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Law of the Heart: Consequential...Ch. 04


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As Sally gaped at Jill, I could see Jill start in on her. I couldn't tell what she was saying because she was too far away, but it was obvious that she was telling Sally off in no uncertain terms. As Jill's lecture went on, Sally looked around nervously trying to see if anybody was watching.

As Jill's harangue slowed down, Sally tried desperately to defend herself. I could see her pleading with my wife, but Jill wasn't buying it. Jill cut her off at every turn. Eventually, Jill lost her temper and turned to walk away. At that moment, Sally made a mistake that would cost her.

Sally was standing next to the pool and reached out to grab Jill to stop her from leaving. Jill turned and shoved Sally away. As Sally fell back, she stepped on the edge of the pool.

For a moment, it was like I was watching a movie. Sally teetered on the edge of the pool windmilling her arms yelling as she tried to regain her balance. Jill stood there watching her and with a smile reached forward and gave her another push. Except this time, Jill grabbed hold of Sally's beach cover up and did not let go. As Sally fell back into the pool, the cover up ripped and Jill ended up holding it as Sally fell backwards into the pool in nothing but a short baby doll nightgown. The whole class saw Sally as splashed down.

Sally sputtered to the surface standing in thigh deep water. The nightgown was translucent showing off all of Sally's dubious charms. All of a sudden, Sally turned beet red as she realizes that she was as good as naked in front of everybody and sank back into the water with a groan. Jill looked down at her and deliberately threw the cover up as far away from the pool as possible.

Jill stood over Sally at the edge of the pool and continued to tell her off in a voice that every one could hear. "Stay away from me Sally. If I had taken your advice yesterday, I would have screwed up my marriage to Jake. You almost cost me my husband. You and your fucking perversions make me sick." At that, Jill turned her back on Sally and started back to the table where I was sitting.

Tom had sat there through this scene with a look of horror. Here was the woman that he had spent the night with getting humiliated in front of his face. He stood to go over to Sally, but I grabbed his arm before he could leave and spoke quietly to him. "Tom, Sally deserved everything that just happened. She has been pushing Jill to cheat on me for months. She gets off on the idea of a cuckold husband being dominated by his wife and her lover. Think about it. Do you really want to get involved in that type of shit?"

Tom looked at me in confusion. He was a nice guy and didn't want to leave Sally in distress, but my words had shaken him as well. He slowly got up from the table and walked over to the pool where he recovered the pool cover up and handed it to Sally as she got out of the pool. It had torn all the way down the sides. It would partially cover Sally, but she would be on display as she walked back to her room.

As Jill got back to our table, I stood and gave her a big hug and kiss. Looking intently at her I asked her if she was ok. Jill smiled at me wanly and hugged me to her tightly as she nodded. Sally had been her friend for a long time and Jill had been hurt by her actions.

Jill looked around the table at our friends and shook her head. "I'm sorry about that guys. This reunion has taught me that a true friend is someone who cares about me and accepts me as I am. Life is too short to deal with people who want to screw up my life in the name of friendship." Jill then gave an evil smile, "Besides, she wanted everyone to see my tits yesterday, its only fair that we got to see hers today."

With that, everyone broke into laughter as they recounted how Sally looked as she fell into the water. It wasn't politically correct, but sometimes a person's humiliation can be humorous. I smiled to myself as we talked. Jill had dealt with Sally, now I needed to deal with Juan and Hector.

About a half-hour later, I looked up from our conversation to see Juan, Hector and Maria walk up from the dock. Juan looked over and saw Jill and I sitting at the table. He nudged his brother and with a smirk pointed us out. After a short discussion, Hector shrugged his shoulders and followed his brother over to the table with Maria at his side.

As they reached the table, Juan smirked at me and walked up behind Jill and started to massage her shoulders. Jill batted his hands away and looked at him with a look of exasperation. "Cut it out, Juan." She snapped.

Juan laughed and sat down at the table. I could tell that my other classmates were torn between leaving or staying. They wanted to avoid what could be a bad scene, but they felt the curiosity that attracts crowds to accidents and executions. They wanted to see the blood.

