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Let's Be Batman Pt. 22

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Tommy faces Phobia and his deepest, darkest fear.
3.1k words

Part 22 of the 53 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/01/2014
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Batman glided to the top of Gotham City's main police station. Jim Gordon was standing there, waiting for him.

"'Bout time you showed up," Gordon said gruffly. He flicked off the switch to the Bat-Signal, shrouding both of them in shadow.

"I... I needed to do some thinking. After Bat-"

"Barbara," Gordon said. He looked away for a moment, trying to regain himself. "Believe me, I know. That bastard Joker. Barbara told me what happened to her. The truth."

Tommy shifted his weight nervously. "She did?"

"Yeah," Gordon replied. "She told me how Joker... how he crippled her. He wanted to show the both of us what it was like to lose someone. He wanted to break us."

"He did," Tommy replied. He guessed that Barbara wasn't in a hurry to tell anyone the truth about her accident.

"But we're not him," Gordon replied. "We're better than that, right?"

"Sure," Tommy lied. He wanted to get off this subject. He was ready to be Batman again but he wasn't ready to relive that night.

"Anyway, I didn't call you up here to cry about our problems," Gordon said. "Someone's been attacking our police officers. Cops. I've had 4 officers go down in the past week to some sort of fear paralysis. They're all in the hospital. One can't be left alone without crying and another can't get off the floor because they're afraid they'll fall. Someone's been dousing them with-"

"Scarecrow," Tommy jumped ahead. He was confused; as far as he knew, Scarecrow had been put in Arkham Asylum 2 years ago by the other Batman.

"That's what I thought," Gordon said. "But there's no toxin in the blood. Whoever is doing this is doing it to them without fear gas."

"Any leads?" Tommy asked. He was eager to get off this roof and track down a criminal. He thought it would be nice to take his mind off his problems by beating the shit out of some hoods.

"Just one," Gordon said, straining his eyes to read the papers in his hand. "All of the cops run the beat on Midtown, near the museum. I think that if you hang around there, before too long you'll-"

Gordon looked up and saw that Batman was gone. He smiled. "Just like old times," He muttered to himself.


Tommy crouched on a roof across the street from the Gotham Museum of Art. He had been tracking an officer as he walked his beat for almost an hour and so far Tommy hadn't seen anything suspicious. A couple drunks, sure, but that wasn't out of the ordinary this time of night. Tommy was thinking that maybe this wasn't such a good lead after all.

The cop whistled as he walked, twirling his night stick absent-mindedly. He walked by a side street, paused, and then backtracked. The whistling stopped. Slowly, he walked down the side street.

Tommy couldn't see the cop as he disappeared into the alley. Night Vision was being clicked on right as the shouting began.

"Aaaaahhhh get 'em off me, get 'em off me!" He heard someone shouting.

Tommy quickly grappled over to a building closer to the side street. As he did so, he faintly made out a tall, sweeping figure standing over the cop. The cop was cowering on the ground, his hands fervently trying to brush something off of himself.

"Hey!" Tommy shouted, grabbing the evildoer's attention. The villain ran out of the side street, their long cape trailing behind them. They ran in the direction of the museum.

Tommy didn't immediately follow. First he dropped down to the street and checked on the cop. The man was still rolling around on the ground, trying violently to remove whatever was on him. Tommy couldn't see anything.

"What's wrong?" Tommy asked urgently, trying to mask his voice.

"Spiders! They're everywhere!" The cop shouted. Tommy looked closer but there was nothing there. He wasn't sure what to do; he couldn't help this man but he couldn't exactly leave him like this. He did the first thing he could think of: he cracked the policeman upside the head, knocking him unconscious. Tommy used the officer's radio to call for an ambulance. Then he turned towards the museum and began to run after his suspect.


Tommy entered the museum cautiously, dropping in from the roof. He had seen the tail of his suspect's cape flutter through the front door of the museum but he wasn't sure where the fiend was now. He was going to have to be cautious.

Tommy crouched low and worked his way down the halls of the art museum. He was passing by works that numbered in the hundreds of thousands of dollars but he didn't know or particularly care about any of them; there was work to do.

