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Loving Companions Forever

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Brad and Valerie face daunting medical exams.
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My name is Brad and I think I may be the luckiest man in the world. That may sound like cliché or hyperbole, but I honestly think it is true. I'm not rich by any means and I don't have the biggest house in the neighborhood, but I have something far more valuable than any earthly possession. I am married to a woman who is intelligent, witty, and unbelievably beautiful in my eyes. I met Valerie when we were in college and married her a few months after graduation. Now five years later, we are settling into our careers with many plans for travel and eventually a family of our own.

Valerie has been the love of my life from the moment I met her. She is absolutely the epitome of the 'girl next door'. She is gorgeous in a completely natural way but hopelessly modest. We dated for many months before she found the courage to let me see her naked, but when she did finally overcome her modesty, I gazed at the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Valerie is a natural beauty, by no means someone who dresses or acts provocatively to get attention or approval. She has a beautiful figure with curves in all the right places, and she moves with a quiet grace that only serves to add to her allurement. Her amazing breasts are soft but firm, and her shapely derriere makes her irresistible to ignore. In true traditional fashion, she resists shaving her pubic area. She maintains a neatly trimmed bush that makes her look like one of those idealized women in the nudist magazines from previous generations.

Yet despite her gorgeous feminine charms, Valerie often tells me that she does not like being naked or looking at her naked form in the mirror. She once confessed to me that I am the only boy to see her without clothes. She dresses conservatively when she is out in public, and I don't think she realizes how sexy she looks, even in the most casual outfits. Whether it is a pair of athletic shorts and a tank top in the summer of a pair of Levis and a sweater in cooler weather, she turns eyes wherever she goes. Like the lyrics of the classic song from the 60's, she is my 'Venus in blue jeans, Mona Lisa with a ponytail'. I have to pinch myself every day to be sure that she is real and not just a dream. She is my gift from Heaven.

I offer all of this as prologue for an event that happened to us a few weeks ago. It was an experience that neither of us anticipated, but certainly one that we will ever forget. We were in the final stages of preparing for a trip to some exotic places in Central America, and all that remained was the requirement for physical exams and vaccinations. Due to Valerie's modesty, she had settled on a female doctor after we got married and, while it would not have been my first choice, I had agreed to see the same doctor to simplify our medical care decisions. On the day of our scheduled exams, we sat quietly in the doctor's waiting room awaiting our appointments.

"I hope this doesn't take long," Valerie whispered to me. "Dr. Martin is not too intimidating, but I am still nervous when I am in her office."

"Relax," I replied. "I am sure this will be a routine exam just like all of the others you have been through."

"But you know me," she continued. "Even getting undressed for a female doctor is difficult for me. Maybe I won't have to do that for this exam."

I continued to reassure Valerie for the next few minutes when we saw a nurse walking toward us. She had come over to tell us that all of our paperwork was in order, but then she shared some news that immediately got Valerie's attention.

"Dr. Martin will see you both in a few minutes," she said, "but she wanted me to inform you of something first."

"Is something wrong?" Valerie asked.

"Not at all," the nurse answered. "The doctor wants you to be aware of the fact that some medical students are working with her today and will be assisting with your exams. She needs to know if you are okay with this or if you wish to reschedule for another day."

"I don't think that rescheduling is an option," I replied. "Our trip begins the day after tomorrow, and I don't think we will be able to make different arrangements on such short notice."

"We could do it tomorrow," Valerie offered. "Will these medical students be with her then?"

"No, but Dr. Martin has a full schedule at the hospital tomorrow. She will not be in the office."

"Who are these medical students?" Valerie asked nervously. "Are they female students?"

"All four are in the clinical phase of their medical school program and are working to meet the requirements for hours in hospital or medical office settings. There are two female and two male students working with Dr. Martin today. I can assure you that they are all very qualified."

I could tell that Valerie was starting to freak out by this news, so I asked the nurse to give us a few minutes to talk it over.

"Look," I said, "if this is too frightening for you, we can walk out right now. We can take our chances at getting appointments somewhere else. If not, we may have to cancel our travel arrangements."

