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Melinda's Obsession 02 (Forbes-100)

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More and more cum to achieve wealth through pregnancy.
26.1k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/24/2021
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Melinda's obsession 02


This is a second part of "Melinda's obsessions" trilogy. It's a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


Jeff grabbed a fresh issue of Job Seeker, a newspaper available for free at any gas station or bus stop. He had graduated from the college a couple of months ago and was still actively looking for work. His major in "Business Management" opened tons of opportunities for him. However, nothing attracted his eye yet.

Ads in newspapers and "Now hiring" signs at different businesses offered only entry level positions of CSR's, store clerks, cashiers, telemarketers, and other jobs for minimum wage he wasn't interested in.

Websites suggested more interesting positions. However, when Jeff submitted his maybe second hundredth resume for last offer and received no call from HR again, he decided to make a visit to the company as it was local, and its name looked familiar.

When he finally found the HR manager, showed her his resume, and pointed to it comparing with the position requirements indicating a 100% match, she smiled at him and asked, "Do you want an honest answer?"

"Yes, please," nodded Jeff.

"You are about the five hundredth candidate for that position who applied online.

"We aren't even physically able to interview all those candidates whose resumes 100% matched the position's description. So, we decided to interview about fifteen people with ten years of experience or more in similar jobs," said the manager.

The news was upsetting but sobering. Jeff realized that starting career in a business he wanted wouldn't be a simple task. He didn't have many hopes about Job Seeker, as that paper usually offered very basic and low paid jobs.

Jeff was almost ready to give up in his search and apply for a job at "Seven-Eleven" or Walmart just to be able to pay his rent and fill up his truck's gas tank.

Looking through multiple pages of CSR positions, cleaners, janitors, and other similar jobs, he suddenly spotted something that looked too good to be true:

Full time job 120k/year. No experience required

Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx

With no details, it looked pretty suspicious. It might be something illegal or dangerous. Jeff's mind pictured drug trafficking, assassinations, covert military squad, or maybe gray area medical experiments using humans as guinea pigs. He knew nobody would pay 120 grand to a total rookie unless that business owner was insane.

Nevertheless, desperate as he was, Jeff picked his cell phone and dialed that number.

On the other end of the line a robotic female voice answered, "Thank you for your interest in our position. Are you twenty-one or more? Please tell us your full name and briefly describe your education."

Those questions sounded pretty legitimate. So, Jeff answered them honestly.

The voice system recognition on the other side told him, "Thank you. Your responses have been recorded and will be reviewed by our HR specialist. If you qualify, we'll call you back soon for the interview. Have a good day."

The next day the same robotic voice called back and set up an interview appointment in a couple of days giving Jeff an address on the 48th story of a huge business tower downtown. It told Jeff to bring a printed copy of his resume with him.

Jeff was slightly confused why the resume couldn't be submitted online? But obviously there was nobody on the other side to talk about that matter.

That day Jeff showed up forty minutes early to make sure he wouldn't miss his appointment. The 48th floor had a large auditorium with a huge lobby.

Jeff was surprised to see about five hundred men there waiting for the interview. The vast majority of them were between 21 and 30. Only a few were slightly older.

As there was still much time before the event, Jeff decided to join a conversation with a few folks. He quickly found out that all of them were waiting for the same interview for the same position.

However, they found it in different ways. Only a few of them found it in Job Seeker. Most of the others came via TV commercials popping up in shows about muscle cars, guns, warfare, DIY projects, and other programs targeted mostly for young to middle-aged men.

While the ad didn't specifically ban female applicants, perhaps to avoid blame in discrimination on the grounds of gender, there wasn't a single female in the room.

Some guys told their sisters and girlfriends also applied and IVR said they would be called back. But it never happened.

Jeff realized that the IVR was pretty sophisticated and just filtered out all applicants with female voices for some unknown reason.

