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Mona's A Ch. 03


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"Hello loser." Ali whispered with a wicked smile on her face.

"Please Alison, I'll do anything you want, just don't make me submit to them. They're such bottoms." Mona complained as she stood to face her tormenter, before begrudgingly adding, "And, you know how I feel about Hanna."

"Yeah, and thanks to me you'll be having sex with her soon enough, so you're welcome." Alison quipped, "And as an added bonus, this way it will be YOUR butt hole stretching for HER strap-on, which I think deep down is the way you've always wanted it."

"Oh that is so not true." Mona protested louder then she meant too.

"No?" Alison raised an eyebrow, "So if I stick my hand down your pants you won't have soaked that little thong I picked out? That you didn't get all hot and wet down there from me talking about how great it is to fuck your ass? That you didn't love me showing all my friends how cute your ass looks, especially when it's freshly gaped or stretching for a strap-on? And you absolutely didn't nearly cum from the thought of Hanna pounding your ass hole? Of all of my friends pounding your ass hole, one after another, us passing you around like a piece of meat until your back door looks like the Grand Canyon?"

There was a long moment of silence and then Mona croaked, "I-"

Before she could get another word out Alison shoved her hand into Mona's pants almost violently and grinned wickedly at the wetness she found there, and then cruelly whispered, "So tell me Mona, are you still a top?"

That would have probably made most girls break down and cry. Lord knows she had reduced girls to tears for far less, and Jenna had been a shadow of her former self at this point. But Mona just stared at her for a few seconds, and then almost convincingly said, "Yes."

"You know, your stubbornness really is so endearing. So inspiring. So... cute. But most of all, it really turns me on." Alison whispered directly into Mona's face, before pulling her hand out of the other girls pants and stepping back, "Now bend over and pulled down those pants. Let's see that ass."

Alison deliberately didn't mention the thong to see if Mona would be rebellious and leave it on, giving her an excuse to spank her rival and to slowly pull down that thong herself, but instead Mona just turned around and quickly bent over while yanking her pants and thong down.

Which itself was a small rebellion because a bottom should tease her top, so Alison still got everything she wanted, most important of which was a look at Mona's plugged butt hole, the blonde biting her lip slightly as she studied the brunette's beautiful backside. Then took a picture of it, vowing to show it to her friends, along with the next pictures.

"Good girl." Alison praised Mona for both bending over and remembering to insert the butt-plug in between her cheeks before coming to school, "Now spread your cheeks."

Mona did as she was told, allowing Alison some even clearer shots of that rear hole being stretched by the plug. Then without any warning she grabbed the plug and quickly pulled it out, the cute hole left gaping open. Not as gaping as last night, but it was still really cute and would make it easier to anally penetrate her butt slut the next time Alison took Mona's ass.

As Alison debated whether that would be right now she played with Mona's ass hole, sticking the plug back in and pulling it out at random times and speeds, even thrusting it in and out at one point so she could literally sodomise Mona with the small toy, which just made her want to get the big toy out of her bag even more.

Perhaps sensing this Mona whimpered, "Alison, my ass is so sore."

"And?" Alison softly queried.

"And..." Mona blushed, "Can I just eat your pussy?"

"Stand up and look at me." Alison softly said after a brief pause, before whispering in Mona's ear, "We both know you want it, so say it like you mean it."

Blushing again Mona considered her options, then said, "Promise you'll leave Hanna out of this, and I'll do anything you want."

"Nope." Alison replied.

"I'll be your bitch forever, I swear." Mona promised.

"Yes, you will." Alison said, "But not because of some deal you can make with me, because sweetie, the only one holding you back from accepting your proper place is you. We both know you're my bitch, and more importantly you want to be my bitch, but you're too stubborn to admit it."

"Am not." Mona whispered weakly.

"Are so." Alison said automatically, before smiling, "But I'll tell you what, promise you'll show up to my house on Friday, and I'll postpone Emily's little training session and even leave your ass alone until then, provided you can make me cum before the bell."

Mona thought about it for a second, realised it was the best deal she would get, and then murmured, "Deal."

Alison giggled as Mona dropped to her knees and tried to yank off her skirt, Alison only briefly stopping her so she could push, "Ah, ah, ah, you need to promise to show up on Friday first."

"Fine, I promise. Now give me your pussy!" Mona pleaded.

Alison smiled, held Mona's head in place while she pulled down her own skirt and panties and then sat down on the toilet before she let go of Mona's head and said, "I knew that when you finally got it, you'd be gagging for it."

Mona spent a second or two glaring up at her tormentor, just to prove she wasn't 'gagging' for it, not that her little rebellion wipe the smirk off Alison's face. Ironically what did make Alison stop smirking at least for a moment was Mona driving her head forwards and beginning to lick the pussy of her high school bully.

However since that was because she was too busy moaning in pleasure Mona didn't consider it to be much of a win, especially since she spent most of the weekend swearing she'd never actually asked to eat Alison's pussy.

The weirdness of the situation was not lost on Mona. After all, most lesbian affairs started with eating pussy. Or at the very least it came before anal, if there was such a thing. Then again she wasn't Alison's voluntary lover, the bitch had blackmailed her into the greatest act of submission possible and this was just adding insult to injury.