"But we have deposits that are not refundable."

"I know," I replied in a reassuring voice, "but it's not the end of the world. We do share some of the blame since we procrastinated so long to get the medical exams done."

"I'm so torn," Valerie said in a shaky voice.

I had been frantically wracking my brain for a solution, but I knew that the only thing I could come up with might not fly with Valerie. "How about this. We go into the examination room together and I volunteer to be first. That way, you can observe every step of the exam process to see if you think you can go on."

"And what if I can't muster the courage?" Valerie asked.

"Then we finish up with my paperwork and excuse ourselves. I have been looking forward to the vacation that we have been planning, but nothing is more important to me than you. Are you willing to try that?"

We didn't have much more time to discuss the matter since the receptionist was heading our way. I took Valerie's hand, and I could tell that she was very nervous. Finally, she nodded her head and told me that she was willing to try the plan that I had laid out. When the receptionist informed us that the doctors were ready, I told her that we were going to go in together. She said that was fine and motioned us to the door of the examination room. When we stepped inside, I noticed that this was a larger room than we had seen in past visits. Doctor Martin and the four students were standing along one wall.

"Good afternoon Brad and Valerie. The nurse has told me that she explained to you that I will be assisted today by four medical school students who are in the clinical portion of the training. I need to ask you if you are agreeable to this arrangement."

"Yes, we have been informed of the situation," I replied. "As you can probably see, Valerie is very nervous about the whole thing, so I assured her that I will go first."

"That's very understandable," Dr. Martin said in a calm voice. "I can assure you that these four medical professionals are outstanding and that they will treat you in a professional and sensitive manner. You already know me, but I would like each of them to introduce themselves to you."

"My name is Laura," the first one offered as she stepped over to shake our hands. My specialty will be OB-GYN after I finish my residency."

"I'm Mark," said the tall male student as he shook our hands. "I will be focusing on Internal Medicine."

"I'm Chuck," the other male student said. "My plans are to specialize in Family Practice."

"And I'm Liz," the other female student offered. "I also plan to specialize in Family Practice."

"Thank you all," said Dr. Martin. "Let me lay out the details of the exam. Many of the things we will do will be familiar to you from previous physicals, but there are a couple of things that are specified for foreign travel."

"Such as...?" I asked.

"As you might guess, COVID is still a concern, so we will be testing for that. Many foreign governments are also concerned about tourists who may be carriers of communicable diseases or have skin conditions that may pose health risks to their citizens. These are all quick procedures and are non-invasive. Your privacy will be our top concern when possible."

"Thank you," I said. "Valerie and I talked about this out in the waiting room, and we agreed that I will go first. That will give her a chance to observe and hopefully put her mind more at ease."

"I will ask you then to step behind the privacy screen and undress completely. Naked as the day you were born, as I like to say. There is a hospital gown hanging there for you to put on."

I wasn't watching Valerie's face, but I am sure she cringed when she heard the word 'naked'. I did as instructed, and when I had tied the back of the gown as best I could, I stepped back in the room, fully aware that my backside was completely exposed. That fact did not escape Valerie's attention either.

The first portion of the exam was completely routine as the medical students took turns checking height, weight, temperature, and blood pressure as they recorded the data in their notes. Dr. Martin next motioned for me to sit on the exam table.

"Please untie the robe and let the top portion fall to your lap," Dr. Martin instructed. "Each of the students will take turns listening to your heart and chest. They will also examine your skin for any lesions or other abnormal skin conditions. Finally, they will check your neck, head, collarbone, and armpit areas for unusual lumps or enlargements of your lymph nodes."

The four medical students took turns doing all of the procedures that Dr. Martin had demonstrated. At times, she would step in to give some suggestions, but for the most part, they were all competent and thorough. I looked over to Valerie with a reassuring smile, but her nervousness was still evident. It felt odd to have the same procedures repeated four times with four sets of hands exploring my skin in rotation, but it was also reassuring to know that the exam would be thorough. When they had all finished and jotted down the data, Dr. Martin asked me to lie back on the exam table.

