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Misty Dawn & The Raven Ch. 8

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Darkness & rigging.
4.2k words

Part 10 of the 13 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 04/29/2002
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Dawn was stepping over a tumbled coiled of soaked rigging rope when she came up behind Charles. He was busy screaming at the disgusting Mr. Robbins, "Damn and blast you scurvy swab Robbins!" Charles shouted at the man. Charles chiseled arm was pointing at a small flooded keg on the deck at the old man's feet. "I thought I told you to check the powder, damn it! That is an entire keg ruined. Since the ship's shares were so poor this outing, I will expect you to procure a replacement!" Robbins' ancient eyes blazed with rage and he moved to speak but Charles cut him off with a shout, "IS THAT UNDERSTOOD!" The old man shrank back, cast his eyes down, and simply nodded. "Good!" Charles bellowed, slowly turning away, this conversation ended.

Dawn stepped up slowly, hoping to not catch his fire full yet after his discussion with Robbins. "Captain Charles," Dawn said meekly, lowering her lashes; taking in the raw beauty of his bare flesh and still damp, tight stretched breeches. She hoped her slightly bowed head could hide her small smile from his blue-eyed gaze. Charles looked at Dawn the anger slipping from his face slowly. The morning sun was filling her red curls with a warm glow; it was a remarkable sight. "Yes, m'pet?" Charles asked calmly, his voice rough from hours of shouting.

Dawn looked up at him and saw he was relaxing before her. She thought that this would make her task much easier. "Well, Captain," she began quietly, "I was thinking that you must be exhausted as we all are from the storm...shouldn't you be getting yourself some rest?"

Charles threw his head back and laughed heartily. Then he took Dawn's cheeks in both hands and pressed his lips to hers in a hard kiss. "Well, Misty," Charles laughed upon breaking his embrace, "I must say that Fazul is improving his strategy sending in your charms to lead me away from m'duty." His tone sent contradictory sensations of heat and chill through Dawn. There was something in his words that both exhilarated her and cautioned her. He had seen right through her ploy, but had responded better than she could have hoped for.

Dawn's sensations were rent again with a start at the sound of clapping behind her. Her eyes belied a light shock but one look at Charles' face and she was reassured. Charles' light eyes flashed up, looking round Dawn's fiery curls, the sight he saw brought a half smile to his lips. "Well, Captain Olivia," Charles grinned.

Dawn turned around slowly to find the dark-skinned woman grinning broadly behind her, her lips still a bit blue, but seemed none the worse for wear. She had one of Charles' shirts pulled over her body. Her left eye was now covered with a black leather patch. The woman's thick hair was curled tighter than dark wool; she had it tied back with a saffron silk scarf. The pistol that had previously been filled with water was once more tucked into a belt that tied her waist. She was not wearing any skirt or pants. Her dark legs were bared beneath the bottom seam of the blouse she had obtained from Charles' cabin. Her dark feet rested lightly upon the deck.

The woman walked right between Dawn and Charles, almost joining their embrace and looked into Charles' blue eyes with her dark one before speaking. The woman spoke with a heavy accent that Dawn could not place as she walked forward, her purpled lips smiling powerfully, "Ah, m'captain Charles," she began with a more than friendly air, "what booty be this, eh?" Dawn felt the woman's inquisitive, uncovered eye searching her skin as if it held unseen loot.

Dawn felt her cheeks warm under the dark gaze of the strange woman; she lowered her eyes, her red curls falling around her face, trying to cover her reddening cheeks. She felt a warm, hand with long fingers caressing her upper arm. Her gray-green eyes caught the stark contrast of chocolate upon cream as the woman's skin met her own. "I must say, Charles," the dark woman said approvingly, "you have plucked a rare prize 'ere, no?"

"I have to agree with you, Olivia," Charles responded, pulling back half a step from Dawn, allowing his old friend a chance to admire his latest prize. He folded his arms across his chest and watched the hunger fill Olivia's eyes. She was so predictable, he almost laughed at her obvious distraction with Dawn. Of course, he could not disagree with her in the least; Misty Dawn was a rare prize indeed.

Dawn felt Olivia's hands run the length of both her arms; she had the peculiar feeling of being inspected as a horse by the jockey before a race. Suddenly her eyes were met and caught by Olivia's one dark orb. That one eye burned with a fire that resembled Charles' lust filled looks. That dark fire swept over Dawn's face. The white gleam of Olivia's teeth flashed into a broad smile as she spoke softly, "And who are wee, little pet?"

