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Life Begins Pt. 01

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My neighbours daughter post grad, life choices.
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Life begins Pt. 01

{Continuation of My Neighbours Daughter series. Please start there if you like, to get the back story. enjoy}

Never rains, but it pours they say. I've just found out Becky is pregnant, and isn't sure about keeping it. The women in our circle are thrilled, but then it's going to be the mother and father's role primarily, to raise the child, and we are new grads, with plans to attend college.

Becky had just gone back on birth control about three weeks before prom, and yet prom night, we had great sex with she, I, and our partner, (Audrey) in a new polyamorous relationship. Some weighty choices have to be made, before it is too late to terminate the pregnancy, which will involve an out of state procedure.

A phone rang in another room, and I heard dad sounding serious. It went on a bit, and he called mom in to discuss whatever it was about. With the door closed, sounds were muffled, but mom sounded distressed.

Half an hour later, they came out to tell me the news. My mom's parents, in their 80's had been in a vehicle accident. Stunting motorcycle rider blew a wheelie, falling in the road right in front of them. They swerved and hit a drunk driver head on. They died instantly, the biker was scuffed up, and the other driver was in hospital. There was an insurance nightmare for you.

My grandparents were great, and it was a shock to my system they were gone in a second. They had been very supportive, and generous.

It was their insistence dad had begun an education fund early on to cover tuition for whatever I chose to do. Getting a higher education was not an option for me, funds were available, my whole family's expectation was I'd get at least a diploma in a decent paying field.

Memories of visits, and outings with them filtered in. Another weight to carry, processing the loss.

I texted Becky to update her, and she called me right away.

"I'm so sorry to hear that Russ, did you get any information about funeral arrangements? And how about you? Would it be awkward if I came over?"

"Not for me, but just a sec to get my folks thoughts."

My folks said," she's family now, as is Audrey, and they would welcome either or both of them to be here."

"Becks, its fine. They consider you family. Come by anytime."

I texted Audrey next to give her the news. She was supportive as well of course.

Mom's phone rang, and it was Ruby calling to say she just heard from Audrey and passed on her condolences. She invited my folks over to visit, mentioning she had just made a pie.

Looks like my folks will commiserate with their friends, and I'll have my significant others here.

The girls arrived, and we snuggled on the couch binging Lucifer on the 'flix until we were tired.

The atmosphere was still heavy with loss, so we all piled into my bed like a litter of kittens, with some good night affections and dreamed peacefully.

Becky was the first up and headed to the kitchen to prepare the family some breakfast.

Mom and dad were up next, and finding her at work, praised her for her help. Becky got to hug them both and express her condolences.

Mom figured Aud and I should be up too, now breakfast was on. She came in the room to find me with my lips on Audrey's breast.

"Oh my!, sorry," said mom, "I just came to advise breakfast is ready."

I was surprised, but Audrey was fine with her bosom open to view.

Audrey grinned, "It's fine June. I'm not embarrassed. She swung out of bed naked, and gave mom a hug, then began looking for her clothes."

"Don't think I wanna get up this sec with my morning muscle out, till you've gone."

Mom wasn't surprised with Aud's hug or 'sleepwear', and chuckled, "don't forget the photo you accidentally showed me, I've seen it before, remember?"

My face turned red now, and they both had a laugh at my predicament.

Mom spoke, "we all consider you family now Audrey, and you can call me mom if you'd like. Becky already does."

That got another hug from the now dressed Audrey, "thanks mom."

Both were smiling, and headed down together, while I got something on.

Mom started for the pancakes, and Audrey scolded her to sit, "We've got this mom."

I poured coffee, and Becky got the condiments. Dad was thinking this was a new mode he could get used to.

The three of us cleaned up and hung out in the family room.

Mom started out, "have you three given any thought to your future plans with all that's been happening?"

Audrey stated, "We really haven't gotten into it in any detail. My feelings are we want to support Becky keeping the baby. My mom just assumes it's a given, and is dying to have a grandson to spoil, even if it isn't her daughter's birth. We do have to understand how our schedules are going to be, raising a child and doing school, though we wouldn't be the first in that predicament."

