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Meeting The Coach Pt. 02

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Brandon and Josh's fling deepens.
12.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/14/2024
Created 05/02/2024
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Although he'd been pretty quick to give in and agree to go see Harding, part of Brandon was anxious about what would happen. Ultimately, his hormones won out. He decided that he'd hear what the 59-year old had to say and if things went the way he hoped they would, he wouldn't hold back this time. He'd still treat the man with kid gloves because he was so green when it came to man-on-man action. But he vowed to let himself be the confident, suave, sex hungry, and able-bodied man he was with all of the men who'd come before. If he got another shot with Josh, he was going to make sure the coach saw the real Brandon Davies this time around. Not some watered-down timid version.

Despite the more sure-footed way he'd decided to act, Brandon couldn't help but feel more than a few nerves as the time got closer for him to leave. After showering, putting on his most alluring after shave, and dressing up in an outfit that was sure to show off all of the gains he'd been making at the gym over the past few years, he was out the door. Forty-five minutes later, he was standing outside Room 1204 waiting for the man of his dreams to answer.

Brandon wanted to be more stern...let the coach think he had to work harder to get back in his good graces. But when the door swung open and he saw Josh Harding standing there, looking hot as fuck in athletic wear, he couldn't stop himself from smiling earnestly!

"Brandon! It's great to see you again!" He extended his hand and shook Brandon's with that same tight grip. "Come in!"

"It's great to see you too, Josh. You're looking pretty good, I must admit."

"Thanks, my man!" Josh winked, making Brandon inwardly swoon at the reference. "The same goes for you." It made Brandon's dick start to chub up when he noticed Josh eyeing him up and down. Yeah. He'd still hear whatever it was that the coach had to say, but in his mind he already had the 59-year old's legs propped up on his shoulders.

After ordering room service, Josh poured each of them a small bit of whiskey from the bar in his room and the two sat at a large round table in the corner. "So, I guess we'd better not wait until the food gets here. I'm sure you're anxious to know why I sent that text a few days ago."

"I wouldn't say anxious," Brandon corrected him. "But yeah. I do want to know what happened. I thought we had fun together in your office."

"We did," Josh looked mighty uncomfortable. "But then I freaked out."

"I figured as much," Brandon looked on sympathetically.

"But I don't think you know why."

"I can guess. You're a married straight man who didn't plan on blowing and being blown by another guy. The feelings it stirred up and the fact that you enjoyed it so much..." He saw Josh start to open his mouth, so Brandon kept talking to stop him from interrupting. "And don't try to deny it. I was there. I know you enjoyed the hell out of it. The fact that you enjoyed it so much was too much for you to handle, so your instinct was to withdraw from those feelings. Do I have the gist of it?"

"Sort of," Harding seemed slightly annoyed that Brandon had tried to 'shrink' him. "What you just said was part of it. But there's a lot more wrapped up in it. I have a lifetime full of Catholic teachings and Catholic guilt that's been pounded into me. That was the biggest part of it. I just kept seeing Father Herlihy standing there with a scowl on his face, wagging his finger at me and saying 'Tsk tsk tsk, young Mr. Harding. You're setting yourself on the path to eternal damnation.' It was a lot of pressure that I was putting on myself."

"I understand, Josh. It's not easy to go against something you've been taught all your life." Brandon genuinely felt sorry for the guy. But he also decided to bank the information for use later on.

"Not just that," Josh went further. "When we were together last time and you said you wanted to fuck me..."

"I want to apologize again for that," Brandon interjected. "I was pushy. That's something you have to be ready for on your own time. And not every guy is ever ready for it."

What Harding said next surprised the fuck out of Brandon...and got him instantly throwing rock hard in his jeans. "That's not it. When you asked, I wasn't entirely opposed to the idea. In fact, it intrigued me, very much."

"Jesus..." Brandon muttered, then realized who he'd just said that in front of and blushed. "Uh, I mean... Crap! Sorry, Josh."

Josh laughed. "It's okay, Brandon. Like I said the other day in my office. I may have gone to Catholic school, but I wasn't some sort of pure as the driven snow goody two-shoes. I don't mind you saying things in front of me that you'd say in your everyday life."

"Thanks. But if you don't mind me asking, if the idea of me fucking you appealed to you -- or at least intrigued you -- why did you turn me down the other day?"