After Jill's story last night, I was angry with Juan. He had done everything in his power to get her to have sex with him. It didn't matter to him one bit that she was married or what it might do to our marriage. My emotions were telling me to fly into a rage and start screaming at him. But my plan for payback required me to stay calm and collected. I wanted our friends to see what an asshole he was. I needed to set him up for the fall.

"You know, Juan," I stated mildly, "by now even an asshole like you should be aware that Jill isn't interested in your bullshit. Keep your hands off my wife."

Juan smiled broadly. I could tell that he thought I didn't know what had happened the day before. He wanted to cause trouble. "I don't know, Jake, she seemed to like it when she was in my arms last night."

I snorted in disgust. "Yeah, right. You buy her drinks until you get her drunk and then you start groping her while dancing. That's smooth Juan. Just like the frat boy you are. But, go ahead if you want and try Jill again. I'm sure that she wouldn't mind slapping you in the face again. You must be a glutton for punishment."

I looked at him with a look of pure venom. "Juan, you are a total asshole. You hit on married women. You harass them and keep pushing after they tell you no. You don't care if you destroy someone else's marriage. You don't give a fuck about anybody else."

Although Juan was still smirking, you could tell he was confused. This wasn't going the way that he had expected. He thought he was going to be pushing my buttons. He wasn't expecting me to attack him on his behavior. He had no qualms about his behavior. He was expecting me to fly off the handle at Jill not at him. At least, I had shut him up.

I turned to Maria who was standing next to Hector. "Hi you must be Maria. I'm Jake, Jill's husband. Jill told me a lot about you. Tell me, what do you think of Juan's behavior. How would you feel about a woman who tried to continuously hit on Hector?"

Maria didn't answer. She was uncomfortable in being put on the spot. Maria was the only concern that I had with my plan for pay back. From what Jill had told me, she was innocent. Any revenge that I took on Juan and Hector would hurt her as well. I consoled myself with the thought that she deserved to know the truth.

I turned to Hector. "And what about you, Hector? How would you feel if someone like Juan made a play at Maria? Do you get pissed at guys who make passes at her?" Hector glared at me. I knew that he was the jealous type, but had a double set of standards. He had a blind spot when it came to the games that he and his twin played. I was going to fill in that blind spot.

"Maybe it doesn't bother you Hector." I continued. "After all, if Juan had succeeded in seducing Jill last night, you were planning on fucking her too, right? Maybe you like to share Maria with your brother."

At these words, all hell broke loose. Hector's face twisted in hate and he took a step forward as if he wanted to attack me. Juan started to swear and jumped to his feet. Our classmates stopped them before they could reach me. Maria reacted as if she had been slapped. She glared at Juan and Hector and then looked back to me demanding an explanation.

I gave Juan and Hector one of their trademark smirks. "What's the matter?" I taunted them. "Didn't you let Maria know about your switching beds?"

I turned to Maria. "I'm sorry that I had to break it to you this way Maria. Last night, Jill told me an interesting story. It seems that when she was dating Juan, she caught Hector in her bed one night. They had switched beds in the middle of the night. They thought it was a big joke and told her that they like to share their women. Last night, Jill got Juan to admit that they were planning to switch beds if he had succeeded in seducing her.

"Tell me guys, how many times have you switched beds since Hector married Maria? Did you have any idea Maria that you were getting a combination package when you married Hector? Do you like being shared with Juan without your consent? Jill can tell you how to tell them apart if you want."

With each additional accusation, Maria looked more and more stricken. She stared at Hector and Juan pleading them with her eyes to deny the truth of my allegations. But, like little schoolboys caught with their hands in the cookie jar, they flushed with guilt and looked away. From their reaction she began to suspect that I was telling the truth. Finally she looked over at Jill and begged her for confirmation.

