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Plus she was sucking on me like there was no tomorrow and I was losing it, in fact I did, I just couldn't keep from it.

Dot didn't even stop or let go until I was limp as a noodle, then she stood up and gave me a big grin.

"How was that?" she asked, the spray from the shower still soaking us both.

"I... it was... I... uhh... fine." I lied, just wishing she would leave.

Mercifully, she did. I dried off, got dressed and got the hell out of there.

I was in full panic mode on the way home, what was I going to say to Sally?

"Hi, honey, I just got attacked and blown in the showers at the club against my will, what do you think about that?" Yeah, sure. That will make like the proverbial lead balloon.

I was going to get killed, divorced, kicked out. My life was over. I even thought of calling the cops but I knew damn good and well they would just fucking laugh at me.

I decided the best course of action was to do what any redblooded American male would do in this situation, lie through my teeth. Then as I drove into my driveway I started this hysterical laughing, I couldn't stop. It wasn't from this all being funny, it was from her scaring the shit out of me.

I had been handled and abused by a woman, for God's sakes. I felt like a damn wimp.

"How was the workout, hon?" Sally greeted me as I finally calmed down and went outside. I didn't say much, just grunted, went and got me a cold beer. That seemed to help.

"I heard you drive up, what were you doing out there?"

"Oh, listening to the car, I thought I heard a noise."

"I hope nothing's wrong, we just got it paid for. Here, I made some popcorn."

She set down a heaping bowl of hot popcorn, then snuggled up next to me on the couch, running her hand up my leg which made me jump. Sally gave me a funny look.

"That tickled." I quickly lied, covering up my reaction.

Later, I hopped in the shower before bed, getting another strange look from Sally, she knew I always showered at the club.

The club. I sure as hell couldn't go back there, and if I didn't Sally would want to know why and I didn't have an answer.

I figured that Dot had told Kevin about catching me peeking, and figured since I was getting my jollies from him massaging Sally that they would take it to the next level.

Well, what was that... just... harmless fun? I was wondering what the hell was wrong with me, the whole thing seemed to be my fault.

Sally and I were faithful to each other, the flashing and things like that were just kicks. Stuff that got me, both of us I guess, excited.

I was feeling guilty, ashamed. I have to admit I was also embarrassed, I had felt helpless. Sure, most guys would think "cool!" and forget it, I didn't. It bothered me.

Of course the 2nd week that I skipped the club workout sessions Sally was curious, then asking questions.

At first I tried shrugging it off, like that would work, she knew me too well.

Finally she cornered me, I just told her what had happened, the truth.

Sally sat quietly as I explained, I even told her I felt... well... like a wimp, because Dot was so much stronger than me.

"That bitch! That motherfucking CUNT! That slimy goddammed whore, I will kick her fucking ASS!" Sally almost exploded.

"Sally... "

"Come on!" Sally headed for the car, furious.

"Sally... " I was thinking of Dot, around 40 pounds heavier than her. I was also thinking about the fact that all Sally had on was a tiny short skirt and a light blouse, nothing underneath. Nice around the house but out in public...?


Sighing, I followed along, meekly. I didn't know what to expect, I would have climbed under something if I could.

We got to the club, Sally stormed in, me following along behind. Dot was over by the weight racks, her body was slick with sweat. She had obviously been working out hard.

Sally walked up to her, said something I didn't catch. Dot got a mad look on her face and said something back. Then Sally popped her right in the face.

I was floored, Sally threw a right hand that would put Tyson to shame, Dot went down on her back like a ton of bricks. Then it looked like one of those cartoon fights, arms and legs flying all over the place as they went at it.

Kevin came out of the office to see what the racket was, there was a couple of regulars there that just stopped to watch.

It was amazing, first Sally was on top, then Dot. They we flailing away at each other like maniacs. Dot had on her usual tiny thong and halter, they were both using their legs to try and get the upper hand. There was no time to be concerned about modesty. Sally's tiny skirt did nothing to cover her up, all of us were getting clear shots of her bare snatch as she splayed out her legs, straining to move the larger woman. Plus that damned loose top she wore wasn't staying in place either.

