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Mormon Lesbian Ch. 03

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The Aftermath of the girl's late night escape.
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Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 05/27/2023
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Sky anxiously watched the clock, her eyes fixated on the ticking hands: 6:58, 6:59, 7:12, 7:30. It was too late now to make it to the airport. Right at this moment, Emma should be boarding a plane to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ to the world. One of those teachings emphasized the importance of engaging in sexual relations solely within the confines of marriage, between a man and a woman.

"Pfft," Sky exclaimed to herself, a mix of anger and sadness engulfing her, casting a somber shadow over her mood.

After all they had experienced together, after everything that had been said, Sky couldn't believe Emma had gone and left her.

Sky glanced at her phone again, reading Emma's last message, her heart heavy with emotion.

"Hey Sky, I'm sorry for what I did to you. The time before a mission is when Satan tempts someone the most, and I succumbed to that temptation. The day after we. well, you know. I went to see my Bishop and confessed. I fully expected him to prevent me from going. He was disappointed and asked if I had engaged in sexual intercourse with a boy friend or something. I couldn't bring myself to tell him it was with a girl, so I said no (technically, I didn't lie). He spoke with me some more, even as I cried and pleaded for repentance. Eventually, we decided to pray together. He said the decision was ultimately up to me. Since I hadn't gone all the way, it was evident that I was still fighting temptation, and maybe there was still a chance for me to go. Sorry, that was a lot. To sum it up, I prayed, and I'm sorry. I truly believe this is the right thing to do. Despite my mistake, I will come back as a stronger person. Perhaps we can be friends again. I will always love you for who you are, but I cannot agree with the way you want to live. If I can introduce you to some guys I know later... well, in a year and a half, I'm sure you can find happiness living the way the Lord intends for you to live."

"I know with certainty that this church is true. The teachings of Jesus Christ can help us grow every day until the day we return to Him and God. I hope you have a good year and a half without me. I love you. I hope I can at least say goodbye at the airport tomorrow. If you're not there, I understand."

"Your Eternal Best Friend, Emma, or from now on: Sister Anderson."

Tears streamed down Sky's face as she finished reading Emma's message for the fifth time.

"I will always love you for who you are, but I can't agree with the way you want to live," Sky repeated those words, her voice barely audible amidst her sobs.

"I never wanted to live this way," Sky murmured under her breath, her tears flowing freely. The events from that fateful night flooded her mind--the taste of Emma's sweet love and the lust in her eyes.

"Was it all just Satan? Was I merely a pawn used by the Devil to disturb a messenger of God?" Sky questioned, her gaze fixed on the sunny day outside her window, an ironic contrast to the shadows and rain she felt would better suit this moment.

"I hate Utah. I fucking hate God," Sky declared, wiping away her tears. She stood up, only to collapse back onto her bed, defeated. Glancing at the clock one last time, she noticed it was 9:00.

"Goodbye, Emma," Sky whispered, her voice heavy with resignation. She closed her eyes and surrendered to sleep once more.

--------2 hours ago, 7:00--------

"Come on, Sky. Where are you?" Emma asked herself, scanning the bustling airport gate where she was bidding farewell to friends.

"Did something happen, baby?" Mrs. Anderson asked Emma, her voice filled with concern. She noticed the evident anxiety and sadness in her daughter, which would be expected in such a moment, but there was also a longing in her eyes.

"Is it Sky?" Mrs. Anderson inquired, a knowing look in her eyes, suspecting that her daughter's best friend should have arrived by now.

"Yeah," Emma replied, her voice tinged with sadness.

"Could she not make it?" Mrs. Anderson questioned, her maternal instincts kicking in. She believed that reconciling with Sky was crucial before leaving for such a long time.

"Well... we kind of had a... fight, you could say," Emma confessed, averting her gaze.

"What? You had a fight right before leaving for a year and a half?" Mrs. Anderson exclaimed, a touch of worry in her voice.

