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Love or Money


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"Yes," Natalie and I said at the same time - looking into each other's eyes - and then looking at Lenora's.

Natalie said, "You could have just offered us room and board and let us keep going to school on government grants and we would have still said 'yes'."

I nodded my head in agreement.

Lenora wrapped her arms around our necks and said, "I'll call the lawyer while we're eating breakfast. After that, I'll drive you to Candletree so we can pick up whatever you need from there."

I looked at Natalie and said, "I really only need my textbooks. The rest of the shit in my room is worthless. I don't think we should take any vehicle of yours to Candletree."

Natalie nodded.

"You don't want Reggie to drive us into Candletree in the limo?" she asked, smirking.

"You'd probably get a flat tire," I said, laughing.

"The tires are all run-flats. The windows are bullet-resistant."

"As much fun as that would be and - don't get me wrong - I'd love to see the look on Danny Fuckoli's face - I don't want anybody to have a clue where we've escaped to - because they'll try to get us to take them along."

"No sympathy for your homies?" Lenora asked.

I looked at her, dead in the eyes, and said, "They aren't even trying to escape. They'll take what they can from you without guilt or remorse and shit on it in front of you - and then demand that you try harder."

"Nothing has changed, huh?" she asked.

"Nope," Natalie said. "Let me and Max run home, leave a note for our moms, and we'll come back here."

"I'll text you an address," Lenora said. "We're getting you something more reliable to drive."

"You dissin' my shit-box, bitch?" I asked her, grinning.

"I'm surprised your shit-box even runs, little boy," she replied. She looked at Natalie and asked, "You have a car?"

Natalie shook her head.

"We'll remedy that," Lenora said.

"If you and Max have cars," Natalie told her, "I don't need one."

Lenora leaned over, kissed her lips and said, "I love you so much, little me."

"You don't need to," Natalie said.

"I know," Lenora replied, "but you can't stop me and you'll be begging to suck my cunt when you see what you end up with."


An hour later, Natalie and I said 'goodbye' to Candletree. We loaded our worldly possessions into a backpack each. We also grabbed our clothes and tossed them into a gym bag. As I drove to the address that Lenora had sent me, my new girlfriend crawled around my car, looking for anything we wanted to take with us. I grabbed her ass and then grinned as she kissed me in retaliation.

"I still can't fucking believe this!" I told her, as she slid back into the passenger seat, put on her belt, and twined her fingers through mine.

"I know," she said. "I can't believe we never told each other how we felt, I can't believe we're escaping, and I can't believe that house!"

"... and the pool. I don't even have swim trunks!"

"Lenora probably won't care," Natalie said, smirking.

"You okay with this?" I asked.

"Sharing you?" she asked. "Baby, I didn't even HAVE you until she unlocked us. Yes, I'm okay with this. You good?"

"Her pussy is like a vacuum cleaner," I told Natalie.

"Poor baby, having your cock sucked by a powerful woman with a powerful pussy," she said, laughing.

We turned onto the street for the address she'd given me. The only car dealership I could see looked like a palace.

"No fucking way!" Natalie moaned. "I am definitely sucking that woman's cunt."

Lenora was standing by the side of the street. She pointed at a spot in the road next to where she was standing. I pulled up and stopped.

"Off, out, keys," she said. "Fuck that. Leave the keys in it. Do you have everything out of it that you need?"

Natalie checked her mirror, climbed out of the car, raced around, and wrapped her arms around Lenora.

"Told you, didn't I, little me?" Lenora asked, grinning broadly.

"Lynn," Natalie purred, "are you serious right now?"

"Yes, my love," Mrs. Wellington purred. "Let's go make our new salesman friend a very happy man. He'll be so happy, little miss, that I'll bet he'll suck your clit if we ask him nicely."

Natalie kissed Lenora on the lips and said, "Get me home as quickly as you can."

Lenora purred at her like a happy kitten and kissed her like a long-lost lover. The salesman waited far enough away to be able to pretend that he hadn't heard any of the conversation. The only indication that he had watched the exchange was the tent in his very fashionable trousers.

"Jason, was it?"

"Yes, ma'am?"

"Find someone to dispose of this, please," she told him, flicking her eyes at my former vehicle. "Once that's been dealt with, my nephew and niece would like to look at a couple of your most capable models."

