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Mad Monday Pt. 02


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And Belle...she was just a teenager. She'd been given a new body with new bisexual urges, and she hadn't known how to handle them. When she'd switched, Spike had *been* her boyfriend - of course she still had feelings for him.

It wasn't even like I could be mad at her for not respecting her mother's body; after all, just before she'd gone off and...transgressed...I'd been upstairs, fucking her body as hard as I possibly could.

How could I be mad at her for something that her mother and I had just done?


My daughter's voice broke me out of my reverie.


"We have less than an hour before Belle gets home."

I nodded. "Yeah. We should work out what to do about this. Do you think she used protection?"

An image flashed across my mind: my wife, pregnant with a teenage boy's baby. For the first time since I'd seen Mary's body crossing the road, I felt a flash of anger appear inside me.

"I'm sure she did," my wife said. "She knows about safe sex."

"Did you have the talk with her?"

"Yeah, but that's not why. She had a packet of condoms next to her diary. Unopened, but I'm sure she didn't do anything stupid."

The anger crackled. Suddenly in the image of my wife beneath the leather-jacketed teenager, Mary's body had been replaced by my daughter's.

The past week had been so intense, so confusing...I honestly couldn't tell which picture in my head angered me more.

"Okay. Do you think they're going to tell anyone? If this gets out..."

My wife held one hand up, and I fell silent.

"These are great questions, and we should definitely discuss them more, but Belle will be home soon."

"Right," I said, confused. "So shouldn't we talk this through before then? We need to work out what we're going to say, if anything."

"That can come later," Mary said, moving one hand to my leg. "I really thought that before she got home, we could..."

I stared at her, aghast. "What!? After...after what she did in your body, you want to..."

Mary directed Belle's huge eyes at me.

"Well, yeah," she said, looking at me innocently. "I spent the whole day remembering what we did last night, and..."

I stood up, cutting her off. "Jesus, Mary, I don't believe this. Our daughter just used *your body* to fuck two idiot teenagers in a car, and you want to have *sex*."

"I don't just want to," she said pleadingly. "Andrew, I need this. You know I do."

I threw my hands up in the air. "Seriously!?"

"Yes! God, Andrew, it's not like the hormones suddenly went away just because you got jealous."

"You think I'm *jealous*?"

"Of course you're jealous! Who wouldn't be? Spike is younger than you, he's..."

Mary trailed off guiltily.

"Wait," she said. "I didn't mean that."

"I'm not jealous," I said calmly, if not entirely honestly. "I'm mad."

"Oh, she's just a teenager..." Mary started, wrinkling Belle's nose.

"I'm not mad at her," I continued. "I'm mad at you."

Belle sighed, an action that left me unable to avoid noticing my wife hadn't donned a bra beneath the yellow crop-top.

"Andrew," she said wearily. "Please, can we just..."

"You swapped bodies with our daughter," I said coldly. "Then, when you couldn't handle the hormones, you made me do the unthinkable. There are images floating around my head that I will never, ever be able to get out. And then, as if that wasn't bad enough, you put our daughter into *your body* without warning..."

"I thought she could handle it!"

"Well, you thought wrong! The bisexual urges, your libido...and then you invite her boyfriend over here for a threesome?"

"I didn't!"

I hadn't noticed, but we were no longer sitting on the bed - we were standing, shouting at each other. I had flashbacks to the early years of our relationship, before we'd gotten married...or the shouting matches I'd had with Belle in the past few years.

Tears were streaming down my daughter's face, and this time they weren't from choking on my cock.

"Yes, you did!" I yelled. "What, you don't remember? Stomp asked you for a threesome, and what did you tell him?"

"I didn't tell him anything!"

"Oh no, that's right. You *nodded*. There's no way you could be blamed for that, is there? A nod, a perfectly reasonable, adult response to the offer of a threesome."

"I did all this for her," Mary said, our daughter's voice coming out as a sob.

"Great! Now she's used *your* body to lose her virginity, in a threesome with some idiot kid who's probably going to tell everyone! At least if you hadn't done something, she would have only ruined her own life - not our marriage in the process!"

Belle's mouth fell open, and I realized I'd gone too far. I'm not normally one to yell, or even fight...but Mary and Belle both knew how to make me lose my cool.

Mary in Belle's body was a truly devastating combination.

"Our marriage is ruined?" my wife replied in a small voice, sitting down on the bed in shock.

"No!" I replied immediately, kneeling beside her. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I was just..."

Belle's eyes looked up at me balefully. "You were just what?"

I sighed, and rested my head on my daughter's knee. "It's been a big week, y'know?"