"Oh, darling, my baby girl. You should have made amends with her. You know, kiss and make up. You can't leave on such bad terms," her mother advised, slipping into "mom mode," determined to fix the situation.

"Yeah, kissing... and makeup was the whole problem," Emma muttered under her breath, her words barely audible.

"Well, I'll go to her house after and tell her you're sorry for whatever happened. I can't bear to see my daughter's best friend hurt for such a long time," Mrs. Anderson declared, placing a comforting hand on Emma's back.

"No! I mean, it's okay. I can email her next Monday. I'm sure we'll work it out," Emma replied, fear of the possible repercussions evident in her voice.

"Um, okay, dear. I just want to help," Mrs. Anderson said, a hint of confusion in her tone, but she ultimately surrendered to Emma's request.

8:00 PM

"Looks like she isn't coming, Bug," Emma's dad said, appearing from behind. Though Emma's parents were currently going through a rough patch, contemplating divorce or seeking resolution, she was grateful that they were both present for her.

"I've never seen you two apart for longer than a day. Yet she won't show up to say goodbye?" he questioned, clearly puzzled.

"It's okay, Dad," Emma assured him.

"Listen, Bug, your mother and I are so proud of you. I remember my mission. If you go out expecting to change yourself, you will. But if you go out there looking to help others come to Christ and wholeheartedly submit your mind and body to His will, you will witness miracles and lead more and more souls to the fold. I love you, Bug," he expressed, pulling Emma into a heartfelt hug.

From the corner of her eye, Emma noticed her mother shedding tears, quickly wiping them away, smudging her makeup.

"I love you both so much. See you in a year and a half!" Emma exclaimed, putting on a brave smile for both her parents. She faced the gate, ready to embark on the next two years of her life. As she walked forward, she reminded herself that her dad was right. Despite her past mistakes, they were a testament to her resilience as her father's daughter (Plus the sexual Sin part). From now on, she would no longer be Emma; she was Sister Anderson, a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

--- 1 week later ---

Sky woke up, glanced at the clock, and realized it was 6:30 in the morning. Determined to make a change, she decided to go for a run. It had been a while since she had last gone running, preferring to stay in bed and hope it would mold into her shape if she stayed long enough.

Putting on her shoes, Sky made her way downstairs and out the door, ready to face the world. She started with some stretches, careful not to strain herself since it had been some time since her last run. As she ran through her suburban neighborhood in Logan, Utah, she couldn't help but feel a sense of disdain towards her surroundings. Despite this being her hometown and the place where she met her best friend, Emma, she longed to escape.

"I can't wait to get out of here," Sky thought to herself as she ran.

After about 30 minutes, Sky subconsciously turned around and decided to head towards Emma's road. And after 15 minutes, she slowed down to catch her breath and saw that she had arrived at the lovely little house that she had grown to know as her second home. The house was a one-floor modest dwelling, with a freshly cut front lawn and a path adorned with flowers and bushes. It was a beautiful home, with an even more beautiful family.

Sky remembered the first time she saw Mrs. Anderson dropping Emma off at elementary school. "If only she was older," Sky thought back then. That was her sexual awakening to liking girls. And, of course, she fell in love with Mrs. Anderson 2.0.

"Emma," Sky muttered, the thoughts from before attacking her mind.

Thinking about Emma made Sky also think about the email she received and how she hadn't read it yet, or if she ever would.

Snapping Sky out of her mind, the front door to the house swung open, and out stomped Mr. Anderson.

"Crissy, you can't make me live this way! One more week! Got it!" he exclaimed, his frustration evident in his tone.

Sky stood there, a mixture of surprise and curiosity painted across her face. She hadn't expected to encounter Mr. Anderson in such a state.

As he got into his car and pulled out of the parking lot, Mr. Anderson stopped as he passed by Sky. Through the window, he looked surprised and rolled down his window.