Josh looked uneasy and raised his hand to push it through his hair. "What little I know about anal sex is that it can be pretty messy and it's preferable to be clean beforehand. I wasn't. I didn't want you to find that out the hard way, but I was too embarrassed to tell you."

Just when Brandon thought this guy couldn't get any more adorable and endearing... "I appreciate the consideration, Josh. But I wish you would've told me. For the past few days, I've been going along thinking I did something wrong."

"Damn," Josh looked upset. "I'm a total asshole. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. It's all water under the bridge. The point is that we're here now, everything's out in the open, and hopefully we can start with a clean slate."

"I'd like that very much," Josh grinned.

It was about that time that dinner arrived. Over a hearty meal, the men talked about sports, their lives, and other interests. Brandon was sure it wasn't his imagination, but it seemed like sexual tension was very much on the rise. As both men finished cleaning their plates, he felt himself slipping into Casanova mode. He was certain the 59-year old stud hadn't invited him here to this hotel room only to talk and have dinner. Sex was obviously also on the menu and Brandon was determined to make the most out of his second chance.

It was when Josh was pushing the room service cart out into the hallway that Brandon took the opportunity to slip off his shoes and climb onto the bed. When Josh reentered, he found Brandon laying with his hands clasped behind his head, eliciting a double take from the coach. "I was about to ask what you want to do now, but from the look of things, you have a plan."

"Maybe..." Brandon winked with a sly grin. Then, he reached down and to pat the spot next to him on the mattress. "C'mere, bud. It's awful lonely over here."

With a look that was a mix of unease and eagerness -- probably just two of the many emotions swirling around within him at the moment -- Harding slowly and tentatively moved toward the mattress. All the way from the door to the foot of the bed, he never broke eye contact with Brandon...not even as he knelt on his right knee and then climbed up to lie next to the horny stud in his early 50s.

What Brandon was hoping for was for was for Harding to lay atop him so the two men could be body to body. He found it sweet and adorable that the 59-year old actually lay down next to him as if they were some sort of old married couple that was turning in for the night at 8:30. He almost turned his head and mockingly said, "Good night, Mother," like an old-timey husband might address his wife.

Not wanting to ruin the mood, Brandon rolled over on his side and propped his head up with his right arm. He was hard as hell and had no hesitation at pressing his body against Harding's so the older man could feel his bulge pressing into his side. Harding turned his head and looked into Brandon's eyes. God, was the coach beautiful. All Brandon wanted to do was ravish the man! But he could see the married man was also mighty uncomfortable. He had some prep work to do before he could even think about making the move he wanted to make so bad it hurt.

Harding lay there with his hands folded against his midsection. Brandon reached out and gently placed his left hand atop them. "Hey..."

"Hey..." Josh croaked out.

"I think you already know how bad I want this. But I don't want it so badly that I'm willing to ignore your feelings, or that I'm going to pressure you into doing something you're not ready for. I've waited a long time for you, Josh Harding. I can wait however much longer you need."

Although there was kindness and understanding in Brandon's eyes -- and he was completely sincere in everything he'd just said -- the horny, primal side of him that had lusted after this man for roughly two decades hoped against all hope that Josh wouldn't put the brakes on their fun tonight.

Josh smiled warmly and took one of his hands out from under Brandon's to bring it up and press it against the 50-something's left shoulder. "You have no idea how much it means to me that you just said that to me. You're a good guy, Brandon...better than I probably deserve. I'll admit, I'm nervous as hell. But, I want..." He exhaled deeply. "I want this. I don't want to wait. But please. Be gentle with me."

His eyes wide and sparkling as a triumphant smile graced his face, Brandon whispered, "I will. As gentle as I can be."

With that, Brandon leaned in slowly and placed his lips softly on Josh's. It only lasted a few seconds. When Brandon pulled back, Josh had a huge smile on his face. "Wow. My first kiss with another guy."

"Was it everything you hoped it would be?"

"And more..." Josh quipped, finishing the line that had been used in a TV commercial from 30-ish years ago or more. "But actually..."

For a brief moment, Brandon was worried. Had he done something wrong? "What?"

Josh bit his lip and grinned mischievously. "I might need another sampling...just to make sure my opinion is well-researched."

