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Kyleigh's Mom Ch. 01

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A divorcee's fling with a college freshman isn't enough.
9.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 03/18/2024
Created 02/29/2024
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Every sexually active character in this story is over the age of eighteen.

This is the story of a divorcee. It builds slowly, so if you need a quick read for jilling or jacking then this is not that read. My goal is to tell the story of a divorcee, a woman who's been through tough times but perseveres and comes through the hurt with the help of her daughter and her daughter's college-aged friends. This will be a multi-part story.

I fervently hope you enjoy this story, and as always, I appreciate your feedback. I'm a new author, and right now I'm trying to "find my voice" as they say.

When my husband, daughter, and I moved to the suburbs, we knew our lives would change. We thought that change would be for the better, and at first, it was. We loved our house and the neighborhood. It was closer to Steve's work and the school system was rated as one of the best in the State. Kyleigh made quick friends, and it wasn't unusual for them to hang out on the weekends. The boys tended to ogle me, as boys will do when they're going through puberty. It's a time when they'll drool over anything with boobs. I didn't let it get to me, but I did try to dress conservatively when they were around. They were even more overt with their ogling when Stacy's mom was here. Stacy's mom did not dress conservatively, at all! One day I heard a couple of them talking, and one of them said, 'Man, Stacy's mom has got it going on!' I blushed and walked away, wondering if they talked like that about me. Stacy's mom is a long-legged frosted blonde. I'm not sure what her natural hair color is. She has man-made boobs, and a face sculpted by a surgeon. I hate to think what she's spent to look the way she does. Me? I'm all natural, from my auburn hair to my naturally curvy body.

Everything was perfect for the first three years after we moved, or so I thought until I returned home from a business trip one day early. I pulled into the driveway and pushed the button on my remote to open the overhead door. As the door opened, I noticed my husband's car was already there. It was midday, and I remember thinking, Shouldn't he be at work? On my way to our bedroom, I looked through the kitchen window and saw my husband sitting on the edge of the pool. I left my luggage in our bedroom and went back to the patio door. I was a little confused by my husband's presence in the middle of the workday but figured things must have been slow at the office. To surprise him, I opened the door quietly and slipped up behind him.

Then I saw it! A woman's head bobbing in his lap. It was Stacy's mom! While I stood there dumbfounded by the scene before me, I went numb. Then my anger began to build, along with a list of questions. How dare he? How long has the affair been going on? Is she the only one? Tears began rolling down my cheeks, spurred on by my anger.

I screamed.

It was a blood-curdling scream.

She jumped.

He jumped.

He scuttled away from her and grabbed his crotch, I noticed blood. When I startled them, she bit his cock. I figured he deserved it.

There was a lot of yelling and crying, followed by slamming doors and squealing tires. By the time it was all over, my husband and his whore left together, and I was alone in the house. When Kyleigh came home, I was still a blubbering mess. I kept asking myself why. Why did he do it? Wasn't I enough? Pretty enough? Sexy enough? I swung from fits of sobbing to moments of rage, and I'm ashamed to say that more than a few things in the house ended up broken. I didn't go to work for the next few days, and Kyleigh did her best to care for me, but what does a teenager know about the betrayal of infidelity? She helped me pack her dad's clothes into garbage bags and set them outside the garage. I messaged him to come get them when I wasn't home, then I called a locksmith. There was no way in hell I wanted him, or heaven forbid his whore, entering my home.

The next year was the worst of my life. I don't know how Kyleigh and I would have made it without the support of our neighborhood. When the divorce became final, I got the house and he got his fast car, the whore had dumped him shortly after the scene by the pool. I was good with that, but I had to get out of the house where my marriage fell apart. Kyleigh had been accepted into college on the West Coast, so I put the house up for sale and followed her. We found a house near her college, and I found a job. Life was beginning to be good again.

The house wasn't large, measuring just 1100 square feet. But it boasted a pool, a tall privacy fence, lush landscaping, and mature trees. I felt fortunate to be able to purchase it before it was listed, thanks to a wonderful Realtor. It was our little slice of heaven, located at 2003 Wayne Street in The Fountains development.