Dawn tried to speak but found her throat suddenly dry; somehow, she was parched for something more than water. Charles broke the silence of the deck quickly saving her from her failed voice. "Captain Olivia, may I present, my latest captured treasure, Misty Dawn," Charles placed both his hands on Dawn's suddenly trembling shoulders and he stepped behind her, his body pressing against her bare back. Dawn nodded as Charles concluded.

"Misstee Dawn, aye," Olivia said with a thoughtful tilt of her head, "that sounds leek Charlez." She grinned brightly into Dawn's face, and pulled her wrists forward and together so they were out stretched below the line of her breasts. "Now, petit, that is a veery sweet name, you must be very impreesseeve." Dawn felt her cheeks blaze and had to wet her lips, as her mouth was very dry. This dark woman was stirring things within her with her praises and teasing accent.

"Olivia," Charles spoke from behind Dawn's ear, "shouldn't you be in bed, milady? You did swallow a barrel of surf lass."

"Doan 'ou bee reemeendin' mee, Charlez!" Olivia snapped, but without taking her eyes off Dawn's displayed assets. "Ee iz well enough tee stand. Eend Ee 'ave a sheep to feend, you fool!" Olivia's boldness shocked Dawn, she half expected that Charles was going to strike her down right where she stood for her words. She almost felt like slapping the woman, but could find no strength to pull her arms from the woman's light grip upon her wrists. Then suddenly she wrenched her wrist from Olivia's grasp and did strike at the woman. However, her flat open palm was halted in an iron grip a bare breath from Olivia's dark cheek. The woman's fist was gripping her wrist hard and fast, draining all the strength from it. Her one eye flared and danced over Dawn's face. "Veery good, Mistee Dawn," Olivia whispered huskily. Charles laughed loudly behind Dawn's ear, "My apologies, Olivia, she is not fully broke in as yet."

Dawn's ears burned, 'not fully broken in as yet?' What in god's name was Charles on about? She did not have time to wonder as Olivia slapped her, the dark of her backhand crashing down hard on Dawn's cheek. Dawn's face was thrown aside on her neck, then sent sprawling back for her chin to rest on her opposite shoulder as Olivia's palm drove it backwards with two cat like strikes that Dawn hardly seen, but truly felt. "Eet 'ould seeem, Mistee Dawn, dat 'ou 'ave mooch ta learn, aye? Ee canna 'ait tee geet starteed." Olivia added with a lust filled smile of delight.

Charles, bowed as he spoke to Olivia, as if Dawn was no longer there on the deck, "I apologies for her careless regard for her station, captain. If you would care to adjourn to my cabin, we can see to her long neglected tutelage." Olivia smiled at Charles an leaned in to kiss him warmly on the cheek, "'ave coorse, Charlez," Olivia said with a glee coming to her voice, "'at 'ould bee eekscelleent." "After you, captain," Charles offered politely, to which Olivia nodded her head to one side and turned towards his cabin.

Charles whispered harshly into Dawn's ear, "Don't disappoint me again, m'dear." Dawn felt like she had just been crushed from the inside out. She turned to speak to him, but he turned his head away and cut her off, "ON your knees, bitch," he snarled like an executioner. Dawn fell to her knees quickly, her gray-green eyes lowered to the deck, trying to hide the tear that was trying to creep into the corner of her eye. "Now, mi tart, crawl to the cabin!" Charles ordered and Dawn started. The hard planks of the deck thumped against her knees at every awkward stride. Then she felt the first strike of Charles hand on her raised ass cheek, "Ow..!" But her cry was immediately silenced as Charles grabbed and yanked a fistful of crimson curls, "Not a sound, bitch, you have insulted my guest enough already!" His words bringing more sting than any blow could possibly land upon her. Dawn lowered her head and scurried faster towards the cabin. Slap! Slap! Charles was right at her heels driving his palm upon her cheeks with rapid succession all the way to the open doorway where Olivia leaned on the jam licking her grinning lips.

Once inside the cabin, Dawn scarcely had time to catch her breath when she heard the door slam shut and felt Charles' powerful hand pull her into a kneeling position by the back of the neck. Her ass landed hard upon her heels and pinched her feet hard to the deck, "Uhhg," she gasped, more in surprise than from any pain. She heard Olivia in a husky, hushed voice speak first, "Tank 'ou Charlez, theez eez a rare treet," her words were cut short by the sounds of lips finding lips. Dawn lowered her lashes as she heard the pair exchanging embraces; her cheeks flushed annoying her that she felt emotion about something that she should not.

