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Morina & the Switching Spell Ch. 05

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Morina and Amanda create a new spell.
10.7k words

Part 5 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/07/2024
Created 02/05/2024
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Morina and the Switching Spell Ch. 05

Chapter 5: Morina and Amanda create a new spell.

18 May 1944, Early Thursday Morning.

"Morina?" a female voice whispered.

"Huh?" I startled. The arm under my breasts squeezed a little tighter before relaxing again.

I opened my eyes. The room was dark and after a few seconds, I could just make out a slightly darker area in front of me.

"Morina are you awake?" the darker area in front of me whispered.

"Yes," I whispered, groggily.

"We both are," said another female voice aloud from behind me, almost in my ear.

That's when I became aware of a soft pair of breasts against my back and a warm breath near my ear. A pair of legs was spooning me as I lay on my side.

"Can you move your arms and legs?" the voice in front of me asked. I now recognized the voice as Agatha's.

I started to yawn and covered my mouth with my hand. I could move! I straightened my legs, pushing Amanda's legs backwards.

"I can move." / "She can move." Amanda and I said almost at the same time.

"Sorry to wake you so early, but if we have any chance of seeing your brother, you have to get up now," Agatha said.

As soon as I heard the word "brother" I was fully awake.

"What time is it?" I asked as I swung my legs over the side of the bed.

"A little after 4:00. It's 0404 to be exact," Agatha said.

"Ohh! Just once I'd like to get a decent night's sleep around here," Amanda groaned, rolling onto her back.

"Quit complaining, Mandy. You still get more sleep than me," Agatha retorted.

I put my feet on the floor and stood up, only to discover how sore I felt. It seemed like every muscle in my body ached. I pitched forward and would have face-planted on the floor if Agatha wasn't directly in front of me and caught me before I fell.

"Are you okay?" Agatha asked, helping to steady me.

"I've never been so achy in my life. My muscles are sore in places I didn't know I had," I replied.

"I'm not surprised. You came hard four times last night," Amanda's voice said from somewhere behind me.

"Four times? I only remember three and I think I must have passed out after that last one," I recalled.

"You were in a subconscious state after that third time. We grilled you about who you were and who sent you, but we kept getting the same answers," Agatha explained, leading me to the sofa. She bent down and handed me my pack.

"So, we gave you one more orgasm to see if we could break through, and that's when you passed out," Amanda added.

"I don't remember any of that. I do remember cumming so hard that my stomach hurt," I replied, reaching in for my underwear.

"You're quite a squirter when you cum," Amanda remarked.

"You're kidding. I've only squirted once before last night," I said, pulling out my wand from its hiding place against my right arm. "Scourgify!" I chanted, cleaning the bra and panties instantly.

"You definitely squirted all four times last night. Mandy and I got quite a faceful," Agatha said.

"No wonder I'm so sore," I muttered to myself as I put on my panties.

"I'll brew you up a special tea potion that will ease those muscles," Agatha said.

"No, thank you. I've had enough of your potions last night," I replied, pulling the bra around my chest before fastening the hooks.

"I can understand your distrust, but this one will make you feel much better, I promise," Agatha responded, moving away in the dark. "Let me turn on a light."

It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the single 40-watt lightbulb. I finished putting on my bra and reached for my WASP uniform. Looking around, Agatha was fully clothed. She must have gotten dressed in the dark.

Amanda was still in bed, naked, with the blanket down around her hips.

"I'm going back to sleep," she yawned as she pulled the woolen blanket up over her head to shut out the light.

Agatha put a water kettle on the hot plate and reached in the cupboard and pulled out a couple of jars of powdered ingredients. She carefully measured them with a few measuring spoons and dumped them into a porcelain tea kettle.

While we waited for the kettle to boil, she took out four eggs and cracked them into a bowl and scrambled them. Once the water boiled, she emptied the hot water into the porcelain tea kettle and set it aside. She then placed a frying pan on the hot plate with a dab of butter and fried the scramble egg mixture.

"Here, you must be starved," she said, handing me a plate with the larger half of the egg mixture.

She took the other half for herself and poured two cups of the herbal potion, handing me one of them.

"This is a simple muscle-healing potion. You're not the only one with sore muscles this morning, although I imagine your muscles are a lot sorer than mine," she said, smiling.