Mr. Anderson was a nice enough looking man. He had gone bald a few years ago and rocked it with an Iron Man-style facial hair. He had blue eyes and stayed relatively fit, standing at about 5'11''an average height. His nicely structured jawline was visible beneath the beard, a jawline that Emma had inherited. "Thank goodness," Sky thought.

"Hey, Sky. We didn't see you when Emma left. Are you okay?" he asked, concerned, seemingly oblivious to the fact that Sky had just witnessed him storming out of his own house moments ago.

"Sorry, I just couldn't make it. I really wanted to, but it's okay. I already talked to her over email, and we made up," Sky lied, forcing a smile.

"Oh, okay, great," Mr. Anderson replied, believing her without questioning further. He had no reason not to.

"Well, hopefully I'll see you later," he said, sounding unsure, before rolling up his window and driving away. Puzzled by the encounter, Sky walked to the front door and knocked.

"What now!" an exasperated Mrs. Anderson shouted, opening the door aggressively. However, upon realizing it was Sky and not who she had expected, she jolted back, clearly distressed.

"Hi, it's just me," Sky smiled sheepishly at the obviously distressed mother of her best friend.

As Sky stood at the doorstep, Mrs. Anderson's appearance caught her off guard. Her disheveled blond hair, usually braided at the back, now cascaded around her face in loose waves, slightly tousled from restless nights. Her blue eyes, usually vibrant, were now slightly puffy and red from crying, adding a touch of vulnerability to her expression. The softness of her delicate features contrasted with the flushed cheeks, hinting at the emotional turmoil she had been experiencing.

Mrs. Anderson, dressed in a simple long-sleeved shirt and jeans, seemed a bit flustered, as if caught off guard by Sky's unexpected visit. The shirt, though baggy, couldn't hide the curves that lay beneath, accentuating her alluring figure. Sky couldn't help but notice how the jeans hugged Mrs. Anderson's hips, emphasizing her shapely form. Despite the casual attire, there was an undeniable attractiveness that radiated from her.

Caught between her concern for Emma and the stirring feelings within her, Sky found herself momentarily mesmerized by Mrs. Anderson's disheveled yet enticing appearance. The combination of her distressed state and the allure she naturally exuded created a mix of emotions within Sky, a cocktail of empathy, desire, and curiosity.

Shaking herself out of her thoughts, Sky regained her composure and attempted to act nonchalant. But deep down, she couldn't deny the attraction that simmered beneath the surface, heightening the tension between them.

"Oh, Sky. I'm so sorry. I thought... Never mind. What are you doing up so early?" Mrs. Anderson apologized.

"I'm just going for my normal morning jog. Haha, you know, gotta keep this body banging," Sky replied, flexing her arms awkwardly, feeling uncomfortable with her own attempt at humor.

"You always were very athletic," Mrs. Anderson said, smiling.

"Would you like to come in? I'll make us some pancakes."

"Are you sure? I'm all sweaty, and I couldn't possibly barge in on you this early," Sky said, not wanting to intrude.

"Hey, Sky! " Mrs. Anderson interjected with an almost angry face, her expression caught between frustration and concern. "You're family. You never intrude, and I couldn't care if you just went dumpster diving. In fact, why did you knock? I told you this is your second home. Just walk in. I wouldn't have even yelled at you if you just walked in saying hi," she explained in a motherly tone, grabbing Sky's hand and pulling her inside.

Sky couldn't help but notice the mix of emotions in Mrs. Anderson's eyes: relief, affection, and a hint of something else. Her heart fluttered slightly, finding the interaction oddly alluring. Mrs. Anderson's response had caught her off guard, and her mind couldn't help but wander to places it probably shouldn't.

Inside the house, Mrs. Anderson led Sky to the kitchen, where the scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. The warm, inviting atmosphere offered a stark contrast to the emotional turmoil that both of them were experiencing.

"So, how have you been, Sky?" Mrs. Anderson asked, her voice softening, her tone more gentle than before. Sky couldn't help but notice the subtle shift in her demeanor, a shift that heightened the intrigue she felt.

