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Love, Unconventionally


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As if those five words held the same magic as a magician saying abracadabra, the tension that had settled over the dining room table evaporated and faint smiles crept across my parents. I then gave them the truncated version of what was transpiring with Piper – her father, school, and I even showed them on my phone what she was being exposed to on social media.

"Wow," Dad leaned back in his chair. "Sounds like she has it rough."

"Yeah," I shook my head.

"Honey, will you help me bring the food to the table?" Mom asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"Of course, Sweetheart." Dad made a big show of getting up and stretching. "Ah, the hard work a man has to do to keep the little woman happy."

"Helping with dinner constitutes hard work?" I laughed, "What about laundry?"

"Well, we do have to draw the line somewhere," Dad chuckled as he ruffled my hair as he passed.

They weren't gone but a minute and before me laid a spread fit for a king... Chili dogs and french fries.

I packed away my homework and greedily made my plate.

"So," Dad grumbled before he swallowed a bite. "You ready for college in the fall?"

I nodded, unwilling to talk with my mouth full like my Dad due to the repercussions (mainly a slap to the back of my head) that my Mom would inflict on me if I would have.

"Chemical engineering is a difficult field; are you going to have enough time to study?" Mom looked at me affectionately as only a worried mother could.

I smiled, "I'm sure I'll manage."

"How?" Dad took a quick drink of his soda, "I mean, if you are supporting a baby?"

"Now, now, Honey," Mom grabbed another hot dog from the plate, "Don't forget about Piper. You know perhaps more than anyone a woman has needs as well."

"Yes, Sweetheart," Dad laughed. "You trained me well." My parents then looked at each in what I liked to call their lovey-dovey stare.

I, however, had a deer caught in headlights stare. I didn't have an answer.

"We just would like to know what your plans are?" Apparently their little moment was over as Mom put her hand atop mine.

"I... I honestly don't know."

"School?" Dad offered.

"I want to."

"We don't want to sound mean," Mom tightened her grip on my hand, "and we like Piper almost as much as you do, but if she's having the baby, perhaps you two shouldn't be so attached. Friends, sure, but long term relationship; I'd be leery."

My parents were hitting on all my fears and my face showed it.

"Son," Dad slightly nodded as he spoke, "We just want what's best for you."

"And we want you to have the opportunity to find what makes you happiest in life," Mom offered a smile.

"Have you talked with her about her plans?" Dad leaned forward, clasping his hands together as he did.


"Has her Dad?"

"No." I shook my head, "All he has done is be angry at her. She said as soon as she told her Dad, that's when he started his constant yelling and his physicality with her."

"Well, maybe we should," Mom relinquished her grip of my hand. "Tell you what, have her come over here tomorrow night and we'll discuss this as a family."

All I could do is give a small nod.


"Piper, I'm so sorry."

Piper wasn't mad - far from it, actually. But that didn't mean I didn't feel incredibly guilty for telling my parents about her secret. The whole day I spent apologizing in one form or another and the whole day she spent rolling her eyes, shaking her head, and dismissing my apologies.

"Will you stop apologizing?" Piper shook her head, "Your parents took it a lot better than my Dad."

"They said we shouldn't be any more than friends."

That statement, though I've told her before, made her pause - again. "But that's what we are. Just friends." I saw something in her eyes that made me wonder about her true feelings. Piper then kissed my lips. "No worries. This is my issue, not yours."

Just friends... Something about that didn't feel right. I'm not sure what it was, but it felt wrong.

Piper started walking toward her class. I ran a hand through my hair, "I may not know many of the social parameters when it comes to friendship, but I do know I never saw Dan and Cole kiss."

Piper walked back to me, "Do you not want to?" She pressed her lips against mine and once again, I felt like I was in a daze from the effect.

"No, I think I'm good with kissing."

"Thought so," Piper snickered. "You let Dan and Cole worry about what they do in their friendship, but in ours, we kiss." She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me one last time, lingering just a little bit longer than usual. "Now hurry before you're late to your class."

"Get a room, you trollop."

My head turned to the voice, a scowl etched onto my lips, but whoever said it was already gone through the sea of people in the hallway.

Piper turned my head to face hers and smiled, "I'll see after class."