Once again, Kyleigh made new friends quickly, and our house soon became the weekend gathering place. She lived with me to save money, and her campus-dwelling friends enjoyed coming over to hang out and enjoy our pool. Having Kyleigh and her friends there was hardly an imposition. Like at our last house, we provided the space, pool, and grill, while her friends pitched in to bring the food and drink. Of course, their idea of food and my idea of food differed, so I always tried to make something healthy for their visits. After meeting some of the neighbors, I invited them to join us. Her friends were very respectful, and while alcohol was usually available, no one ever became drunk. The parties became a mix of college kids and adults. We held a birthday party once a month to celebrate everyone whose birthday fell during that month.

When the anniversary of my divorce came around, word spread. The next weekend turned into a divorce party with the works; cake, champagne, banners, and balloons. One of the wives told me that they had considered getting a stripper. As I was chatting with a group of the wives, thanking them for the help they had provided while Kyleigh and I dealt with the aftermath of my divorce and settled into our new place, one of them began to giggle.

"You don't know, do you?" she asked through the laughter.

A couple of the other wives tried to shush her.

"Know what?" I asked.

"About the protective order!"

"Protective order? What on earth are you talking about? Steve was never violent towards me. Besides, he's across the country."

"No, no. Kyleigh's friends came up with it," she said after taking a deep breath to rid herself of the giggles. "Protect Ms. Summers and Kyleigh at all costs."

"It's sweet, really," said another. "You've been so welcoming to all of them, and us! It's their way of thanking you. Haven't you noticed that they are always doing something here when they're here? They're not just hanging out with Kyleigh."

At first, I was shocked. Then I realized they were right. Since shortly after we moved in, the girls had been helping with my weekly meal prep, laundry, house cleaning, grocery shopping, and probably other things I hadn't noticed, all under the pretense of hanging out with Stacy. The boys had been cleaning the pool, mowing the lawn, Kyleigh for the landscaping, changing the oil in my car, and even doing minor repairs around the house. The were all so nonchalant about it that they escaped my notice.

I broke down and sobbed. "These kids are amazing, I can't believe they did this. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Dear, we didn't want you to stop them! Anyway, we backed them up. Any time something too big for them to handle came up, us neighbors stepped in to help," one of them said.

"Sweetie, it's the least we could do. You've been great to all of us since you moved in, and after what you've been through we couldn't stand by and watch you struggle. All of us want to see you back on your feet and loving life."

I shook my head. "I don't know what I'll do when they all graduate and leave to have lives of their own."

"Don't worry dear, we'll still be here, us wives and our husbands."

At that moment, I felt loved in a way I'd never experienced. It immediately lifted my mood and I think I floated three inches off the ground for the remainder of the evening. As the party wound down, and guests started to drift away, I looked each of Kyleigh's friends in the eyes and told them. 'Thank you, you're special to me.' I also reminded them that next month's birthday party would be for Kyleigh. All of her friends gave me a lingering hug and told me they loved me. Most of them kissed me on the cheek, but Chris and Adam, the last ones to leave, awkwardly kissed me simultaneously, on the corners of my mouth. I felt a hand on each hip. I blushed, and we laughed about it, then they turned and followed everyone else through the gate.

The next morning, Kyleigh and I chatted over breakfast.

"So, tell me about the protective order," I said as I stood at the stove making French Toast.

Kyleigh was behind me at the kitchen island typing on her phone and sipping orange juice. She didn't answer right away so I turned to look at her. She was frozen, staring at me with wide eyes.

"H--how did you hear about that?"

"Hillary had a bit too much wine at yesterday's party and let it slip," I replied, shrugging my shoulders in an attempt to appear nonchalant about it. I turned back to the stove.

"It's no big deal, just something my friends came up with and brought the idea to me."

"Oh? So you approved this?"

"Well, yeah, sort of," she sounded tentative.

I plated our breakfast, sat her plate in front of her, and leaned over the island. Our faces were only a foot apart.

"Your friends were sneaky. I never caught on to what was happening," I said, giving her a stern look, then breaking out into a smile, "Best daughter ever." I tousled her hair and she giggled. We had been through a rough patch, but together we were coming out the end of that dark tunnel into a beautiful new life.

"I'm going to miss you when you graduate college," I told her, taking a bite of breakfast.

