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Click hereThe blue figure and the white were intertwined now, a tangle of limbs.
"MORE!" the woman roared.
"UGHH! FUCK! Please! I can't! Ugh! Oh god! Yes! Fuck! Wait! Ahhh! I don't have any more left!" he begged, in pained pleasure, doing his best to withstand the tortuous pleasure that was being inflicted upon him.
"Dig deep, you fucking weak-willed boy! All your built for is to fuck and to cum! Fuck my fucking cunt and fill me up with cum or I swear I'll..." the woman screamed out, her final words muffled by the ice.
"UGGHHHHH! GOD! Fuck! I can't... oh fuck! Damn, this is so fucking good! You're cunt's amazing! AHHH! FUCK! I can't cum! I want to but I can't! I don't have anything left!" he groaned loudly, trying to push her off of him he was so overwhelmed.
Blue limbs and white were a whirlwind in their icy prison, bodies slamming into the ice as they wrestled/battled/fucked. Mortal eyes weren't built to see such unholy, nasty fucking, and it was only due to the queen's mercy and will that Tim could withstand such brutal, nasty treatment. But this was taking him to his limits as a man, to the limit that most any man could handle. No one could fully describe the ordeal he was going through in that icy prison.
Looking down at them, you could see the queen's body coiling around the married man, like a serpent on the attack, moving in a blur, completely enveloping him with her body. If you looked closer, you could see her massive tits or her big blue ass pressed into the icy shell, but she was moving so fast these moments would pass quickly. Eventually, limbs pinning him down again, you could see what looked like her humping against him at a near blinding speed.
"Ahhh! God! Oh! Please! Ah! PleaMMMPHHHH!" Tim groaned, his voice suddenly muffled even further.
"Drown under my tits! Yes! Suck on my big fucking tits and give everything to me!" the queen moaned.
"AHHHMMMPPHHH! UUHHHHMMMPPHHHH! UGGGGHHHHHH!" Tim groaned, unable to form words as his face now pinned down beneath the Ice Siren's heavy, blimp-like breasts.
"That's it! Yes! Suck on those tits! Lose yourself in them! You'd better so you can handle what's next! I want that cum! I NEED THAT CUM!" she screamed out. Then, in a flash, both of their bodies began sliding around their icy cocoon, doing battle, wrestling for control as they went at it in an unholy, voracious fashion. His moans and groans only got louder, escaping their icy shell, reverberating in the water.
These moans and groans started to reach the surface of the pond, the queen's mating performance finally reaching their ears. At this, the waiting sirens got excited, resuming their war chant.
For almost an hour, it seemed, their queen and Tim were buried beneath the water. Isabelle and her sisters wondered if the married man would be able to handle what their queen could do, some speculating that he might not survive such ruthless, unholy, hellish sex. Seriously, what that bitch could do was sinfully evil beyond words. Their queen was as experienced as it gets, and sending that married man into her evil clutches was almost unfair. Her body and mind would forever change him. He would never be the same after this. Not ever. That is if he survived.
As this hour went on, the sounds reaching the surface got more and more consistent. All the sirens could only speculate on what was occurring in the water and if the married man could withstand it. As they waited, their chant got louder and louder, the deep, rhythmic noise making the surface of the water ripple. The longer this went on, the more the water began to churn. Then, they realized... something was happening. Beneath the surface, something was happening.
With the sirens watching, the icy cocoon broke the surface of the water, being raised up on a large, icy pedestal. Through the ice, they could see flashes of blue skin and white skin, the two bodies locked within, both moving together at a vigorous pace, their bodies a whirlwind of movement. The two different colored blurs were now one. The noises from within began to reach their ears.
"OHHHH! AHHHH! MMMMPPPHHHH!" Their queen moaned.
"DO IT! DO IT! YES! YES! AHHHH! AHHHH! FUCK! FUCK!" She screamed out.
The sirens on the ground kept chanting.
"OHHHHHH! AHHHHH!" The queen screamed out.
"AHHHHHH! FUCK!" he screamed.
Both were screaming out loud, their voices blending together, until finally.
The icy egg encasing Tim and the Queen shattered around them, raining icy crystals and snow onto them both. From within emerged the Queen and Tim to their sight, her on top of him, bouncing on his throbbing cock, her ass slamming down into him brutally, and him reaching up, gripping her huge tits roughly as he heaved his body up at her in a fierce, furious manner. Both were coated with patches of ice and the sweat of perspiration, both of them shining in the moonlight.