Becky jumped in, "I'm willing to have an abortion, since it's so new, I haven't had a chance to become attached to the concept. I know I want children, and it's tempting to say I want this baby so badly, but I'm not the only party."

Eyes on me now, dam. "This is the first time I've had to think about it. I've kind of been avoiding thinking about it, because I don't know what to think. I've had thoughts, like 'that will be something to teach the children', for example. It's not I haven't had thoughts, but this is in my face right now, and I wasn't prepared. This isn't all about me either. I was involved, and I own my part. I can't love either of these women more or less than another. Parting with Audrey to have a family with Becky, e.g. would be a choice I can't make. It would break my heart so much I wouldn't be good for the other. This has to be a choice the three of us are unanimous on I think, " I stated, getting emotional.

The other two nodded. My parents could sense the weight we all faced.

Mom looked from one of us to another as she said, "I want you all to know, that I'm lucky your dad makes such a good living with his company, I don't need to work. I can, no, want badly to be involved with children you raise, and it would be a blessing for me to care for your child while you go to school, or a sanity break to get away for a weekend, eg. Not to mention, Ruby is right along in this same mode, so you have 2 partners, and 2 grammas, maybe three. Becky? What does your mom say?"

"My mom loves me; she's been good all my life. Even when my dad ran off, mom was even more attentive, so I felt wanted. She is really disappointed in me, and adamant I abort or give it up. I still have years before I should be tied down. So, there is that. As for her pitching in, she works, and has her life and responsibilities. If I keep it, it will be all on me to support it. She won't give me grief If I choose to keep it. But its going to be on me."

Mom looked sad to hear that, "I'm sure your mom is a good person, and I can see her position. However, you have lots of support in your new extended family. You are not alone in any way. Something I want you all to consider is where you plan to raise him or her, and at this point, there's no pretending you will want to live in three separate homes. Dad and I have agreed you all can stay here. We can swap rooms with Russ, get a king bed for you three and a crib. The ensuite will give you privacy. We have enough in Russ's education fund for residence, but if you are going to school locally, that can be applied to food and utilities with a lot left over. And I know Ruby and I have discussed she can host you all there as well. And, of course she has the hijinks pool she laughed. Really, it would be two or three years, and then you will be looking for jobs and want your own place, so its not at all an inconvenience."

Becks, Aud, and I swapped looks, blown away by Mom's speech.

Dad was closest to Audrey, so she sat beside him and gave him a long hug. Becky bounced over to mom for the same.

I remarked," you guys are amazing. I'd never have considered any of that. I think the three of us should spend the afternoon discussing what will work for us with all this new information."

The girls both signaled their agreement. Mom said to use her car and take them to that new coffee place, and gave me her card. Both of 'em mobbed her for a hug, and off we went.

We got a pack of pastries and coffees, and sat on a beautiful patio area.

"Whose first?" I suggested.

"We are having a baby with or without you dufus," as she took Becky's hand in hers. You've done your part sperm boy."

"What? Hey, its my sperm! I get a say, don't I?"

"Only if you are 100% in on this. No regrets. You want a child, and no resentments," Aud commented.

"Look, I want what's best for the egg layer here, and you. Becky has to carry the child, and if she wants to keep it, I will own my end. Becky, If we, and I include Audrey in 'we' do this, I see the child as all of ours, as we all conceived it all together. I'm in as much as any of you."

Becky smirked at Audrey, "I told you that'd work sister!" and they roared, thinking they got one on me.

"You two conspiring against me already," I shook my head and pretended to look disappointed.

They saw through it, and we all held hands.

Guess next up is housing. Only a few weeks until school, so we have time to get ready," I say.

"Russ, it's nine months from now, so maybe May-ish? We have time. Becky will be walking like a duck near the end, but first year will be almost over. I'm leaning your place because of the ensuite. My mom's is just the one big bathroom, and a powder room on the main level. I think we can fix up my room as an alternate guest room and nursery, since mom's going to be trying to take over. She's been dying for this moment.

