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Man, I Feel Like a Woman Ch. 06

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A Proposal is Set.
2.2k words

Part 6 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/04/2014
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A chapter has alas been written for all your hungry eyes. My apologies for taking so long for this story to continue because I lost faith in my writing. But by the power of the unfinished story police, I wrote a chapter for all of you.

I do hope you enjoy and this is without an editor.

Happy reading to all!


The room was silent. It was like a dream. I look back from my cousin and to Quinn. While Sebastian's face is read easily, Quinn does not. His dark eyebrow drew close, his nostrils flared and the movement of his shoulders were quick, like he was breathing quickly. I wonder if it was in anger or of sadness.

"Get out," Quinn said through his teeth.

"Quinn-" I said. I wanted to tell him it wasn't my idea. Truly.

"Out!" he yells, slamming the palms on his desk. "I need to think." He tilts his head at me. "We will talk tomorrow. I shall not be disrupted by any of your faces. Violate that order, there will be consequences that I'm not sure any of you will like."

Sebastian bows his head and grabs me as we walk out of the door.

Once Quinn's bedroom door was closed, I faced my cousin. "Are you crazy?" scolding him. "You made him upset."

"Spoken like a true wife," Sebastian tease. "Relax. He will calm down sooner or later. Once he gets his thoughts in order, he will take action. I know him, he's one of my best friends."

I shook my head. "You're suggestion is a nightmare, when I talked to him in the garden, I told him that I hate arranged marriages."

"But this is your guide," he said. "Well, at least the younger version of your guide, so it shouldn't be a problem since you've seen him the first time you came here."

"Yeah but my guide was a laid back version of your best friend," I insisted.

Sebastian grimaced. "That's horrifying. Quinn should be hard, not at all laid back. You sure it's him?"


Sebastian nods and uses his hand to point to my room. "Well, just rest for now I guess."

I shook my head. "I am not going back to my room. I'm just gonna wander around the house."

Sebastian snaps his fingers. Connor and Marco appears behind him. "Gentlemen," Sebastian said. "Please accompany my sweet cousin while she wanders."

"Yes, sir," they said in unison.

I cross my arms and roll my eyes at Sebastian was he still has smug written on his face. I started walking towards the garden, letting my thoughts develop my mind. How I wished Matt and Vic was here to at least reason. Matt is always looking at the positive side, probably telling me it's best for the family and I. Vic, who jokes around telling me to not give two shits about Quinn and let me decide who to love.

I sigh as I sat down on the bench near the fountain. Connor and Marco stopped a few feet in front of me before they decided that one looks at the perimeter while the other stays with me. To think about it, marrying the leader of The Order is a stable power marriage. Well, unless he decides to cheat on me, dumping me for a younger woman, then I'm left to dust.

I groan and buried my head into my hands. "Why is life so hard now?"

"I beg your pardon, ma'am?" Marco asks, still a few feet away from me.

I wave my hand, not looking at him but at my feet. "Don't mind me, I'm just talking to myself."

He stopped replying and talked to the earpiece instead. "Connor, how's the perimeter?"

"All good. Coming back," Connor replies.

"Hey Marco?" I ask, looking up. "Where's my brothers?"

Marco scratches his chin. "I believe Sharp is out of sight from his guards and Ethan is in his room, feeding his pets."

I nod. "Who do people talk to when others are busy?"

"I think you've done that already," Marco said. "You've already talked to yourself."

I chuckle. "Well, yeah."

"But with secrets, you go to the person you only trust."

Who will that be? "I don't know who that absolute person is yet," I tell him. "It used to be my guide but he's not here anymore."

"Sorry for your loss."

I look to the side and saw Quinn looking out the window. He was staring at me with an unreadable expression before he pulls his curtains to a close. "Hey Marco, if there's a royal wedding, who attends?"

"Everyone," Marco said. "Any member of the royal family must have a public wedding for our world to see that power has been met by two different families."

"Who had the biggest wedding so far?"


"He was married before?" I ask, shocked.

Marco nods. "It was when he was when he started being the leader. He married a girl with extraordinary powers."

"What power is that?" Jealousy starts to take over my body, but I wouldn't let it get to my voice. Don't want Marco to ask questions that I wasn't able to answer.

Marcos scratches his head. "She is possessed with the power of seduction."

"Like Aphrodite?"

"Please," Marco scoffed. "She was more like a siren. Everything she does, Quinn gives in. Of course we were twelve at the time-"


Marco nods. "But once puberty hits, her powers enhance and she ended up cheating. Humiliated Quinn that he shut everyone out because he was viewed to not keep his wife in check. But when he made a decision to face the public, he radiated power that no one dared to think a bad thought."

"Where is she now?" I ask, thinking that she shouldn't even be near Quinn.

"She's a working class, so I assume she's back with her family," Marco said.

I nod. "Well, isn't that a scandal?"

Marco nods. "Yeah, we're waiting for him to remarry. He needs a little happiness in his life."

That's true. He's uptight. Gosh, I need to relieve stress. "I want to listen to music," I tell Marco. "I need to get my phone."

When Connor came back, we headed back into the house and went to my room to fetch my phone and earphones. Quinn never came out of his room yet, so I place the earbuds into my ears and started blasting. Uma Thurman by Fall Out Boy was playing when I got out of the room to grab some water.