"In that case, I'd be happy to oblige," Brandon whispered before leaning in for another tender kiss.

What started off as a mutual lips-only clinch rapidly deepened. It's as if that kiss was the key to unlocking everything...releasing Harding's nerves and hesitancy and giving Brandon permission to take charge and be the generous and considerate but fervent lover he was used to being in bed. He wasn't sure how long they lay like that, but without realizing it, he'd rolled over on top of Josh. The two were now making out and tongue wrestling there on the bed fully clothed and clutching onto and feeling up each other's bodies.

Forgetting his promise to himself to stay respectful of Harding being relatively green when it came to man on man action while staying true how forward his sex drive is, Brandon ran his hand down the older man's torso and began kneading the growing bulge in his pants. When he felt Harding's body react and heard him gasp mid-kiss, he pulled back. "Are you okay, man?"

"Yeah," Josh sighed. "I'm great, actually. I just wasn't expecting you to reach down like that. With my wife and I... Well, she likes things in a certain order and to move slowly."

"I'm sorry if I'm being too forward." Brandon was admittedly a little dejected that Josh seemed to be putting the brakes on things.

Josh reached up and ran his hand along Brandon's shoulder. "You're not. Last week was new and different and there were a lot of things going on in my head. But tonight, I don't want things to be on my terms."

"You sure?" Brandon tried to be supportive.

"Positive. I did a lot of thinking this past week. I want to experience this the way it's supposed to be experienced. I want the training wheels off. I want you to be every bit the man you are with a guy who isn't as green as I am. I want all of you, Brandon...the full Brandon Davies."

Brandon bit his lip, squeezed Josh's unrelenting bulge, and grunted. "Unf! Only our second time together and you already know how to push my buttons! Fuck, you're a major turn on!"

Looking soulfully up into Brandon's eyes, Josh whispered. "I want you to show me how to push ALL of your buttons."

Brandon leaned down to claim a sloppy and passionate kiss from the man before pulling back. "I want that too. And it'll come in due time. But for now..." He leaned up and pulled Josh up into a position halfway between laying down and sitting. "'s time for the clothes to come off!"

With a lust-filled intensity on his face, Harding reached down to pull at the hem of his shirt. He got it halfway up his torso and Brandon helped him by yanking it the rest of the way off. For a moment, Brandon forgot that he wanted the 59-year old out of his clothes. He was in such awe of Harding's upper body. He reached out and gently felt up the man's biceps, shoulders and pecs.

Eventually, the task at hand came back into focus when he pushed Josh onto his back. Josh raised his shoulder up to lean down and watch Brandon undo his pants and roughly hook his fingers on both hands into the waistband to yank them and his underwear down his thighs and below his knees. He stood up and pulled Josh's pants off by the pant legs and then yanked the underwear down over his feet and tossed them somewhere behind him on the floor. He was starting to be overtaken by hunger for the man. Now that he had permission to fully be the man he was, Brandon didn't want to hold back.

Before rejoining Harding on the bed, Brandon stood there looking at the prone, naked man lying there with his erection straining upward against his meaty belly. The man was truly beautiful. Maybe he wasn't a perfectly-sculpted gym rat with all the right muscles in all the right places. But damn if he wasn't perfect for Brandon. Brandon started to climb back into the bed when Josh held his hand up.

"Uh uh, man." He gestured with his hand in a way that told Brandon exactly what he wanted. "You too!"

The 50-something had never disrobed so fast in his life. It was still a trip that this man he'd fantasized about fucking dozens upon dozens of times was lying naked in front of him, beckoning him to take his clothes off.

His clothes now in a pile on the floor, Brandon could see Harding eyeing him...taking it all in. He knew he looked decent without clothes on, but when comparing himself to the super-fit, in shape guys he saw at the gym, he knew he was no bodybuilder type. But the way Josh looked at him made him feel like he was the most sculpted man of the face of the planet. "You didn't get to see me like this last week," he pointed out. "You like?"

"Oh yeah," Josh croaked out, his cock quivering against his stomach. "Makes me wish I hadn't put a stop to things then. You're amazing, Brandon." It made Brandon tremble with horny glee when -- while still gazing at him -- Josh reached down and began slowly stroking himself.

Brandon reached down to mimic Josh's motions on his own prong. "We're here now. That's all that matters, bud."