It was her turn for the stern look. "Mom, I haven't completed my first semester and already you're talking like I'm leaving you!"

I moved around the island and hugged her. We both shed tears of joy that morning.

"You're awesome, Mom. All my friends think so. They're always like, Kyleigh's mom has got it goin' on."

"Got it goin' on? Your friends back East used to say that about Stacy's mom. What exactly does that mean?"

"Well, they said it about you too. I think it must have to do with how you are always so in charge, making everyone's life better, you always know just what to say to me and my friends, and how to play the perfect hostess. Plus, have you looked in the mirror? You're hot with a capital H-O-T!"

I blushed at that. "You and your friends shouldn't think like that, you're all just babies."

"Well, us babies are quickly approaching adulthood and our hormones are raging. You know Jenny and Jody. They haven't been able to keep their hands off each other since they met at Freshman Orientation. I don't think there's been a weekend when they haven't done the deed. Usually multiple times. One time they did it in our laundry room!"

"Your dad and I used to enjoy our old laundry room!" I laughed. "Have you ever...?" I let the question trail off.

"TMI on the laundry room, Mom! And if you're asking whether I've lost my virginity yet, well, that's a secret for me to know and you to never find out. Anyways, news flash. I've heard Chris and Adam call you a MILF," she laughed, quickly changing the focus of the conversation away from herself, "Their hormones are really raging."

"A MILF? What's that?"

"Oh, geez, Mom. Are you really that out of touch? MILF stands for Mom I'd like to... you know."

"What! They want to--"

"Chill, Mom. I don't think they really want to do that. I mean, you're old enough to be their mom. I think it's just their way of saying how they think you're a real hottie...for a mom, of course."

"Oh, of course!" I laughed nervously.

We continued to chat while we finished breakfast and cleared the dishes. I did my best to not let on, but I was a little thrilled about the boys calling me a MILF. Maybe that awkward three-way kiss wasn't an accident. But life went on, and the kids continued to hang out with Kyleigh and help around the house. I didn't reveal that I knew about the protective order and Kyleigh didn't tell anyone either.

On one particularly warm fall day, I was lounging by the pool while the kids enjoyed the water. Behind my dark sunglasses, I allowed my eyes to wander. Chris and Adam were both there using the diving board. After each dive, they swam to the nearest ladder, which happened to be right in front of me. After climbing the ladder, they would walk back to the board and dive again.

As they exited the pool with their hair slicked back, beads of water glistened on their sun-kissed skin and formed rivulets through the hair on their bodies. Adam was dark-haired, with a thin nose and a lithe body. He had a thin line of hair that arose just above his navel and thickened as it reached his brightly-colored swim trunks. Chris was the more muscular of the two. He had wavy blonde hair. Each time up the ladder, the muscles of his arms and torso flexed as he hauled himself out of the water.

It wasn't long before I noticed that my nipples were standing out, and I had subconsciously started to rub my thighs together. I suddenly felt horrible about ogling these boys. They could be your sons! I mentally scolded myself. While they were both in the water and wouldn't see my nipples poking through my T-shirt, I quickly stood and turned toward the house. I walked as swiftly as I dared toward the door, not wanting to draw attention to myself by hurrying. Once inside I stood at the window above the kitchen sink and took in the scene. Boys and girls innocently playing in my pool, enjoying being with friends without a care in the world. But every time Chris and Adam exited the pool my eyes were drawn to them.

I stood there watching, my breathing slowed and my nostrils flared with each breath. These aren't boys and girls, they're young men and women. I couldn't stop myself from continuing to admire Chris and Adam. Their bodies glistened in the sun as they strode around the pool, water dripping from their swim trunks. I subconsciously trailed my hand along my jaw until my fingers played across my lips as I imagined myself still sitting on the lounger with Chris standing over me. Two fingers passed my lips as I imagined his soft crown invading my mouth. My fingers were salty from sweat, just like I knew his cock would be. Stop this Sofie! Stop this before you go too far! But then I went further. My other hand rose and slipped under my shirt, cupping my breast through my thin bra and tweaking my already hard nipple. I moaned on my fingers as I slid them in and out, mimicking what I was fantasizing about doing to Chris' manhood. Still fondling my breast, I removed my fingers from my mouth and slipped them into my shorts. I was wet, incredibly wet. It was a good thing that I had come inside. If this fantasy had overtaken me while I was outside, I'm sure they would have seen a wet spot between my legs.