"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! I'M GONNA CUM! I'M GONNA CUM!" Tim screamed out loudly, his body coated with sweat.
"YES! YES! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! YES! YES! IMPREGNATE ME! PUT A BABY IN MY NASTY FUCKING CUNT! YES! YES!" she screamed out, her voice echoing through the woods.
"YES! YES! FUCK! OHHHHHHHHH! UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Tim roared out like a lion, his animal brain screaming out in pleasure as his cum began to fire out of him. That extra-thick, extra-potent cum that he didn't even think existed began firing out of his cock like a cannon, wave after wave of it blasting out of him and into the siren's sinful cunt, firing at a furious rate he didn't know possible. As he came, he was humping up into her obscenely. His entire body was flexing, tensed up beyond recognition, looking like he might literally explode, like a blood vessel was about to pop. But he kept firing off, humping up into the evil bitch, filling her with his prized seed, the absolute best of his cum being given to her. This went on and on, his cock firing an almost unholy amount of semen into her waiting pussy as she came on his giant married weapon, her cunt wringing out every drop of cum out of him, practically squeezing the life out of hm. He stayed in place, humping up into her, more and more cum firing out of him.
"FUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKK! AHHHHHHH!" he screamed out, his voice filling the air as completely as the queen's had, his voice joining hers as it echoed in the snow-covered forest. He'd been holding back this entire time, but now, he was cumming like a beast, lost in the pleasure.
The sirens watched what their leader had turned this man into, taking him further than any of them ever could. This is why she was the Queen, and they her followers.
Finally, after this display of ultimate sexual pleasure went on and on for what felt like a lifetime, the married man collapsed beneath the queen siren, panting, eyes closed, barely awake. The queen never fully collapsed, as she was too good for that. But even she had to take a few moments to recover, digging her claws into his chest lightly, holding herself up as she panted for breath. She then leaned down and whispered something in the married man's ear, some dark incantation of some sort. Once this was done, she slid her dark tongue into the married man's mouth, rewarding his efforts with a sinful, nasty lip-lock. Finally, she stood up on her icy pedestal, standing over the married man. Stepping over the near unconscious Tim, body covered with water, sweat, and ice, she stood and faced her tribe. Eyes looking crazed, her cunt leaking heavy amounts of thick, married semen, she watched as her followers kneeled before her.
"The breeding ceremony is complete!" she called out to her tribe, and they responded with their rhythmic war chant. Raising a hand, the queen conjured a ramp connecting her pedestal to the ground. Stepping back, she used her foot to slide the nearly passed out married man down the ramp, down into the snow, his body still exhausted but his cock still as hard as iron, somehow. "We have this fuck-meat for the rest of the night. I've tapped the reservoir of cum deep inside him. We can have him firing off sperm for hours! Let's use him up!"
Like an evil oil baroness, her efforts had struck gold deep within him, accessing that extra potent cum buried deep in his balls, out of reach for all but the most wicked. But the queen had gotten there, taking him beyond his limits, and in doing so accessing that prized cum inside of him, tapping the reservoir for future use. And after skimming off the top, taking all the best, most potent semen for herself, there was still so much more of that deeply buried, highly-pressured cum ready to burst out from inside him. And she was now ready to share that gushing geyser of thick semen with her tribe, giving them free reign on the married man till the well ran dry.
This announcement was met by cheers from the crowd, and the sirens began to enclose the married man, Isabelle leading the way.
The initial goal for this night was impregnation. But now that each of their wombs were filled with his potent cum, making their job complete, it was time for them to have some fun and slake their kinkiest desires with this prime piece of meat in front of them. Tim was so broken and exhausted at this point he was practically a zombie, a fuck-zombie so dazed and broken he could be led into anything these evil sluts wanted.
And that was a lot.
Tim could barely remember any of it. It was all a blur, really. One thing that stood out to him that a lot of the sirens really wanted was to be fucked in the ass. Like, a lot of them wanted that. At one point, Isabelle was bent over in front of him as she made him fuck her there, and those two siren sluts that had fucked him together were curled up next to him, their big blue tits pressing into his sides as they urged him to cum in her asshole.
When he was done with that, those two sluts got onto all fours in front of him, one right on top of each other again. Tim traded off fucking their tight asses, switching off between them. And when he came again, he filled both of their asses with cum, neither of their hungry holes letting a single drop escape.
One of the other sirens made the married man rim her tight asshole, bending over in front of him while he was on his knees, grinding her ass against his face. When she was satisfied with his efforts, she sat on his married cock, taking him up her asshole, riding it reverse cowgirl till the job was done.
