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Mom Helps Me Find True Love


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Janine's eyes rolled back in her head. "Oh god... oh my god... ohmygodohmygodohmyggggggg---!" Janine came ferociously from the sandpapery feel of her mother's pussy on hers and the fucking role play.

Panting and flushed, Janine collapsed on her mother, who caressed her back. Jackie smiled. "I don't want to wear you out your first time," she said, smiling broadly. Janine raised an eyebrow and smiled wryly.

She slid down her mother's body, leaving a butterfly kiss on her nipple, which made Jackie gasp. She traced her tongue down her mother's belly, reaching up and massaging her tits. Then she made her way between her mother's legs. She grabbed them and picked them up to rest on her shoulders. "It's not my first time, Mom," she said. "On my 18th birthday, my brother Brian fucked me so hard and long I could barely walk the next day."

Jackie's eyes registered surprise, and Janine plowed her face into her mother's pussy. "Oh!" Jackie exclaimed, the first time, Janine realized, she'd been on the receiving end today, really. "Oh, my darling." Janine was surprised how husky her mom's voice sounded during sex.

Janine had no real idea what she was doing, just what she thought she would like and what her mom had done to her. It was more than enough. Her mother bucked and writhed and cried out as Janine licked, sucked and nibbled on her pussy.

"At first I didn't want to," Janine said, coming up for air. Jackie was momentarily puzzled. Was she talking about what they were doing now? Janine licked and slurped again. "But he made me, Mommy. Your son made me fuck him." She returned to her mother's pussy lips.

Intuitively, Jackie knew this was role play. She played along. "Oohhh.. no. What did he do to you, darling?"

Janine twirled her chin in the folds of her mother's labia. "He said I was a woman and women need to be fucked," she lied. "I told him no... no, please." She tongued her mother's clit. "No, I don't want to be fucked. Please, no."

As she returned to her work Jackie's legs closed over her daughter's head and she began to writhe and buck harder. "Oh, my darling little girl," she said, her eyes slits. "Did he fuck you then?"

Up for air. Jackie humping the space beneath her. "I cried and cried. I told him I wanted my Mommy." Jackie's pussy positively flowed. "Then I said he could fuck me. I said it was ok to fuck me. Did I do bad, Mommy?" Back to work.

"Oh my baby," Jackie hissed. "Oh my darling. You let your brother fuck you. Your brother fucked you. Oh-- oh god."

"He fucked so hard, Momma," Janine whined. "Then when his come was all over my tits and belly, he.. he fucked me in the ass!"

"Oh, NO," Jackie said.

"It was so HARD, Mommy. I felt so FULL!"

Janine attacked her mother's pussy with abandon, clawing at her legs, sliding her face up and down. "OH... MY BABY. MY DARLING LITTLE GIRL... OOHHH!" Jackie came in torrents. Her darling baby.

6. A wild success

As Janine, face red, jaw probably so sore, crawled up to be beside her again, Jackie understood something that had seemed strange.

When she'd had her little talk with her daughter, what seemed so long ago but wasn't, she expected a lot of possibilities. After all, her family had some experience at this. She might be angry and storm away. She might be confused and ask a lot of questions. She might be embarrassed and too mortified to move.

Instead Janine just looked like everything made sense. Fleetingly, Jackie figured she was a smart girl, she must have sensed something like what was going on even if she didn't know about it outright.

"So you and Brian," she'd finally said, before the question tailed off.

Jackie had smiled understandingly. "Yes. He and I. He's an adult now, you know," she added a little playfully. Janine's eyes had rolled. Hadn't they? She wasn't sure at the time, but now she was.

"And in your family..."

"That's right," Jackie said evenly. "As I said, it's purely an individual choice. But so far, no one has chosen not to." She regretted the "so far" -- she didn't intend to challenge Janine, or talk her into anything. As long as it had taken for her and her own mother, and sister, to extend the family tradition to an all-female setting, she wasn't even thinking about having sex with her daughter herself.

She knew Janine and Brian got along great, and that their relationship had cooled a little recently. Now that she'd graduated high school and Brian would be around more often, she wanted to open up that possibility to her. Just the possibility.

She was quite sure Brian was open to it. He kept asking her, once every laundry run home, if she'd talked to Janine yet. Finally she'd told him she'd do it when she graduated. "She's not a boat to be christened on her 18th birthday," she'd said once. Oh lord! How that must have sounded to him!