Belle's hand rested lightly on my head, and she began running her fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I know I messed it all up."

"It's okay," I replied. "It's just...a lot has happened. When you first told me that you and Belle had swapped bodies, I never thought it would result in any of this."

"It hasn't all been bad though, right?"

"Right," I nodded.

"I mean, if nothing else, the sex has been pretty good."

I laughed. "Yeah. Pretty good."

"I'll probably be thinking about last night until the day I die."

"Me too," I admitted with a smile.


"No," I said immediately. You spend twenty years married to someone, you get pretty good at guessing what they're going to say next.

Belle laughed - that soft, tinkling laugh that reminded me so much of my wife's laugh when I met her.

"I had to try," she said gently.

"Come on," I replied, standing up. "Let's go and get dinner on. At least once before this is over I want to eat something that hasn't come out of a plastic bag. We'll have a meal together, then I'll spend the evening catching up on the work I didn't do today."

Chapter 40:

Belle may have been better than her mother at making coffee, but Mary was a true whiz in the kitchen. She loved cooking for other people, me most of all.

I read an article a while back about the long-term effects of marriage. It talked about how when you're in a relationship with someone over many years, you basically end up outsourcing parts of your brain. They're in charge of remembering dates, you're in charge of knowing where the USB cords live; they become the navigator, you're responsible for car maintenance.

Cooking was a little bit like that in our marriage. Don't get me wrong - I wasn't completely useless. I knew how to fry an egg or grill a steak. I'd even mastered the fine art of chopping up vegetables and putting them in the microwave with a little bit of water.

But between Mary's love of cooking and my love of Mary's cooking, she had firmly claimed the kitchen, and we were both perfectly happy with the arrangement.

It was impossible to count how many times I'd sat in the kitchen as my wife flitted around, giving me small tasks ("dice these, will you?") while she turned a pile of groceries into fine cuisine.

And so as I sat, watching my wife navigate our daughter's body in the kitchen we'd shared for almost two decades, I was filled with a strange combination of nostalgia and unease. We'd done this before, many times.

But never quite like this.

I was completely and utterly in love with my wife. I do hope I've made that clear by now - my wife was my one true love. She always had been, and always would be.

As well as that, I was more attracted to her than any woman I'd met before her. Ignoring the past two weeks - which were so impossibly far from typical - I'd barely glanced at another woman in decades.

So when we spent these hours in the kitchen, it was common for me to check her out. I don't know if it's a primal thing - perhaps we're just naturally more attracted to people who provide for us - or if there was something hot about the vaguely submissive nature of seeing her 'serve' me food.

Whatever the cause, I was never more attracted to my wife than when she was cooking. On many an occasion, Mary had been forced to bat my hands away from her derriere while she stood at the oven.

And even more often than that, she'd ended up bending over the countertop and allow me to take her then and there, until we both reached a shuddering orgasm right in the middle of the kitchen.

Despite the events of last night, despite the aching worry in my gut, I found my eyes naturally drifting south to my daughter's derriere. Mary had chosen the outfit well - she knew how much I liked denim shorts, and Belle's ass did a particularly good job of filling them out.

And I was reasonably certain that if I were to reach out and grab it, my wife wouldn't stop me.

She'd quite happily bend over and allow me to take her, right then and there.

I could fuck my daughter in my own kitchen, and no one would sto pme.

"What is it, darling?" my wife asked in response to my heavy sigh. She was the kind of person who really got into whatever she was doing - as she assembled the meal, I wouldn't have been surprised if she'd completely forgotten about our current situation.

I, meanwhile, could think of nothing else. My erection didn't distract me; it reminded me of what we'd done.

My wife and I had made a home together. We'd built a life over twenty years.

And in one simple, stupid move, my daughter had torn down everything we'd worked so hard to build.

"Nothing,' I replied, and Mary was so distracted by the boiling pot in front of her, she didn't even bother to follow up. I pulled out the newspaper and started doing a sudoku to distract myself.

Three more days. We just had to get through three more days.

I just had to get through three more days and I'd have my wife back. I'd have my *life* back. A better life, even. A life where my daughter respected her parents.

A life where my wife had engaged in a tawdry threesome with a drug dealer and his girlfriend.

I closed my eyes and counted to ten.

Our body is just a vehicle for our brains, I reminded myself. That was how we'd justified it. I hadn't fucked my *daughter*, not really. I'd fucked her body. My wife had been steering, so it wasn't like I'd actually had sex with Belle.

We'd just been...borrowing her body, like you'd borrow a neighbor's car.