Olivia broke their kiss by pushing Charles' chest away from her own, but not to far; her dark leg was still pressed to his calf. "Now, cheeld," Olivia spoke slowly as she pulled her body from Charles', "let us inspect your stance." Dawn's mind raced what was the woman talking about, she was kneeling? The feel of the woman's long dark bare foot deep upon her inner thigh sent a shudder through her body as it pulled her legs further apart. Dawn shuffled a bit to keep her balance as Olivia stretched her open. Olivia folded one arm across her chest, her thick nipples pressing hard against Charles' blouse. Her other arm rested an elbow against her folded her hand, a lazy finger sat softly upon her still blued lips as she regarded Dawn. "Dere, m'sloot," Olivia smiled after a moment, "now let ees see to 'our 'ands." With that, she nodded to Charles who quickly pulled Dawn's arms behind her. Dawn's red curls shuddered as her shoulders were moved, ringlets falling around her still down cast face. Her hands met behind her and she locked her fingers as if by instinct to hold on. The whole motion thrust her chest forward, her breasts gallantly displayed before Olivia's one-eyed gaze.

Olivia smiled a broad grin that sparkled her bright teeth's contrast to her chocolate lips, "Ayee, Charlez, shee eez a gem," she almost drooled with to Charles, as if Dawn was only a child or a piece of art hanging from the wall. "I do know value, when I see it, Olivia," Charles said flatly. "All she needs is a wee bit of spit and polish and she will sparkle like the sun. Wouldn't you agree?"

Olivia tapped her finger over her lips in thought. "Charlez," she began in a soft tone, "Ee 'ould 'ave to agreee wit' 'ou. Boot she deez need a beet o' w'rk. Eez 'ou sayee, 'speet eend poleesh'." Charles nodded, taking his hands from Dawn's arms so he could lean back against the wall, folding his arms across his broad chest. Olivia stepped around behind Dawn and curiously dipped two fingers into Dawn's crimson curls. She pulled the lock up slowly, rubbing the hair between her digits in slow thought. Dawn felt a shiver of exhilaration run through her body, boiling outward from her most secret depths at the woman's soft touch.

Dawn tried to suppress her body's excitement. This strange woman was affecting her in such a curious way. Dawn felt a compulsion to please this woman; she had to admit that she felt the stirrings of desire. This pirate woman was inspecting her body with her darkly sparkling eye like an interested buyer inspecting a piece of statuary before the artisan in his shop. "'Ow weell do shee teek peen, Charlez?" Olivia asked suddenly dropping the red lock from her fingertips.

"Well, Olivia, she is a survivor," Charles boasted on Dawn's behalf with a knowing grin. "Eendeed," Olivia said licking her lips as she looked down at the kneeling beauty before her. She patted Dawn's head softly and grinned to herself, "Charlez, feetch mee 'our instroomeents, pleeeze," Olivia's last word ended in a grinned hiss of delight as her eye lit up in expectation. Charles smiled and opened the glass doored cabinet on the far wall, pulling out a small iron box from the top shelf he set it on the desk, "I'll get back to righting my ship, Olivia, if you don't mind." Olivia just waved a hand almost in annoyance as she slithered towards the desk. Charles took her flapping hand and kissed her wrist softly, "My cabin, is yours, as are all my possessions, "he added with a nod towards Dawn. " Tank 'ou, Charlez," Olivia smiled warmly then pulled her wrist away from him and shooed him towards the door. Charles turned and closed the door behind him with a smile on his lips.

Olivia drummed her long dark fingers on Charles desk as she peered into the small box. After scanning it intently with her uncovered eye, she reached in and daintily pulled out a long strip of black velvet. She turned to Dawn, "Reez oop 'our 'ead, cheeld," she ordered as she slowly stepped to Dawn. Not stopping until she was standing right between Dawn's wide stretched thighs. The trim of Charles' blouse swung loosely right below Dawn's nose. She caught her first scent of this dark woman, her musk flooded Dawn's nostrils like a breaking crest out of the darkness of a storm. Dawn inhaled deeply, puffing her chest as she closed her gray-green eyes.

"Eree good, cheeld," Olivia smiled as she enclosed the thick velvet over Dawn's eyes, quickly securing it to her head with a knot that pressed the velvet tight to Dawn's head. The darkness enveloped Dawn's awareness as her sight was robbed from her. Her body seemed to melt into an unknown comfort within the inky confines of the velvet. Dawn's lips parted slightly, the velvet, and the overwhelming aroma that was Olivia were burning Dawn's very soul with sensuality. Dawn's ears noticed a slurping noise, her nostrils burned with Olivia's presence, the skin of her cheek was tingled with a light brush of Charles' blouse. It seemed that every nerve in her entire being was rising to the surface, searching to replace her lost sight. Dawn's parted lips were split wide; she almost coughed in surprise as two long fingers were thrust like daggers past her teeth to rake themselves over her tongue. Her tongue lit on fire with the flavor she was inhaling dripped off those fingers. She clamped her lips down around them quickly and sucked, rolling her tongue over their surface, devouring the acrid sweetness of Olivia. "Yeeesss," Olivia purred slowly as she with drew her fingers from Dawn's mouth. She ran her slick fingers and palm over Dawn's cheek as she turned and stepped back to the desk. Dawn heard her rummaging with something a few feet away and she quickly licked her lips clean. She could feel her own juices creeping towards a boil within her belly at the taste lingering on her tongue.