"This is the part of the exam that some people find a bit embarrassing or uncomfortable, but these students will make every effort to put you at ease. I am going to remove the gown so that the students can continue to check for skin abnormalities, hernias, and any possible concerns in the testicular area and the lymph nodes."

She gently pulled away the gown and with that, I was lying fully exposed on a table in front of Dr. Martin and the four students. My thoughts went immediately to Valerie since I was sure this was the scenario she dreaded most. Dr. Martin took care to demonstrate where to check for the lymph nodes in the groin area. I began to wonder if my penis would begin to betray me with so many pairs of hands examining and touching my most sensitive areas, and as I feared, I began to feel the first sensations of arousal when Liz unintentionally brushed her hand against my penis.

"This is a good time to pause for an important observation," Dr. Martin said as she noticed the stirrings in my groin area. "It is not uncommon for male patients to become slightly aroused when you work near the penis or scrotum. If this happens, my advice is to reassure the patient, explain the purpose of that portion of the exam, and complete the work as quickly as possible so as not to further embarrass the patient or cause any discomfort."

Once each student had a chance to examine my groin area more thoroughly than I had ever done myself, Dr. Martin announced that there were only two more items left to complete--the check for hernias that I was familiar with and a check for scoliosis that was new to me. Dr. Martin asked me to slide off the exam table and stand with my arms at my side. I instinctively reached for the gown, but I was told that it would not be needed for these procedures. She demonstrated the standard procedures for a hernia exam.

"First, have the patient turn his head to one side and ask him to cough. This will trigger the cough impulse and may be the first indication of a possible hernia. Next, carefully handle the testes to check for any abnormalities in either size of shape. As you well know, this is the most sensitive part of the male genitalia, and so you must be extremely careful during this portion of the exam. Again, instruct the patient to turn his head and ask him to cough as you feel for any evidence of a hernia."

Needless to say, this was the most intimate portion of the exam. Valerie had never been in the exam room with me during past physicals, and her eyes were wide as she witnessed the hernia exam. She watched nervously as each student took turns examining my groin and handling my testicles, and she was no doubt envisioning the scenario when it was her turn to be examined. To my relief, I was able to avoid any embarrassing signs of arousal when the female students were working with me. It was at this point that I also realized that I was actually starting to enjoy showing my naked body to the people in the room. I was familiar with the CFNM concept and had read a few stories based on scenarios like this, but I had never really understood the thrill that it might create. I was feeling a bit of that CFNM vibe at that moment, and it surprised me. Maybe there is some measure of exhibitionism hiding under the surface in all of us.

"Well done," said Dr. Martin. "The final step is to do a manual examination of the spine to look for possible signs of scoliosis. This is routinely done with younger children, but curvature of the spine is something that may be of concern for all patients. The first checks are quick and easy. Have the patent stand straight and look for protruding scapulae, shoulders that are not level, and indications of a twisted torso. Next, have the patient bend forward with hands between their knees. This is called the Adams Forward Bending Test and will allow you to assess the condition of the spine and look for signs of curvature or unusual humps or abnormalities."

Once again, all four students followed the steps that Dr. Martin demonstrated, and when they all concurred that there were no abnormalities, I was able to step back behind the privacy screen and get dressed. After I had gotten dressed again and came over to sit next to Valerie, I could tell that she was completely flummoxed.

"That was painless," I said in an uplifting voice. "I wasn't watching the clock, but what was it? Maybe 15 minutes at the most?"

"And about half the time you were bare-ass naked. I'm a wreck trying to make a decision."

"But we have to get the exam done today or the trip is off, I said. "I wasn't thrilled with the arrangement, but you saw I was able to do it. Just think of it as a way to help some talented young medical students get closer to their certification. You will never see them again after the exam--unless they are added to Dr. Martin's practice."

"I'm just not sure I can do it."

"Then let's go," I replied. "I promised you that we could leave if you were too nervous."

"I'm sorry I am such a wimp," Valerie whispered. "But we have both been looking forward to this trip for over a year."