"Yes, ma'am," Jason said. Looking at Natalie and me, he said, "Welcome to Jaguar. I'll be with you in just a moment. All of our vehicles are very capable... as Mrs. Wellington so eloquently put it... but we have a couple models that I think you'll really like."

A half-hour later, we pulled up to a test track. Natalie and I were each behind the wheel of a Jaguar F-Type R75 convertible. Natalie's was black; mine was gray. Lenora was riding with Nat. The fingers of Lynn's left hand were buried between Natalie's thighs. Nat was writhing in her seat; her eyes were glazed.

"Ease around the track once," Jason hollered over to Natalie. "The second lap, you can open it up. We'll be a quarter-lap behind you. Meet back here when you're done."

Anticipating what might be coming, I eased away from the girls' ride just in time for Lenora's hand to jerk. Natalie squeaked, and the tires on her car left a rubber trail and led into the first turn.

Jason laughed and said, "Whenever you're ready."

The first lap, I chased to within a hundred yards of Natalie. I couldn't tell if she was just messing around - or if she was pretending like she was waiting for the green flag at the dirt track - as her car gently swerved back and forth. Jason chuckled but didn't say anything.

As we crossed the starting line, however, Natalie straightened out - and took off like a comet. I was already running 50MPH but I floored it and took off after her. The car accelerated so quickly that my head was forced back against the head-rest.

"Sweet," I growled.

Jason chuckled again.

We swooped back around to the finish line in no time and I pulled to the spot where we'd begun. Natalie and Lenora took another lap but were soon pulling in next to us.

Jason laughed and asked Natalie, "What did you think?"

"I think I came," she replied.

His laugh kind of fizzled as he looked at her face and tried to decide whether or not she was kidding.

"Head us back to the lot, Jason," Lenora told him. "We'll drop you off and you can send me the paperwork."

"Yes, ma'am!" he said, grinning wildly.

I've delivered enough pizzas that I got us back to the dealership without any need for directions from Jason. He seemed moderately impressed.

"Just stop in the street, sir," he said. "I'll hop out and run and grab the extra set of keys. Please give Mrs. Wellington my thanks. I'll get the paperwork to her as soon as I can. Once you have the keys, you can be on your way. If you'd prefer not to wait, I can send the keys with the paperwork."

"I'll wait. No rush."

"Back in a flash," he said, hopping out and darting across the lot.

Natalie and Lenora pulled up. Natalie was biting her lower lip. Lenora's right hand was now between her thighs and she was nibbling Nat's ear. Natalie's fingers were clenched around the steering-wheel and it looked like she was cumming. She squeezed her eyes shut and moaned."

I laughed and told Lenora, "Maybe you'd better ride with me."

Natalie's right eye was twitching as she looked over at me. Lenora kissed her cheek, withdrew her hand, turned, opened the door, and climbed out of the car. She came around the backside of Natalie's vehicle and got in with me.

I set my phone in the charge-bay - although my shitty phone didn't have wireless charging - so it wasn't anything more than a safe place to lay it. I pulled up #22 on the recent places and tapped "Go".

Jason jogged back out with the keys.

"Ah, Mrs. Wellington! We very much appreciate you thinking of us today. I'll get that paperwork done as soon as possible and have it out to you. As always, it's a pleasure doing business with you."

I took the keys from Jason. As Lenora's hand slid between my thighs she glanced at an empty tray in the center console. I threw the keys there, grasped the wheel, and dropped the car back into 'drive'.

"Thanks, Jason!" she called out.

Her fingers went to the button on my fly and my foot went to the accelerator. I hope the salesman's toes were out of the way because I got worried about him getting a free show and I headed for home.

Home. I thought about that word for a moment - about as long as it took for Mrs. Lenora Wellington to finish unbuttoning my fly, unzipping my pants, and tugging my trousers and underwear down far enough to free my raging cock.

"There's my little darling," she purred.

"Little?" I asked - and then coughed as my cock was surrounded in heat - and lips and tongue and mouth worked together - all as mind-numbing suction pulled away all conscious thought - barely leaving me the ability to keep us on the road.

Lynn's right hand cupped my balls and coaxed them to hurry. They heeded their mistress, and I groaned as she began draining the excess fluids from my body through my urethra.

By the time we got home. Lenora had me hard again - and my balls were working on another load.

I pulled up to the gate and - after the slightest hesitation - it began to open. I looked at my lusty lover.

"NFC card," she said. "Every employee has one. We'll get your papers signed and I'll get you your ID."