As he worked his way down the high halls of the art museum, Tommy was getting nervous. He was beginning to think that maybe his prey had tricked him somehow and wasn't actually in the museum. He began searching faster, getting more and more agitated, not checking before he turned a corner. He turned one corner without looking and almost literally ran into his suspect. They had been waiting for him.

"Hello Batman," his suspect said with a British accent. Tommy slid to avoid running into the woman standing before him. She was wearing a form-fitting suit that was green with black highlights. It showed off her lithe body and round, firm breasts. Behind her was a cape that touched the floor and then arched high around her head to form a sort of shield around her head. It made her look intimidating. Her costume had a cap attached to it that wrapped around her head, covering her hair. She had dark black lips and high, arching eyebrows.

"I figured that you'd show up eventually and try to spoil my plans," the villain said. She held out her hand and a pink light seemed to emanate from it. "Now let's see what you fear most..."

Tommy's world fell away from him. The walls and floor beneath him seemed to retreat, leaving him in infinite blackness. He saw two figures approaching him; as they neared, he retreated in horror.

"You did this to me!" One of the figures shouted at him. It was Barbara. She walked towards him, her torso twisted and deformed. She was tilted to the side at an impossible angle, her spine snapped in half.

"No... it can't be... Barbara, I'm sorry," Tommy stuttered, cowering backwards.

"Yes you did!" The other figure shouted. His face came into view and Tommy noted with horror it was Bruce Wayne, just as he appeared in the paintings hung high in Wayne Manor. "You are a failure as Batman! You don't deserve to wear that cowl."

Tommy blubbered, choking back a sob. He knew deep down that both of them were right; he was responsible for Barbara's condition and he was a horrible excuse for a Batman. He dropped to his knees and covered his head.

"Please... please... I'm so sorry," He called out weakly. He felt them kick him in the ribs, knocking him over to his side. They rained blows down upon him and Tommy covered up. He wished they'd just kill him.

As Tommy was being attacked, he suddenly heard a different voice coming from inside him. It sounded like him but the voice was deeper, gruffer. Tommy was startled to realize that it WAS him; it was what he sounded like when he was Batman.

"Get up," the voice said. "Get up and fight."

"I can't," he replied, "This is all my fault."

"Yes, it is," The voice said to Tommy, surprising him. "You caused Batgirl's accident and you are not a very good Batman. But you need to move on anyway. You need to fight."

"What if I fail again?" Tommy asked.

"Then you fail. But at least you tried," Batman told him.

Tommy let the words sink in. He was still being attacked, kicked, clawed at. He looked up and saw Barbara raise an arm high in the air, ready to bring it down on his head. She swung and Tommy reached up, blocking the blow.

"What?!" Barbara said in disbelief. But... it didn't quite sound like Barbara. Tommy grabbed her arm and brought himself slowly up to his feet. "I failed you, Barbara, and for that I'm sorry," Tommy told her. "And I'm sorry, Bruce, that I'm not who you believed me to be. I'm still going to try. But I'm still going to fight. Always."

Bruce's face seemed to twist, swirling in on himself. His body fell into a black hole and disappeared. Barbara's face began to twist too, hers slowly morphing. The walls and floor rushed back to Tommy and he realized he was back at the art museum. He looked at Barbara and realized she wasn't Barbara anymore; she was the villain he had been chasing.

"This is impossible!" The villain shouted. "No one can overcome my power!"

"Apparently I can," Tommy told her. "All I had to do was face my fear."

"Well, we'll see about that," the villain said, her hands slowly turning pink once again. "Maybe I'll give you a concentrated dose!"

The villain tried to raise her hands at Tommy but he grabbed them and forced them towards her own face. She twisted her face into a scream as the pink light enveloped her. Her scream died out and she collapsed to the hard marble floor of the museum.

"No..." She said slowly. "Oh God... no... they're everywhere..."

"What is your name?" Tommy asked her. He wasn't sure if her powers would work on herself but he wanted to find out who she was just in case they did.

"P-phobia," The woman said quietly. She looked around frantically in all directions. "Oh god, please, get these things away from me!" She looked to be in a panic.

"What things?" Tommy asked. Like the policeman before, the woman was seeing things that were not there.

"All of these... these... giant cocks!" The woman shouted. "They're surrounding me! They want to tear my pussy apart!"