Jill nodded miserably. "Its true, Maria. I caught them one night when I wasn't as drunk as they thought I was. Juan has a mole on the back of his neck just under the hairline and it wasn't there one night when I ran my fingers through his hair. When I called them on it, they thought it was a big joke. They told me that they did it all the time when their girlfriends were drunk enough. They switch beds whenever they think they can get away with it.

"Last night as I was getting out of the hot tub, I saw Juan whisper something to Hector and Hector nod. Juan was convinced that I was too wasted to refuse him and it hit me that they were planning a switch. That's why I let Juan walk me back to my room. I wanted to confront him. His reaction told me that I was right. I'm so sorry, I wish you didn't have to find out like this."

As Jill spoke, Juan and Hector stood there guiltily. Maria looked at Hector daring him with her eyes to deny it, but he couldn't. She spat at his feet with disgust and walked away. Hector went after her pleading for her to stop, but when he tried to grab her arm, she turned and slapped him in the face. He just stood there dejectedly as she walked away.

Juan still stood at the table and glared at me with murder in his eyes. I turned to him and stared him down. "Its not as much fun when you are on the receiving end is it Juan? How many marriages have ended because of your games? Now, maybe you can understand some of the pain that you have caused.

"Do you have any idea how stupid these sex games are? You're damn lucky that you didn't succeed in seducing Jill last night. Otherwise you and your brother might be facing sexual battery charges this morning."

Juan stared at me in surprise.

"You're a lawyer for God's sake." I said with disgust. "Don't you remember that non-consensual sex is a crime in Florida? If Hector fucked Jill without her knowledge, where is the consent? Just get the fuck away from us."

Juan slumped and walked over to his brother. Hector pushed him away angrily and walked after Maria. Juan just stood there for a moment and then walked out alone. Strangely enough, I didn't get much satisfaction from the revenge. It left me feeling dirty. I knew that Juan and Hector had gotten what they deserved, but I was sorry for the pain that I had caused Maria. I could feel the tears as they slowly ran down my cheeks

After the fireworks, the mood at our table was somber. Nobody blamed me for my actions, but my classmates were thinking hard about what they had just witnessed. Jill reached over to me and squeezed my hand. She was crying too.

Needless to say, the mood for the reunion for the rest of the day was much different from the day before. The drinking slowed down as people remembered what the hard drinking at the Luau had caused. I could see many of my classmates spending extra time with their spouses as they sought to reassure themselves of their own marriages.

Jill and I sat together with Steve, Meredith and a few other friends and quietly relived some of our old times together. We saw no need to get wild; we just enjoyed the friendship that we shared. In some way, we had all grown older and wiser as a result of the day. We all spent a lot of time just touching and smiling at our spouses. Tonight, the hotel rooms of the reunion were going to be filled with the sounds of sweet love.

Jill and I retired to the room early. We were both exhausted emotionally, but ready to once again consummate our love for each other. As I slipped into bed, I saw Jill leave the bathroom dressed in the black negligee that she had worn in the fashion show. I smiled at her and beckoned her over to sit at the edge of the bed.

"Jill, How would you like to extend our stay for a few days as a second honeymoon? I'm sure that you're parents wouldn't mind watching Jake Jr. for few extra days."

Jill squealed in delight and pushed me over onto my back as she straddled me and covered me with kisses. I had got my answer and I knew that I was in for a long glorious night.

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AnonymousAnonymous18 days ago

So sad and confusing. Someone must have really damaged Capecodmercury. It’s hard to fathom this chain of events even as a fictional work. Maybe this story should be placed under Sci-Fi. Hubby is obviously from another planet of spineless, androgynous creatures are scared to look for real happiness with a faithful partner.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Good story but not in favor of the dickead hubby spying on his wife wife and not doing a damn thing while she in turn tried her best to force him to stand up and put a stop to it.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I, once again, feel the need to express my sorrow for guys that have been hurt so badly to only see sluts when they see a woman. For them life truly does suck. I’m sorry, dude. Hopefully someday the pain will go away.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I still don't feel Sally and her tricks got exposed enough to understand why she does what she's about. Further, if they are so called friends, they should have stopped Jill going too far the previous day and evening. Some friends they turned out to be. Friends look after each other, in this case its 'all for me and me for me', but I will tell you how bad it is the next day.

