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Materiel Upgrade

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An android is clueless about sex. Her female friend helps.
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This story was written for the following prompt: After the war ends, an android soldier is refitted to become more human, but nobody bothers to explain what her new genitalia is for. Her former squadmate comes by for a visit and ends up showing her the ropes.

Many thanks to warlock_of_talk and Dazmine for helping me with this.

There was a small, repeated click-click sound as someone tried to press the doorbell with increasing force and rapidity. Eventually, there was just a knock. I locked the tablet I was interfaced with, putting a hand on the pistol lying on the table as I called out, "Who is it?"

"It's Kate!"

The voiceprint in my database confirmed that answer. I unplugged from the tablet and closed the small panel at my temple before going to the door. Kate was on the other side, dressed in a plain sweatshirt and jeans, her normally short-cropped brown hair grown out a few inches. She beamed at me, and I found myself returning the gesture automatically.

"Ally!" She stepped forward and closed the door behind her, putting her hand on the back of my head and pulling our foreheads together. It was a gesture more practical than hugs when we were both in full body armor and laden with gear, and it had fond associations within my memories. She stepped back after a moment, her hands coming to rest on my shoulders as she smiled at me. "How's my favorite killing machine?"

"I'm well. You?"

"Good, good. I mean, civvie life's a hell of a change, but I'm not going crazy just yet." She squeezed my shoulders before letting go, shaking her head. "Peace in our time, eh? Never thought I'd see the day."

You almost did not, I nearly said, but stopped myself. That could be a remark designated as 'morbid', inappropriate at this occasion. Instead, I said, "Yes. It was hard-fought, and there's still more to do."

"That's what you're up to next, right? Diplomatic security detail?"

I nodded.

"How come you got refitted for that? Seems like the ol' arm cannons could come in pretty fuckin' handy. I know they did for us."

"Part of the current treaty. Weaponized androids are not allowed to enter the country, even for diplomatic protection." I paused as an internal crosschecker threw up a flag. "Speaking of my refitting, there's a question I have not received a clear answer on yet. You may be able to help me with it."

Her eyebrows shot up. "Oh?"

"It would be easier to show you than explain."

"Alright, show away."

I unbuttoned my combat trousers and tugged them down along with my underwear, then gestured to my crotch. "What is the purpose of this?"

Kate made a choking noise, and I looked up at her in concern. She coughed into her hand, laughing at the same time. "F-Fuck's sake, Ally, warn- warn a girl before you flash her."

"I will take note of that," I said, confused, and Kate laughed harder.

"Oh, I- I've missed you, you clueless robot. God. Uaah." She wiped at her eyes, still chuckling. "Alright. Anatomy one-oh-one. What answers have you gotten about that?"

I accessed the relevant memories. "It is a part of human females known as the vagina. The function is reproduction, but I cannot become pregnant, which is why I am confused."

"Oh, wow, okay. I guess I have my work cut out for me." Kate ran a hand over her face, letting out a heavy breath. "I don't think I can have this conversation while you're standing there with your pants down. Let's sit down..." She seemed to look around for the first time, taking in my apartment. "Wow. They set you up in a real shithole, didn't they?"

"I do not require much."

"Yeah, but there's such a thing as treating you right. Whatever. Pull up your pants and let's squeeze in on the chair."

I buttoned my combat trousers and joined her on the permanently half-reclined recliner, the one piece of furniture in my living room. It was just barely large enough for us to sit side by side, and the warmth of her body pressed against me as I put my arm around her shoulders to conserve space.

"What are... okay, this is slightly more cozy than I intended, but whatever. We've had worse." She took a deep breath. "So, wild guess: all of the engineers who refitted you were male?"

"To my knowledge, yes."

She snorted. "Figures. Where to start... I guess I should say that biologically, it's true that the main function of a vagina is reproduction. Practically, it's mainly used for pleasure."

I looked at her. "You mean recreation?"

She laughed. "That too, but I meant sexual pleasure."

I continued looking at her. She glanced towards me, and her expression slowly changed.

"You know, like sex?"

"The activity in which male and female individuals copulate in order to reproduce." I nodded. "I know it."

She laughed again, throwing her head back against the chair. "Good grief, girl! I know we never really talked about this stuff, but I thought you at least knew!" She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "Okay, okay. Let me just say it. Sex feels good. Touching yourself feels good. It's not just for reproduction."

