that was not your wish for me to know about tonight and tomorrow evening. She felt that in letting me know, it would show her respect for our relationship."

"I am not mad my darling, far from it." I pulled Jane to me and kissed her passionately. Jane slowly removed my clothes, folding each article. When finished I pulled her to me, held her close and caressed her body. I led her to the hot tub and helped her in then returned to the cabin.

I went up to the master bath and collected two bath sheets. I looking in on Kim. She raised her head and asked, "Is everything alright Sir?"

I approached her bed, "Yes little one, everything is fine. I just wanted to tell you we are rolling out at seven in the morning so you could set your clock."

"I already set it for 6:00, I was planning on cooking breakfast," she said.

"No we will eat out in the morning. You can cook on a rest day, okay Punkin?"

"Yes Sir, see you to in the morning. If you load the coffee pot I will start it when I get up."

"You got a deal." I leaned down and kissed her forehead.

As I stood she quickly reached out and pulled me forward by the hip and engulfed my soft cock. She gave it a few soft sucks then withdrew. She looked up at me and said, "Go to her and make her happy Sir."

"She is happier than you will ever know, Kim." I turned and went to the door. "See you in the morning, sleep well." I closed the door and went downstairs. I poured Jane a glass of her favorite 2009 Anthill Farms Demuth Vineyard Anderson Valley Pinot Noir and cut a couple blocks of Cabot Private Stock Extra Sharp Cheddar. I grabbed myself a beer.

I returned to find Jane stretched out in the hot tub enjoying the programmable massage lounge. I handed her the glass of wine and placed the cheese between us on the deck.

She raised her glass and I my Schlitz, "To us, the luckiest people on the face of the world at this moment," Jane said.

"To us," we clinked glasses and took a taste. I reached over and cut a piece of cheese for Jane and handed it to her on a toothpick.

"Mmm, Cabot and Anthill, you spoil me too much you know," Jane said nibbling her cheese.

"You know that you are worth it. I just don't think I will ever be able to get you that bottle of 1982 Chateau Lafite Rothschild Bordeaux that you lust over so much."

"You know that I don't put importance on material possessions. We do very well and don't often splurge like we have this weekend. But like they say you can't take it with us and we deserve a treat from time to time." Jane sat up and turned to me. "Jack, I was serious about what I said earlier, every bit of it. Bringing Kim in, the babies, all of it." Jane reached for me.

I took her hand. "Jane, I know you were. You are never careless about our relationship and marriage. But tonight I don't want to think about any of that. I just want to focus on you. You are my true love, my first love, when I am away; you haunt my dreams at night. You are the one I think of when I awake in the morning. You will always be my first obligation, my strongest and truest love." I leaned in and kissed her softly.

Jane put her glass down on the deck and slid into my arms. I floated her onto my lap as we continued our fiery passionate kisses. Jane pulled herself up straddling me on her knees. I pulled her torso close as I tenderly nibbled on her nipples. I caressed her ample, firm ass.

She threw her head back as she hissed her approval. I reached over and turned the jets and bubbles up to medium. The surface of the hot tub erupted with a fine coating of small bubbles. Jane pulled me off her breasts and kissed me hard. She slid off my lap and said, "Hop up here." She was pointing to the top of the corner of the tub near the control panel.

I did as she requested. Jane nibbled down my neck and chest, taking her turn at my nipples. I reached over and switched the lighting control to random. The LED and fiber optic accent lighting started to slowly rotate through its colors.

Jane worked her way lower until she reached my throbbing cock. Jane softly licked and nibbled along the shaft teasing me. I reached down a stroked her head in appreciation. Jane spun around, leaned her head back and slid up my cock, deepthroating me.

I moaned as I watched her throat bulge as the head of my cock traveled up and down her gullet. I extracted myself from her silky tunnel and spanked her face with my member.

I pulled her up and laid her on the deck so her ass was hanging over the inside edge of the tub. She reached down between her legs and pulled them back locking them out of the way. I began to softly nibble and bite her ass. I slowly worked my way up the backs of her thighs the down the insides of them. Jane was panting like a bitch in heat.

She reached down and spread her thick, meaty labia open as I softly blew on her sopping wet cunt. I stood up and drug my nails down the backs of her thighs then sharply delivered five slaps to you soggy gash and clit.

She gasp loudly, "Thank you Master, may you slave have more please Sir?"

I Stepped up and beat her pussy with my cock hard. I slammed the thick mushroom head onto her clit as her eyes rolled back into her head. I had to be careful that she did not slip into subspace tonight. I slowly entered my wife.

She gasped as I bottomed out in her womb. Jane truly loved being fucked deep. I just wished I had enough to truly reach her limits. Jane beckoned me on as I began to pull her nipples. I slid one hand down and started to pinch her clit lightly.

"Yessss," she hissed. "Oh please my Master, please don't tease me my Lord. Make me cum!"

I pulled out and slid three fingers inside her stroking her g-spot as I leaned down and sucked hard on her clit. Her hands came down and pulled my face tighter to her mons.

"Oh, oh, OH GOD!!" Jane erupted and I pulled away spanking her clit again quickly. "More Master more. Please don't stop. I twisted her two inch long clit. She unleashed a total of seven streams into the air altogether. The highest reaching a good four feet into the air. I pulled her legs from under her arms and eased her back into the tub.

Jane stood, faced away from me and bent over at the waist. She reached out to hold the side of the tub to steady herself as I stepped in behind her and slammed my cock into her. I pounded her hard right from the start to trigger her next orgasm. She did not disappoint. Thirty seconds later her legs began to quake as she wailed in pleasure. I never broke my stride as I felt her bathe my balls in her nectar. I continued on for another four minutes, When I finally stopped she was a sobbing mess, mumbling incoherently after having four violent orgasms in five minutes.

I slid down into the water and pulled her onto my lap. I tenderly kissed her as I stroked her hair. "I love you so much, my darling wife. You fulfill my every need and desire beyond expectation. You really looked ravishing this evening. I really dug the rockabilly chick look. I would not mind more points of view like that from you."

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