I stood there gazing out the window as I circled my button and fondled my breasts. Soon my breathing grew rapid, I was nearing release. Chris and Adam were both standing by the pool near the ladder, talking and laughing. Adam looked at the lounger where I had been mere moments ago. My toes began to tingle and the feeling worked its way up to my thighs. My orgasm was unavoidable now. It rushed at me like a freight train. They spoke to each other and then looked directly at me through the kitchen window. Omigod! Can they see me? It's too late to stop! As the boys and I stared at each other, I came. I twitched and moaned as I roughly pressed my button. I came so hard I nearly collapsed. There's no way they didn't know what I was doing! A strange feeling overcame me, I was horrified that they'd seen me when I was touching myself, but at the same time, I was incredibly excited. It had been over a year since I'd had such a satisfying release. Add one more thing to the long list of items the young men by the pool had helped me with! Once I regained my composure I turned and walked away from the window. I knew I couldn't go back outside that day.

I avoided them for the remainder of the weekend, but soon that became impossible. It was time for the monthly birthday party, and this month was Kyleigh's nineteenth birthday celebration. For this party, I had to go all out for my daughter. I asked our young friends to come by early if possible, to help me with the decorations. Mostly it was the girls, but Chris and Adam showed up too. I did my best to minimize my interaction with them, relaying instructions through one of the girls. But total avoidance was impossible.

One of the constants of the birthday party is the big banner I hang off the pergola. 'Happy Birthday!' it screams in riotous colors. I needed a short stepladder to reach the hooks where I hung the banner. Up I went three steps and hooked one end of the banner. Back down the ladder, I picked it up with one hand and held the banner in the other. As I placed the ladder down and prepared to climb and finish the task, a gust of wind caught the banner. Silly me didn't just let go of the banner, no, I held on for dear life. With the banner acting as a sail, I stumbled. I was going down, visions of skinned knees and hands flashed across my eyes. I screamed. Then someone grasped me around the waist from behind and swung me in a circle, redirecting my momentum and keeping me upright. The motion also wrapped the two of us in the banner.

"Woah, I got you," I heard a male voice say softly into my ear as we spun.

I immediately recognized the voice, it was Chris' deep baritone, a tone that can make a woman's heart skip a beat. His strong arms encircled my waist, and the banner held my back tight to his chest.

"Careful there, Ms. Summers," he chuckled softly in my ear, "We can't have our beautiful host wearing bandages on her daughter's big night."

"Thank you, Chris. I appreciate the save."

"Mmmm, it's my pleasure," he whispered in my ear.

Looking around the backyard, I noticed that we were being watched. Chris still had a grip around my waist, and he was making no move to remove us from the banner's grasp. Not that I minded. I hadn't been held by a man in over a year, and being wrapped in Chris' arms felt so damn good. I momentarily relaxed against him and laid my head on his shoulders.

"You really should let me go," I said.

"Can't," he responded. "The banner is wrapped around my arms."

"Sooo, unwrap us?" I laughed. Shouldn't that be the obvious thing to do?

He smiled. "Do I have to? Because, if I'm being honest, this feels damn good. I've never held a MILF. There's not a hard curve on your body, is there?"

"Chris, please, everyone is watching."

He slowly turned in a circle, releasing us from the banner, then relaxed his arms and let me slide against his body until my feet were back on the concrete. While he had been holding me, my bottom had been against his stomach. When he lowered me to my feet, my bottom slid over his pelvis. My breath caught when I felt a large lump against one cheek. Even with my feet back beneath me, he still hadn't fully unwrapped his arms from around me, only now, they encircled me just below my breasts. My heart raced, and visions of the two of us naked filled my mind.

"Chris? You really should let me go," I said softly as I looked up at him over my shoulder.

"I really don't want to," he said. I noticed his eyes were dark with obvious excitement, and I felt his manhood pulse against my bottom.

"Please, they're all watching."

"And if they weren't?" he asked, finally releasing me.

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