I waited until she took her second sip of the brew before I tried it. It tasted like a cross between dried currants and lemon peel and I could feel my muscles easing almost immediately.

"This is amazing!" I marveled between bites of egg.

"Thank you," she said smiling, "Potions run in my family. Hence the name 'Brewster'."

"Spells are my family's specialty. Perhaps you've heard of my mother, Morag Spellman?" I asked.

"She's your mother? How stupid of me not to have connected the last name with you and Lee! Her book 'Advanced Enchantments and Spells' is on every witch's bookshelf in England. For some reason, I thought she was much too old to be your mother," Agatha reasoned.

"She wrote that book when she was only 26. I understand it's been translated into 20 different languages," I remarked, finishing my eggs.

Agatha looked at my plate. "That's the last of the eggs. Hopefully, we'll be long gone before Amanda finds out," she whispered.

"I heard that!" Amanda said from beneath the blanket.

"I'll pick up some more on the way back from Ashford," Agatha called to Amanda, "but I need to leave you with the dishes. There's also a spot of tea potion left for you in the porcelain pot."

The Army staff car in front of the building was signed out to Agatha. After stopping to pick up dispatches from London Headquarters, we drove south towards Ashford Airfield. On the way, Agatha told me more about the Coven Intelligence Ministry and the work they were doing with counterespionage.

"We'll have to find you a position someplace where you'll be safe and we can keep an eye on you, at least until D-Day," she said.

"Maybe you can find me something on the airbase with Lee?" I suggested.

Agatha gave a short laugh.

"Ashford is hardly an airbase. In fact, it's barely an airfield, but they've done some good work there, thanks to pilots like your brother. I'm sure we can find something for you in London," she explained.

"Maybe you can find me something that takes advantage of my piloting skills," I suggested.

Again, another short laugh.

"Hardly. Women pilots are rare, and the army brass doesn't think we're capable of holding our own in combat. You may as well get used to the idea that whatever we find for you, it will most likely be a desk job," she replied.

The sun was just peaking over the line of trees when we passed the front gate at Ashford Airfield a little after 0600.

"Lee will be with the 5-1-2 Squadron to the left. I'll meet up with you after I find some petrol for the car and check in with the Colonel," Agatha said, dropping me off.

Whatever I was expecting the airfield to look like, this was definitely not it. Most notably, there were no buildings, but tents were everywhere. There were small pup tents lined up in close rows grouped in sections. Between the groups of small tents were larger tents, some big enough to hold 10 or 20 men. One tent looked large enough to hold as many as 50 men.

I headed for one of the larger tents when I ran into a soldier wearing a captain's uniform.

"Excuse me, Captain. Do you know where I could find Morley Spellman of the 5-1-2?" I asked.

The man looked me up and down as if he had never seen a woman before.

"I don't believe it. That fucking guy--oh, excuse me, ma'am, that guy seems to find all the good-looking women around here. Yeah, he's either still in the mess tent or on his way back to his pup tent in that group of tents just ahead and to the left," the captain responded. The name on his uniform read "Spinner."

"Thank you, Captain Spinner," I replied.

I headed for the largest tent as men were pouring out of it. I got a lot of whistles and catcalls until an officer, I think it was a Major, put a stop to it.

"Can I help you, Miss?" the Major said. He, too, looked me up and down.

"I'm looking for Captain Morley Spellman. I was told I could find him here," I said.

"You just missed him. He's heading back to his tent. I'll take you there, but you haven't much time, the squadron's due to take off in 10 minutes," he said.

"Thank you Major..." I began.

"Locke. I'm Spellman's Commanding Officer," the Major said, walking ahead of me at a brisk pace.

"Thank you, Major Locke. I'm Morina Spellman, Lee's sister," I called after him.

"His sister!" the Major said in a surprised voice, stopping abruptly, "Good Lord, what are you doing here?"

"Just visiting, Major. I'm with the WASP transport program and piloted a B-17 to Liverpool. They gave me a couple days leave to visit Lee," I replied, catching up to him.

More whistles and catcalls were heard from a few nearby GIs.

"Knock it off!" the Major barked before continuing his walk, only this time with me walking beside him.

Another 5 minutes and he stopped and pointed to the back of a uniformed figure who was peering into his pup tent.

"That's your brother there, Miss Spellman. I'm afraid there are only a couple of minutes left for your visit. Lee is one of our best pilots. Please don't distract him too much with your visit," the Major said before departing.

