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Mom and Daughter Face Penal Slavery Pt. 03


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It didn't matter what was said to the slave. She, Professor, loved being a bisexual piece of slave fuckmeat. Anything said to her as a slave means nothing to the college professor. The last bits of concern about Pencil Dick washed away in the flow of cum from the domina she was servicing. Domina Peck was a squirter and Deborah was licking up every drop till her head was gently pulled up so she could see the housekeeping director's eyes. The domina smiled.

"Good, you understand. Some don't realize what enslavement really means and comes to term with it this quickly. Sometimes it takes a few lashes to get the point across," Deborah thought the domina looked genuinely sad at that. "You are definitely quite the pussy pleaser, Slave Cunt Professor."

A wristcomp alarm went off. The domina looked down and pouted. "I hate to cut this short, but I have a lunch meeting and you two need to get some lunch and rehydrate before Afternoon Guest Service. I look forward to playing with both of you over the rest of your terms. Run along, dismissed."

Martha spoke as soon as the door to Domina Peck's office closed. "I am now the personal assistant to the Director of Housekeeping. She really wants me to look at ways to maximize the department budget and justify the current practices. Apparently, some political types think that we slaves are pampered here. I would be upset that I got a job by showing my tits and servicing the boss except she made the assignment before she had me eat her out. Plus, I show my tits to everyone right now." Deborah couldn't help but laugh at the deadpan delivery of her sister slave.

Deborah noticed as they walked through the lobby on the way to return and restock the IT cart that while Martha was blushing again, that no one paid the pair the slightest notice. Of course they were hardly the only slaves on display. All but one of the front desk staff were collared and naked as were the slaves there to take luggage to rooms. The only other domini were a group of four attractive and well dressed women checking in. As the pair were leaving the storeroom so they could take the stairs back up, they could hear a "glugg-glugg-glugg" sound coming out of the cracked door to the IT director's office, Deborah had a good idea that Director Goff and Poms were busy.

The pair finally got to the security door to the slave area. They had to wait for three slaves ahead of them to get through. Per procedure, each slave had to bend to allow the barcode on their ass to be scanned. There was a click and the scanned slave was instructed to enter the unlocked door. The next slave had to wait till the door clicked shut to repeat the process. Deborah was thankful for her hours in the gym and diet as the two slave cunts ahead of her had some...floppiness to their tits as they bent. Deborah felt a little sag but nothing too bad.

Going through the cafeteria was just like the student dining hall at her university. The food was far better, Mindful of the tit flop potential, Deborah got a chef salad as did Martha, along with iced tea and fresh fruit for dessert. Deborah had read that slaves were required to engage in mandatory exercise daily but no need to have a heavy lunch with the prospect of the McGee's at Afternoon Guest service

"I am looking forward to this afternoon. After so many years of hiding, I can't get enough anymore. I am hoping that I can get it out of my system by the end of my enslavement. In any case, Devon is going to need to step up."

"You mentioned that Pastor Devon was well endowed."

"Endowed yes. Does he use it? Not nearly enough. Once a week if I am lucky. Then I was ok with that as my 'wifely duty'. Now...that is nowhere near enough. Anyway, you ready to be fucked?"

"Yes, and no," Deborah explained her encounter with Professor Adam McGee and his wife and her misgivings.

"It's like Domina Peck said, what happens at the Lodge stays at the Lodge. Or your ass can wind up with a barcode and a cock in your anus. Heck, Domina Peck was taking a call while I was servicing her and was talking about a state senator's wife that was enslaved for that and four of her friends were about to join her. She wanted them all assigned to housekeeping."

"You are probably right. Although it might be worth it to see McGee taking it up the ass with a collar around his neck. But then I would have to see him naked. We probably need to start heading to the pool for Guest Service."

As they bent and spread to exit for the pool area, Deborah wondered if her cunt was as wet as her friend's. The trickle down her leg answered her question.

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reddbunnzreddbunnzover 4 years ago

Just finished reading both Penal Slavery and Mother and Daughter Face Penal Slavery. Both were great? I hope that there are more chapters coming for both stories.

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