"Janine," she said, "I'm only telling you this because it's a fact you deserve to know now that you're an adult. This does NOT mean that you are in any way expected to participate. There will be NO pressure, no one will try to talk you into it, and you are completely free to make your own choice. It's very important to me that you understand that."

Janine nodded a while before saying "I do," quietly.

"Now, this isn't something I would ever tell you then say, 'ok, time to go get our nails done,'" Jackie said. "This afternoon is completely free. Your brother is staying away -- yes, he knows we're talking today -- and I want you to feel free to ask me any questions, raise any concerns, anything that comes to mind. I know how big this is and how hard it can be to come to terms with. Believe me. But you're not alone"

What was going through Janine's mind? Jackie still didn't know that. She knew now that she and Brian had had sex a couple months before. They wouldn't have been doing it regularly -- otherwise Brian wouldn't be so insistent on mother and daughter having "the talk."

All she knew was that Janine stood up and held out a hand to her. She stood up, too, and they hugged. Such a warm, beautiful hug. All Jackie's anxieties about the day were melting away. Janine understood, or at least accepted.

"What about Dad?" Janine asked.

Jackie raised her head from her daughter's shoulder so they were facing one another, still embracing. She sighed. "Your dad," she said. She told Janine how she'd told him about the little family arrangement probably long before she should have. He seemed keen to get married, then, when he hadn't before.

Once they were married, he took advantage of the "arrangement" to its fullest extent. Grandma. Aunt Becky. Even he and Uncle Dan had a go once -- first and last time for either of them, though they seemed to enjoy it ok.

Eventually, though, the novelty had worn off, and he'd become possessive. "It wasn't so much that he wanted the incest to stop, but I think he thought that because I had incest, and girl-girl sex in college, and a threesome with him and his friend-- whoops--" --she smiled shyly at her daughter-- "that I was running around with everybody. And I wasn't. He got very, very paranoid. He left because he found someone else, and said it was because I was cheating on him. But I wasn't. Probably, he was projecting his failings on to me to justify his behavior.

"He taught us all a lesson. Uncle Dan to this day hasn't told your Aunt Mary, and we must respect that choice."

Janine seemed to consider this thoughtfully. "You know I've never said a bad word to either of you about your dad," Jackie said. "That's just something else you deserve to know, now that you're an adult, and have the context."

Jackie wanted to sit down by now, but Janine still had her arms around her, and Jackie wanted to follow her lead.

"Why sex with your family?" she finally asked.

Jackie was prepared. "Well, dear," she began, "the real question it seems to me is why not. And the answer is that it's convention, morality, a sense that most people share that it's just off limits.

"And there are good biological reasons for it, too," she continued, "but maybe not as many since birth control was invented, and we've begun to understand how diseases are spread and babies are made.

"In the end I think the issue is that there aren't any good reasons not to share these things with people you love and trust. As long as everyone involved is an adult and can choose freely."

Janine seemed thoughtful again. What was she thinking? "Now, I know that your first reaction is probably that there's something disturbing, or even disgusting, about all this," Jackie said, cocking her head. "I know how long it can take to begin to overcome what you intuitively feel and accept it. But sex with your family is wonderful. It's safe. Your partner loves you unconditionally. There's no performance anxiety, and your self-worth isn't measured by how well or how often you fuck. You're sharing a beautiful thing with someone who's an indelible part of your life -- not someone who's only interested in you for sex. It's very fulfilling."

"How often do you and Brian have sex?"

Jackie thought a moment. "Probably once a week or so. That's another misconception -- that if you're having sex with someone you live with, you're going at it every day!"

"What do you do?"

This was one question Jackie hadn't prepared for. "Um-- Well, nothing out of the ordinary for a man and a woman, if that's what you mean."

"How does it start?"

"How does it--"

Janine reached up and pecked her mother on the lips. "Like... with kissing?"

Jackie was alert, now. "I like kissing," she said softly.

Her daughter kissed her again, no tongue, just soft, careful lips.

Then again, harder.

"Janine, honey, I--"

Then again. Harder.

Now she grabbed handfuls of her mother's shirt and began to tug it up over her head as their faces sucked one another. They wobbled there, the two of them, kissing frantically, "mmph"ing and trying to negotiate a shirt over Jackie's head. Which head, at this point, was spinning. She helped Janine lift the shirt off her. Her daughter's hands came up immediately to her tits, caressing. Jackie, still off balance and a little unsure, moaned and said, "Janine..."