Neither one of them gave a damn, they were in a fight!

Dot managed to get to her feet and get Sally in a bear hug, I figured that was the end but forgot about Sally's one best asset. Those legs, years of riding her bike gave her legs and hip muscles that even Dot couldn't match. Down they went in a heap again as she hooked one of Dot's legs at the knee and pushed. This put her straddling Dot, the tiny skirt was up and over Sally's ass, her bare beaver sticking out for all to see.

Sally didn't give a damn, she was mad.

Plus Dot's tiny top broke, it fell away from her chest, she tried to reach for it to pull it back but Sally was on top and swinging away wildly. Finally Dot just pulled her arms over her head to protect herself from the swings, and gave up.

Sally stopped, sitting on top of Dot.

"You ever touch my man again and I will bust your ass even more, cunt!"

Then she got up, pulled on her skirt and straightened her top like that did anything to cover her up. Dot just lay there exhausted, holding the wisp of cloth against her chest.

"Come on, let's go."

I followed along behind, no idea at all what to say. Sally had handled Dot easily. I suddenly was looking at my Sally in a new light.

We got home, I plopped down on the couch. Sally brought in some drinks and sat down beside me, cuddled up nice and tight.

I had to ask.

"How in the hell did you handle her so easily, she is at least 40 pounds bigger?"

"You know I have two older brothers?"


The next Wednesday I was sitting in the living room.

"Hey, aren't you going to the club?"

"I don't think that that is a good idea."

"Why not? You pay for it."

"I don't want... there might be trouble?"

"There won't be. Do you want me to go with you?"

So we went, we just walked in like everything was normal, like nothing had happened. It got quiet for a bit, but when all we did was start using the equipment, they seemed to relax.

The goons even stared at Sally as she worked out, again in the sexy little body suit.

Then Dot asked Sally to spot her on the bench press, she was a little hesitant but Sally said "Sure!"

I was surprised at that, but I just stayed on treadmill and watched.

I have to admit it is fun to watch Dot when she is on the press because she wears a tiny little thong and when she is straining with the lift, well, it is quite a sight. She knows it of course, all the guys slow down to watch. Good for business, I guess.

The fuss seemed to be settled, it was look but don't touch.

We were in the car heading home, Sally was snuggled right up next to me like always.

"I could use another massage." she piped up with.

"Massage? From Kevin?"

"No, let's find someone else, have them out to the house."

I grinned at her.

"Do I get to watch?

"That's the whole idea!"

The thought of that made me start to erect, Sally knew that and had me ready to go by the time we made it home.

Later, we got on the computer and did some searches, found a website that had a list of therapists, styles, even photos. Sally selected one, I looked at the picture, his name was Jeremy, he was in his 30's and reasonably good looking. She asked me what I thought, I told her fine with me, give him a call.

I listened in the next day as she called the number.

"Yes, here at our home if possible."

"$60.00 sounds about right."

"May my husband be present?"

"Good. No, I am not overly modest. Draping is up to you."

"Good. See you tonight!"

Sally hung up, grinned at me.

"He will be here at 8."

Sally was wearing those little red shorts and matching halter top when the doorbell rang. She answered, Jeremy came in lugging a big massage table, with a night bag draped over his shoulder.

He set the table up in our living room, we pulled the couch back some to make room. Then he covered the table with a big soft sheepskin, put a small pillow on one end. I noticed he didn't put a top sheet on the table.

"All ready!" he announced. Then he went over and sat in one of our chairs, reaching into the night bag and producing a small bottle of some kind of oil.

I watched as Sally hesitated, I think she expected him to leave the room. Jeremy seemed confident, I think he had done this before many times.

"We will start out face down." he told her.

Sally looked at me sitting beside her grinning, then she stood up and reached for the catch on her shorts. She slipped them down her legs as Jeremy and I watched. She took a deep breath, undid the halter top and slid it off, standing there naked as she dropped the clothes on the couch beside me. She walked the few steps to the table, hopped on, her head was facing away from me. It was funny and exciting, her face was a little pink.