Shaking my hips on the fridge, I see Marco and Connor still near but since I have my music on, the rest of the world can drown into nothingness. The verses of Uma Thurman, I started twirling like how I learned in ballet. I only been there for a year but I learned a lot. When Teenagers by MCR came on, I went on the coffee table and started swaying my hips. I started to head bang when the bass drum came in.

Chorus, I start singing and rocking out. Second verse, hips swaying and head banging. Repeat. Letting loose when the guitar solo came by adding shoulders to my swaying. Towards the end, I lost my balance and slipped.

I almost screamed if someone hadn't caught me. When I regained my whereabouts, I looked at the person that caught me. When I met the glaring blue eyes, I gulped. "Hey Quinn." I never been so close to his face with mine better. I could feel his breathing, it was short again. He had his hood up but I still have full view of his face.

"Did you know that you could've been hurt if I haven't caught you?" Quinn spoke. It was low and raspy. I didn't know if he was angry or not.

I nod. "Thank you for catching me."

"You're welcome. We need to talk, privately," he said. "I was going to find you but I just followed your singing."

I closed my eyes. "Horrible?"

He smirked. "Not bad. But you did have two earbuds on."

Gosh, that smirked kill the hardness in his face. I felt the heat coming to my cheeks. "So," I cleared my throat. "You need to talk to me."

"I'm gonna carry you to my room." he said. "It's more private that why, I don't want anyone to listen in."

I nod and wrap my arms at the back of his neck so I don't dangle while he carries me. He smells very similar to the Mahogany Teakwood Candle that Bath & Body Works has. That's my favorite scent, on Quinn, it's mesmerizing.

When we got into his room, he places me on his bed and he sits next to me.

"I've been thinking," he said. "I've been married before and it didn't turn out well."

"You guys were young," I told him.

He shook his head and took down his hood. "I didn't know how to be a leader and a husband at the same time. It's not like I can pull a manual out of my ass."

I smile. He actually made a joke.

"Anyway," he sighs. "Like I said, I really like working with your father. But what Sebastian presented was very shocking to me and I apologized my behavior. I didn't mean to..." He looks at me. "I didn't mean to act rude towards you."

I nod. "It's okay, I would've acted worse."

He smiles. "I see that. But I should've known better. I hope you forgive me."

I reach out and took his gloved hand. "Hey, it's okay. Marriage isn't easy, you got hurt. I never had a relationship and I confessed my feelings towards another guy, he turned me down."

Quinn gives my hand a squeeze. "You're brave with your feelings."

I shrug. "I thought I had nothing to lose."

"Who is this? If you don't mind."

I gulped. "Victor Cain."

He nods. "I see. But I have to say, he has to take some responsibilities before starting a relationship with you."

I laugh. "I doubt that."

He chuckles and looks away for a second. He lets go of my hand and takes out his glove. Then he takes my hand again. There was a lot of weight or pressure now without his glove. "That's my power you feel," he tells me, looking into my eyes. "To an average power man, my power will blow him to pieces. For I, I was made to hold this so called power. A power that every royal family would like a piece of. I've been getting marriage proposals and I denied all of them, but what you and Sebastian presented, it was the first time I actually reconsidered it."

Reconsidered? "What are you saying Quinn?" I ask, making sure my voice isn't trembling.

"I'm saying, Elizabeth," Quinn squeezes my hand again. "If I accept your idea, are you ready to face the envy and wrath of your mother's side? Are you strong enough to handle being with me?"

We can never part. Don't give up on me. I remembered Quinn's words.

I nod and look into his eyes. "I'm ready," I tell him. "We're a team."

He smiles and nods. "Do you mind if I kiss you?"

That surprised me for a second but my mouth opened. "I don't mind."

He shifts closer to me and met his lips with mine.

I didn't know how to describe it except cliche words that the air shifted and the feeling of wanting more of him. I feel his arms went around my waist and draws me closer and I gasp, letting in his tongue. Even on the bed, he's taller so I tilted my head up and to the side, deepening the kiss.

He groans as my hands through his hair. I don't know if it felt this good, but it's like adrenaline kicking in my body. I felt myself fall back to the mattress and him following me, but we never broke the kiss. He went on top of me, careful not to put too much pressure. But his body felt good between my legs. His hands went up and down my sides, bringing me a fuzzy heat throughout my body that I groaned. My hands runs through his back as his pelvis area met mine. He groan when the contact came.

He was hard. Like really. I'm a virgin and I'm not that dumb to think it was his belt. We started graining against each other and we let out moans. Just doing this makes me feel so good.

A knock came to the door and the connection between Quinn and I broke.

"What?!" Quinn demanded, facing the door.

"Sir, it is approaching the time to meet with Mr. Lightning."

Quinn hung his head. "I'll be out in a minute." He looks at me. "Sorry, I lost control."

I swallowed. "It's okay."

He gets off the bed and offers me his hand. I took it and he helps me get up and out of the bed. "I must meet with your father and I think it's best you come to this meeting."

I raise my eyebrow. "Why?"

He fixes his hair. "You're gonna be my wife, you must attend to meetings no matter if it's boring." Quinn steps closer to me and kisses my forehead, "Besides, we need to tell your dad."

I gulped. "Right, this should be interesting."

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XantuVoloXantuVoloover 7 years ago
Rock on

This is shaping up to be a great story. I was thinking one way in the beginning and like a drift racer you went a completely new way. It was very sudden and honestly i didnt like that but the story looks good so far.

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