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Meet Cute Ch. 03

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An interesting love prospect.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/23/2023
Created 09/15/2023
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"Is it too soon in our relationship for us to make plans, Ella?"

I smiled because Daniel exuded confidence while offering an appealing emotional availability. No man would ask that question in such a highly suggestive way if he weren't confident of getting a positive response. At the same time, I noticed a hint of desperation flicker in his expression coupled with eyes that devoured me.

"That depends. Are we talking about ordering dessert or deciding on the carpet color for a nursery?"

"I was thinking more about what we might do tomorrow."

Daniel was intense and moving quickly, making his intentions toward me very obvious. I didn't mind that so long as he didn't try to bed me before I was ready.

"I'd like that too, but you understand why I can't move too fast, right?"

"Of course. You're adjusting."

"Yes, I'm getting used to everything. Moving around my apartment is a chore, traveling isn't easy as you've witnessed and, although I can walk on these crutches fine, they become tiring on my arms and shoulders after a while."

"I thought we might play soccer or go snowboarding tomorrow."

I studied him while our server delivered drinks. Sparkling water with ice and a slice of lemon offered me a reprieve to consider Daniel's extraordinary suggestion.

"You're assessing me, Daniel."

"I feel that's a mutual condition. I hope you're impressed but can't tell."

The reason for his suggestion came to me in a flash like when something barely occurs to you but slowly, your mind drags it into clear memory. I knew where he was going with his humor and a great suggestion.

"You've really done your homework in the last few hours haven't you?"

"I figured most activities might be a little jarring until you're fitted with a prosthetic. We could enjoy some action sports in the morning and maybe shop a little in the afternoon, then relax here."

"How about we do something for the day except relax here?"

"Okay, that's fine by me, Ella."

"I'll make you dinner at my apartment and we can relax there."

His face lit up like a kid that discovered Santa Claus nibbling cookies at the foot of his bed. It felt good to be wanted by a man, especially considering my fairly low self-esteem and somewhat distracted state.

"I have a job interview the day after though Daniel, so we'll need to take a rain check then unless you're around later."

"I'm only here because of you Ella. I don't ordinarily stay in the city."

"Where would you be if we hadn't met?"

"Probably rock climbing or mountain biking. The peaks nearby here are perfect. We can go there together once you're ready."

"I'd like that. When I get a new carbon fiber prosthetic leg we can race up a slab I used to climb."

"Will the military spare no expense?"

"They'll deliver the best treatment money can buy. It's the Armed Forces covenant between the country and their soldiers."

"That's good to know."

I sipped my drink, eyeing up a complicated man. I hadn't had so much fun flirting in ages. Daniel was intelligent, very handsome, physically attractive, and compelling company. There wasn't much not to like. I just hoped he was nice to his mom and liked cats.

"So, are you going to tell me where the virtual reality suite is for these action sports?"

He smiled, then laughed and sipped a club soda. I was breaking down the comedian and getting to the real man.

"I must try harder to shock you, Ella."

"I think we're past you needing to impress me, Daniel. I figured out your plan because I know you aren't cruel and also my hospital physiotherapist told me VR extreme sports games are a great way to adapt to a prosthesis."

"Are you up for that?"

"Can I decline without upsetting you please?"

"Of course."

I studied his reaction to assess how Daniel dealt with disappointment. The last thing I needed was a manipulator or control freak in my life. He didn't seem worried about my gentle push-back, so I plowed on ahead with an alternate plan.

"Could you drive me to my parents' ranch instead? They live close to the mountains you love and I haven't seen my family for seven months. I have an SUV but obviously can't drive yet."

"I'd love to."

"You'd be meeting my folks, Daniel."

"Well, I'll have to meet them at some point, right?"

"Yes, indeed."

I shot him a wry smile because Daniel's determination to woo me was impressive. He didn't give up easily, was calm under fire, was in control of his emotions, and was always thoughtful. I guess he possessed all of the qualities a passenger placing their life in his hands as their pilot might hope for.

We chatted pleasantly through dinner, laughing frequently while sharing life's anecdotes and gleaning background story's about each other. He didn't pry and neither did I, aside from checking off all hobbies and sports, both were pleased to be compatible in that regard.

As I glanced around the room, something odd struck me about our situation.

"Did you ask the servers to keep everyone away from us?"

"Yes. Sorry, I'm impressed that you noticed."

"We have a quarter of the dining room to ourselves."

As I studied other diners, the closest being fifteen meters away, I noticed we had absolute privacy from them. The lights in our area were dimmed more than in any other and we had the only table with a candle on it.