But this was just the start.
Later, another one of the sirens was sucking him off. This one seemed to be obsessed with sucking cock, and she was taking her time and giving him her best. Her tongue was curling around his shaft multiple times, pleasuring his tightened, rock hard pole, teasing and squeezing his loaded weapon, not stopping till he filled her mouth with sperm.
One other time, one of the especially busty sluts, which was saying something, delighted in seeing the married man's cock disappear between her huge blue tits as she made him tit fuck her, not stopping till he came all over them.
This went on and on. At one point, he was rolling in the snow with one of the sirens, hands all over each other. Another took pleasure in smothering him with her tits while she jacked him off, making him cum like a geyser, his seed raining down on another one of them. He was empowered to no end thanks to the queen's dark incantations and unholy sexual efforts. And she watched her work play out from upon her throne as he fucked the women in her tribe like a grunting, hardened fuck-animal, slaking their nastiest desires. She didn't rejoin the fray, wanting to be perceived as above her followers. Although at moments, watching him going at it, she got mighty tempted to sample him again. But she'd taken care of all of her nastiest desires under the water, and she had no doubt everything she required of him had been accomplished.
For Tim, it was really all a blur. He didn't fully know how he kept at it for so long. He was a walking dick, doing whatever was asked of him, not thinking about anything, just following the pleasure, submitting to it fully. He was only able to stop as he literally passed out from exhaustion after having cum what felt like twenty times. Finally, there was no stirring him, but there was no need.
The deed was done.
When the pack of rabid sluts had finished with their prize, they returned to their hideout, in the caves along the cliffside. They, and their kind, had been forced into the shadows once the Church began their purges of all things magic. Their numbers had been greatly reduced in the centuries since, reduced to small packs when they were once great and mighty tribes. What used to be common knowledge was now reduced to mere myth. But thanks to men like Tim, they would rise again.
Isabelle, globs of cum splattered across her huge tits, approached the queen as she sat on her wooden, fur-lined throne, sitting above the rest.
"I told you my approach would work..." Isabelle said smugly. The older woman bared her sharp teeth in annoyance before relenting and nodding. Tim had proven far more capable than she ever expected, and as loathe as the queen was to admit it, Isabelle had done a good job. Her role in the tribe would have to rise after this. "There's no way Frank or Dan would have fallen for it for so long. And... wow, that one is built for the job! I think we struck gold here. I think he filled us all up multiple times!" It was true. Her, plus the queen, and the rest of them, all had the married man's cum leaking from their cunts. And other places...
"And now our tribe will grow," the older woman said, rubbing her belly. With the semen she'd drawn from deep inside him, she knew she would no doubt be knocked up with more than one baby. Maybe even a whole litter of them. A long, warm pause hung in the air before the one of the other sirens spoke up.
"So... what should we do with him?" They'd left the married man face down in the snow, passed out and naked.
The Ice Sirens were not known for their mercy. They used up men to their fullest, luring them into their trap and not setting them free until the flesh got too weak or they had nothing left to offer. And the freedom they gained at that point was not the one they would have asked for. But their talents and abilities were well known. Where sometimes, men would seek them out, even knowing what their fate might be, knowing few ever came back, just enough to spread their legend. But what they could do made it all worth it.
As their tribes dwindled, some of the more unscrupulous folks on the edge of society would make deals with the nearby tribes of sirens, agreeing to funnel men their way in exchange for their safe return. And while this worked as a temporary fix to keep their tribes going, certain sirens would follow their natures and back out of the deal, preferring to keep the men in their web for good.
And now the tribes were more desperate. More in need of men, and more concerned with safety. It would be smart to hold onto this man and use him over and over again, but his disappearance would attract attention. Plus, he was only one man, and pregnancy and birth took time. He'd done his job, and it didn't make sense to just hold onto him for almost a year. But if they let him go, he could start blabbing, and although his story was crazy, some people who knew things would believe it. There were far more cold and cruel options to make sure Tim wouldn't be talking, but Isabelle spoke up first.
"Aw... maybe I've gotten soft, but I like the guy. He's cute," Isabelle said. The tribe leader gave off the vibe of being unimpressed with him, but even she had to admit... he had far exceeded expectations with her, and he deserved some sort of leniency, even in these fraught times. "Hey, he got the job done better than anyone could. He's earned some mercy, I think," Isabelle stated, coming to the defense of the man she scouted out. "Hell, I bet we could get him back for another go next winter!" she said with a wicked smile. "If we keep him against his will, he'll never give us his best. But if we slow play this, if we let him stew on it for a while, he might even come back to us willingly." Finally, at this, the queen relented.