The cherry on top as it were, not that Alison tasted like cherries. No, she didn't taste sweet, not at all, but... there was a certain tanginess Mona slowly grew to enjoy as she quickly established a steady lapping rhythm, making sure to linger on Alison's clit with every lick.

Considering she didn't have much time Mona wrapped her lips around that clit and sucked on it hard while pushing two fingers inside Alison's cunt, although she only got to thrust them in and out of her nemesis a couple of times before Alison whispered, "No! Get your fingers out of there! Mmmmmmmmm, I didn't give you permission for that."

That was a shame, Mona had almost felt like a top again there for a few seconds, and God knows it was hard to feel that way when her ass was still aching from the relentless poundings Alison had given it, Mona's butt hole quivering around the plug stretching it as she remembered being Alison DiLaurentis's little anal fuck toy.

Wanting desperately to try and avoid a repeat performance anytime soon, or ideally ever, Mona wrapped her lips around Alison's entrance and plunged her tongue deep inside the other girl while desperately trying to ignore how good Alison tasted, at least now she had got used to her unique flavour.

Wanting to concentrate on virtually anything else Mona noted how Alison was digging her nails into the back of her head and she had this look on her face which suggested she was grinding her teeth to prevent herself crying out to loudly. Even then moans, groans, gasps and whimpers were escaping her lips, all way too loud for a public bathroom.

Mona almost stopped and told her to try harder to be quiet, as the last thing she wanted was to be caught going down on Alison DiLaurentis. But she couldn't spare the time... and Alison looked so happy Mona didn't want to disturb her. Not that she cared, because she didn't. Mona was a lesbian and she was just enjoying giving pleasure to another woman this way, that's all.

Alison was expecting Mona to be good at eating pussy. After all, even a wannabe top like her probably knew that pussy eating was for bottoms. Or at least Alison had thought that, but clearly Mona had either hadn't figured that out yet or she was just naturally skilled, because wow, Mona was easily the best muff muncher Alison had ever had.

Not that she'd had that many, all the previous men she had been with having very little interest in giving oral sex, although they all expected it, and Jenna wasn't half as enthusiastic for her cunt as Mona was. For that matter neither were Shana or CeCe, and they had volunteered their tongues a lot more freely than Alison's current carpet cleaner.

The point was Alison had originally offered up this little deal because she didn't think Mona would make her cum, or it would come right down to the wire. Right now there was plenty of time before the bell, and Alison already felt like cumming.

In fact it was taking a lot to stop herself, and she couldn't keep it up without playing dirty. Then again, even though she had come up with it as a spur of the moment thing perhaps it would be good to take a break. What was that saying, absence made the heart grow fonder, and now Mona had tasted her cunt Alison was sure that her little bitch in training would crave her even more.

The question was, could Alison really go a few days without topping a submissive little bottom? Sure, she had just come through quite the drought, but now she was having so much fun breaking Mona's ass in like a new pair of shoes leaving it alone for so long seemed unbearable.

Then again maybe she could convince Aria or Spencer to let her borrow one of their bitches. Oh Alison liked the thought of that, the image of doing a bitch swap combining with the feeling of Mona slamming her tongue in and out of her pussy making Alison cum incredibly hard.

In all fairness the excitement of reconnecting with her friends over her favourite hobby, a.k.a. topping submissive little lesbians, and showing off her bitch to them had really got her riled up, something Alison hadn't really taken into account of one assuming that Mona wouldn't make her cum so quickly.

She had also seemed Mona would pull away as soon as it was obvious she had achieved her goal, not swallow her cum like a little muff diving whore. But she did, Alison letting go of her head and leaning back with a smug smile on her face, waiting for Mona to realise what she was doing. Joyfully that wasn't until after Alison had cum, Mona swallowing at least the majority and then lapping up as she could before she slowly pulled back and personally looked up.

For a second the two rivals just stared at each other, then Alison leaned forwards, cupped Mona's face and whispered, "God Mona, that was great. Mmmmmm, you really are turning out to be the perfect bottom."

Mona blushed again and tried to protest, "I'm not a-"

However before she could complete her sentence Alison pressed their lips together. The former most popular girl in school was kissing her, Mona overwhelmed by that thought for a moment before she remembered who that was an blushed again.

It didn't help that this just drew attention to how backwards things were with them, Alison ass fucking Mona nearly non-stop for a whole weekend and yet she had never kissed her or shown any interest in anything other than Mona's ass, and now Ali was tasting herself on her lips. And all this came after what sounded like a genuine compliment which was somehow an even bigger slap in the face than usual.

Mona was so overwhelmed by all of this that she just let Alison kiss her for quite a while, her body automatically responding as the evil bitch pushed her tongue into her mouth and bullied hers into submission, and then just when Mona came to her senses enough to fight back Alison pulled away and grinned, "Since you're surprisingly good with pussy, and we have time, I wanna see how you are with tonguing butt hole."