We also had red napkins whereas others used white. It was a small touch but nonetheless, a beautiful one because the contrast between red and the brilliant bleached white linen tablecloth was perfect.

Daniel set down his spoon and for the first time since we'd met only hours ago, I sensed a nervousness in him.

"I wanted to make this a great night for us to remember."

"But why?"

"It's difficult to reveal, Ella."

"And yet you must. I doubt I could sleep unless you tell me what's going on."

He bowed his head and my heart fluttered. Daniel donned a most loving expression with watery blue eyes, a kind smile, and a nervous twitch of his fingers. I knew the signs but wanted his confirmation.

"I felt an instant connection with you on the train, Ella."

"Okay. I felt that too after getting over the annoyance of you disturbing me."

"Why did I annoy you?"

"It was easier for me to be shunned than have to discuss my injury. You forced my attitude to change."

"I can see how that might be a good defense mechanism to avoid someone's morbid curiosity."

"Are you going to finish your revelation, Daniel? I think I understand where it's going."

"Well, Ella. Do you understand the concept of love at first sight?"

"I knew that's what you were going to say."

My heart exploded, part terrified but also elated. We were hours into what might become a friendship, perhaps a great deal more, and the guy sitting in front of me had completely disarmed himself emotionally.

"Ella, scientists suggest that catching feelings, falling in love, or otherwise becoming instantly attracted is a matter of chemistry. A person who falls in love at first sight, gets a massive surge of serotonin and dopamine. The brain scans of these people are likened to those of heroin addicts."

I was acutely aware of what Daniel referred to and quickly became conscious of not harming his feelings.

"What are you saying, Daniel?"

"I'm a little way past catching feelings for you."

"Okay, what if I said I was off the blocks but lagging a little way behind you? I need more familiarity to get into my stride."

"I'd say that's great news for me and just hope you won't slide me into the friend zone later."

"I don't think so because I'm definitely not feeling a friend zone here. I just traveled hours in relative discomfort and still accepted your invitation for dinner. If I had no feelings, I'd politely decline and meet you for coffee next time you fly in."

"My hat is in the ring then?"

"If that's what you want, yes."

"I'll take that, Ella."

I had caught some feelings for Daniel too, proving to me my hormones weren't as dead as I'd thought. My doctor's laughter rang in both ears when I asked him if I'd ever date again or might have sex in the future. He reassured me that my life would soon return to normal.

I wanted to spend more time with Daniel, but wasn't hooked. He seemed to understand that, probably more so given my current situation. Dinner and our conversation remained pleasant and with no awkwardness between us.

When it came time to leave, I wanted to wrap things up positively, providing Daniel with a reason to give some chase without forcing him to.

"I'll message you with my address so that we can meet tomorrow."

"What time works for you, Ella?"

"9 am, please don't be late."

"I never am. Like soldiers, pilots abhor tardiness."

He charged our meal to his room, refusing absolutely to split the bill. Daniel insisted his subsistence allowance was sufficiently healthy to feed us both, especially since neither of us had consumed alcohol.

When he walked me into the hotel foyer, we had an awkward moment, going in for a friendly hug that ended with the slightest kiss on my cheek. I didn't mind, and that moment of tenderness broke some further ice between us. As I walked away feeling lifted, auditing my feelings, it was very clear to me that Daniel would not be in my friend zone and hopefully I wouldn't end up in his.

A white Mercedes E Class limousine swept across the front hotel driveway, halting beside a smartly dressed doorman who stuck out an arm, preventing my departure towards a nearby taxi rank.

"The gentleman guest booked the hotel chauffeur service to take you anywhere you wish madam."

"Oh, did he?"

"He was quite insistent you didn't walk or take a taxi."

"I see."

I turned my head and saw Daniel at the hotel front entrance doors beaming while waving cutely. I'd wondered why we parted company so easily in the foyer, considering perhaps he didn't care how I got home or believed I could cope for myself.

He's a decent man.

When I closed the door to my apartment and leaned back against it recalling the evening, I giggled, grimaced at a few awkward comments then considered what the hell I was doing. My feelings were scattered on the battlefield of recent events, but I had achieved an emotional connection with Daniel and wanted to follow that to its conclusion.

In the morning, I rose early because showering, dressing, and making breakfast was all more time-consuming than my life pre-roadside bomb. Once my prosthetic was in place, things would change for the better.

Things are already changing.

Over a fruit salad breakfast, while propped awkwardly on my favored kitchen stool, I answered messages to Mom, confirming my morning arrival while mentioning nothing about Daniel. I opened my laptop and saw an email from the surgeon assigned to me by the Army confirming my prosthetic fitting and the local physio assigned to my case reached out to say hello.

