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Layover Surprise

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Two long lost cousins connect when stranded at the airport.
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As soon as I heard the captain come on the speaker during the flight, I knew I was in for a delay. I was flying into Houston to catch a connecting flight home, but knew the storms in the area were wreaking havoc. Sure enough, our plane was being diverted to the nearby Air Force base until the weather cleared over the airport.

As soon as we touched down, I powered on my cell and called the hotel at the airport and reserved a room. Having been delayed in Houston on a previous trip, I knew the hotel would fill quickly, so wanted to be ahead of the game.

Two hours later we lifted off and hopped over to the airport and were allowed to disembark. My connecting flight had been cancelled, so I hopped the trolley and went to the hotel. The lobby was a mad house and people were getting frustrated. They had a line set up for people with reservations, and I was shuttled through and given my room key. I turned and walked away from the lines of grumbling people and headed to the elevator.

I was halfway there when I heard someone call out my name. "Noah!" I heard. I turned to look and saw a slim brunette with shoulder length hair waving. I walked towards her and was shocked to see my cousin Cheryl. I had not seen her since our grandfather's funeral five years before, and her appearance was drastically changed.

At the funeral, she weighed upwards of 180 pounds and had bleach blonde hair. The Cheryl standing before was 120 at the most, and had reverted back to her natural deep mahogany color of hair.

"Cheryl! What are you doing?"

"I just flew in from Midland and got stuck heading home. I guess all the flights are done. The hotel is booked already, so I guess I am going to grab a cab and find the closest one." She stepped out of line and came closer.

"I have a room. You can crash with me tonight if you want. It'll save a trip."

"Really? You don't mind?"

"Of course not," I said. "I can't throw my favorite cousin out on the street." She was my only cousin, so she had to be my favorite, which was a long standing joke. Her mom and my mom are sisters, and we are both only children. Both our dads are only children as well, so we have a very limited family.

I grabbed one of her bags while she rolled her suitcase and we went to the elevator. I let us in the room and she made a small pile with her bags.

"One bed?" she asked.

"Yeah, sorry, I didn't think about that. I can take the floor."

"No you won't! We can make it work."

She went to freshen up and I got my stuff situated. She came back out and sat on the bed.

"Want to go get a drink and catch up?" I asked.

"Maybe three drinks. Sounds great."

We found the lounge and sat at a small booth and gave the waitress our drink order. I sank back in the booth and looked at Cheryl. She looked really great, especially since she had let herself go in the past.

She is a year younger than me, and had married a few years after high school. Her husband had family oil money and even though he supported her well, I always thought he was a callous prick. I went ahead and got him out of the way.

"How's Chris?"

"He was why I was in Midland. He's working for his dad at their office there. I don't know if your mom has told you, but we are separated. I went over to see him to see if we could salvage our marriage. After the last few days, I am more than ready to sign the papers and be done."

"That's too bad," I said. "What happened?"

"All the old cliches. He cheated, I caught him, he swore he would change. I realized when I found women's panties in his dirty hamper that he would never change. And you? Still a devoted bachelor?"

At 33, I had never married or even come close. I had commitment issues and never had the urge to settle down. "Yes. Probably til I die a lonely, bitter old man."

I knew Cheryl and Chris never had kids, so at least that part of her separation was easier. I couldn't imagine giving someone 10 years and having it end.

We had a few drinks and I enjoyed catching up with Cheryl. We had grown up living near one another and had gone to school at the same schools. After I graduated and went to college, we slowly drifted apart, which was sad. I forgot what a big part of my life she had been and it was great to see her again after so long.

"So, you look really different," I ventured.

"That's right! Last time you saw me I was a fat cow!"

I laughed at her candor. "Well, a little bigger," I admitted.

"No, sweets, I was fat." I smiled at her calling me sweets. She had called me that from the time she was seven all through school. "I was miserable, my husband was cheating on me and I just let myself go. I ate my sorrow away one pint of ice cream at a time. Chris decided he wanted me to go blonde, so on top of the weight gain I looked like a bleach blonde heifer. About two years ago I started letting my hair go back and exercised and dieted. It took a while, but I finally got my self-esteem back and was happy again."