I hurried over to the bent figure backing out of the small tent.

"Lee?" I called as I approached.

"Reena?" he cried out as his head emerged from the tent. He turned his head and looked at me. "Reena, how? What on earth are you doing here?"

I ran to him and by the time he stood up, I had my arms around his shoulders and kissed him on the lips.

"I was in the neighborhood and thought I would check up on you," I said, smiling.

"Mom's been worried about you. She hasn't heard from you in a week and thought something might have happened," he said.

"How do you know that Mom was--oh," I replied, following his gaze inside the tent. There was the black cat quilt.

"How did you get here?" he asked.

I explained how I flew into Liverpool and took the train into London.

"There I met a couple of friends of yours, Amanda and Agatha. I stayed in their flat last night and Agatha drove me here this morning," I explained.

"I see," he said guardedly.

"They told me about your other mission here," I whispered.

"They did? But then--" he began.

"It looks like I might be working with them too, at least until D-Day," I whispered.

"Holy shit, Spellman! Every time I turn around, you're with another beautiful dame, each one prettier than the last. What is this magic you have with women?" a nearby pilot called out.

"No magic, Browning. This is my sister Morina. Morina, this is James Browning. He's saved my butt a couple of times over France," Lee said.

"Nice to meet you, Captain Browning. Thank you for rescuing my brother," I said pleasantly.

"Call me Jim; and your brother's being kind. He's saved my butt more than I've saved his," Browning said.

"I'm sure you're--" I began but was interrupted by a siren blast.

"We gotta go. How long will you be here?" Lee said, quickly, giving me a quick peck on the lips.

"I'm not sure. It's up to Agatha," I said.

"Here. Take the quilt. Maybe I'll see you when I get back," he said quickly as he reached into the tent and practically threw the quilt at me. He then ran towards the field.

"Be careful up there!" I called after him.

"You, too!" he shouted back.

Within minutes, the sound of plane engines filled the air, followed by the planes themselves. Most of them were P-47 Thunderbolts. The girls in the WASP training camps preferred to call them by their other nickname, "jugs," especially around the large-breasted women pilots. We were a fairly randy bunch of women. In any case, the sound was deafening.

I observed at a distance as Lee got into his plane. He waved to me as he taxied onto the landing strip. After watching his plane take off and following it until I could no longer see the tiny dot in the distant sky, I turned and went to look for Agatha.

As I was walking towards the motor pool, I felt an electric "jolt" from the quilt, the kind you'd get from static electricity.

"Morina Blythe Spellman! What are you doing in England?" an angry voice from the quilt asked.

"Oh, Mother, please don't get upset with me. They needed someone to fly a plane to England and I volunteered," I said to the quilt.

"I was worried sick about you. I thought something bad had happened to you," the quilt replied.

"Mother, I'm not a child any more. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself," I answered.

"Don't give me that. You're in a war zone. It's bad enough that your brother is over there, but now you are too. Just what were you thinking?" she asked.

"Mother, I'm fine, honest. I met a couple of witches from the London Coven and they're going to set me up with a job and a place to stay for a while," I explained.

"WHAT?!" the quilt shrieked, "You just fly yourself back here where you belong, young wiccan. You're in enough trouble as it is."

"I'd like to obey you, Mother, but I'm afraid I can't. There's something I got involved with and I can't tell you what it is, but I'm going to have to stay here for a while. I promise I'll get back as soon as I can," I said, sincerely.

There was a long pause before she answered back. There was an audible sigh before she spoke.

"I'll write to Samantha Caldwell. She's the head of the London Coven. She owes me dozens of favors after I sent her all those copies of my book of enchantments and spells. I'll ask her to keep a special eye out for you. In the meantime, I hope those friends of yours know what they're doing," she replied.

"I'll look for her, but it will take a while for that letter to get here. In the meantime, Lee asked me to take care of the quilt while I'm here," I said.

"I'm glad he did. A small tent is no place for this quilt. I had a devil of a time keeping it from getting moldy, not to mention that family of field mice that kept trying to take bits and pieces of the fabric to line their nest," she said.

I was approaching the motor pool. I couldn't see Agatha or the car, but there were plenty of mechanics working on a damaged "jug." One of them saw me and whistled.

