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Misguided Love


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"Ooooh fuck, you're gonna make me cum! Don't stop now!" I moaned, my body now shaking all over, "Oh God, I'm gonna cum!"

"Let it go!" said Gary quietly, "Come on – let it all go!"

I was panting now as I neared my climax – any moment now I'd be spraying my seed everywhere; any moment......

"Aaaaaahhhhhhh – yeahhhhh!" I cried as Gary's hand stropped my cock vigorously, "Uuuuhhhh! Ooooh! Oooohh yeahhhhh!"

A long streamer of white sperm jetted from my upheld penis, splashing some four or five feet away against the wall. Another generous eruption followed, quickly followed by two more as Gary continued to wank me, until I held his hand to stop him.

"Let go, too sensitive..." I moaned, "Oooh fuck....what was that?"

I saw Gary lift his hand and lick at it before he spoke.

"That...," he said, "...was a most excellent orgasm! That really looked as if you enjoyed that."

"Bloody right I did, you were good," I replied, not quite certain if I should have said that, "Thanks Gary – feel better now, cheers!"

"Any time!" said Gary, "Ummmm, you don't fancy doing the same for me do you?"

And quite honestly I hadn't noticed amid all my excitement that Gary's cock was as stiff as mine had been!

"Uuuummmm, not sure...." I said hesitantly, "I've never done that before."

"Same as doing it to yourself!" said Gary, "Come on, I'll help you."

And with that he grabbed my hand and pulled it towards him, planting it quickly on his penis, my responses too slow to get away. His fingers curled around mine, causing my fingers to grip his hot cock and making him gasp loudly.

"Oooooh, yesssss, oooooh Chris, yesssss," he hissed, "That's what I need, yesssss, rub him for me, please, please do it!"

His hand pushed and pulled mine up and down his lengthy shaft until suddenly I realised that I was doing it unaided – I was tossing him off....and actually I was quite enjoying it!

It was really rather exciting and very different to rubbing my own cock – his seemed a bit more slender and the extra length was noticeable and he felt warmer too somehow. His cock felt just as firm as mine, but it was the sensation of holding another penis in my hand that struck me hardest. And yet I wasn't horrified – instead I was getting to rather like it – I was getting into the action and now my fingers were actively seeking out the most delicate and excitable points on his penis, doing my best to stimulate him and please him. I could hardly believe what I was doing – yet I couldn't stop!

"Ooooh yesssss," moaned Gary, "You're wonderful Chris, your touch – it's brilliant, this is so good...."

"You enjoying it?" I found myself asking, my tongue wetting my lips, "Am I doing it right?"

"You're doing it perfectly," moaned Gary, "I'm getting there – please don't stop Chris."

"You gonna cum, are you?" I asked, my eyes now fixed on his penis, my hand now sliding up and down his shaft with enthusiasm, "You gonna cum for me?"

"Yeah, yeah," groaned Gary, "Not long now...just a bit more!"

My hand moved faster and gripped his penis a little harder and now I could feel his upcoming orgasm; his cock was thickening and stiffening and freely oozing precum and his hips were thrusting at my fist.

"Just there....ooooh fuck – yeahhhhh! Nearly, nearly..." he groaned dramatically.

Faster and faster I rubbed him until suddenly he put his hand on mine and held me still.

"Ahhhhh – here it cums!" he cried, "Aaaaaahhhh – yeahhhhh!"

His hand held mine on his penis as pulse after pulse after pulse of cum rose and erupted, splattering over the floor, sticky white deposits now painting the tiles before the cascading water washed them clean once more. Dribbles of cum poured over my fingers before his orgasm ended and he released me. Quickly I allowed the water to clean my hands; I was happy enough with my own cum on my hands, but not someone else's somehow.

And then we stood there looking at each other.

"No more," I said, "Dunno what happened there, but no more."

"Yeah, I'm sorry Chris, I don't know what came over me either," said Gary, "I think it was just because I was all horny – I just needed some sex."

"Just as well I was there then, wasn't it?" I replied, "Anyway, thanks, guess I enjoyed it."

"Mmmmm, so did I!" replied Gary brightly, "Any time you need help, just ask."

But I needed to escape now that the urgency had gone and quickly I finished my shower and headed back to the changing room. It didn't take me long to towel dry and climb into my shorts and t-shirt and I was out of there before Gary even reappeared from the shower, thank heavens.