Exactly at ten, the time of appointment, the doors to the auditorium opened ajar and all applicants were invited by a middle-aged lady to come and have a seat.

Once everybody took their chairs, the lady ascended to the stage and two men joined her sitting at the desk there. They announced that this was going to be the very first round of the selection process and they were going to select fifty candidates to participate further in the hiring process.

The panel still told them nothing about the nature of the job and when one applicant raised a hand and asked about it, they answered that details would be provided only to those selected fifty. Then they started calling applicants by their names.

When each applicant ascended to the stage in front of the panel, they collected his resume and asked very few basic questions, not taking more than a minute altogether. Those were about residence, education, and fluency in other languages.

However, all three panel members looked with great attention at the appearance of each candidate and his walk. The process ended up taking several hours. The panel then suggested taking a break and coming back in one hour.

When that time had passed and the men all returned, the panel read a list of the lucky fifty and said thanks to the rest of participants, wishing them a wonderful day.

Those fifty got an appointment at ten for the next morning. Jeff was one of them and he showed up fifteen minutes before the scheduled time.

They all had a little chat about the mystery of the process and guesses about what to expect.

One guy told from his observation that all questions and answers looked unimportant for the panel, and they were all selected on a few basic criteria mostly related to their appearance.

All of them were between 21 and 30, tall, fit and with brown curly hair. If somebody looked at them, he might think they were all relatives.

Again, at ten they were invited to the auditorium and the same lady from the day before told them that really, they were selected based on particular physical features as this job pertained to the sex industry.

However, she said, "No porn filming, public nudity, BDSM, or any pain and humiliation expected. Also, no risk for health or well-being," clearly stating it wasn't a medical experiment or organ donation.

"The winner will be involved in sexual intercourse with a female partner post medical clearance. Candidates will be inspected by doctors before receiving a job offer."

About half of the applicants instantly got up and left the premises, saying they were not interested.

The rest were invited to a small office one by one to see doctors as those two male panel members turned out to be.

When Jeff entered that room, he was instructed to take off all his clothes, staying naked in front of the doctors.

They collected his blood sample and vitals, performed a thorough visual inspection of his body, and then conducted a long, detailed medical interview.

Besides basic medical questions about infections in the past and any current conditions, the interview contained lots of questions about his ancestors.

Doctors asked Jeff if he had any genetic diseases, what medical conditions his parents, grandparents, and other relatives might have had. How old they were and at what ages his deceased relatives passed away.

They had Jeff fill out a long questionnaire asking for names of his relatives, their addresses, and medical backgrounds. Also, he had to sign an authorization form to his primary care physician for releasing his medical records.

When the process ended and Jeff exited the office still naked and holding his clothes in a hastily gathered wad, he was met by the female panel member and escorted to another room.

"I need a sample of your sperm," said the lady, grabbing a sealed sterile cup from a box and placing it on the table.

"Umm, I'm not in a space where I could get aroused and cum," answered Jeff with hesitation.

"Will this help?" asked the lady and dropped off her skirt, staying bottomless in front of him as she didn't have panties.

She lifted one leg to the desk showing Jeff her shaved pussy, wide open, grabbed his hand and encouraged to enter her with his finger.

Jeff was a little shy and hesitant. But he did as she suggested.

Her pussy was hot, wet, and slimy inside, clearly showing the lady was aroused. She slightly moaned when Jeff inserted his middle finger in her vagina and then she moved it towards his hand.

Jeff's cock instantly started rising.

The lady suggested that he bent down placing his hands on a low stool and spread his legs widely. Then she started milking him with her hand in a latex glove.

Jeff wasn't circumcised. So, staying behind him, the lady gently pulled his foreskin up and down, rubbing his testicles and massaging his prostate underneath with her other hand.

When Jeff was about to explode, the lady grabbed a sterile cup from the desk and held it under his glans, pulling his foreskin back and gently squeezing his cock from the root to tip like she was milking a cow.