"Gotta go Mother. I'll let you know when it's safe to talk again," I said as I tucked the quilt under my arm.

The rest of the men at the motor pool looked up. A few whistled and made catcalls while others were talking excitedly among themselves. I overheard a few lewd suggestions of what they would do if they were alone with me.

"What's a pretty thing like you doing out here?" one of the men called out as I got nearer. His bare forearms arms were as thick as my legs and there was a blurry blue-black tattoo of a naked girl on his left arm. Above his rolled-up sleeves was a sergeant's emblem.

"Why thank you, Sergeant. I'm looking for Agatha Brewster. She said she needed some petrol for the car," I said pleasantly.

The men in the motor pool had stopped working and were hanging on my every word. There were a number of lewd comments and oblique sexual references regarding "petrol in Aggie's car" followed by guffaws and laughter.

"Knock it off back there and get back to work. Christ, you'd think you've never seen a pretty girl before," the Sergeant said, turning around, then, "I'm sorry, Miss. You know how some guys can be."

"That's alright, Sergeant, I understand," I replied laughing slightly, "but can you tell me where I might find Agatha Brewster?"

"Aggie? Yeah, she was here a while ago to fill up the car as you said. You might find her in one of the administration tents. They're at the center of the airfield. Look for the conning tower and the three large flagpoles. You should find her around there someplace," he said.

"Thank you for your help, Sergeant. You've been a real gentleman," I said as I turned to walk away.

As I walked away, I heard the Sergeant say to his men, "You hear that, guys? She called me a gentleman. Let that be a lesson to you on how to treat a lady."

I found Agatha just outside the tent closest to the parking area. The sign next to the tent read "Headquarters." She was talking with a Colonel.

"Oh, here she is now. Colonel Drummond, this is Morina Spellman. Morina, this is Group Commander Colonel Drummond," Agatha said.

The burly man extended his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Spellman. I hear you're related to one of our pilots, Morgan Spellman* of the 5-1-4," he said, pleasantly.

"Well, um--" I began, while shaking his hand.

"No, Colonel. Morina is the sister of Morley Spellman of the 5-1-2," Agatha interjected.

"Him? Oh, I see. That boy is developing quite a reputation around here. But now that I've met his sister, I can understand why he's so comfortable around pretty women," the Colonel said, injudiciously.

"Thank you, Colonel, but I suspect my brother's self-confidence has more to do with his Army training. He was always shy around my friends back in Massachusetts," I replied.

"When Miss Brewster asked me if I had a job for young woman with military training, I had no idea it would be someone so charming and beautiful as you, Miss Spellman. What sort of training experience have you had?" he asked.

"I've had over 200 hours of cockpit time, Colonel, and that doesn't include flying a B-17 to Liverpool from Massachusetts. Back in Houston, they also require basic knowledge of engine troubleshooting and repair. I've also been trained in navigation and radio communications," I answered.

"Hmm. We could always use a good radio operator. Presently, we have no openings for that position, but are you sure you want to be out here? We don't have a lot of women here and few are as pretty as you and Miss Brewster. The men can be rather...well...crude at times if you follow my meaning," he said.

I chuckled to myself thinking he wasn't so smooth himself.

"I've already encountered the guys at the motor pool. I grew up with a lot of guys like that. But you also have some real gentlemen here as well," I replied.

"Well, let me think about it," the Colonel said, "It's not Army regs, but we're short-handed and some restrictions are being overlooked because of the war. I'll also need to run this past my British and American superiors to see if they'll approve. Until then, I'll keep you in mind if anything opens up," he said, contemplatively.

"Thank you, Colonel," Agatha said.

"Thank you, Colonel," I echoed.

For the next few hours, Agatha showed me around the airfield. With the pilots on a mission over France, the only people left were the motor pools, MPs, administration, and general maintenance staff.

We ended up in the mess tent for an early lunch of sandwiches and stale coffee left over from breakfast. There was no one else in the tent, and with our sandwiches half-eaten, Agatha leaned into me.

"If your mother is Morag Spellman, maybe you can help us with a problem. We need a spell that will help us take on the shape and voice of another person," she said in a very low voice.

"That's easy. Just use a 'concealio spell'," I answered in a quiet voice, taking another sip of coffee. Concealio spells can hide or conceal objects and individuals to look and sound like someone else, but they can only approximate another person's voice and appearance.

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