Janine grabbed her own shirt and practically tore it off. Bra, too. Then she roughly embraced her mother, smashing their boobs together. Jackie sighed despite herself. Janine ran her hands and fingers through her mother's hair. Still not fully on board, Jackie wrapped her arms around Janine, but not moving anything but her head as her daughter made out with her.

Before long Janine, her hands visibly shaking, was trying to take off her jeans. Jackie took hers off, too. Both women's panties were wet. They embraced again, Janine grinding her pussy into her mother's through their underwear. Jackie sighed and began to caress her daughter.

Finally Janine tugged Jackie's panties down, and Jackie returned the favor. Knowing The Talk was a wild success, Jackie began administering to her daughter's boobs. Janine sucked in air. Jackie thought of all the times she'd called her mother "Mom" and "Mommy" during sex and found herself desperately hoping Janine would do the same.

7. To be young and in love

That was how it had started, and it made more sense now, if Brian and Janine had already had sex. Incest wasn't exactly a brand new concept to her daughter. Right at this very moment, Jackie was very happy about that.

She kissed Janine tenderly, tasting her own pussy juices. Despite herself she sucked in the scent and closed her eyes in pleasure. She ran a finger along Janine's chin. "Sore?"

Janine smiled. "Yeah. But worth it." She kissed her mother back. "Way worth it." Jackie smiled brightly. Now they were softly, tenderly making out again. None of the hunger or urgency of before, just two women in love, tasting one another, luxuriating with one another.

After a while Janine smiled up at her mother, and sank down to her tit. She lovingly engulfed it in her mouth and began suckling, like a baby. Jackie shuddered and sighed. She stroked her daughter's hair. "My dearest love," she whispered. "I hope you discover that sex isn't just something you do, it a way to love. I have. It's been the greatest gift of my life."

Janine left her mother's nipple and looked up. "Are there ways to do it where my jaw won't be so sore? Or do I just have to get used to it," Janine asked. "Because I'm willing."

Jackie kissed her daughter's head. "You'll get better at it, and you'll get used to it," she said. Seeing Janine's face darken a little, she quickly added, "not that you have to get better at it, darling. My God, no. I haven't come that hard in I don't know how long."

"Thanks a lot," said a voice behind them. Both women started, one gasping, one letting out a little shriek. Jackie regarded her son angrily. "Brian, you were to leave us alone for the day. And sneaking up on two people sharing a bed is unforgivable. Have you been eavesdropping? Are you some kind of Peeping Tom?"

Chastened, Brian's confidence left him. Still, he managed to joke, "not for long. I couldn't stand it for too long at a time." Brian was naked, and his dick was acting like his mother and sister were tangled naked in bed together.

"Mom, don't be mad at him," Janine said. That wasn't going to do it. "You'd better explain what you're doing here," she said to her brother.

He shrugged, still chastened by his mother's anger. "I screwed up, Mom. I had sex with Janine the weekend after her birthday, I thought you were going to talk to her when she turned 18 and she'd understand. She just thought I was drunk," he said.

Janine started to reply to reassure him, but Jackie cut her off. "What does that have to do with intruding on people's privacy?" she demanded.

"Mom, you don't understand. I want Janine so bad, but I know I'm not supposed to till you have your talk. I knew you were talking today, and I figured I could 'accidentally' be around after you were done. Neenie, I'm so sorry," he added.

Janine was puzzled. "Wait. You want... me? Not just, to be able to have sex with your sister?"

Brian shook his head in frustration. "Neenie, no. I know all about this family arrangement -- ALL about it -- but that night after the party I just wanted you. I can have sex whenever I want -- I don't mean anything bad by that, Mom -- but I couldn't wait to be with you again. Today was the day. I couldn't stay away."

Janine was glowing, and Jackie rolled her eyes, knowing she couldn't press her anger. "Brian, the voyeurism and the intrusion without knocking are unacceptable. I need you to promise me you'll never repeat them."

"I promise. I really do. I'm sorry."

Jackie rose. "Fine, then," she said, not sharply, but with finality. "I'll leave you two alone."

"Mom! No," Janine said, looking crestfallen, like a kid who pops a balloon.