"Good for you."

We were both feeling little or no pain, and I was enjoying our talk. She came out of left field with her next question, and it took me a minute to answer her.

"Do you remember the night of my graduation party?" she asked.

When she graduated high school, I had just finished my freshman year at ASU. I came home the week before and after watching her walk, we went to her house for her party. My aunt and uncle were the "cool" parents, and alcohol flowed freely as long as the kids didn't drive and had their parents permission to drink. They even rented two limousines to drive kids home. I planned on staying over in the spare room, so I drank heavily.

Her question brought back a lot of memories of that night. "Yes," I said, "I remember. We haven't ever discussed it, have we?"

"No," she said, her cheeks flushing a little.

At the party, we had a lot of fun. Cheryl had even set me up with one of her extremely cute friends, and the friend and I had spent some time in a quiet corner of the backyard making out. Before I could seal the deal and get laid, the friend had thrown up and we had to send her home in one of the limos. Much later, after everyone had left and my aunt and uncle had gone to bed, Cheryl and I had sat on her back patio and talked for a long time.

Eventually, we had started rough-housing like we had when we were kids, and that is where the night turned into one of the most erotic experiences of my life. Prior to that night, I had never viewed Cheryl as a woman, despite her obvious attractiveness. Other than a passing glance noticing her beauty and body, I never considered her as anything other than my cousin.

She had ended up in my lap, trying to get at my ticklish spots. I was trying to get her back, when I realized I was hard and my cock was pushing into her ass as she squirmed on top of me. My hesitation at our game made her realize what was going on between us, and we stopped and stared at each other. The 18 year old Cheryl was suddenly a beautiful woman in my arms, and my body realized it before my mind ever did.

I expected her to jump off in disgust, but she stayed there, and subtly ground her ass against me. As I said before, she had long, curly, dark brown hair, set off by glacial blue eyes. Her lips were full and sensuous, and I noticed she was more beautiful than I had ever realized. Her body was a work of art, with small, pert breasts, a flat, toned stomach and an ass to die for. She played volleyball all through school and had an athlete's grace to match her perfect physique.

"Is that..." she started, then blushed deeply.

"I am so sorry, Cheryl. I swear I didn't mean for that to happen."

"Shhh. No, sweets, don't apologize." She squirmed a little and my cock settled in between her round cheeks and fit into the contour of her ass perfectly. In that moment, I knew I should move away, but when she leaned I towards me, I met her and we kissed. It was the best kiss I ever had, and we naturally fell into a rhythm unlike any I had experienced.

We stopped and looked each other in the eye, and started kissing again, this time with an urgency. My hands slid down and cupped her ass, and I lifted her and began to slowly thrust my cock against her pussy. She moaned softly and rode me, stroking my clothed cock with her body. As she took over, I unbuttoned her shirt and pushed her bra over her tits, gazing at her perfect breasts with the dark areola and proudly jutting nipples. When I touched them, she moaned again.

"God, that feels so good," she said softly.

We continued and I sucked her nipples as she continued to tease me with her lower half. We adjusted positions and she reached down and grasped my cock through my jeans, stroking it slowly as I played with her breasts. After a few minutes I unbuttoned her pants and tugged them down enough to give me access. I slid my hand into her pants and under her panties. She had a little hair, and when my hands slid past her tiny bush, it found pure wetness. I rubbed her and she pulled my hand closer as I slipped a finger inside her.

"I want you,"'she said. "I want you to be my first."

It was those words that caused me to stop and think and it was those words that sent us on a path that damaged our relationship.

"Cheryl, I can't take your virginity. Your first time needs to be with someone special."

"You are special, sweets. You are the most special man I know."

"Yes, I know. But we can never be together after this and you need your first time to be with someone you can have a future with. I love you and think you are beautiful and sexy, but doing this, with me, just wouldn't be right."

We talked for a few more minutes, and even though I could tell she was hurt, I hoped she would understand one day.

Back in the hotel bar, I looked across the table at the older, more beautiful Cheryl and smiled. "I remember I hurt your feelings pretty bad and I didn't think you would ever forgive me."