I headed out and down to the car park and I was about to climb into my wagon when a car I recognised drove in and pulled up.

Eagerly I waited as the passenger door opened and Karen climbed out, quickly slamming the door shut again. Anger was still there on her face, even from some thirty yards away, barely leaving her countenance as the car pulled away.

Then, unable to resist, I beeped my horn and climbed out of my wagon, strolling across the car park to where Karen was still standing, legs apart, hands on her hips.

"Bastard!" she said as I got closer – then she smiled at me.

"Hi there, oh its Chris isn't it," she said, "Sorry – that's my partner – I'm getting SO pissed off with him...."

"Problem?" I asked innocently and Karen's face said it all.

She sighed heavily but her eyes belied her feelings and thoughts as they swept me all over.

"I've got a few minutes before I start work," she said, "I suppose I'd better tell you....."

With that she began to walk towards my truck, her eyes obviously admiring the artwork and wording.

"Hmmm, 'Artist to the Stars' are you?" she said, "I wonder if I could use an artist?"

We both climbed into the spacious interior and sat on the bench seat, her long bare legs captivating me, her firm, thrusting bust thrilling me.

Then she spotted the clip of visiting cards I keep in the truck and she smiled.

"Hey, didn't I see one of these at my place?" she said, picking the cards up, "I thought at the time I might ring them up whoever they were – and it's you – I didn't realise....."

"Top quality!" I said, chuckling proudly, "Best landscape gardener around – all my customers are well satisfied."

"Hmmmmm, I bet they are!" said Karen, her eyes sweeping over me again, "Wonder if I can find a use for you?"

I let her words hang in the air – the next move would have to be up to her....

She sighed heavily before she looked me in the eye.

"Said I'd tell you about my partner," she said, her teeth gritted, "he's such a bloody waste of space. He lost his job about a year ago and he just won't get up and find another one – all he's doing is living off me now, using my house."

I tutted in sympathy but let her carry on.

"He's never been much use anyway – don't know what I saw in him in the first place," she said, "Guess I took pity on him or something."

She looked ruefully at me.

"But now he's got nothing better to do he seems to think he's in charge of me – not that he ever was in the first place," she continued, "He's become so bloody controlling – such a pain in the bloody arse!"

"Are you married?" I asked but Karen shook her head sharply.

"No way – what – marry that!" she cried in horror, "You're joking!"

"Why don't you get rid of him then?" I asked and Karen looked at me.

"Don't think I haven't tried to get him to leave," she said, "He's just too fucking lazy to even do that for me."

"Do you need some help?" I asked, "A bit of pressure perhaps....?"

"Could you.....?" she replied, hope suddenly springing into her eyes, "Honest?"

I realised that it might be really sensible to call in some reinforcement and that Gary would probably help so I nodded to Karen.

"We'd need to work it out, but I reckon I could help – be glad to try anyway," I said and Karen reached out and put her hand on my arm, now smiling at last.

"Please see if you can," she said, "I'll help too if I can."

It was just a matter of a few quiet meetings at the gym with Gary and Karen and myself and we had a plan. Ok, it was basic and really simply came down to Gary and I more or less physically removing him – well, coercing him into moving by our very presence, hopefully without the matter coming to any violence.

A couple of weeks later and the deed was done! Her now ex-partner was sent packing and Karen had her house to herself once more.

It had all worked out relatively easily – once Gary and I had appeared, our two solid frames with Karen between us towering over his meagre body and he was suddenly all in favour of moving out! Part of his reluctance to move was to do with finding somewhere to put all his possessions and as it turned out, Gary owned a warehousing company and there were loads of spare corners for his few bulky belongings to be dumped into until he could collect them.

And then I managed to find her a half-way decent car, a convertible and fairly sporty thing that I got from a client who owed me money and her life was turning into roses at last....and my interest in her climbed once more.

But Karen wanted to thank us both; we'd combined our efforts and now she asked us both to come over one evening – "for a few drinkies" as she put it and Gary and I duly arrived at her place one evening – two mates from the gym who'd become friends through our mutual efforts on behalf of this woman.....

My interest in her climbed still further as I hoped that this was just the first of many social occasions I'd have with her. Pity Gary had to be there too but......