While we were talking quietly to each other, Dr. Martin asked, "Valerie, are you ready for your exam? I know you are nervous, but we have to stay on schedule."

"Yes, I am ready," Valerie said quietly as she stood up and walked to the privacy screen.

"Excellent. As you heard me tell Brad, everything goes including your underwear. Just as nature intended. There is a clean gown hanging there for you."

As she stepped out into the room, she looked so nervous that I almost jumped up to tell her to go back and get dressed. Instead, I stayed seated and watched as she turned toward the doctors and flashed that beautiful bare ass that I have admired since the first time I saw it.

And with that, the roles were reversed and I was now the one who was the spectator in the corner of the room while my beautiful wife was going to try to stare down her insecurities and proceed with her physical exam. But as walked over to the doctors, I suddenly realized that I was faced with two powerful and conflicting emotions. One the one hand, I was beginning to feel aroused by the prospect that Valerie would soon be completely naked as four strangers probed every inch of her body. I had never felt that voyeur instinct before, and it surprised me. On the other hand, I was already feeling guilt that I might find any measure of pleasure in a situation where my wife was feeling so nervous and vulnerable.

The first few minutes of Valerie's check-up were routine as the students checked her height, weight, blood pressure, and temperature. She took them in stride and then waited in nervous anticipation of the more intimate parts of the exam.

"Please sit on the edge of the exam table and let the top of your gown fall to your lap," Dr. Martin said in a comforting voice. "We are going to listen to your heart and lungs, check your lymph nodes, and conduct a basic breast examination. How long has it been since you have had a mammogram?"

"I think it has been about 18 months," Valerie answered quietly, "though I am not sure. My last breast exam with about a year ago here in this office."

"As you are aware, then, we will look for any unusual lumps or nodes. I will remind you that the best thing you can do is to establish a monthly regimen on your own. It just takes a few moments while you are in the shower, and it is the best way to become familiar with your own body. We call that finding your normal condition. That way, it will be easier for you to detect any new developments that may require additional tests."

I watched intently as Dr. Martin showed the students the proper procedures. She had Valerie raise one arm at a time and then firmly worked her fingers in a circular motion over the surface of her breast as she felt for lumps or other thick masses that may be suspicious. Valerie seemed to be at ease when Dr. Martin was demonstrating since she had experienced that procedure in previous visits. She was clearly more apprehensive as the four students took turns touching and closely observing her beautiful tits that were now on full display. I remembered the first time that she let me see and touch them, and I wondered if the male students were secretly admiring them as much as I do every day. Valerie's expressions let me know that she thought they were drawing out the procedure longer than needed.

"Excellent work," Dr. Martin praised the students as they finished scribbling notes. "And now I will have you lie back so that we can check your torso and legs for any unusual skin conditions and conduct the hernia exam. Please undo the remaining ties on your gown so that I can remove it after you have lain back on the table."

And there she was in all of her beautiful naked glory just a few feet from the students who were preparing to continue the exam. And it was at that exact moment that my own conflicting emotions reached new levels. Again, I felt like a voyeur, and I was incredibly aroused by the sight of my own wife being utterly exposed and touched. At the same time, I knew how difficult this was for Valerie, and I was feeling more and more guilt that I could find any pleasure in the moment.

"As you saw with Brad, we will need to exam your genital area and the skin on your lower torso and legs. If it helps you to relax, we will not be doing an internal gynecological exam, but we need to examine the lymph nodes in your groin area and inspect your genitalia to check for lesions or other abnormalities. I will set your gown over on the chair."

As before, Dr. Martin first explained and demonstrated each procedure and then motioned for the students to follow her lead. I knew that Valerie's greatest fears were coming true and that her embarrassment was complete as each student followed Dr. Martin's guidance and jotted data in their notebooks. They closely examined her skin and used their fingers to evaluate her lymph nodes as they had been shown. As the students took turns examining her vulva and gently traced their fingers along the folds of her labia, Valerie closed her eyes as if to make the whole scenario go away.


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