"It's a pleasure to serve you, madam," I said, grinning.

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine, I assure you," she said, giggling.

She pulled her blouse back down, covering the firm breasts and stiff nipples that I'd been enjoying. That was the biggest reason for the marked recovery in my erectile function.

"Pull past the front entrance and follow the drive to the right," she said. "Park in the courtyard for now. I'll have to have Reggie find the garage door remotes and we'll get you two a place to park."

I pulled to a stop, put the car in 'park', hit the button to turn it off, opened my door, and stood up to pull my pants and underwear back into place. Natalie was laughing at me when she pulled up and parked behind me.

"How was your trip?" she asked, as she got out.

"Exhilarating," I said, returning her grin.

"She just about killed us," Natalie said, accepting a hug and a kiss from Lenora, who was giggling. "She fingered me until I came on the track and twice more on the way back to the lot. My clit is still thrumming."

Lenora giggled and reached down to palm Nat's crotch, but Natalie put her own hand over it first to block the attack.

"What's the matter, little me," Lenora purred, "can't keep up?"

"You're insatiable!" Natalie growled.

"Gerald, God love him, used to say that all of the time - usually while his cock was erupting in one of my holes."

Greta had lunch ready. We ate and visited with her and Reggie. They laughingly told us that they were ecstatic that we were joining the team because they could worry less about "madam's" needs. She blew each of them a kiss as they left to tend to whatever duties they had.

"Let's go to the office," Lenora said. "We'll teleconference with the accountant and the lawyer. It'll probably take us and hour to get you all documented and then we'll have a little time to play around before dinner."

"Playing around" was code for repeating last night's opening act - only this time I gave Natalie two orgasms before she tumbled out from between our employer's thighs. Lenora let me fuck her for a solid half-hour before she used her hidden talent to drain my balls. She rolled me onto my back and fucked the hell out of me until she climaxed. I swear, when she finally climbed off of me, my cock was bent.

After dinner, we relaxed in the hot tub, talking and cuddling. We swam (naked of course) for a while, got back in the hot tub, and then wrapped towels around ourselves to sneak up to Lenora's bedroom.

Lenora's towel went into the clothes hamper - so Nat and I threw ours there as well. Since the boss crawled into bed, we climbed in with her.

"I forgot to mention earlier," she said, as she hugged the two of us to her body. "I'll only expect you to fuck me once a day."

She laughed as Natalie and I looked at each other and then sighed in relief.

"If you WANT to make me cum more than that," she said. "I'll take it. As you have - no doubt - figured out, I'm a bit of a nymphomaniac."

We nodded to her.

"You can have every other night to yourselves. You just found out that you're more than friends and I encourage you to explore that. I think you two are absolutely perfect for each other and I'm delighted to be able to be a part of that - but I understand that we'll have US time and you'll have YOU time. I've cum more in the last 24 hours than I have in months. 'Love' is a funny word but I'm super happy to have you two here with me - with us."

We laid there for several minutes - touching and kissing - before Natalie spoke up.

"How much did that car cost?" she asked Lenora.

"I don't know. It doesn't matter," Lynn said.

"$50,000?" Natalie guessed.

Mrs. Wellington huffed at her and said, "Hand me my phone."

Natalie grabbed it and handed it over. Lynn unlocked it, pressed a few buttons, scrolled a little, and held the display up for my best friend to read.


Lenora hit the power button and tossed her phone off the edge of the bed and onto the floor.

"Do you like anal?" Natalie asked her.

"It's okay," Lynn said, "Why?"

"Lie on my face and let Max fuck your ass. I want to make you cum."

Lenora thought about if for a minute and then said, "Scissor with me. We'll give Maxie a raging hard-on and then he can fuck you until you get off and then cum in me and see if we can make a baby. I'm ovulating right now."

Natalie crawled on top of Lenora. Her left leg went low and her right leg went high. I scooted around behind them and watched the two of them grind their clits and pussies against one another while I listened to them making out.

"Fuck!" I growled.

The two of them looked down at where I was kneeling. My cock was pointing at their cunts like it was a compass and their sexes were true north. The two of them giggled and went back to writhing and kissing.

I slipped my penis between them, and the pair of clitorises did unspeakable things to my member. The images, the sounds, the stimulation - I was immediately cumming.

I yanked my cock out from between their bodies and barely got it shoved into Lenora's depths before great gouts of sperm began spewing from my dick. I groaned as my fingers dug into Natalie's ass as I dumped my load into her lover's cunt.