"Fine," the older woman said. Isabelle grinned, her toothy, sharp-tooth grin a far cry from the angelic one she'd had in her disguise.
"Very good," Isabelle said, stepping back. "I'll take him home."
"Better get to it," the older woman called out. "The sun will be rising soon!"
The sun shining in Tim's eyes woke him up.
With a jump, he awoke, looking around as the memories of the night before flashed across his eyes. The blonde in the snow. Her true form. The sex with her. The sex with all the other ones like her. So much nastiness. So much filth. So many insane things he could barely describe. Like the queen, and the things they did in the water. How was that possible? He remembered some of it in crystal clarity, but some of it seemed so foggy that it couldn't all be real. He could still hear the songs they sang echoing in his ears. The last thing he remembered was passing out in the snow.
Yet, he wasn't in the snow anymore. He was back in his mother's living room, sitting in the loveseat in his pajamas. He wasn't outside. He wasn't in the snow. He was here! Inside. Warm. Comfortable. Was it all a dream? It had to be. What he'd done was too crazy! Too insane. All that fucked up, unholy shit was too messed up to be true. Stuff taken from the darkest corners of his mind, conjured into a nightmare. The more he thought about it, the sillier it seemed. It couldn't be real.
Oh, thank goodness.
"Hey!" Dan said, walking towards the kitchen to get some coffee. "Excited for the presents again?" his brother teased.
"Oh, uh... yeah!" Tim said. That worked as an excuse for why he was down here. And maybe that was the explanation. Yeah, that made sense. He remembered coming down here the night before. Maybe he sat down here in the chair after drinking his water and fell asleep, dreaming up such wicked things. Despite those memories from his nightmare still swimming through his head, the more he thought about it, the more likely that it being a nightmare seemed like the only explanation. Yeah. That had to be the case. He'd never do any of that nastiness. He'd never betray his wife like that. He'd never be that foolish.
Smiling to himself, he sat up, running a hand through his hair. And when he did, his heart dropped and his blood ran cold.
There was snow in his hair.
No... it couldn't be! It couldn't be real! No! Looking up, he glanced up at the top of the Christmas tree, where the tree topper was meant to rest. The old straw thing that was supposed to protect them from the Ice Sirens. It was there every year, and it would still be there this year. Right?
His heart dropped again.
It was gone.
"Oh God..." he sighed to himself.
The Ice Sirens were real! And he might have impregnated an entire pack of them!
Boy... Tim really fucked up this time...
I actually rather enjoyed the Angel premise in the beginning, and I think it could be used and modified to your style of story of corruption rather than outright wholesome innocence. Angels could tempt a handsome, good man to being lovers with them and marrying them in holy empowerment, even create power children, and stop the dark forces from doing the same for their own side. The kicker would be the Angels have him cheat willingly on his wife, they see her as pathetic and weak to stop him from joining the dark side unless divine intervention. You have a theme of even what would be considered outright good to be just as corrupt and into filthy rough sex like their counterparts and sexy voluptuous Angels is too much to pass up in my opinion
God I think it's the subtlety of this one I love so much. How the man is lured and tricked into sex slowly before the slut reveals her true intentions. Also the guy never gives in like most of the other men in your stories, he complies but never fully gives in so this will be fun in the epilogue along with the results of his actions.
I was looking forward to what the Ice Sirens were gonna be when you name dropped them last chapter, and whatever I thought they could be you made them way better. As I say in most of my comments I love your stories when they are cruel women dominated men and this one may just take the cake in that regard now. It's making look forward to the "War" epic expecially if the esx scenes are as over-the-top as this. Great job Talkman!
Ohhk not my type of story it weirded me out. Also pls limit the screaming when they're fucking where everything u read is aaaahhhhhhhhhh fuuuuucckk. It's dirtier if they have convo about how hot the slut more than the wife is and how the guy will cum so hard he will impregnate the slut. That's way sexier than just screaming
Loved it hope u do more monster girl stuff like. Loved the breeding element to it as more.
I wasn't expecting much from this chapter but holy fucking shit that was amazing. So much more rougher than usual and while you've been deep in mythical stuff before I don't believe you've done full blown monsters before but it was great. Hopefully you do more stuff like this in the future .
I really like that you seem to be leaning more into the supernatural element with the recent stories. I think it is a great setting for the kind of stories you write.