"Touching myself?"

"Masturbation." She paused. "Uh... stimulating your genitals."

"Why would I do that?"

"One, because it feels good. Two, because after a while, you- well, humans at least, we start to feel kind of pent up. It releases that tension."

I considered that. "I have been feeling strangely tense. I cannot properly describe it. It's unusually emotional for me, and I have not been able to pinpoint a cause."

Kate groaned. "They gave you a pussy and a sex drive and didn't explain either one. What a bunch of fuckin' geniuses we have in Engineering."


"Another word for vagina." She let out a long breath. "Fuck, okay. I feel like I'm going to regret this, but do you want me to give you a crash course? It's probably better you learn from me than anyone else."

"I would appreciate your guidance."

"Alright. So. Nothing for it, then." She kicked off her shoes and lifted herself off the chair slightly, wriggling until she managed to get her jeans and panties off. She put her thigh over mine to spread her legs, breathing harder and looking a bit flushed. "Right. This is me. One-hundred percent human female. Well, maybe ninety-nine percent if you count the shrapnel. Anyway, this is what I'm like, which is pretty much the same as you."

Curious about the pattern of short hair growth around her slit, I reached down and ran my fingers over it, asking, "Why do you have this?" She gasped, a sound that I'd only ever heard her make in pain, and I immediately pulled my hand away. "I'm sorry. Did that hurt you?"

"No... no," she said slowly. "Um, Ally, quick thing. You didn't know, so what you did is forgivable, but you don't want to do that without permission. Guys, girls, whatever, hands off the crotch unless they want you to. Even if you're really close friends, it's a no-no."

"Oh," I said. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright. I'm okay with it. Just keep it in mind for the future. Also, if other people try to touch you there, treat them like you would if they grabbed your boobs." She paused. "Well, actually, slightly less violently if they're not an Army-qualified dumbass. But still don't let them do it unless you give them permission."


"Okay, with that out of the way, you can touch me if you want to."

I carefully reached down again, brushing my fingers over her folds and feeling the difference to my own. She shivered slightly under my touch, but didn't say anything. "Why do you have hair here when I do not?"

"Humans normally grow hair there, and on our legs, too. Your designer must have figured that it was easier to leave you bare from the eyebrows down, 'cause you're super smooth. I fuckin' wish I didn't need to shave."

I continued to stroke her, observing her reactions. With her body pressed up against me, I could feel her pulse and breathing quickening. "How does this feel?"

She swallowed hard. "This, uh, this feels nice."

"Are you sensitive? The intensity of sensation I experienced while trying to explore my vagina made me think I was doing something incorrect."

"Sensitive is good. It's meant to be like that. You only have to worry when it hurts."

"Alright." I noticed a subtle change in the coloration and engorgement of the skin under my fingertips, and it only increased as I watched. "What's happening now?"

She laughed, though there was an oddly breathy inflection to it. "You're getting me turned on, that's what's happening. Fuck. I didn't mean to do it this way, but I guess it'll work. We should be pretty much the same." She gently took my hand and brought my finger to a specific point, spreading her folds so I could better reach it. "So, this little nub you can feel is the clitoris. It's really, really sensitive, but it feels great when you touch it. For most women, it's how you get the majority of your pleasure. You don't want to rub it dry, though, so..." She dragged my fingertip across her slit, and it came away slick. "Your body produces lubrication. Try touching it for a little while, gently."

After a bit of searching, I found the small bud with the tip of my finger and began to carefully stroke it. Kate sucked in a sharp breath, but gave my arm a reassuring pat when I stopped moving.

"Keep going, that's good."

I continued slowly rubbing it, getting a feel for this new piece of anatomy. The amount of sensitivity it seemed to have was impressive. Even small adjustments caused a significant reaction from her.

