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Maid in Heaven

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A Fancy dress party teases the men and has unexpected result.
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Maid in Heaven

After fifteen years of marriage our life and sex life had become humdrum so when we were invited to a fancy-dress party we said why not. Although we had gone to plenty of parties before, we had never been to a fancy-dress party. What to go as though? We went off to local costume party suppliers and began to look through the rails of hanging costumes. I was lost for choice and in the end my wife suggested the convict's outfit. To my surprise she picked out a maid's costume, which was very short and revealing, totally in contrast to her conservative nature.

The night of the party came around and we donned our costumes. She told me she had put on the black frilly panties I had bought for her a couple of years before, after only wearing them two or three times for me. She must have seen the shocked look on my face because she said "Don't worry, I have sewn up the split crotch and I am wearing another pair of panties under my tights."

She was sitting on the edge of the bed and she opened her legs to show me. Even though I knew she had panties on, her tights over them, and the crotch less panties on top of them, seeing her with her legs open was a very erotic sight.

Open your legs a little more" I asked, not really expecting her to.

She did as I asked, and I stared at the sight before me. I could see the crotch opening which she had hastily sewn up, the stiches being spaced widely apart and not very secure. The thought of the stiches parting was enough to give me an immediate boner which was very apparent through my convict's outfit.

"Don't even think about it, we have a party to go to".

Luckily my hard on had gone down before the taxi arrived.

As soon as we arrived, she attracted admiring glances from plenty of the men there. Not surprising as her black satin outfit was set off by her long blond hair and hourglass figure completed with black stiletto heels.

The night pressed on, a warm balmy evening following the warm day. Alcohol was downed liberally and everyone was enjoying themselves. The admiring glances continued and my wife encouraged them by occasionally stretching across or bending slightly over tables to show off her frilly knickers a little.

Late into the night we sat on a bench outside towards the back of the property away from the glare of the house lights having a cool drink each, me with a beer and her with a vodka. I jokingly chided her about showing off her knickers in a coquettish way.

"Don't you like it? Are you a little jealous?"

"Not at all" replied, I find it rather arousing".

With that she swung one of her legs over the bench straddling it and facing me open legged. "This is yours and only yours darling, it always has been and it always will be".

"I never doubted it my love" I said, "although I have to say I have been getting a big kick out of seeing you tease some of the men here."

Although it was quite dark where we were, she was facing the lights of the house and I could see her quite clearly. I could see some of the threads of her earlier stitching was coming loose. I pointed it out to her that she might end up showing off more than she intended.

"More than intended huh? How do you know how much I intend?"

She reached slowly between her legs and with her long red painted nails began to unpick the sewing stitch by stitch. Her pink panties were showing through the now exposed gap. Pinching together the nylon gusset of her pantyhose she poked a hole through with the fore finger of her other hand. I moved forward to touch her but she held up a hand to stop me. She put a couple of fingers from each hand into the hole to tear a gap in her pantyhose.

Her panties were on full display. I had a boner on again!

I saw a friend of mine approaching from the house with drinks in hand. I knew he seriously fancied my wife, and so did she. She put both feet on the same side of the bench with her feet together so she wasn't on display anymore.

"Change places with me" she told me.

She ended up with her back to the house so her profile was in shadow. Geoff came over to the bench and handed us our drinks, sitting on the end of the bench next to me.

"I'll take the empties inside" I said and got up. After dropping the empties inside I came out to find my wife straddling the bench again and facing Geoff. "Fuck I thought he must be able to see her pussy even if it is covered by her panties". I sat on a chair opposite them, facing the house. She was in complete shadow with the lights behind her! "Oh clever" I thought, show off your pussy when no-one can see"!

"You forgot the ice. I'll just pop inside and get some". She swung her leg over the bench and put her drink down where she had been sat. She returned a couple of minutes later with a glass full of ice cubes. "Honey, you dropped your handkerchief" she said as she put a cloth into my hand. I looked down and saw a pair of silk panties which I quickly stuffed into my pocket before Geoff could see. She stumbled against the arm I had used to stuff the panties into my pocket, rubbing her groin against my arm. She stumbled slightly, giggled and said "I think I may have had a little too much to drink".

I could feel her naked pussy against my skin!

She picked up her drink off the bench and straddled the bench again, her legs wide apart exposing her invisible pussy to Geoff. I was nearly going out of my mind. "It's a beautiful night but still very warm. I think it's time we went home honey so I can take some of these clothes off and cool down."

Geoff emboldened by the alcohol said "You could take your clothes off here, I don't mind"

"OK" she said and began to undo the press studs down the front of her maid's outfit. She undid enough to expose her bra completely turning slightly to the light so she was in profile the light outlining the curvature of her breasts. As she slid one arm of her dress down, she laughed and said "That's enough Geoff. No more cheap thrills for you tonight" Sliding her dress back up and began refastening the press studs. "Come on Penny you can't stop now"

"No" she said "You've seen more than enough, more than any other man has. I'll tell you what; you can have a kiss goodnight". With that she bent and kissed him full on the mouth.