"Any nays?." Said Aud. "Ok, we have a plan," and we had a round of high fives. "Tonight, the three of us are getting jiggy in your bed tonight, Russ." All of us smiled, relieved the worst part of this decision was done.

Back to the house, updated the 'rents, and they were happy we came in all smiles.

The family just tripled in one day.

Bedtime came, and we were lying on my bed trying to picture how it would look with my folk's stuff in it. I had a big room, but the décor would be going. There was plenty of closet space, but thinking we could get an Armoire to add storage for dad, so mom could hog more of the closet.

Becky decided she had enough planning for one day, and started undressing Audrey. Buttons were being released slowly, until she could part the blouse to expose the red lace bra clasping the prizes. Becky leaned in and frenched her girl, her fingers teasingly light across the exposed flat belly. Becks lips moved to Aud's neck, kissing, sucking, play bites, as Aud's breath deepened.

The bra couldn't hide the puffy areolae and nipples forming a new contour on the faces of its cups. Becks started sucking on a bit of exposed breast flesh, raising a welt and leaving a mark.

Audrey moaned, trying to be still, but her loins were hot and wet right now. Next, the shirt was peeled slowly off her shoulders, and Becky mouthed every bit of bare skin newly revealed. She moved so she could get at the back of her neck and took a huge bite, and clamped firmly. Audrey moaned and preened for someone to grab at her breasts while Becky lovingly tortured her mate. Becky fairly ripped the shirt down the arms leaving Aud's wrists restrained, then used the shirt tails to tie and lock the wrists together. The bra was unclasped and pulled down the shoulders so the full pair of double-D teats were free and proud.

"Fuck Aud, I so love these giant blowse bunnies," Becks moaned and proceeded to suckle one nip, while she squished and squeezed the other teat roughly. Becky held one of Aud's breasts in one hand, and gave it a sharp slap across the front. Audrey sharply drew in her breath and whimpered. Becky repeated it again and again. Audrey was trying to free her wrists, but they held fast. Becky bent down and suckled the now pink globe's nipple, along with soft licks to sooth. She caught Aud's eyes, and with an evil smile grasped her other breast, drew her arm back waiting for it to register what was coming. Audrey staring back with trepidation, Becky homed in for a loud slap on the face of the quivering tit. Again and again, until Audrey's skin glowed. She kissed and licked the nipple and sucked the puffy areola for a while to bring down the heat she had inflicted. She grabbed Aud's hair, pulling hard, and kissed the waiting, parted lips, burying her tongue deep into the throat. She fucked Aud's face in and out repeatedly with her tongue, as Aud moaned her abused desire back in her breath. Becky slid her hand down her own yoga pants and scooped up her pussy cream, moving it back to Audrey's mouth jamming all 4 fingers in to the palm. Audrey was beside herself now. She was tied, helpless, nearly in tears as Becky told her to lick it clean, and that she had another load of her damp desire for her. She repeated the act and as she filled the mouth with her fingers said, "See what you are doing to me girl-whore? You are making me so wet, I need you to see how much I love you that its pouring out of me. Do you have any desires right now?, or should I tell you what I think you need?"

Aud had her mouth full of fingers, licking the liquid love off of them.

"Your silence gives me my answer. I'm going to strip you of your pants. Stuff your panties in your mouth, and eat your filthy pussy. I can smell it on you, and you are drowning like me. I'm going to fist your hole, then Russ is going to fuck you in your ass, then I'm going to beat it till you can't sit for a week. "

Audrey whimpered louder now. I couldn't tell if it was fear or need. I watched this happen with my balls hurting like a bitch to see Becky dominating Audrey, wondering if I should join. I see there is a plan now with me in it, so bode my time craving a chance to let my cock free.