After some time, she wordlessly adjusted my hand so that I was using two fingers and moving faster, rubbing up and down, up and down. Her pulse increased and her body temperature rose, her breathing starting to become erratic. One of her hands held the armrest as the other clutched my thigh, occasionally grabbing fistfuls of my pant leg. She made small sounds: whimpers, gasps, things that I associated with pain, but she wanted me to keep going. I did, evaluating each response and experimenting with different techniques. She had a stronger reaction when I went faster, but too fast and she reached for my hand; slower also received apparently positive feedback, but too slow for too long and she showed signs of impatience. Moving my fingers side to side didn't seem as effective, though making firm circles produced the strongest response yet. I kept that up, continuing beyond the point when a human would have tired, and she eventually buried her face against my shoulder and shuddered, letting out a muffled noise. Her hips twitched, raising slightly, her legs tense and trembling.

"Fuck," she whispered, shifting to cuddle against my side as she reached down to stop my hand from rubbing. "Fuck..."

"Are you alright?"

"I'm... I'm better than alright. God." She let out a heavy exhale against my neck. "Sorry, this was supposed to be about you. You just... you're pretty fuckin' good with those fingers, and... it's been way too long since anyone did that for me."

"It was no problem." I wrapped my arms around her, hopefully correctly interpreting that she wanted to be held. "I believe that I gained useful information, and I enjoyed making you feel good."

"Mm, probably not half as much as I enjoyed feeling good." She kissed me on the cheek. "Let me return the favor and show you just what you did for me."

"I would appreciate that."

"Okay. So." Kate shifted position again, angling her body towards me with one arm around my back and the other on my waist. "There's this little thing called foreplay that we... kind of skipped. Basically, it's doing things that get your partner turned on before getting into the actual fucking. It's more important for women than men, but everybody likes a bit. I'll show you some, though... I'm not sure what'll actually work on an android. I guess I'll be learning as we go." She took a deep breath. "So, to start. Can I kiss you?"


She leaned in. Her lips were soft and warm. It wasn't the first time we had kissed, but the quick peck she'd given me in the barracks on New Year's wasn't like this. It lasted longer, for one thing.

She pulled back slightly, her face still inches from mine. "Did that do anything for you? Feeling a little... warm, tingly, excited?"

I considered it. There didn't seem to be any changes in my body, but I was trying to analyze something I had never felt before. "I'm not sure. Maybe if you did it again."

She broke into a smile. "Alright, no complaints here."

She brought our mouths together again, for even longer this time. Her hand slid up my body, coming to tangle in my short brown hair as a wet heat pressed at my lips. I realized it was her tongue and allowed it entry, noting the odd sensation of it exploring me.

When she pulled back, I noticed her cheeks had reddened and her breathing quickened. Her lips quirked in a smile as she asked, "So?"

"No. I enjoyed it, though."

"Mm, me too. Alright, I'll try something else." She tugged at the neckline of my t-shirt and gently guided my head to the side, leaning in again. Her lips made trails up and down the curve of my neck, going from my shoulder to my jaw. It was a pleasant feeling. After a little while, she looked up to meet my eyes. "Anything?"

"It's enjoyable, but I do not feel warm, tingly, or excited."

"Damn, alright. Not all women like their neck kissed either, but it drives me fuckin' wild."

"I will make a note of that," I said, and she made an 'ooh' noise. "What?"

"Nothing, that just sounded flirty. I guess it wasn't intentional." Her hand moved down my body, slipping under the hem of my shirt, but paused at my navel. "Can I touch your boobs?"


Her touch came further up, cupping one of my small breasts. She gave the soft flesh a squeeze, sending a strange sensation through me. They felt far more sensitive than usual, and her gentle kneading caused a reaction inside me. For some reason, my nipple hardened as she teased it with her rough, warm fingers. When she gave the nub a little pinch, I froze up, sucking in a reflexive breath.

"It hurts."

She pulled her hand back slightly, rubbing soothingly over my chest. "Does it? That should just give you a bit of a jolt."

I reviewed the sensation more closely. "Maybe that was all it was. I have nothing to compare it with besides pain. Please, try again."

She did, and I gasped once more. Now that I was expecting it, the feeling wasn't quite like the harsh bite of a bullet. It was only highly sensitive, and for some reason it invoked the same pleasant feeling as kissing her.

When I didn't protest, she continued to play with my breasts, squeezing and tweaking. She rolled my nipple under the pad of her thumb for a while, and that definitely tingled - oddly, in more than one place at once. There was another strange sensation growing in my abdomen and between my legs.

"I'm feeling warm and tingly in my vagina."