"I'll call a taxi" I said. We waited in the garden talking for a while the taxi was on its way. All three of us still hyped up on sexual arousal. I willed the taxi to hurry up. "

I'll take the empty glasses into the house" my wife said.

She deliberately bent over in front of Geoff twisting sideways and towards him to give him a close-up view of her cleavage, at the same time stretching sideways to pick up the glass of melted ice from off the floor. With the house lights behind her, her cleavage was well lit in profile. Still straddling the bench seat, the twisting movement and alcohol proved too much for her balance and she stumbled sideways onto her right-hand side, rolling onto her back, her legs flung wide as she tried to maintain her balance. She was fully lit from the house lights!

"Fuck" Geoff said.

"OK now you've seen it. I'm sorry, that wasn't supposed to happen."

The image of my wife laid on her back with her cunt on display will be burned in my memory forever. I was horny as hell.

We heard calls that our Taxi had arrived. We stood to walk to the house facing the light, I was stood behind my wife. I took the hem of my wife's outfit and lifted it slightly, exposing her split crotch pants to Geoff one last time.

"Can I get a lift home guys? You pass my house on the way." Pleaded Geoff.

"What about your wife?" I asked.

"Not a good idea" said my wife, "besides I want to get home as soon as we can so I can screw this horny bastard".

"Want a threesome?" Asked Geoff again pleadingly.

"Good try" she said. Here's a present for you" She reached into my pocket and gave him her pink satin panties. "You'll probably wank into them tonight, but that's ok"

We got into the taxi, me behind the driver, my wife behind the passenger seat. We hadn't been going long when I noticed the taxi driver was regularly looking in his rear-view mirror which he had adjusted. Normally I would have gone ballistic but after tonight's events it was just another man admiring my wife which was turning me on.

"Did you enjoy tonight's party darling?" she asked. I didn't reply but took her hand and put it on my erection. Oh, you did!" She said.

Still fondling my erection, she kissed me.

"I'm still enjoying the evening and it's not over yet" I said.

I kissed her back, and started unfastening the press studs of her dress. "Mmm" she moaned. She shuffled forward on the seat and her short dress rode up to her hips exposing her crotchless panties. She had unfastened my belt and unzipped my fly and was gently sliding her hand up and down my cock. The taxi driver's eyes were wide. I had unfastened all of the press studs all the way to her waist. And was massaging her breasts.

"Are you watching us?" she asked the taxi driver. "No madam" he lied.

I wondered how far I could go exposing her in public so I decided to try. I had already unsnapped all of the press studs down the front of her costume, so I slid it slowly over and down her shoulders, down her waist where she willingly lifted her butt to help me take it off all the way down to her feet. She stepped out of it, leaving her in her bra and panties. The kissing became extremely heavy and passionate. She reached behind her and unsnapped her bra and took it off.

By this time, we had arrived home and we were parked on our driveway,

"Look At me taxi driver" Do you like what you see?"

"Yes madam" he turned and looked fully at her. She opened her legs wide and looked him fully in the face. "Do you want me to take off my panties?"

"Yes madam "he gulped.

"Help me" she said.

She shuffled forward and toward the centre the seat, took his hands and put one on each hip. She raised her hips and he slowly slid them down.

"My husband is now going to take me into my bed and fuck me senseless. Would you like to watch?"

"Yes madam" he choked.

"No, I am only teasing you" No man other than my husband will fuck me or watch me."

With that she got out of the cab, stark naked, walked in front of the headlights towards the door as I paid off the cab.

When I got inside, she was laid on the bed arms and legs akimbo. "Well," she said "are you going to fuck me or should I give Geoff a call" There was never any doubt I was going to fuck her!

She was wet as could be as soon as I touched her pussy. I think if I had asked her to fuck the taxi driver or Geoff if he was there, she may have. I had never ever seen her like this before! I asked her would she have fucked the taxi driver if I had asked her. "I am so horny and aroused I would have fucked anyone you asked or more to the point, if you had ordered me."

"Even Geoff?" I asked.

"It's a good job he didn't get a lift from us in the taxi. I might have given him a blow job in the taxi in front of you. I loved the way you were turned on by me teasing other men."

It didn't take long for me to come the first time, even less for her. She orgasmed time after time. She couldn't get enough. As soon as I had come, she grabbed my cock and began sucking it making me erect immediately. Again and again, I fucked her. Eventually we both fell asleep, not waking until mid-morning.

Did all of this really happen? No other option but to try something similar in the future.

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KitPiscesKitPisces7 months ago

Loved the "look but don't fuck" attitude of the heroine. Nothing against sex stories, love them too. But with the multitude of stories about men sharing their wives this story was very refreshing. IMO a story about a man enabling his wife's exhibitionism while reserving intimacy for each other is very beautiful and exceptionally sexie.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Please write next part to this story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


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