Becky made good on her word. She was very rough stripping Aud bare, then pulled her legs apart. Audrey's labia were wide open, wet pink flesh glistening. Becky began using her mouth licking and nibbling every bump and crease. She moved her fingers into Audrey's canal. It was so soaked, Becky was able to slide it straight in a foot before reversing direction. She moved in and out slowly, ministering oral attention softly, Audrey whimpering loudly, waiting for the next assault. It never came. Becky tenderly made deep love to her lovers Y, as Audrey's orgasm built layer upon layer. Her whimpers turned into soft cries, then moans. She shuddered, her breath became raspy, and her fluids worked overtime leaving a pond between her legs on the covers. She had to do this while her mouth was filled with her damp soiled panties, panting heavily now through her nose, her orgasm came as her body arched stiffly, tremors shook her as she arched, her hands bound and her hole stuffed with Becky's fist. Her hips sagged and thrust as Becky gently fisted her in and out the whole time while Audrey wrung the expression of her cumming out, in waves of exquisite torment. When she sighed and her body expired onto the bed, Becky pulled out leaving a gape big enough to park a car in.

I quickly got a photo of her giant flooded tunnel, then one of her restrained, naked sweaty body that looked like it had fallen off a cliff. Her erect breasts still pink. I moved to get a good angle from her knees to the top of her head including the gaped pussy, huge pinked puppies and tit hickey.

Becky grabbed her far shoulder, and asked me to get her hips, and we rolled her over together.

A pillow was moved under her hips, then another, so her ass was higher. I had undressed during the fisting, my cock ready to drill solid rock.

Becky made a soft groan and grabbed it, then swallowed me all the way in one go. This girl had a real talent for deep throat. I could see it bulge in her throat. I grabbed the phone and started a video of her act, with her neck revealing the head of my cock as it went deep. Then I changed the setting to slo-mo and captured another half dozen strokes. I'll share this with them after, since neither can watch at the moment. Ones sucking it, and the other's tied up, literally, I smiled.

She pulled off my cock, positioned herself spread over Aud's back, then pulled Aud's cheeks wide open. Her sphincter quivered, knowing it was about to be violated. I Hawk-tua'd that thang, and Becky added one for good measure, us chuckling like it was a shared joke.

I pushed into her now-relaxed pussy and stroked in and out a few times for lube. Becky anticipated watching me fuck dat ass, so I lined it up, sliding in slowly, not feeling any resistance. It was all one motion. I pulled all the way out leaving a small gape, then plunged in firmly.

Becky's mouth was open as she watched in wonder my cock pulling out, popping her bum open as it was buried to my balls and repeated over and over, violating her hole again and again.

Audrey was moaning and said," rut me lover, make it hurt."

Becky had a look of desire and wonder, as I pulled out and slammed it hard into the taboo orifice. I banged that cinnamon ring hard about a dozen more times, then just pumped inside her to pick up the pace. I was doing the devils push-ups now going faster, and while keeping the longest stroke without popping out. I felt for her clit with one hand, and supported myself on her ass with the other, picking the pace up a notch. She tried to pump her ass in time making sounds I haven't heard before.

"Becky said," pull out when you cum, and shoot it in my mouth!

I nodded, and strained my cock muscles to help release my load. The sensations began, and I needed to feel the spasms purge my cock. At the last second, I jerked out, grabbed Beck's hair hard, put my cock in the gap between her teeth and blew it all inside those luscious lips.

Audrey screamed in disappointment feeling empty inside, and my hands leaving her buzzer without a release.

Becky flipped and moved to Audrey's face, pressed their open lips together, and shared my mating cream with her lover. They frenched each other, rolling their extended tongues in my spend.

As they finished, Audrey exclaimed you're not done fucker, I was too close.

I untied her arms, removed her shirt, and she rolled on her back pointing to her pussy and ordered, "get munching."

I made sure to lick the plate when she was done, and she crawled down from another intense orgasm.

"You two have ruined me for anyone else."

"Nice you both are done, what about me?" Becks grinned.

"Well Becks, I can eat another serving," I winked.

Audrey mentioned, "I think we should go to the toy store tomorrow."

Becky got her pleasure, and we laid in a pile like the worn out, sex smelling whores we were before the blackness of sleep took us.

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