"...What," Tommy asked flatly. "Is that seriously your biggest fear? A big dick?"

"Yes! They'll rip me apart!" Phobia screamed. She backed away from these imaginary dicks, her ass touching the ground as she scooted herself backwards. Her hand reached up and grabbed her cap, pulling it back behind her head. Dark black hair was revealed.

"So right now, you see a bunch of..." Tommy was still incredulous.

"Huge cocks! Oh God they're going to penetrate me!" Phobia's eyes were wild and her mouth was twisted into a horrified sneer.

Tommy stifled a laugh. He wasn't quite sure what to do. He could just take this villain to Arkham and let their psychologists deal with her. At the same time, he had experienced his deepest, darkest fear and had conquered it by facing it head on. He could always return the favor...

"Listen to me," Tommy told Phobia, his voice acting as a centering point. "Concentrate on me." Phobia blinked hard and seemed to recognize Tommy once again.

"Please, help me," Phobia begged. Her black hair was fallen around her face. Her dark lips were trembling. She was breathing hard, each breath causing her breasts to heave.

"I am," Tommy replied. He dipped his hand into his suit. "I'm going to help you face your fear." As Tommy said that, he pulled out his half-hard dick and started stroking it.

"Aiiiyeeeeeee!!" Phobia screamed, her hands shooting to her mouth in terror. "It's so... so... BIG!"

Tommy couldn't help but smile. He kept jerking his cock. Phobia's eyes were fixated on it and she gasped at how it seemed to get larger and larger. Tommy walked towards her, his dick getting larger as he did so. Phobia screamed again.

Tommy walked over Phobia, her legs now between his. Her hands were on the ground, holding her upper body. His dick was hard now and was perilously close to her face.

"Please... not a huge cock! I couldn't possibly take that thing!" Phobia cried out.

"My cock isn't going to hurt you," Tommy told her. "Well, not after a little while." He was inches from her mouth now. Phobia's eyes crossed as she stared at it in horror.

"No. No! Noooooooo-mmmmmph!!" Phobia's fear-induced screams were cut short as Tommy's cock entered her mouth. It was indeed a tight fit and Tommy's cock stretched Phobia's lips wide. She gasped around his cock, struggling for air.

"Breathe," Tommy told her, "Breathe through your nose." He gently pushed his dick deeper into her mouth, about 3 inches. Phobia's hands were holding herself up so she couldn't use them to guide his dick. Tommy grabbed her raven-colored hair and began to thrust his dick in her mouth.

Phobia's eyes were wide as Tommy's dick rammed penetrated her lips. Tommy tightened his grip around her hair, keeping her head stationary while his hips pumped his dick. Phobia's black lipstick was rubbing off on his cock, streaking black.

Tommy pushed his dick as far as he could go, only about 4 inches of his length, and he could feel Phobia's tonsils touch the tip of his dick. He held it there for a moment, causing her throat to spasm and her eyes to tear up. He pulled his dick out of her mouth, bringing with it a thick rope of spit.

"Even in my worst nightmares the cocks weren't this big," Phobia coughed, a faint tear of mascara running down her cheek. She rubbed the corners of her mouth to soothe them. Tommy lifted Phobia's cape over top her head, throwing it to the side. She was now only wearing her green spandex suit.

Tommy pushed Phobia down to the ground, lying her on her back. He reached down and tore at her suit, leaving a hole by her pussy.

"What are you doing?!" She cried out in alarm. "Please, my pussy can't take your giant cock! You'll split me in half!"

"You'll be fine," Tommy said. He lied on top of her and positioned himself at her slit. His wet cock probed at the entrance to her vagina, massaging it with his head. Finally, Tommy grabbed his dick by the shaft and slowly pushed inside Phobia.

Whoooooaaaaaahhhhh!!" Phobia screamed, her hands shooting up to her face. Her eyes shut tight as Tommy slowly entered her. Tommy noted that she was, in fact, incredibly tight; he wondered if he might actually split her in half. Only the head of his dick was inside her and Tommy slowly inserted himself, each thrust just barely moving him deeper inside the villainess.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god," Phobia was saying reflexively. Her eyes were closed still, seemingly to cope with the massive cock that was filling up her insides. Tommy began to pump himself faster, his dick sliding more easily now in and out of Phobia's tight pussy.