"I was hurt for a long time. I felt rejected by the one person I trusted more than anything, but knew you were right. When Chris and I met and I was able to give him what I tried to give you, I understood what you did for me. I just want you to know that the night it happened, it was the best sexual experience I ever had. I loved Chris, and gave myself willingly, but I always compared that night to him, and he always came up short."

I felt the same way. I had numerous flings both before and after that night, and it still was the most incredible feeling I had ever experienced. Looking across at her, my cock swelled at the memory.

She gave me a mysterious look and we moved our conversation into safer territory. An hour later we decided to call it a night and headed upstairs. There was a certain friction on the way up, but I tried my best to ignore it. Once in the room, she told me to take the first shower as I would be faster. Once safely in the shower, I leaned back against the wall and took a deep breath. I wanted to reach down and stroke my cock, but decided to just wash and get out. I didn't want Cheryl knowing I jerked off in the room next to her, so I managed to get washed and slipped on a clean pair of workout shorts and a t-shirt.

Cheryl was sitting on the bed and smiled when I came out. "All yours," I said. She walked in the bathroom and I gave her a long once over as she walked away.

Her ass was still round and sexy, and her legs were smooth and toned beneath the skirt she wore. She had taken off her boots while I was in the shower, but I still found her sexy as hell. I was arguing with myself about making a move, but decided to let it go. Cheryl was sexy, but she was still my cousin.

I listened as the water hit her body, and could not get the mental image of her naked out of my mind. I had only ever seen her breasts bare, but my imagination filled in so I could picture her round ass, smooth hips, and hairy little pussy.

The water stopped and I heard the curtain pull back. My cock was aching and I regretted not relieving myself in the shower. Five minutes later, she came out, hair damp and rumpled, looking spectacular. She had on a pair of boxer shorts and a tank top, and I could clearly see her breasts had lost none of their youthful appeal with age. Her nipples pushed against the soft tank top, and I could see a clear outline of her areola through the thin material.

She saw me looking at her, but said nothing. Instead, she gave me a slow once over before slipping between the sheets. I stayed on top of the covers as she turned out the lights.

"Goodnight, sweets."


I lay there, hard cock pressing against the loose shorts, trying to will myself to sleep. I could hear her steady breathing and realized she had found the sleep I could not. An hour later, I finally dropped off into an uneasy rest.

Sometime later I woke from an erotic dream about Cheryl with a start. I was confused at first from the dream, but quickly realized my cock was in my cousin's mouth. She was between my legs and had the top of my cock out of my waistband and was sucking the head in soft, slow strokes. I moaned and tangled my hands in her hair. I gently pulled her off my cock and looked at her in the dim light.

"I'm not a virgin this time, sweets."

She dipped her head back down and took me back in her mouth. She pushed my shorts down and I raised my ass to let her, giving in to my own basest desires.

When my shorts were gone, she licked her way from the tip of my cock, down my shaft and licked my balls slowly and thoroughly. "I have wanted to do this for so long," she said.

I just enjoyed the feeling as she gave me the best blowjob I had ever had. She used just the right pressure and made the wetness perfect, using her lips, teeth, and tongue to bring me right to the point if orgasm. As my cock swelled in anticipation, I stopped her and pulled her up beside me.

"You can finish in my mouth," she said.

"No, I want to return the favor now." I pulled the tank top over her head and suckled each perfect breast. Bare, they were a little fuller than the last time I had seen them, but her nipples were just as responsive as I remembered. I kissed her deeply, then teased my way down her body with my mouth, lingering everywhere she moaned or gasped as I went lower. I slipped her boxers down and moved between her legs as she spread them for me.

The first thing I noticed was the little bush was gone, replaced by completely smooth skin. The next thing I noticed was the faint smell of her arousal. The scent hit me like a hammer and I greedily leaned I to taste her beautiful pussy. She was dripping wet and tasted sweet and wonderful.

I dipped my tongue in deep before licking and sucking on each of her lips. I teased her with my to the until she arched her hips of the bed, trying to drive her pussy against my face. I locked on her clit and used my mouth to create suction while I teased her hard clit with my tongue. Within seconds she came, and I kept pleasuring her until she came a second time.