"No." Mona whispered, her cheeks becoming pale, "Please-"

"Mona, don't waste my time." Alison softly scolded, "We both know your tongue is about to travel up my ass, and you're going to love every minute of it. Now do as you're told, and if you're good and make me cum again I'll give you the option to remove that butt-plug. Otherwise I expect you to keep the plug firmly entrenched in your ass until Friday. Now come on, kiss my ass!"

During that little speech Alison stood up, turned around and lent over the toilet so her hand was touching the far wall and she was sticking her ass in Mona's face.

Naturally this infuriated Mona, but being able to remove the plug and give her sore ass a break sounded really good, and the best offer she would get from Alison who could pressure her into this anyway. So, since Alison was right and her tongue was going up the blonde's butt anyway Mona slowly leaned forwards, spread Alison's ass cheeks and then slid her tongue over the other girl's back hole.

"Mmmmmmm, that feels good!" Alison moaned softly, "Ohhhhhhhhh, but I said kiss my ass. That means I want you to press your lips to my cheeks and literally become an ass kisser. Oh yes, now the other cheek, yessssssss, now go back and forth. Mmmmmmm, good girl. See Mona, you can be trained."

Flushing red again with embarrassment Mona considered retaliating. The problem was with her lips literally pressed against Alison's left ass cheek she couldn't exactly think of anything witty to say, and she couldn't risk a physical altercation considering the dirt her rival had on her. So she just had to let her shoulders droop in defeat and it was she was told, slowly covering Alison's butt in gentle kisses while the other girl reached down to rub her pussy.

On one hand it meant this would be over sooner rather than later. On the other hand it made Alison moan rather loudly considering where they were, not that the bitch had been as quiet as Mona would have liked during this twisted little session.

"Yeeeeeeeesssssssss, now return your tongue to my ass hole." Alison ordered, then when she got what she wanted she added, "Oooooooooooh, that's it slut, lick it! Lick my ass hole! Mmmmmmmm, make out with my butt hole you little freak. Ohhhhhhhhh yesssssssss, you love it don't you? Oh yes, loser Mona loves my ass almost as much as I love hers mmmmmmmmm!"

Particularly that last comment made Mona blush, so much so that she desperately tried to concentrate on rimming her rival so she wouldn't have to think about just how much Alison had proven over the past few days that she loved Mona's ass.

Unfortunately now Alison had mentioned it Mona could think of little else, and worse of all she found herself being turned on by thoughts of the other girl anally pumping her, her treacherous ass hole quivering around the plug stretching it as she pressed her face deep in between Alison's cheeks.

After a few minutes of this the bell went, Mona trying to pull away only to have Alison grab her by the hair, shove her face back in between her cheeks and moan, "No, keep going! I'm almost there. Just, just shove your tongue as far as you can up my ass. I'll do the rest."

Mona thought about protesting for a second, then she did as she was told, getting a surprising amount of tongue up Alison's ass. Maybe this meant that Alison had been butt fucked before? Mona kind of hoped so, as it would be easier to turn the tables on her that way.

Then again she really wanted to properly return the favour and be the one taking the anal virginity of the mighty Alison DiLaurentis. Either way Mona got to feel a little dominant again from being able to ass fuck Alison, even if it was with her tongue, another humiliation she had been able to avoid until Alison had turned her into her plaything.

Alison loved a good rim job, and this maybe the best she'd ever had, Mona once again blowing away her expectations and proving to be one amazing bottom.

The eagerness of her licks, the shameless way she pushed her face in between her cheeks, and just how far she was able to get her tongue up her ass, it was also wonderful and might have even made her cum without the frantic masturbation. Not that Alison considered stopping. Oh no, she focused her attention on her clit and made sure she wouldn't be unreasonably late to her next lesson.

Naturally it was the fact that she was making a rival eat her ass out which was the thing which pushed Alison over the edge, and when it came her climax was satisfying in a way it could never truly be with the likes of CeCe and Shana.

In a way that it could never be with a boy. No, Alison needed the thrill of bending someone to her will. She understood that now. And not just anyone, especially not someone who openly wanted her like a boy, but someone who put up a fight and ideally hated her originally. The question was, what happened when Mona broke? Would Alison immediately get tired of her and cast her aside?

That had been the initial plan. To mentally destroy her opponent and then toss her away like yesterday's news, and Alison could never imagine herself wanting anything that might be described as a normal relationship with Mona... but could she really give up this talented little tongue? Oh and that tight little ass.

Alison was struggling to imagine going a few days without access to that perfect little fuck hole, so what was the chance she could give it up for good?

Alison laughed as she pushed Mona away, pulled up her skirt and panties and then softly whispered, "See you around loser."

Somehow she got through that without sounding as lightheaded and confused as she felt, Alison quickly opening the stall door and leaving the bathroom as her head spun. To her disgust she then thought about little else but Mona Vanderwaal for the rest of the day, eventually coming to one simple, unavoidable fact.

That being that she might not want Mona as a girlfriend, but she needed her as a lesbian sex slave. Luckily for Alison, and probably the former A, Mona's training was almost complete. All it would take was a little push, and Alison would have the perfect little bitch to use whenever she wanted, for as long as she wanted. However long that was.

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