My job interview reminder popped on the screen. Dad insisted I could only become the CEO of his company after convincing its board of directors to back me. It was a punishment for me joining the Army instead of going into the family business with him.

My phone vibrated on the marble table, and I saw it was Dad. I glanced at the meeting reminder on my laptop screen, then at the call coming in on my vibrating phone from a very aggravating and overbearing father.

"Hi, Dad. I'll be on my way very soon and already left Mom a message."

"Hi, Ella. I was making sure you got the interview email."

"Yeah, Dad. Are we doing this right now?"

"We should have done it years ago, but it's better now than never."

I fell silent because there was no point engaging with his troll-like behavior. Dad was an uncompromising, business-first, family-second kind of guy, incapable of tearing himself from matters of the office.

"I'll be there on time tomorrow."

"Will you Ella? I mean will you really turn up as the woman I know that can run a billion-dollar company?"

"I'm sure turning up for an interview is easier than shooting a man twice through the chest from three hundred yards, Dad."

"Okay. I'll see you at the ranch later, Ella."

"No office talk today please Daddy."

"I can't promise you that. We should use the time to prepare you for the interview tomorrow."

"You mean the one where only your vote or opinion matters?"

"Yeah, that's the same interview."

He disconnected the call with no affectionate farewell as had become the norm between us. The day my brother died in Afghanistan, the man who previously held my hand for eighteen years leaped into a pit of despair and still hadn't returned.

I refilled my coffee knowing that its over-stimulating effect was bad for me but I didn't care, such was the emotional turbulence Dad and my brother, Simon evoked. The doctor told me to be cautious with stimulants at least until my body settled down to its new shape, and I vowed to do just that after this last coffee.

When the concierge rang from downstairs at exactly 9 am, I chuckled. Daniel looked handsome when I answered the door. I couldn't hide my laughter, cupping my mouth to hide my tonsils.

"I see you arrived early then?"

"Ahh, Concierge told you? I asked him not to, but I guess he works for you, so fair is fair."

"Why hide that you arrived early by ten minutes?"

"I didn't want to feed the narrative that I'm a stalker."

"And yet here we are, both standing in my apartment kitchen in reach of the knife drawer."

"Which one is it Ella? I'd like to know in case you lunge."

"Let's leave now Daniel, before daggers are drawn."

I felt an exhilaration by being near him. This was my first free time since deployment to Afghanistan, my life-altering incident, the flight home for surgery, and everything since that.

Amid an electric atmosphere, we rode the elevator to my sub-basement parking area, exiting through glass sliding doors onto the concrete foyer that led to where my SUV was parked.

"I feel like I'm on holiday Daniel."

"I guess we both are."

"I feel guilty about things I haven't told you yet."

He smiled cheekily as though he'd figured stuff out for himself. When Daniel stepped closer to me than a friend might but not as far as a lover would, my heart skipped a beat and I wanted him to be emboldened.

I deliberately allowed myself to drift into an emotional haze, widening my eyes, allowing both nostrils to flare as they wished, while flicking my hair suggestively. Payback from his expression was immediate, intense and I bathed in it.

"I know you're wealthy and most likely your folks aren't expecting to meet me today."

"That's right on both counts. I guess the apartment gives away my wealth."

"A large penthouse in this city? That's three, maybe four million bucks, at least."

"Yes, I'm sorry... this is awkward."


"Conversations around wealth are always difficult at the outset of a new friendship. The money isn't mine, or at least, I never earned it. My family has wealth, more accurately, it's my dad's from his business interests. I also led you somewhat into a trap by forcing you to meet my parents and you're right, I never told them I was bringing you."

"I don't blame you."

"Why do you say that?"

"I guess I'm going through boyfriend boot camp and in five days' time when I fly out, you'll either change your number and have Carl at concierge tell me you left town or I'll be swimming in calmer emotional seas."

"You really are keen on me, aren't you?"

"Very. I'm sorry to be so intense, Ella."

"Don't apologize. I'm sure you'll run away after you meet my dad."

"Is that what you want me to do?"

"Not really, but I guess this rapid immersion in our emotions works for both of us. Either you'll run or we'll continue with whatever this is, and within a matter of days, perhaps weeks, I'll have a new boyfriend or Carl will be explaining to you that I left the city."

When Carl stopped my car inside the small yellow-boxed pick-up and drop-off area in front of our resident's shared parking foyer, Daniel's eyes almost fell out of his head.

"I thought you said it was an SUV."

"A Bentley Bentayga is an SUV."

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