As soon as Mrs. Wellington felt the eruption end, she went back to kissing and scissoring with Natalie. I groaned and tumbled away from the writhing pair, falling onto my back and gasping for air - trying to refill my lungs with oxygen.

Sometime - in the middle of the night - I woke up, chilled. My lovers were snuggled together with their heads on the pillows. I curled in on the other side of Mrs. Lenora Wellington and caressed her nearly-flat stomach with my fingers, praying that God (or whoever was listening) would bless this lady who had given so much to Natalie and me.


The girls got such a kick out of how turned-on I got, shoving my cock between their bodies as they made love to one another, that we repeated it every night for the next two weeks. You might have thought that I would have grown accustomed to their sex-play - and bored with my part in the procreative act - but you could not have convinced my brain or my balls that there was anything sexier in the world.

Every night, I shoved my cock between their writing bodies. Every night, their engorged clitorises battled to kiss and cuddle my sensitive cock-knob. Every night, their labia cuddled and stroked my shaft. Every night I held out until it was almost too late and then shoved my way into Lenora's depths and pumped her full of baby-batter.

The only real change in our sex-play was that - after a couple days - I was still alert enough to remain awake, staring at the ceiling, riding through the shockwaves that traveled across the mattress as they pleasured one another - listening to their kisses, coos, and keening.

Once the two of them had sated their lusts, I crawled up beside my sexy boss and snuggled with her and my girlfriend. Each night, I fell asleep with my fingers on her tummy. Natalie's fingers intertwined with mine and we whispered our prayers silently as we fell into our slumber.

Two weeks later, Natalie woke up, complaining that her breasts ached and her nipples hurt. I looked down to where our fingers were still covering Lenora's stomach. I quietly got up, found pain medication for my lover, and brought it to her with a glass of water.

As Lenora cuddled with her, I got dressed, slipped out to my convertible, drove to the nearest pharmacy, and bought a handful of pregnancy tests. When I got back, I pulled two of them out of the bag, dropped the sack (with the rest of them inside) onto an end-table, and handed them to the girls.

"What are these?" Lenora asked.

"Pregnancy tests," Natalie said. Her eyes widened and she looked at me. "Come on!" she told Lenora.

My girlfriend giggled as she explained to Mrs. Wellington what they needed to do.

"Come watch us," Natalie called to me.

"You want me to watch you piss on a plastic stick?" I asked.

"Yes, dammit!" she growled.

Natalie sat on the toilet and peed. I placed the test strip in the stream, according to the directions, and then capped it. When she was done, I handed it to her and accepted a kiss in exchange for services rendered. Lenora went next. After the test was complete and she'd finished using the toilet, I accepted a kiss from her as well.

We moved to the hot tub. I climbed in and held a hand up. Natalie set her test on the floor beside the tub and stepped down next to me. Lenora did the same. I sat in the middle and my lovers curled into my arms, sitting where they could reach their tests when the timer expired. We set the jets to run for the allotted time and then relaxed.

I accepted kisses from both sides and purred at the women as they rubbed their water-slicked breasts against my chest and ribs.

"Feeling better?" I asked Natalie.

"Yes, the water feels amazing and I think the meds just kicked in."

The jets stopped and I called for Lenora to wait as Natalie spun to grab her test-wand.

"Shit!" she growled.

She showed the plastic wand to the two of us.

"Blue is bad?" Lenora asked.

"Pink means your preggers; blue means try again," Natalie said. "Check yours."

Lenora turned, grabbed the test-stick, looked at it and said, "Oh, shit!"

"Good shit or bad shit?" Natalie asked. "Let me see!"

She handed the wand to Nat and jumped up out of the water, nearly stumbling. I stood, caught her, and helped her out.

"What are you doing?" Natalie asked.

Lynn pointed at the test; Natalie looked at it. It was pink.

"Shit! Yes!" Natalie exclaimed, "but why are you getting out of the hot tub?"

"I'm boiling my baby," Lenora said.

Natalie laughed off her fears, but I helped Lynn to the shower, and she rinsed in cool water to drop her body temperature. By the time we got out, Natalie was shaking her head, looking up from reading the website on her phone.

"I never knew that!" she told Mrs. Wellington.

Lynn laughed, dropped her towel in the hamper, and said, "I learned how to take a pregnancy test and you learned to moderate your body temperature when you're pregnant."

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