Jeremy just started in on her back, working the shoulders and arms in long slow sweeps. Every few minutes he reached for his bottle of oil, wetting his hands and setting the bottle back in a little case he had around his waist.

I just sat there and watched, I was expecting it to be amazingly exciting but instead it was just interesting. His hands seemed to flow over her body, in no time he had her practically purring.

When he got to her legs, he did both calves first, even her feet. Then he began to work up her thighs, stopping inches each time from her vagina, letting his fingers trail up and over her fanny. He repeated the motion over and over, then stepped to the other side and did it again.

Sally seemed to flatten out and sink into the table, I could tell that she liked this.

Then Jeremy grasped one foot, lifted her leg and shook it lightly, and swung it out to the side and back. Of course this made Sally's pussy pop open, I looked up at Jeremy and he was staring intently between Sally's legs. He spent a good 5 minutes doing that, then he did the same with the other leg.

Sally swells up when she is excited, and she was as swollen as she ever gets. I was now swollen up, too.

Jeremy had Sally turn over, she didn't hesitate, just flipped over on her back. He went to the head of the table, and began to work her chest. His fingers splayed out as his hands went down and over her nipples, each stroke trapped Sally's tiny buttons, then they slid under his palms. They seemed to grow and get longer with each stroke.

I was having some trouble controlling myself at this point, the scene was completely erotic.

Then Jeremy started on her legs. He lifted Sally's right leg at the knee and pushed it up, then out to the side. Then he stroked the inside of her leg from the knee to her crotch, stopping barely short of touching her most intimate place with each motion.

Sally was starting to squirm now, surprising me somewhat. Her hips seemed to turn towards his fingers, like she was trying to get him to touch her. But then he stopped, and moved to the opposite side.

Again, he lifted her left leg, swung it out to the side, and began to run his left hand all the way up. I could see clearly, his fingers actually touched her labia barely, each time as he started to get close Sally would move her hips in that thrusting motion. She seemed to be getting frustrated.

Then she opened her eyes and looked at me. I saw the question, I just nodded. I knew what was coming, it was all right somehow.

Sally looked up at Jeremy.

"Please?" was all she said.

He smiled, on the next stroke he let his fingers go higher, reaching her. He stopped, his fingers pressing against the swollen mass of flesh between her legs. Sally let out a moan.

Then Jeremy began to stroke her gently the length of her slit, it was just moments before her hips came up off the table and she had a crashing orgasm. He didn't stop, and she built to another that seemed even stronger than the last. As her body shuddered on the way back down, Jeremy used long strokes up and over her legs and stomach, then he was done.

There was almost no conversation the whole time, Sally finally got up and reached for a big towel, wrapping it around herself. She had a sheepish look on her face.

Somehow I didn't mind that things had gone farther than we planned, watching her in pleasure was a beautiful thing to see. I paid Jeremy and he left, saying "Thanks!" on the way out.

Sally came over and snuggled up against me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean... that got away from me... "

"It's all right, it was fun to watch." I told her as I slid the towel down and nibbled at her breasts. She tasted oily and a little like olives, I thought.

"Well, fair is fair. Next time, let's hire a female."

"You want a woman to massage you?" I asked her.

"No, silly. It's for you, it will be your turn."

I laughed.

"You just want to show off my pecker, don't you?"

Sally giggled.

"Yea, and I want to watch her rub your balls and pull on your cute pecker and see what happens."

We both roared with laughter, as I pushed her back on the couch. Her legs opened, greedily, and I pressed inside, I was hard as a rock.

"I can hardly wait!" I told her.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago


AnaLeePleasuredAnaLeePleasuredabout 17 years ago

Very exciting and erotic. I loved it and wished I could have been there getting that massage in the end...or watching, like you, you devil.

wetapapwetapapover 18 years ago
good story,

interesting take on flirting, petting, and sex between consenting and non-consenting adults.

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