"Dear, I'm not as young as I used to be, and you two will I'm sure enjoy your time alone." Both her son and daughter looked like they were going to protest, so she put her hand up. "Not a word. I'll be downstairs. Enjoy yourselves."

Jackie walked out, and with quickening breath Janine looked at her brother. "Oh my God," she said. "I don't believe all this!"

Brian sat down next to her, gently stroking her leg. "I know. But it's perfect. Janine, I love you. And I want you. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since the party."

She kissed him, encircling his broad shoulders as he gripped the backs of her shoulders. They were young, in love, and free to express and act on it. Their kisses were tender, but with the aggression and confidence of youth. Their heads bobbed and twisted, always in time with one another. Their tongues seemed mirror images.

His dick was straining to the ceiling, and Janine carefully wrapped it in her hand. With a look of tenderness that almost broke Janine's heart with joy, Brian said, "if you're worn out, we can go as slow as you want." She smiled, kissed him again and sank down to engulf his cock in her mouth. His eyes rolled and he groaned. Her mouth was so warm and wet, and felt so perfect. His cock had actually been in his mother's cunt, more times than he could count, but as wonderful as that felt, THIS felt like home.

Janine slid her tongue up and down the underside, bobbing up and down and thrusting his dick as far down her throat as she could. Her hunger for his come in her mouth she couldn't explain. Blowing that guy from school, she thought she'd wretch, and she didn't even intend to swallow. With Brian, she wanted him to shoot his spunk in her mouth. She wanted to taste it, swallow it, and kiss him with her mouth when she was done. She'd even try to get some on her face. Then maybe her mom could lick it off.

8. Better if you were there

Jackie was content. Relieved, even, after being anxious about what Janine's reaction would be. Her children were upstairs fucking, she'd had a monstrous come herself, her evening was free, and she was happy.

This had gone much more smoothly than her talk with Brian. Three years ago, Brian was freaked out, looking like he'd seen a ghost the whole time, and actually excusing himself to go to the bathroom with nausea when the discussion turned to Jackie and his Grandpa. Jackie had been genuinely worried about him, and they spent an uncomfortable evening watching movies on TV, her fielding new questions every twenty minutes or so. Of course, Brian was a man, and a smart man, so eventually he understood her mother to be telling him he could have sex if he wanted. So they had. But God, not as quickly or as confidently as with Janine.

Sex with her son was every bit as loving and intimate as sex with Janine had been, and promised to be, but with a 21 year old's impatience sneaking through every once in a while. He was as tender a lover as she'd ever slept with, but now and then he thought of himself first. Jackie knew that any non-relative he bedded would think he was one of the most responsive, giving lovers in the world, though, and he would be, compared to what they were used to. And that was because he had sex so often with people he loved.

Including, now, his sister. She wasn't keeping track, but they'd been at it about a half an hour, and strangely, Jackie hadn't heard a sound. She didn't know what she expected, but she imagined the two of them ravaging one another with abandon, and some sounds or indications of activity. She shrugged it off and sat down at the kitchen table with a second cup of tea and the evening paper.

"Mom?" she heard softly behind her.

Both her children were standing there, Brian with a t-shirt and boxers on and Janine with just one of her brother's t-shirts, which was oversized for her. His arm was around her. A wave of love swept over Jackie at how perfect they looked, how adult. Brian seemed brightly happy, and Janine was simply glowing.

"Look at you two, like a pair of young lovers," she said. "Janine, I'm surprised you can even stand up. I've been on the receiving end, remember." She winked at Brian.

Brian blushed a little and Janine stifled a giggle. "We haven't been fucking, Mom," she said. Jackie was, predictably, shocked.

"Why in the world not?"

"Well," Janine began, "I took care of his hard on -- he's my brother, and that's what sisters are for." Now she winked at him. "But then we just started talking. We have a lot to talk about. Talking and kissing. We've been talking and making out for 20 minutes. We're just in no hurry, I guess."

"Actually," Brian said, "we decided the rest of it would be better if you were there."

Jackie's eyebrows arched. "Come on, Mom," Janine said. "Look at how unbelievably hot you got when I was telling you about Brian fucking me."

"I didn't do any of that rough stuff she said, by the way, Mom," Brian added.

Jackie strode to him and took his hands. "Of course you didn't," she said, kissing him. "You're a remarkable, loving man. Your sister means the world to you, doesn't she?"

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