I moved up beside her, my face wet with her juices. She smiled at me and leaned forward to kiss me. She licked herself off my lips and slid her tongue in my mouth, eager to taste her own pussy on my mouth.

"I have never come like that in my life," she said. "I have definitely never came twice in one night, ever."

I positioned myself between her legs and rested the tip of my cock against her wet slit. With my cock poised to enter my cousin's wet pussy, I looked her in the eye and asked, "Are you sure?"

She pushed against me a little and said yes. Still looking her in the eye, I pushed forward, sliding my cock deep inside in one smooth thrust. She gasped at the intrusion and grabbed my back, taking her nails over my skin. She was tight, but her extreme wetness allowed me to fill her completely. "Fuck me, sweets."

As I thrust into her wetness, I realized, barring affairs, I was only the second man to ever fuck her. A part of me knew it was true, and realized she rarely had sex with her husband. She was so tight she was gripping my cock with her slick walls.

"Your cock is so big," she cried out. "It feels so fucking good to be filled completely."

I kissed her and let my hands caress her perky breasts. "Enjoy and relax and I can get more inside you."

She spread her legs a little more and took a few deep breaths. I slid another inch in her before I bottomed out against her cervix. She gasped at the feeling and wrapped a leg behind me, using it to push against my ass.

"You are deeper than I have ever felt. I can feel your cock against my cervix."

I fucked her with long, deep strokes, feeling her tight walls caress my cock on each thrust. She was quiet, but the sounds she made were musical. She moaned and let out small cries of passion and pleasure, and soon, I felt her tense as she neared orgasm. With a long, low moan, she came as she thrust her hips up to drive my cock deep inside her. I felt a fresh flood of wetness as she came, and could feel her juices flowing over my balls.

I pulled out and laid beside her, watching her heaving chest as she caught her breath. "I have never come from just sex. I always had to use a vibrator on my clit to get me off. That was the most incredible feeling I have ever had."

She straddled my hips and guided my cock into her pussy. She lowered herself down, taking as much of me as she could before I bottomed out. With my cock fully imbedded in her pussy, she rocked back and forth, grinding her crotch against me as she fucked me. She was lost in pleasure, head thrown back, eyes half closed as she worked to find what felt the best for her. In no time, she found what she needed and came against me. I lifted her off and moved her to her knees.

I bent her over until her face was resting against the bed and raised her hips up until her perfect ass was spread and waiting. My first view of her naked ass went beyond expectations, and I stared at her curves and lewdly spread pussy. Even in the dim light, I could see her pussy was wet and gaping open from the fucking she had received. I pressed forward and pulled her hips back against me as I filled her in one hard thrust.

I had moved from wanting to pleasure her to wanting to pleasure myself and she sensed the shift. "Please fuck me, sweets. Fuck my pussy and make me your whore. I will be your little whore and do anything you want. Just fuck me."

Her words sent me closer to the edge, but I maintained without losing control. I fucked her hard and fast, and when I used my finger to slip into her pussy soaked ass, she trembled and came again. I could hold back no more and stroked into her until I finally came.

I shot thick streams of come deep inside my cousin, filling her pussy until it was running out with ever stroke. I had never come like that before, with the volume of that orgasm. The entire time I came, she moaned to fill her.

I collapsed beside her and rested my hand on her ass. "That was perfect, Cheryl. You are so fucking sexy. I hate to ask now, but are we safe?"

"I'm on the pill," she said.

We snuggled in close, the air thick with the primal smell of sex. Usually a clean freak after sex, I let her juices dry on my cock as I hugged her close. We drifted off in each others arms.

We awoke around eight the next morning and she went to use the restroom. She left the door open and I could hear her piss in the bowl. "What are your plans?" she asked.

"I am about to call and extend the room for another night. I will change my flight for tomorrow evening. You?"

She walked out and I got my first real view of her naked body. I drank it in, running my eyes over every curve. "I guess call and get a flight out."

"You could stay here with me tonight."

She wrapped her arms around me. "I would love to. Let's shower and get me some food so I can come back here and fuck you again. There is so much I want to try with you."


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