It still affected me. The insults, the taunts; someone even threw a dirty diaper at her. I couldn't stop the torment and that bothered me. But Piper, she began taking it all in stride. I didn't know how she did it. No reactions, no crying, no nothing. It was an amazing exhibition of self-control.


"Good to see you again, Piper," Mom hugged her.

"Yes, always a pleasure." Dad added as he gestured to the sofa. "Please, have a seat."

"Thanks," Piper offered a smile but I could hear the nervousness behind her words. "Always glad to be here."

Pleasantries now out of the way, bring out the firing squad.

I sat next to Piper, and held her hand tightly. I was unsure if it was for her benefit or mine.

My parents sat down across from us in the two dining room chairs they had already set up for themselves. They sure were prepared.

"Piper," Mom's gaze was one of comfort, "How would you constitute your relationship with our son?"

"We're just friends."

Again I saw through her eyes that little twitch in her soul.

"Uh – huh." Mom glanced at Dad before continuing, "Todd and I wanted to talk to you about options. Have you considered giving it up for adoption?"

"Or abortion?" Dad added.

Mom frowned at the statement and I could tell that Dad wasn't keen on it when he said it, but they were unified in their beliefs that it was a woman's choice. And they once again showed their unity in front of me.

Piper half shrugged. "Part of me wants to keep her. I mean, I'm supposed to be her Mother and love her and be there for her. But part of me also understands how young I am and that maybe I should give her up so she has a chance at a better life." She looked down, a tear trickling down her cheek and with her free hand, she held her stomach. "I'm really torn."

"It's a girl?" Mom asked.

"Yes, I found out last week."

"Oliver also said that you won't have a place to stay when you graduate." Dad put his hand to his chin as he usually did when deep in contemplation. "Have you thought about that?"

Piper sniffled, "I went down to the homeless shelter. They said I'd be able to stay there for a little while and would even try to help me find a job and affordable child care if I need it."

"I see." Mom once more glanced at Dad - again with the silent communication. How did they do that? They both then looked back towards us, their resolution now complete. "Piper, Todd and I have decided that we are going to help."

"Yes," Dad intertwined his hand in Mom's with a smile. "We want you to stay here with us. Though it requires me giving up my man cave so Piper can have a room, we have decided it is the best thing for all involved."

Piper was in total shock. Me too. We were paralyzed as we sat there.

Mom laughed, "It's nice to know we can have that effect on them as well."

"Yup," Dad chuckled with her as he leaned back in his chair, making a grand motion of putting his hands to the back of his neck. He then sighed, "Us old fogies still got it."

"Mr. and Mrs. Green, I can't..."

"Yes you can," Mom interrupted. "We wouldn't want it any other way."

"Why don't you show Piper to her room, Oliver?" Dad had this satisfied look strewn across his face.

"Uh, okay." I stood, still stunned at what transpired. I offered Piper my hand, "Right this way."

Piper stood and took a step before stopping. She looked at my parents before falling on top of them. "Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Green." Thank you so much," She spoke through her tears.

"It was our pleasure," Mom hugged her.

Dad's arm also went around her, "Just remember, you can only stay if you stop calling us Mr. and Mrs. Green."

Piper laughed through her tears, "Okay."

I helped Piper to her feet, and we started down the hall.

"We did the right thing, Honey," Mom tried to whisper.

"Yes we did, Sweetheart," Dad's voice was equally low. "So, how long do you think it will take them to break their "just friends" mantra and I get my man cave back?"

I almost fell into the wall and Piper stifled a giggle.

"I don't even want to think about that one."

Piper and I turned the corner and I was once again surprised. My parents were prepared indeed. The room, normally housing a big television, a couple reclining chairs, and garbed in sports memorabilia, had a bed, a dresser, and a small night stand in it.

"Your parents are the best ever!"

I ran my hand through my hair, still in awe, "It appears as such."

Piper turned to me and gave me a grand smile, "And you are the greatest friend anyone could possibly hope for."

"I feel the same about you."

The "friends" remark still didn't feel right.


Living with a girl who you are not related to is awesome. We were inseparable. We did everything together – minus the showers. We used to talk on the phone before bed, now we held each other while we had our conversation. We stayed up late. Piper used to make sandwiches for us to eat; now she helps Mom cook dinner. I even signed up to go to Lamaze class with her. It got to the point where it actually felt awkward when we had to split up for commencement.

"Oliver Green."