Dawn heard the soft pad of feet coming closer to her. She could feel the heat off Olivia's body as she rounded Dawn. She could smell that familiar scent as she imagined those long dark legs moving past her shoulder and turn behind her. She heard Charles' shirt ruffle a bit behind her head. Then she felt it, coarse and rough over her milky shoulder.

She felt two hands pulling the rope across her skin; she shuddered and felt her nether lips dampening. Olivia pulled the rope so that it ran from her left shoulder betwixt her breasts and down to her hip. Then it circled around her hip and dipped over one cheek, pushed and pulled by long fingers it ran its coarseness between the meeting of her cheeks and under her. The rope felt like a blazing snake on her skin. Olivia was careful to keep it pressed to her skin at all times, so she could feel its every fiber running its slow course over her igniting skin like kindling to its slow burn. Dawn sighed.

Olivia licked her lips as she wrapped both arms around Dawn's waist pulling the rope through, making sure that the rope pulled one half of her lips wide and pressed them tight to her groin. She could not help but lick the back of dawn's neck as she drew the thin rope up across her tummy. Dawn gasped; her mouth was open as her body was going insane as the woman drug the rope up to cross itself between her breasts. "Queeite, sloot," Olivia hissed into her ear, "Thees eez not for 'our pleeasure!" Olivia warned sternly, but she would not stop dragging the rope over dawn's skin.

Dawn was out of breath and trembling as the rope found its way over her right shoulder. Her mouth went dry as it softly looped beneath her hair and coiled around her neck before spilling down her spine. Olivia watched her quarry intently as she drug the rope between her legs once more. Tying a secure knot, perfect placement over Dawn's clit. Olivia held the rope out a bit, then let the rope spring back into place with its tension like a weak bowstring.

Dawn felt the hard, round knot slam against her pulsing clit. She held her head back at the sensation, which only pulled the rope tighter, grinding the knot into her throbbing flesh more fully. Dawn trembled with pleasure. The rope encapsulated her body, focusing her every nerve on the pleasure. She could feel the rope soaking her nectar like a sponge and she moaned, "Oooooohhhhhhh!"

Olivia slapped her hard across the ass with an open palm cutting her moan short. "Damn 'ou leetle sloot!" She shouted. Ee deed not geeve you permeeshun!" Dawn bit her bottom lip and clenched every muscle in her body tight trying to control herself. She was exploding, and there was nothing she could do about it. She had never felt so free in her entire life. Her skin was on fire; the rope was driving her over the edge of sanity. That torturous knot was pressing its rough surface hard to her fevered flesh, her every heartbeat massaging it, sucking it harder to her.

Her mind raced, she was trying to think of anything to push the rope's caress from her mind. However, it was a futile effort, her mind's control of her body was usurped by her aching clit. Her body was losing its battle; the tide of release was quickly overtaking her like a child's pile of sand on a beach. The wave hit and washed over her, her resolve washed away she moaned louder than she had ever before as her body shook violently in her bonds. Olivia stood up and padded past Dawn as she gasped and tried to catch her raged breath. As Dawn's senses began to recover a bit, she felt and heard a new sensation. Olivia cracked a small braided cat-o'-nine tails across her hardened nipple. Dawn shrieked, more from surprise than from pain. Somehow, it was tantalizing her nerves rather than inflicting harm. Olivia stepped close to Dawn, placing a foot either side of Dawn's spread and quivering thighs. Dawn felt the trim of Charles blouse brush against her nose, which was filled with the heavy scent of Olivia. "Shoo mee w'eet 'ou want sloot!" Olivia hissed coldly.

Dawn needed no words of command; she was desperate to please, to share herself with this woman. She thrust her nose under the shirt and tilted er head. The ropes tugged tighter as she stretched with her tongue. Her eyes removed from service to her, he followed her scent to that dark mysterious sex she so desired. The knot dug deep into her clit as her stretching tongue found its goal. Dawn locked her lips hard around Olivia's clit and sucked. Her tongue darted in and out of the woman's thick curled fleece of Venus. Olivia threw her head back and growled a deep-throated satisfaction as Dawn worked her pussy with her mouth. Her free hand snared a fist full of crimson hair as if it were gold and pulled Dawn harder to her open desire.


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