Jeff felt his genitals pulsing and semen erupted into the container filling almost half of it since Jeff didn't have sex for a long time.

Once he finished, the lady told him, "Thank you," printed his name on the cup with marker, sealed it and placed it in a portable fridge with other samples.

Then she got a moisturized tissue, carefully wiped Jeff's genitals, and allowed him to get dressed.

She told him, "We need two weeks for lab analysis, obtaining results of police and FBI background checks and medical records. We'll give you a call if the decision is made to continue the hiring process with you."

"You told us the job is related to the sex industry. Why did it require such detailed screening? Are you looking for a male prostitute for old, rich, ugly women?" asked Jeff.

The lady told him with a little smile, "All details will be provided to you if you are selected to participate further."

After that, she put on her skirt and escorted Jeff to the exit.

Jeff heard nothing from them for a month and almost forgot about that strange experience.

However, one Monday afternoon a familiar voice called. The lady who now introduced herself as Gina, invited Jeff to come to a different address at noon the next day.

When Jeff showed up, Gina greeted him suggesting that he sit and said, "Congratulations! We are going to offer you the position for which you had applied. Now I can give you most of the details and answer all your questions."

Gina explained to Jeff that she was the owner of an HR agency typically recruiting actors for porn movies.

However, this case was different. He will not be filmed in porn. Her agency was hired by a rich, young lady who was looking for a man of specific appearance with a healthy medical and genetic background to make a child for her.

Gina's customer had a rare medical condition in her vagina, killing all sperms placed there and preventing conception.

The client tried artificial insemination several times, but all attempts failed.

The uterus of Gina's client didn't accept even minimal intrusions with tools and aggressively rejected any fertilized egg cells that doctors tried to implant there.

Gina said, "The only chance for that lady was to try conceiving a child using the natural way from a man producing enough healthy sperm able to overcome her condition."

Gina mentioned that her voice recognition system received over seventeen thousand calls for position and only five hundred were selected for the initial interview just by voices of applicants.

The rest was already known to Jeff. So, he might consider himself as a lucky guy.

Jeff asked, "What is the trick? Why is that lady going to pay such big money when she could find an anonymous sperm donor for much cheaper?"

Gina answered, "The main problem lies in the word 'anonymous.'

"While IVF can be done by using previously collected sperm from anonymous donors, conception cannot be done anonymously with actual intercourse.

"Partners must be in direct contact with each other at that moment and the entire deal cannot be anonymous from the legal perspective.

"So, from that point it will be considered 'consensual sex.' If a child was born from it, the father will have full parenting rights to that child and can enforce them through the court if the mother didn't cooperate.

"Hence, if you accept the job, you must sign a contract promising not to claim any parenting rights on your child and not to make any attempts to contact the child until he or she reaches the age of 21."

"Is it legal?" asked Jeff, deeply concerned.

"Since, in general, selling out parenting rights is illegal, this will be not a sell-out, but just your own voluntary avoiding of parenting until your child grows to that age.

"In return you will be compensated for your cooperation and discretion.

"As soon as my client got pregnant," Gina explained, "you will start receiving $10,000 in Bitcoins on the first day of every month. It would be declared as a gift since no job from you had to be done after that time. Hence no taxes would have to be paid from that money."

Jeff asked, "How long will I get those payments?"

"That pension would be prorated from the first day on the job and continue as long as your child was alive until his or her twenty-first birthday.

"You must not make any contact with your child or any attempts to notify that child about your existence and identity.

"If the child finds that information even by accident or gets in any contact with you, the entire deal collapses."

"What happens in such a case if it's not my fault?" asked Jeff even more concerned.

"In such a case you have to pay your employer five million dollars back in damages. It will be YOUR responsibility to avoid any contact with the child to ensure information about you remains secret.

"On the child's twenty-first birthday that contract expires, and you can do whatever you want -- introduce yourself to the child or continue living incognito. It's all up to you.