Kate laughed. "Good, but we'll have to work on your dirty talk. You can just say you're turned on or horny."

"I'm turned on," I repeated.

"Yeah. Now take off your pants so I can take care of that."

I struggled out of my combat trousers and plain panties, tossing them to the ground. Kate took the opportunity to pull off her sweatshirt, revealing her black camisole. My folds were swollen and noticeably slick, similar to how she had become in response to my touching. She ran her hand lightly up and down my thigh, provoking another inexplicable reaction from my body in the form of a shiver.

"This'll probably feel pretty intense, and... not like anything you've done before," she murmured, stroking her thumb over the point where my leg joined my hip. "If you want me to slow down or stop, just say."


She moved her hand to trace over my slit, much like I had done to her, only now I could feel exactly how sensitive she'd been. The feeling of not-quite-pain was even greater than I had felt from my nipples, and I involuntarily vocalized when she pressed a finger into my folds. I found myself breathing faster as she worked her digit deeper, always gently, pushing forwards until she couldn't go any further. She paused for a moment, then added a second finger, and this one made it feel like I was being stretched somehow.

"Still good?" she asked quietly.

"Yes." My voice seemed strangely soft and high.

"Okay. There's another part of you that I'm going to try to touch. It's called your g-spot. It's extra sensitive, so be ready."


She began to move her hand slowly, curling her fingertips at the same time to stroke along my insides as I squeezed down around her digits. It felt good, in a way I couldn't properly describe. I wanted her to do it forever.

Then she grazed something inside of me and my head went blank. My mouth hung open, gaping wordlessly until I finally managed, "Oh."

"Yeah," she said, smiling. Her fingers kept moving, homing in on that spot. I had gripped a high-powered electric fence once. The feeling reminded me of that. My whole body seemed to twitch and my breath caught, my mind empty as bolt after bolt of lightning made my nerves burn.

That was before I felt her thumb on my clitoris. That made me seize up, as the alternative was thrashing wildly. It didn't feel painful, as such, but I didn't know if I could say it felt good, either. It just felt, overwhelmingly, constantly, the stimulation of the two most sensitive points in my body making me lose control in her arms.

"Kate," I whimpered. "Kate. Kate. It's so much."

"Shh, shh," she murmured, pulling my head into her shoulder. "It's okay. It feels good, right?"

"Yes, but- oh, Kate-"

"It's okay. It's okay." She pressed kisses into my hair, still moving her fingers in that devastating rhythm. I could do nothing but surrender to the sensation. My body was electrified, crackling, and a horrible sense of tension was growing inside me, building to something that I tried to hold back. Every time she touched that point inside of me, every time she thumbed that bundle of nerves, this feeling that I was going to break intensified. I couldn't resist it, no matter how hard I tried.

"Kate," I gasped. "Kate. Something's going to happen. Please. I cannot stop it."

"It's just an orgasm," she whispered. "It's okay. It'll feel so, so good. Trust me, Ally. Let it happen. Come for me."

Her hand never stopped working between my legs, drawing me closer and closer to that brink until I cried out, feeling the pressure inside me explode. I held onto her tightly, grounding myself in the wild, uncontrollable surge of sensation. I couldn't move, couldn't breathe, couldn't think, but her body was warm and solid and safe against mine. She stroked my hair, murmuring soothing words as I shuddered and twitched. The overwhelming feeling gradually faded, leaving me wrapped in her arms. For the first time since my refit, I felt truly relaxed.

"So," Kate said eventually. "Enjoy it?"

"Yes," I mumbled into her shoulder. "Does it always feel this intense?"

"I'd like to say I'm just that good, but you came harder than any woman I've ever seen. I think that's an android thing."

"Oh." It seemed like there was something else I should say, but I didn't know what it was. I just cuddled into her chest, understanding why she had done the same to me after her orgasm. She held me tight, occasionally kissing the top of my head.

After a while, she murmured, "When are you leaving?"

"In three days."

"Mm." She was quiet for a moment. "You're going to be gone for a long time, aren't you?"


"Damn," she whispered under her breath. "We could talk, though, right? In VR, too."


"And there's a lot you can do in VR these days." She let out a heavy breath, planting one more kiss in my hair before gently pulling away. "I'd love to sit like this for the rest of time, but this chair is murder on my back."


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