servant111servant1117 months ago

This is what happens when you try to shoehorn a RAAC ending and a revenge conclusion on another story that simply will not permit anything other than a BTB type of ending. The result is an illogical convoluted chaotic mess that is so cryptic that the average reader begins substituting their own common sense meanings for the utter nonsense being promulgated by the author. As such you as the author have failed the most crucial of authorial requirements...you have utterly failed to convince the reader to properly suspend disbelief.. This process began about episode 2 which snowballed that by part 3 the whole mess became so utterly convoluted I began viewing it as low comedy... Reminds me of the old series Alias in which by the second season the Deux ex Machina off stage entrants to fix all the huge plot holes caused by the constant boiling and reworking of every element of the basic plot metanarrative caused viewers to wonder just what absurd plot twist was going to be foisted upon them next...

This utter chaotic mess is replete with way to many plot twists that really make no sense and are frankly unexplained by this tale... In short the entire effort is an epic fail of a magnitude that beggars my imagination...

1 star

NallusNallus8 months ago

Have to agree "We'll balanced outcome..." from 3 months ago (July'23). Good real emotions and how handled.

— — —

GLAD Jill finally looked outside of her interpretation of his inaction, and understood what the result would have been if he had left, and all the classmates could only have backed up his opinion. Her 'force him to react' was a recipe for disaster, as he did not know the she knew he was there. She didn't think about his undeniable interpretation.

StruckwrongStruckwrong9 months ago

Going to far with flirting is cheating.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Ik. I’m a lawyer. Went to an Ivy League law school. I’d have to be deaf, dumb, blind, and on death’s door to even consider a social

Reunion with law school classmates, especially at a resort. I’d prefer a camping trip with the library faculty.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Well-balanced outcome. Revenge, for sure, but not over the top. Some of these comments are killing me though. CA/NYC analyst? Lamest revenge? Oh well. I suppose that fiction that is believable (as well as legal) is not as fun as big explosions and dead bodies. But I found myself identifying more with the MC than in the other versions where he went over the top, and that's probably the best compliment I can pay.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Better ending than where she is double teamed by the brothers and then ACTUALLY tells the husband how she came a dozen times and NEVER got FUCKED like that before and the ORGASMS with the brothers was WAY THE FUCK BETTER THAN ANYTHING he could give her!!!!Yeah that makes for a good marriage going forward! Now what husband could listen to that AND EVER talk to the bitch again or even be in the same State with her? R. H.

bigurnbigurnabout 1 year ago

Wow ! A weak story about a weak willed, vindictive, game playing Wife and her wuss of a Husband . It read like a psyco-babble textbook for a California/New York City analyst . Just a bunch of excuses for a cheating Wife who saw her Husband heading her way before she actually screwed Ol" Juan again ... Good thing the bedroom had that window . 2 stars !

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I am always amazed at the negative comments some authors receive,but then we have never read anything they have written,that would be so superior to what has been published.Dalbydad

NonSequitourNonSequitourover 1 year ago

Jill found the briefcase on the beach near the dock. When/how did Jake get it to take to the marina? Jill said Juan threw her top overboard. Jake mentioned Sally hiding it.

Another author wrote an ending where Jake burns the twins' fucking boat.

xhristianjxhristianjover 1 year ago

Revenge really how many pages of interminable waffle and in the end he gets to put Juan in his place? Yeah right that's the fucking lamest so called revenge I've ever read😂😂😂

skruff101skruff101over 1 year ago

After all that I’m left with the overwhelming urge to ask why would any author waste what must have been a considerable amount of time and effort to write what is in effectively the literary equivalent of candy-floss, lots of volume (4 pages worth) but practically zero substance.

KaeyoKaeyoover 1 year ago

Far longer than it needed to be. Maybe 3 pages of good story pumped up with far too much cotton candy.

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