Principal Larson was in fine form as she announced the student's names. Clear. Concise. Not that it mattered to me. I was doing everything in my will power to not run across the stage.

My left hand reached for my diploma while my right shook her hand. "Thanks."

"No, thank you, Mr. Green," Principal Larson countered, "for not causing any more fights and forcing me to expel you, though I now can tell you I think you were justified in wanting to take action, I just didn't agree with the action you chose. Now go show the world what you're made of in the field of chemical engineering and help keep Ms. Scott from not giving up."

Her words startled me for a moment before I smiled and nodded. I suppose the Principal really did know everything that happened at her school.

It took some time between my name being called and Piper's. But she was worth the wait. Though she half waddled across the stage, she was still beautiful. I couldn't help but smile. And I stood and cheered amongst a chorus of "boo's" from the audience, doing my best to try and have her hear me and only me.

I doubt it worked but she didn't show it either.

Dinner that evening was a small affair. My parents took Piper and me out to Oscar's Steakhouse in celebration. That was it for us. No parties, no drunken benders, no staying out until morning... It was just the four of us and to be honest, Piper and I wouldn't have had it any other way. Perhaps there is something about a pregnancy that makes people mature from their adolescent nature faster than our sheltered contemporaries? And though I am more of a spectator to Piper's situation, I am certain I have grown up more than I would have normally. The real world is hard.

"Mr. and Mrs. G, I just want you to know that I have decided I want to keep the baby."

And then there's that. I had known for a couple days now of Piper's decision. It had all come down to her not knowing her Mother, who had passed away from cancer when she was four. Piper didn't want the same for her daughter.

Dad and Mom paused from their chocolate mousse desserts and glanced at each other.

"You know," Dad started, "how difficult this will be on you? A single mother paying for daycare, doctor expenses, food... the list goes on and on."

"I know." The seriousness in Piper's voice spoke volumes. "But I have to do this. I start my housekeeping job at the Dunesbury Hotel next week and with that I should be able to save enough for my first month's rent at Elm Ridge apartments in two weeks. And I know it's not the best place, but it's what I'll be able to afford..." Her voice then tailed off, "If you want me to leave now though, I understand."

I held Piper's hand under the table, the softness of her blue sundress was a stark contrast to the hard conversation we were having.

"Nonsense," Mom waved her hand in front of her face, "And you will do no such thing moving into that cesspool. You will continue to stay with us... Besides, I always wanted a girl and now I have a daughter and a granddaughter."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm not a Grandpa," Dad chuckled. "I'm too young, suave, and debonair," He slid his hands through his hair in a sleek manner before his smile became ear to ear, "I think I'm more of a G–Daddy... Oh yeah, that's it."

I couldn't help my laugh and Mom stared at him bewildered.

Piper, however, was nearly in tears with gratitude, "Thank you Mrs. G. Thank you Mr..."

"Ah, ah, ah," Dad raised his finger as he interrupted.

"Um, G – Daddy..." Piper finished. "You know, that just doesn't sound right," she giggled.

Dad tilted his head in thought, "Well, it's for the baby to call me."

"On to presents!" Mom cheerfully changed the subject. "Here you go, Oliver."

Mom handed me a box and I gleefully tore through it. It was a new laptop, complete with all the bells and whistles and even included process simulation software for me to use. Wow. My eyes were as big as saucers, "Thank you... really, thanks Mom and Dad."

"Why, I think he likes it," Mom snickered. "And for you Piper..."

"No, you guys have done so much for me already."

Mom waved her hand again with a dismissive smile, "Nonsense." She then handed Piper a small box.

"I couldn't..."

"Please," Dad smiled.

Piper opened the box to find a small necklace with a heart charm inscribed with the word Mother in cursive.

Piper cried. "How did... How did you know?"

Mom smiled brightly, "It wasn't hard to see."

Piper looked up, teary eyed, "You two... I'm not sure how I can ever repay you."

Dad leaned back and put his arm over Mom's shoulder, "We're not asking you to."

When we got back home, Piper's true present was in her bedroom. A crib and a changing table now lined the outer wall.


It was like a warm blanket. Soft. Comforting. Safe. Warm. Yes, like a warm blanket. Except better. Cuddling with Piper, her back against my chest, my arm wrapped around her, my hand resting on her protruding tummy, the smell of her hair tickling my nose, our legs entwined as our feet slowly rubbed against each other... Yes, so much better than a blanket.