"I've been... okay, I guess," Sky replied, trying to sound casual. "Just trying to figure things out, you know?"

Mrs. Anderson nodded, her eyes conveying understanding. "It can be tough sometimes, especially when everything feels like it's falling apart."

Sky nodded in agreement, appreciating Mrs. Anderson's empathy. There was a comfortable silence between them, broken only by the sound of sizzling pancakes on the stove.

As Mrs. Anderson poured the batter onto the pan, her voice took on a slightly flirtatious tone. "You know, Sky, it's been too long since we've had a proper girl's day. Maybe we can plan something together."

Sky felt her cheeks flush slightly at the suggestion. The shift in Mrs. Anderson's tone wasn't lost on her, and it sent a surge of anticipation through

"By the way, if you stink that much to yourself, which you don't, you smell like what a sexy woman such as yourself should smell like after a run, you can go take a shower. You and Emma wear the same size, right? I haven't changed her room, so take something of hers," Mrs. Anderson suggested, her voice still carrying a trace of frustration, but also a hint of playfulness.

Sky's mind raced as she processed Mrs. Anderson's words. The compliment about her being sexy echoed in her thoughts, setting off a wave of desire she couldn't ignore. She knew she should focus on their friendship, on being there for Emma, but there was an undeniable chemistry between her and Mrs. Anderson that she couldn't deny.

"Um, good idea. I'll just be a minute," Sky managed to say, her voice slightly shaky. She turned and walked towards the bathroom, closing the door behind her. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she couldn't help but blush, her cheeks matching the vivid red hue of her sweaty face. The steam from the shower began to fill the room, and as Sky undressed, she couldn't ignore the warmth growing in her private area.

"Damn, not right now," she whispered to herself, her voice tinged with a mixture of frustration and longing.

Sky stepped into the shower, allowing the hot water to cascade over her body, washing away the sweat and tension that clung to her skin. The steam enveloped her, creating an intimate atmosphere that matched the thoughts swirling in her mind.

As the water droplets danced along her curves, Sky couldn't help but imagine Mrs. Anderson's hands gliding over her body, her touch gentle yet filled with a hunger that mirrored Sky's own desires. The image sent shivers down her spine, and she bit her lip to stifle a moan.

She knew she had to regain control of her thoughts. Emma was her best friend, and Mrs. Anderson was her mother. Their connection was built on trust and love, not forbidden desires. But the intensity of her attraction was hard to ignore, especially in this vulnerable moment.

Sky quickly finished her shower, her body still tingling with a mix of arousal and guilt. She wrapped herself in a towel, trying to compose herself before facing Mrs. Anderson again. She knew she had to push aside her desires and focus on being there for Emma. That was what mattered most.

Losing control of her senses her pussy ached with pent up tension aching to be touched.

"Ahh what the hell." Sky sits on the toilet lid and slides one finger inside her pussy, which sends a jolt of electricity through her body.

"Mmmm," Sky moans and begins to fantasize about Emma and how amazing it felt when she licked her there. And when they rubbed each others pussy together.

"OH" Skys mind wanders in lust fixating on the last beautiful woman she saw. Mrs. Anderson.

How would she feel to have sex with. The pure taboo and impossibility of it all would make it even hotter.

"oh, mm, ahhhh" Sky's legs get weak as she gets close.

"OH Mrs. Anderson, God.. Fuck me please." Sky pushes 2 more fingers in herself as she almost climaxes

Then suddenly the door opens. "Hey sorry Sky I brought a towel for, " Mrs. Anderson stands frozen looking at Sky who's body reacts to such an embarrassing moment.

Sky orgasms. Convulsing right there in front of Emma's mom.

"Aaahh god Crissy fuck me!!"


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Insemin8Insemin8over 1 year ago

Coffee? In an LDS household? My Mormon friends, rather liberal, would be more upset by that than lesbian activity.

Or is that what Emma's parents are quarrelling about?

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