Karen was looking incredible! Gone was her unhappiness; instead she looked radiantly beautiful and beaming with love and warmth. We each were welcomed with a massive hug and a warm kiss; Karen's ample bust squashing firmly against my chest, her soft, generous lips attaching themselves to mine like warm limpets and both Gary and I were left feeling incredibly lifted as Karen made us welcome.

Soon we'd had a lovely meal and were settled in her lounge with brandies, each of us revelling in her warmth and friendliness.

There was plenty of light chatter until Karen locked her eyes onto me.

"I've been thinking," she said, "I've always wanted one of those rose arbours – you know, a nice little place in the garden with a swinging seat in, all surrounded by sweet scented roses. What do you reckon Chris?"

"You've got the space," I said as I looked down the garden from the patio doors, "Down there on the left, past those trees, I'd suggest, yeah?"

"Ideal place," agreed Karen, "I think that's where I would have wanted it. Ok – do me a quote, could you."

"No problems," I said, knowing that I'd do it for almost nothing for this woman, "Few days...."

"That'd be sweet of you," Karen said, smiling at me and I felt all warm inside.....

The conversation resumed until another subject surfaced – her parents.

"Mum's got a huge load of stuff she wants me to store for her," she said, the subject of relatives having come around somehow, "Dad was something of a collector before he died. Now Mum wants to move nearer and to downsize so she won't have enough room. All the stuff's for me and there are some lovely antiques there so I don't want to give it away but I don't know where I can keep it."

It seemed that her dad had passed away a few years ago and now her mum was living alone, some seventy miles away from us, surrounded by all his possessions. Karen wanted her to be nearer and had found a lovely flat for her, except for the one problem of her possessions.

"You don't want to sell them then?" I asked but Karen shook her head.

"No, dad collected them all and I want to have them with me," she said, "Perhaps one day I'll sell them because it's my inheritance I suppose and there's some nice stuff too, but there's too much for me to find room for here."

I was about to say that I'd look around for her when Gary piped up.

"I'll look after it all for you," he said, deflating me in an instant, "How much do you reckon there is?"

"There's a large room packed full," Karen replied and Gary smiled.

"Perfect then – I've got some shipping containers in my warehouse," he said, "I'll put one aside for you; nice and dry and safe. I can get one of my vans to pick your stuff up on an empty return run. We'll arrange something."

"Oh you darling!" breathed Karen happily, "Oh, that'll be so helpful; Mum will be delighted – thank you so much Gary."

With that she launched into telling us that she'd now be able to help her mother sell her house and downsize and that would be perfect....and so on, while I listened somewhat half-heartedly. I felt deflated somehow – Gary had trumped me and I had no answer.....

Nevertheless the evening went well enough, Karen having enough charm for the both of us and by the time we departed Gary and I were friends again, linking arms to show our united pleasure. It had been a good evening really; certainly one that had changed Karen from being just someone we knew into a real friend....a friend I still intended to take to bed as soon as possible!

My work kept me very busy for a while although I managed to find time to nip over to Karen's place and measure up the site for her arbour – and then to spend an evening or two designing a suitable structure.

Fair enough – it would cost me a bit but I could use some of my stock of posts, other timber and paving slabs – my labour and some cement were the only real 'expenses', easily offset somewhere. Yep – I could do it for a nominal sum for Karen – the least I could do. An erection in her garden was merely the first erection I aimed to produce at her place!

In the meanwhile I'd learned a bit more about Gary. He'd built up a removal and storage business and now shipped stuff worldwide as well as having storage depots all around the country. Guess I'd never really noticed his businesses or his connection with them because it was none of my concern – until now. But now, as a love rival of some kind, it was necessary to know how to circumvent his interest in my girl – or at least that's how I was beginning to see Karen.

She was now the woman of my dreams – even of my wet dreams! How often had I woken up to find spunk everywhere; my mind's eye full of visions of her ripe body spreadeagled on my bed.....

How often had I spent quiet evenings at home just allowing my mind to rerun those moments when Karen had been close to me; touching me; holding my arm; kissing me.

I'd got it bad until that day......

Having a few hours to spare one afternoon I decided I'd pop over to drop in on Karen on the pretence that I wanted to check the levels in her garden where I'd now agreed to build her arbour. Well preened and brushed up; a bunch of flowers at the ready; my wagon now all clean and shiny too, I drove across town and into her driveway and stopped dead.