"Then let's not waste another moment. Come here," Josh beckoned him.

Not needing to be told twice, Brandon climbed back on the bed and lowered himself on top of Josh. Instantly, the two men were hungrily at each other's mouths again, clutching each other in a longing embrace as lips, mouths, and hands explored while their erections ground against each other, leaking precum.

After several minutes of unrelentingly passionate making out -- rolling around with each man trying to exert control over the situation by being on top -- Brandon found himself on top of the older coach and began kissing down his body, stopping to give extended attention to his neck...Brandon's favorite foreplay move with a guy. His lips and tongue caused Harding's body to respond, bucking with moans and grunts escaping the man's lips.

He continued to savor the slow journey downward. It wasn't just that he wanted to enjoy it himself. Brandon wanted Josh to experience sex with a guy the right way. He spent a lot of time alternating between kissing, licking, and nibbling on each of Josh's nipples and pinching and flicking the one his mouth wasn't on. He lifted Harding's arms up and licked each hairy pit, reveling in the musky, manly odor emanating from them.

Finally after who knows how long, he kissed his way toward the source of the hunky coach's manliness. As he extended his tongue to swipe at the cockhead, he heard a sharp intake of air above him and Josh's voice broke the silence. "This is what I've been waiting for...another one of your blow jobs. Reliving that memory and feeling from last week has gotten me through some pretty rough times these past few days, you know."

Brandon looked up. "Yeah? You been thinking about me blowing you, Josh?"

"Almost constantly, man."

"That so, huh?" Brandon tried to mask his intense pleasure at knowing this sex god had been thinking of him that way. "Let me ask you. When you thought about my mouth around your cock, did you have your hands down your pants at the time?"

Josh blushed. "Definitely. When I was wearing pants, that is. I wasn't always."

Brandon shuddered. "Ohhh fuck! You are SO my type of guy, Josh Harding! Innocent, uncorrupted former Catholic school students are the best..."

"Brandon, baby... You can feel free to corrupt me anytime you want."

"Mmmmm! I'm going to hold you to that!" As Brandon leaned back down to resume his oral ministrations on the coach's cock, he heard Josh chuckle.

Over the next several minutes, he looked up into Harding's face, locking eyes with him as he licked and sucked the man's cock and balls. For his part, Josh had his hands behind his head with a cocky, satisfied grin on his face as he watched.

After a while, Brandon started to drift deeper, letting his tongue swab over Harding's taint. When he felt Josh's hand reach down and run through his hair, he took that as sign that he was meant to stop what he was doing. "Bummer!" Brandon thought. "He still doesn't want me near his ass..."

When Brandon raised his head up, Josh beckoned him with his hand to join him. After a quick soulful kiss, Brandon ran his hand through Josh's hairy chest. Josh pressed his own hand against Brandon's chest loving the feel of the younger man's musculature. "I don't want to have all the fun out of this," he remarked. "Why don't you lay back and let me take care of you?"

Grinning from ear to ear like a kid on Christmas morning, Brandon lay on his back. "Yes, please!"

With lust in his eyes, Josh leaned forward for a deep and passionate kiss, pinning Brandon's hands above his head and running his own hands up and down the muscular arms. As Josh worked his way down Brandon's body, Brandon noted some of the ways that it seemed like Josh was trying to mimic what he'd done. But in other ways, he put on his own moves. Regardless, Brandon was enraptured. Harding could've done anything at all and he would've been on Cloud Nine.

By the time Josh had worked his way down to Brandon's leaking erection, Brandon was so fucking primed. Josh looked up at his 50-something lover. "Let's see if I can do a better job now than I did last week."

"You were perfect," Brandon sighed, remembering how good it felt to have the 59-year old coach's lips wrapped around his tool and couldn't wait to feel that again.

Harding's BJ skills were markedly better this time much so that Brandon almost forgot himself and asked if Josh had sucked off a bunch of other guys to get in some practice. He figured the older man would be offended at such a question. But honestly, imagining Josh Harding on his knees, taking cock after cock -- even getting face-fucked some -- really revved Brandon's engine. It worked him up so much that -- combined with Josh's mouth on him -- he felt himself about to go over the edge. He had to reach down and practically shove Josh off of him.

Josh crouched back, looking a little wounded. "I did something wrong, didn't I? I knew it!"

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