I had to believe that, otherwise I was just a monster. But if I believed that, surely I couldn't be upset about Belle's actions. Not really.

The sex I'd had the previous night wasn't incest. It had been sex with my wife, my loving wife. My wife had begged me to fuck her, and I'd obliged.

She'd just happened to be in my daughter's body at the time.

And so it followed that Mary hadn't cheated on me. Even if her...her body had been involved in a threesome with two strangers. It hadn't been her inside, and that was what counted.

Last night, I'd had sex with my wife, and my daughter had fucked two idiot teens.

They'd just been borrowing each other's bodies at the time.

"Andrew? Are you okay?"

I suddenly realized that my wife had been trying to get my attention for a few moments. I had just been sitting there, eyes closed, head pounding, trying to process the situation. Trying really, really hard to make sense of the last day...and the ten before that.

"Uh huh," I nodded, looking up.

Oh, crap.

"I'm all done," Mary said, swaying our daughter's body back and forth provocatively. "While dinner cooks, how about we get a head-start on dessert?"

"Mary..." I said warningly, but I don't think either of us really believed that I wanted her to stop.

"A *head* start," she repeated, dropping to her knees with a grin.

Two weeks ago, watching my daughter's hand fish my cock out of my pants would have been unthinkable.

One week ago, I would have pushed back, and my wife probably would have had to spend an hour convincing me that she *needed* to suck my cock, that it was the only way she could get through school the next day.

But now, as my daughter's mouth closed over my cock, I didn't try to stop her. I didn't fight back.

Instead, I glanced at the clock and wondered if we had enough time to fuck before my wife got home.

It's amazing how much can change in just a couple of weeks.

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SniperkingSniperkingabout 1 month ago

God, the husband is kind of pathetic and the wife is a new level of manipulative and crazy

freakydaughterfreakydaughterabout 2 months ago

I like that it's a little stretched and filled out.

CommonSenseMediaCommonSenseMediaabout 2 months ago

I read this when you posted on your other site. I remember you saying you had a Patreon exclusive sequel on Patreon. I looked through and couldn’t find it. Could you inform us how to find it? And/or will you be posting it here?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Love seeing more! Keep it up! I love getting to experience the conflict Andrew is going through. Way too many body swap stories are just "we switched bodies, we fucked, it was great!" and there is no conflict or drama or tension. Of course he should be conflicted! He's confused about all of this, and it's *his own daughter!* I love being inside his head as, one by one, his objections fall away and he accepts his own dark desires. I cannot wait to read more.

mrem4nmrem4nabout 2 months ago

I don't understand the direction of this story. I'm all about suspended disbelief when reading erotica but this feels like it's been written with the intent to aggravate the reader. I can believe they somehow live in a world where body swapping is real but the dad pisses me off. I can believe the mom had always been a secret slut. I can believe the daughter somehow had no friends even though she's a perfect 10. But this dad is just a mess. "Okay, you can skull fuck yourself on my cock but I'm absolutely NOT going to cum!" Like wtf?

cageysea9725cageysea9725about 2 months ago

Something I missed in my initial attempt to make sense of the sophomoric attempt at narrative:

(Direct copy/paste from Miriam Webster)

Is irregardless a word?: Usage Guide

Irregardless was popularized in dialectal American speech in the early 20th century. Its increasingly widespread spoken use called it to the attention of usage commentators as early as 1927. The most frequently repeated remark about it is that "there is no such word." There is such a word, however. It is still used primarily in speech, although it can be found from time to time in edited prose. Its reputation has not risen over the years, and it is still a long way from general acceptance. Use regardless instead.

After pasting that proof of substandard English usage by this submitter, I realized that spellcheck agrees with both Webster and me. One would think a "full-time erotica author" would make a better effort at seeming to be one, but the submission itself screams the opposite of that claim.

ReadyOneReadyOneabout 2 months ago

Only got two pages into part 1, barely skimmed part two. Really wanted to read the nonexistent part 0 where the how & why of the body swap was explained.


This whole story stands on his irrational psychological revolusion (attraction) to the BODY of his daughter and makes it impossible for me to get into. It's his wife for <deity's> sake, to which he has many different connections. Is his long marriage solely and totally based on her appearance?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Mmm... Yes this started well .. but it's ending ever deeper in a pointless exercise of self deprecation that no one really appreciate, unfortunately...

freakydaughterfreakydaughterabout 2 months ago

I'm really hoping they don't swap back. I'm enjoying this.

Darque_LyteDarque_Lyteabout 2 months ago

I tried but this is one of those that hurts my stomach because I was trying to see a revelation but everything seems to have just went deeper down a dark hole.

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