There outside her house was a large van – with a removal company's name on it.

"Fuckin' hell!" I exclaimed, banging the steering wheel in frustration, "What the fuck's that doing here? Bloody typical that she's got something happening just when I call."

Quietly I climbed out, gently closed the door and walked to the side gate. Yes – I had intended to get some measurements but they could have waited – but since I was here and since my visit was wasted as I was no longer alone, I reckoned I'd better get on with business. I guess I didn't need to see her to check the measurements.....

Still quietly I walked around the house and onto the patio, to mentally survey the scene; to check to see if the ground needed to be lowered or raised for best effect and I was just standing there when I heard it.

A woman's cry; a cry of excited bliss; almost a scream; certainly a scream of delight; suddenly followed by the bellow of an obviously masculine climax. I froze as I located the source – it came from an upstairs window and was now followed by several more such cries, each one a bit quieter until finally there was just a single long drawn out release of air – a sigh of contentment.

'Someone's fucking her!' I thought to myself, 'Some bastard's just fucked her!"

Then the penny dropped.

'That's fucking Gary, isn't it?' I found myself thinking, realising the truth.

I was quivering with suppressed anger, desire and frustration as I turned on my heels and almost ran out of the garden to my truck. Of course it was his van, wasn't it, I realised. Quickly I jumped into mine and reversed out of her drive, all my instincts telling me to gun the engine and leave burning rubber behind. Instead I crept away quietly – then headed home, with tears actually on my cheeks.

Indoors I was panting with anger as I tore the ring off a can of lager and gulped down half the chilly contents before I grabbed a second one and went and sat down to cool off.

I shook my head as I calmed down and considered the situation. Well, Karen wasn't "mine", much as I desired her – she was very much a free agent and who she chose to fuck was up to her – but why with my mate Gary?

But why not? He too was very much like me – his own boss – affluent enough – good looking and healthy – young and energetic too, but I did have something on him, didn't I?

I'd caught him in the shower, hadn't I – now how could I use that against him?

Back at the gym things were quite normal though. I could hardly raise a scene there and anyway, this was between Karen and me and not to be aired in public, so I greeted Gary with my usual bonhomie as we sweated away together the next time we met.

Jim was all animated now as Karen was going to start work in a week or so and the offices were being renovated and divided up – he seemed even more interested in Karen than we professed to be!

I did mention to Gary that I'd got the details for her arbour all sorted but once again he deflated me by telling me that he'd arranged to pick up Karen's mother's stuff later that week and he'd be storing it for her free of charge.

'Damn you,' I thought as I pumped an extra twenty pounds of weights up and down, 'I'll get you....'

Some two weeks passed and with the weather forecast offering a long spell of some unseasonably warm and dry weather coming up I phoned Karen and arranged to spend a few days erecting her arbour. Naturally she was delighted and the date was set – and bright and early I arrived with my trailer piled with materials. It was Friday and I'd be able to complete the job before Monday returned.

Karen greeted me warmly, then left me to it as I shifted everything into the garden and got to work and by the time I'd done my first day's work the site had changed remarkably – now the skeleton of the arbour was rising and already seemed to be enhancing that corner of her garden, I was pleased to note.

Karen came out onto the patio as we surveyed my efforts, her arm linked into mine, her hand resting on my forearm.

"That's going to look absolutely lovely," she said, "It'll be so restful down there; it's going to be wonderful."

"Ah, it's nothing," I said, "I'm just pleased to do something for you."

"Hmmm, I wonder what I can do for you?" said Karen, her warm eyes locking onto mine, "Anything you fancy?"

I almost growled – was she really making that kind of offer?

Gently but firmly I pulled her until we were facing each other, close together. It was time to move....

"I fancy you Karen," I said simply, pulling her tightly to me, "You're just so gorgeous, so lovely. I've wanted you since the day I first saw you. "

I let her go so she could breathe and so I could let my eyes run over her.

"You're just so – so....." I lost my words.

"So fuckable, isn't that what you mean?" said Karen, her face split by a huge smile.

"Oh fuck – yeah, yeahhhh Karen, yes!" I cried, "I want to love you; to fuck you; to be part of you – let me, please, please!"

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