It was a few hours after dinner and Piper and I decided to take solace on the couch. My parents had long since went to bed, the stereo created a soft romantic vibe that was wafting through the air, and Piper and I were just doing what we normally did before bed. Sometimes we talked, sometimes we'd make out, and other times it was just soothing to be in each other's arms.

"I'm glad you liked it." I was absentmindedly stroking her stomach as I reminisced about her excited reaction when she opened my graduation gift to her. She was so astonished I had even gotten her anything let alone a bottle of her favorite perfume she could no longer afford.

"You knew I would." It was a content response, one in which was spoken with absolute knowledge that what I did was perfect.

Piper leaned further into me. Her hand, which had been resting on my arm, decided to roam to my leg and began a gentle grazing. A few moments passed before she leaned forward, just fractions of a movement and her hand slipped between us. It glided slowly and I was curious as to what she was doing until it found manhood.

Certainly that was a mistake.

But her hand rested there with ease. "Um, Piper."

"Shh," Piper spoke with a sly smile. "It's time for your graduation gift."


"Relax," Piper giggled. "Haven't you heard of friends with benefits?"

Why yes I have... But that's not what I thought we were. Though it stung, our relationship was clearly defined by this boundary – Just friends. And we were really great at being...

All my thoughts were dissolved to nothing as Piper tilted her head and kissed me. It started out as a brief peck, nothing more than the softness of our lips touching. She pushed forward, opening her mouth slightly as she did. My lips parted and we shared the wonderful sensations our connection offered as our kiss deepened. Her tongue slithered out and it became unfair. It expertly danced around and touched every erotic pore – Well, two can play that game. As her tongue danced, mine weaved. I knew Piper equally as well. I manipulated every erogenous zone I knew she had, playfully reciprocating the amazing feelings she was bestowing on to me.

I felt a sudden chill. An unexpected chill in a place I was not familiar with having one. I was so lost in our kiss; I forgot her hand was working over another part of me. And now my cock was in the open, sandwiched between our bodies. Piper smiled, though she refused to relinquish our shared connection, as her hand began pulling up the back of her dress.

I never felt so alive. There my erection was, resting in between her ass, the softness of flesh encompassing it on all sides. My reaction was that of a carnal nature as I thrust against it.

"Not there, silly," Piper moaned into my mouth. "Here," and her hand reached between her legs and took hold of my manhood and placed right at heaven's gate.

I felt the wetness and I swear my cock twitched. It was beyond my rational dreams that I could feel something so wantonly. I had felt Piper's desire... for me. And then she leaned back, and Oh Dear God, the head had slid right into her opening. It was breathtakingly amazing.

I pulled her body tighter to me as I gave a gentle upward motion. Just that small action had me inside her love canal. The velvet smoothness, the slick sheen of yearning, the tight cradling... It was electric. And it became more so when I made a small movement back before giving my first real thrust forward. The unbelievable sensations... Have I died? I retreated slowly and then I advanced again. This time Piper was ready and she rolled her hips.

Our bodies began to sync into a harmonious rhythm.



Our mutual noises collided in our kiss, not really heard by either of us, but that didn't stop the symphony of oppressive joy to try and attain vocalization.

It didn't take long to want more. Not in a hedonistic, Neanderthal wildness, but in a truer sense of the word. In an instant, it wasn't about sex. This became about me and Piper. We were sharing something so... wondrous. Every fiber of my being – my soul –was being engulfed with emotion for the woman in my arms. Not just mine, but hers as well. I felt... Her. We were connected. We gave onto each other in more than our five senses should allow. Desire. Want. Need. Lust. Love? Every feeling felt tangible.

I was on the verge of something euphoric – and not just in my orgasm. I didn't know what to do.

"Just let it go," Piper seemingly read my mind. "I can't get pregnant again."

I felt my body stiffen at her words, as if I was just waiting for approval of me being inside her. I was on the cusp when suddenly she was as well. It was an intense moment as she began to quake, her tunnel becoming tighter, her passion exploding around my being in a wave of pleasure. My own dam fell to its pressure and a torrent of my very soul shook forth to mingle with her. My grip tightened around her body, my need to gain the same closeness my emotions were feeling. I never wanted to let go.

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