"Also, you shouldn't expect or seek sex, marriage, or any communication with your employer after she gets pregnant."

Jeff was scared of the harsh conditions of the job and listened to Gina's explanations with great attention. He asked, "Why are you paying with Bitcoins? They have a pretty bad reputation for 'grey area' tools. Is there anything illegal in this business?" and added, sighing, "I'm very concerned and I don't want to go to jail."

Gina answered smiling, "Please, don't worry. Bitcoin was selected as the best way to keep discretion in this entire deal as cryptocurrency transactions are practically untraceable. Neither your employer nor you want any information about this business to leak into the media and go public. Do you agree with me?"

Jeff nodded in agreement.

Gina continued, "Aside from the conditions of that deal, you are free to get married, find another job, open private business or just live off your salary as you choose.

"However, if you break the deal and try to contact your child or the child finds out about it by accident or information leaked to authorities, punishment will be harsh.

"Besides millions as payment for damages, you will face jail time for selling your child as employer's lawyers will bring this to criminal court charging you in human trafficking.

"Meanwhile you must live on site, being constantly available for sex with your employer at any time until the latter gets pregnant."

Jeff asked, "Do I have to pay rent living on site? How about food, clothes, and other personal items? Can I bring them with me?"

"You would receive free food, board, all basic personal items and $10,000 per month as a compensation for your time.

"However only $3,000 per month will be available to you instantly deposited to your checking account in the bank. The rest of the money will be deposited on a special account and access given to you when your employer gets pregnant."

For direct deposit Jeff was requested to provide a voided check with routing and account number from the bank.

Also, Jeff had to follow a special diet, exercise routine, and take medications prescribed by the doctor to produce as much healthy sperm as possible.

Then Gina asked, "Do you accept this offer?"

"How long can you wait for my answer?"

Gina gave Jeff five days as by the last day her client would ovulate, making her most fertile and ready for insemination.

Leaving the office, Jeff hesitated. From one side this was a way allowing him to become a pretty wealthy person just for having sex with an unknown lady. But from the other side the moral aspect of this deal looked very fishy to him.

Why couldn't that lady just get married or find a boyfriend and have a child with him? Why was there so much mystery and complication? Why was gray money involved?

When Jeff came home, he found a bad surprise in his mailbox. His landlord had sent him a letter notifying about a rent hike by 50% starting the following month with lease renewal.

Three other letters were regular "Thank you" notes with denials for positions he recently applied to and was successfully, as he believed, interviewed.

So, the next morning Jeff called Gina and accepted her job offer.

Gina instructed the guy to come on Monday morning at ten to a downtown address close to the building where he had been interviewed.

Jeff should bring nothing with him besides his regular pocket stuff and expect to stay there for several weeks.

Everything needed would be provided there at no cost to him.

"You must wax your entire body except the head," said Gina. "I set up an appointment for tomorrow at a facility where you have to go for the procedure. It will be completely paid by your employer, including tips."

"Ouch! Waxing is very painful. Can I just shave instead?"

"Sorry, but no. My client hates any body hair on males and doesn't want it to start growing again after shaving."

On Monday Jeff showed up ten minutes early at the location provided to him. His entire body was still hurting after total waxing, giving him the feeling of being skinned out.

Jeff was met by Gina and a short, fat man, who was introduced as a notary public.

Gina gave Jeff a stack of paperwork with all the conditions of the contract to be signed and notarized. It was already signed on the other side by Gina as a CEO of some LLC with a cryptic, meaningless name.

When all paperwork was done and Jeff received his copies, Gina instructed him to follow her and brought him to a two-bedroom apartment unexpectedly situated in that office building.

Gina said, "Please take a shower, thoroughly washing your entire body and especially your penis with soap. Change from your regular clothes to a robe hanging in the bathroom. Then at twelve I'll escort you to the first sexual encounter with your employer."


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