Phobia's eyes slowly opened. Her mouth's sneer seemed to disappear.

"Hey... this isn't so bad. This actually feels kinda... oh!" She cried out, her head snapping back. "I'm doing it! I'm taking this huge cock to the hilt!"

"Umm..." Tommy replied.

"What's wrong?" Phobia asked. "You mean... you're not all the way in?"

"Maybe halfway?" Tommy replied, never stopping his rhythm.

"...What?" Phobia asked softly, the fear returning to her voice.

Tommy shoved his cock deep inside Phobia, burying himself three-quarters of the way inside her. She screamed loudly, throwing her head down to the floor. Tommy pumped quickly inside her, her tight pussy gripping hard to his cock.

"Oh god... it's so big... I can feel it... all the way inside me..." Phobia was gone, lost inside her own mind. Tommy wondered if this "therapy" wasn going to work. In truth, he didn't particularly care. He leaned forward, lying on top of Phobia, and continued thrusting.

"I can't... I can't take your dick... you're too big... I'm gonna... I'm gonna-" Phobia's words were cut short as she suddenly started thrashing, an orgasm wracking her body from seemingly out of nowhere. She lifted her hips up against Tommy's, sending him deeper inside her. She screamed, loudly, and Tommy fucked her faster. Both of their hips separated and then slammed together, fucking each other wildly.

Tommy could feel his own orgasm building inside of him; fucking a pussy this tight felt unbelievable on his dick. He lifted himself back up, keeping Phobia down by putting his hands on her shoulders. He moved his hips like a piston, pulling almost out of her by lifting up and then slamming deep inside her with every thrust. Phobia squealed and moaned loudly. She struggled to speak.

"I'm doing it... I'm taking a huge cock... I love your big fucking cock, Batman... thank you thank you thank you thank you!" Tommy smiled as Phobia seemed to be getting over her, uh, phobia.

With a groan Tommy began to feel his cum rising out of his body. He pulled out of Phobia quickly and brought his dick up to her face. She looked up to see why he had pulled out of her right as he began to cum, his raging, purple cock surprising her. He shot his load.

Phobia screamed in surprise as the first rope of Tommy's cum splashed against her forehead, dropping down over her left eye. It hung there on her eyelashes and she had to quickly close her eyes. Tommy's thick streams of cum covered Phobia's face, landing in her arched eyebrows, on her lipstick-smeared lips and in her dark black hair.

"Haha yes, cover me with cum for your huge cock!" Phobia laughed. She had learned to love Batman's dick. Opening her mouth, she flicked out her tongue and brushed it against the tip of Tommy's dick. That was all the invitation he needed to stick his dick inside her mouth and finish cumming. Her lips once again strained around his massive girth. She took his final loads readily, greedily sucking the head of his enormous cock and swallowing his cum.

Tommy pulled his dick out of her mouth and a small bit of cum was left on Phobia's lips. She stuck out her tongue and ran it along her lips, bringing the small remnant of cum in her mouth. She held it on her tongue, savoring it, before finally swallowing it. She opened her right eye (her left eye still covered in cum), looked at Tommy, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"I did it!" She said. "I overcame my deepest fear!"

"Congratulations!" Tommy said to her, straddling her with his slowly softening cock still inches from her mouth. He suddenly sprayed a purple mist from his belt directly into Phobia's cum-covered face, knocking her out.

"Now let's see how afraid you are of jail," Tommy told her.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Zev95Zev95over 9 years ago

Well, it's continuing the TKJ subplot, which--ya know--objection noted, but Phobia is a nice use of a D-lister with a fitting, funny, sexy sequence to fit into. Nice work.

BatmansDickBatmansDickover 9 years agoAuthor
Thanks for the suggestions

I'm working through DC's characters slowly but I appreciate the input and will use your suggestions in future stories. Stay tuned!

RedArrowKuczynskiRedArrowKuczynskiover 9 years ago
Suggestions for future chapters

Black Canary, Huntress, Caitlin Fairchild & Freefall (would love to see a threesome with them!), Giganta, Fire & Ice, Talia (!), and Maxima would all be great fodder for future chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Do Dee Dee from Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker next chapter

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